SequencingCallbackImpl getCallbackImpl(AbstractSession writeSession, Accessor accessor) {
   SequencingCallbackImpl seqCallbackImpl;
   if (writeSession.hasExternalTransactionController()) {
     // note that controller obtained from writeSession (not from ownerSession) -
     // the difference is important in case of ownerSession being a member of SessionBroker:
     // in that case only writeSession (which is either ClientSession or DatabaseSession) always
     // has
     // the correct controller.
     seqCallbackImpl =
                 .getActiveSequencingCallback(getOwnerSession(), getSequencingCallbackFactory());
   } else {
     seqCallbackImpl =
         (SequencingCallbackImpl) accessor.getSequencingCallback(getSequencingCallbackFactory());
   return seqCallbackImpl;