/** * Reset the commit order from the session's descriptors. This uses the constraint dependencies in * the descriptor's mappings, to decide which descriptors are dependent on which other * descriptors. Multiple computations of the commit order should produce the same ordering. This * is done to improve performance on unit of work writes through decreasing the stack size, and * acts as a deadlock avoidance mechanism. */ public void initializeCommitOrder() { Vector descriptors = Helper.buildVectorFromMapElements(getSession().getDescriptors()); // Must ensure uniqueness, some descriptor my be register twice for interfaces. descriptors = Helper.addAllUniqueToVector(new Vector(descriptors.size()), descriptors); Object[] descriptorsArray = new Object[descriptors.size()]; for (int index = 0; index < descriptors.size(); index++) { descriptorsArray[index] = descriptors.elementAt(index); } Arrays.sort(descriptorsArray, new DescriptorCompare()); descriptors = new Vector(descriptors.size()); for (int index = 0; index < descriptorsArray.length; index++) { descriptors.addElement(descriptorsArray[index]); } CommitOrderCalculator calculator = new CommitOrderCalculator(getSession()); calculator.addNodes(descriptors); calculator.calculateMappingDependencies(); calculator.orderCommits(); descriptors = calculator.getOrderedDescriptors(); calculator = new CommitOrderCalculator(getSession()); calculator.addNodes(descriptors); calculator.calculateSpecifiedDependencies(); calculator.orderCommits(); setCommitOrder(calculator.getOrderedClasses()); }
/** PUBLIC: Add a type indicator conversion to this mapping. */ public void addClassIndicator(Class implementer, Object typeIndicator) { if (typeIndicator == null) { typeIndicator = Helper.getNullWrapper(); } getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(implementer, typeIndicator); getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(typeIndicator, implementer); }
/** INTERNAL: Return the type for a specified implementor */ protected Object getTypeForImplementor(Class implementor) { Object type = getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(implementor); if (type == Helper.getNullWrapper()) { type = null; } return type; }
/** * INTERNAL: Extract the direct values from the specified field value. Return them in a vector. * The field value better be an Array. */ public Vector buildDirectValuesFromFieldValue(Object fieldValue) throws DatabaseException { if (fieldValue == null) { return null; } return Helper.vectorFromArray((Object[]) fieldValue); }
/** INTERNAL: Return the implementor for a specified type */ protected Object getImplementorForType(Object type, AbstractSession session) { if (type == null) { return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(Helper.getNullWrapper()); } // Must ensure the type is the same, i.e. Integer != BigDecimal. try { type = session.getDatasourcePlatform().convertObject(type, getTypeField().getType()); } catch (ConversionException e) { throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e); } return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(type); }
/** * INTERNAL: Build the appropriate field value for the specified set of direct values. The * database better be expecting an ARRAY. */ public Object buildFieldValueFromDirectValues( Vector directValues, String elementDataTypeName, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException { Object[] fields = Helper.arrayFromVector(directValues); try { ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).incrementCallCount(session); java.sql.Connection connection = ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).getConnection(); return session.getPlatform().createArray(elementDataTypeName, fields, session, connection); } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) { throw DatabaseException.sqlException(ex, session, false); } finally { ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).decrementCallCount(); } }
protected void verify() { if (results.size() != expectedResults.size()) { throw new TestErrorException("ReportQuery test failed: The result size are different"); } BigDecimal expected = (BigDecimal) ((ReportQueryResult) expectedResults.firstElement()).getByIndex(0); BigDecimal result = (BigDecimal) ConversionManager.getDefaultManager() .convertObject( ((ReportQueryResult) results.firstElement()).getByIndex(0), BigDecimal.class); if (!Helper.compareBigDecimals(expected, result)) { throw new TestErrorException( "ReportQuery test failed: The results did not match (" + expected + ", " + result + ")"); } }
/** INTERNAL: Set the type field classification through searching the indicators hashtable. */ @Override public void preInitialize(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException { super.preInitialize(session); if (getTypeIndicatorTranslation().isEmpty()) { return; } Class type = null; for (Iterator typeValuesEnum = getTypeIndicatorTranslation().values().iterator(); typeValuesEnum.hasNext() && (type == null); ) { Object value = typeValuesEnum.next(); if ((value != Helper.getNullWrapper()) && (!(value instanceof Class))) { type = value.getClass(); } } getTypeField().setType(type); }
protected static boolean verifyFieldAndMapping( AbstractSession session, DatabaseField field, ClassDescriptor descriptor, DatabaseMapping mapping) { verifyField(session, field, descriptor); while (mapping.isAggregateObjectMapping()) { ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor = ((AggregateObjectMapping) mapping).getReferenceDescriptor(); mapping = referenceDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForField(field); verifyFieldAndMapping(session, field, referenceDescriptor, mapping); } if (!mapping.isDirectToFieldMapping() && !mapping.isTransformationMapping()) { String mappingTypeName = Helper.getShortClassName(mapping); session .getIntegrityChecker() .handleError( DescriptorException.returningPolicyMappingNotSupported( field.getName(), mappingTypeName, mapping)); return false; } else { return true; } }
/** INTERNAL: */ public void validationAfterDescriptorInitialization(AbstractSession session) { Hashtable mapped = new Hashtable(); for (int operation = INSERT; operation <= UPDATE; operation++) { if ((main[operation][MAPPED] != null) && !main[operation][MAPPED].isEmpty()) { Iterator it = main[operation][MAPPED].iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField) it.next(); mapped.put(field, field); } } } if (!mapped.isEmpty()) { for (Enumeration fields = getDescriptor().getFields().elements(); fields.hasMoreElements(); ) { DatabaseField fieldInDescriptor = (DatabaseField) fields.nextElement(); DatabaseField fieldInMain = (DatabaseField) mapped.get(fieldInDescriptor); if (fieldInMain != null) { if (fieldInMain.getType() == null) { if (getDescriptor().isReturnTypeRequiredForReturningPolicy()) { session .getIntegrityChecker() .handleError( DescriptorException.returningPolicyMappedFieldTypeNotSet( fieldInMain.getName(), getDescriptor())); } } else if (isThereATypeConflict(fieldInMain, fieldInDescriptor)) { session .getIntegrityChecker() .handleError( DescriptorException.returningPolicyAndDescriptorFieldTypeConflict( fieldInMain.getName(), fieldInMain.getType().getName(), fieldInDescriptor.getType().getName(), getDescriptor())); } } } } if (!(session.getDatasourcePlatform() instanceof DatabasePlatform)) { // don't attempt further diagnostics on non-relational platforms return; } WriteObjectQuery[] query = { getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getInsertQuery(), getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getUpdateQuery() }; String[] queryTypeName = {"InsertObjectQuery", "UpdateObjectQuery"}; for (int operation = INSERT; operation <= UPDATE; operation++) { if ((main[operation][ALL] != null) && !main[operation][ALL].isEmpty()) { // this operation requires some fields to be returned if ((query[operation] == null) || (query[operation].getDatasourceCall() == null)) { if (!session.getPlatform().canBuildCallWithReturning()) { session .getIntegrityChecker() .handleError( DescriptorException.noCustomQueryForReturningPolicy( queryTypeName[operation], Helper.getShortClassName(session.getPlatform()), getDescriptor())); } } else if (query[operation].getDatasourceCall() instanceof StoredProcedureCall) { // SQLCall with custom SQL calculates its outputRowFields later (in prepare() method) - // that's why SQLCall can't be verified here. DatabaseCall customCall = (DatabaseCall) query[operation].getDatasourceCall(); Enumeration outputRowFields = customCall.getOutputRowFields().elements(); Collection notFoundInOutputRow = createCollection(); notFoundInOutputRow.addAll(main[operation][ALL]); while (outputRowFields.hasMoreElements()) { notFoundInOutputRow.remove(outputRowFields.nextElement()); } if (!notFoundInOutputRow.isEmpty()) { Iterator it = notFoundInOutputRow.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField) it.next(); session .getIntegrityChecker() .handleError( DescriptorException.customQueryAndReturningPolicyFieldConflict( field.getName(), queryTypeName[operation], getDescriptor())); } } } } } }
/** * INTERNAL: Add indicators by classname. For use by the Mapping Workbench to avoid classpath * dependencies */ public void addClassNameIndicator(String className, Object typeIndicator) { if (typeIndicator == null) { typeIndicator = Helper.getNullWrapper(); } getTypeIndicatorNameTranslation().put(className, typeIndicator); }
/** * INTERNAL: Rehash any maps based on fields. This is used to clone descriptors for aggregates, * which hammer field names. */ @Override public void rehashFieldDependancies(AbstractSession session) { setSourceToTargetQueryKeyFields(Helper.rehashMap(getSourceToTargetQueryKeyNames())); }
/** Print the in progress depth. */ public String toString() { Object[] args = {Integer.valueOf(this.commitDepth)}; return Helper.getShortClassName(getClass()) + ToStringLocalization.buildMessage("commit_depth", args); }