/** Unwraps the WebSphere JDBC connection wrapping using the WebLogic API reflectively. */ @Override public Connection unwrapConnection(Connection connection) { if (getWebsphereConnectionClass().isInstance(connection) && getVendorConnectionMethod() != null) { try { return (Connection) PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod( getVendorConnectionMethod(), null, new Object[] {connection}); } catch (IllegalAccessException exception) { getDatabaseSession() .getSessionLog() .logThrowable(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.SERVER, exception); } catch (InvocationTargetException exception) { getDatabaseSession() .getSessionLog() .logThrowable(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.SERVER, exception); } } return super.unwrapConnection(connection); }
/** * INTERNAL: This method will return the key to be used to store/retrieve the delegates for a * given application. * * <p>OC4J classLoader levels: 0 - APP.web (servlet/jsp) or APP.wrapper (ejb) 1 - APP.root (parent * for helperContext) 2 - default.root 3 - system.root 4 - oc4j.10.1.3 (remote EJB) or * org.eclipse.persistence: 5 - api:1.4.0 6 - jre.extension:0.0.0 7 - * jre.bootstrap:1.5.0_07 (with various J2SE versions) * * @return Application classloader for OC4J, application name for WebLogic, otherwise * Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() */ private static Object getDelegateMapKey(ClassLoader classLoader) { String classLoaderName = classLoader.getClass().getName(); // Default to Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() Object delegateKey = classLoader; // Delegates in OC4J server will be keyed on classloader if (classLoaderName.startsWith(OC4J_CLASSLOADER_NAME)) { // Check to see if we are running in a Servlet container or a local EJB container if ((classLoader.getParent() != null) // && ((classLoader.toString().indexOf(SDOConstants.CLASSLOADER_WEB_FRAGMENT) != -1) // || (classLoader.toString().indexOf(SDOConstants.CLASSLOADER_EJB_FRAGMENT) != -1))) { classLoader = classLoader.getParent(); } delegateKey = classLoader; // Delegates in WebLogic server will be keyed on application name } else if (classLoaderName.contains(WLS_CLASSLOADER_NAME)) { Object executeThread = getExecuteThread(); if (executeThread != null) { try { Method getMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getPublicMethod( executeThread.getClass(), WLS_APPLICATION_NAME_GET_METHOD_NAME, PARAMETER_TYPES, false); delegateKey = PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod(getMethod, executeThread); // ExecuteThread returns null if (delegateKey == null) { delegateKey = classLoader; } } catch (Exception e) { throw SDOException.errorInvokingWLSMethodReflectively( WLS_APPLICATION_NAME_GET_METHOD_NAME, WLS_EXECUTE_THREAD, e); } } } return delegateKey; }
@Override public XMLRecord buildRow( XMLRecord record, Object object, CoreAbstractSession session, Marshaller marshaller, XPathFragment rootFragment) { lazyInitialize(); XPathNode textNode = rootXPathNode.getTextNode(); List<XPathNode> nonAttributeChildren = rootXPathNode.getNonAttributeChildren(); if (null == textNode && null == nonAttributeChildren) { return record; } Descriptor xmlDescriptor = (Descriptor) descriptor; XPathNode node = rootXPathNode; MarshalRecord marshalRecord = (MarshalRecord) record; QName schemaType = null; if (marshalRecord.getCycleDetectionStack().contains(object, marshaller.isEqualUsingIdenity())) { if (cycleRecoverableClass == null) { initCycleRecoverableClasses(); } if (cycleRecoverableClass != null && cycleRecoverableClass.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) { try { Object jaxbMarshaller = marshaller.getProperty(Constants.JAXB_MARSHALLER); // Create a proxy instance of CycleRecoverable$Context, a parameter to // the onCycleDetected method Object contextProxy = CycleRecoverableContextProxy.getProxy(cycleRecoverableContextClass, jaxbMarshaller); // Invoke onCycleDetected method, passing in proxy, and reset // 'object' to the returned value Method onCycleDetectedMethod = object .getClass() .getMethod(ON_CYCLE_DETECTED, new Class[] {cycleRecoverableContextClass}); object = PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod( onCycleDetectedMethod, object, new Object[] {contextProxy}); } catch (Exception e) { throw XMLMarshalException.marshalException(e); } // Returned object might have a different descriptor xmlDescriptor = (Descriptor) session.getDescriptor(object.getClass()); if (xmlDescriptor != null) { node = ((ObjectBuilder) xmlDescriptor.getObjectBuilder()).getRootXPathNode(); } else { node = null; } // Push new object marshalRecord.getCycleDetectionStack().push(object); // Write xsi:type if onCycleDetected returned an object of a type different than the one // mapped if (xmlDescriptor != descriptor) { if (xmlDescriptor == null) { schemaType = record.getConversionManager().schemaType(object.getClass()); } else { schemaType = xmlDescriptor.getSchemaReference().getSchemaContextAsQName(); } marshalRecord.writeXsiTypeAttribute( xmlDescriptor, schemaType.getNamespaceURI(), schemaType.getLocalPart(), schemaType.getPrefix(), false); } } else { // Push the duplicate object anyway, so that we can get the complete cycle string marshalRecord.getCycleDetectionStack().push(object); throw XMLMarshalException.objectCycleDetected( marshalRecord.getCycleDetectionStack().getCycleString()); } } else { marshalRecord.getCycleDetectionStack().push(object); } NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver = null; if (xmlDescriptor != null) { namespaceResolver = xmlDescriptor.getNamespaceResolver(); } MarshalContext marshalContext = null; if (xmlDescriptor != null && xmlDescriptor.isSequencedObject()) { SequencedObject sequencedObject = (SequencedObject) object; marshalContext = new SequencedMarshalContext(sequencedObject.getSettings()); } else { marshalContext = ObjectMarshalContext.getInstance(); } if (null == nonAttributeChildren) { textNode.marshal( (MarshalRecord) record, object, session, namespaceResolver, marshaller, marshalContext, rootFragment); } else { if (node == null) { // No descriptor for this object, so manually create a MappingNodeValue and marshal it XPathNode n = new XPathNode(); CompositeObjectMapping m = new XMLCompositeObjectMapping(); m.setXPath("."); XMLCompositeObjectMappingNodeValue nv = new XMLCompositeObjectMappingNodeValue(m); n.setMarshalNodeValue(nv); nv.marshalSingleValue( new XPathFragment("."), marshalRecord, null, object, session, namespaceResolver, marshalContext); } else { for (int x = 0, size = marshalContext.getNonAttributeChildrenSize(node); x < size; x++) { XPathNode xPathNode = (XPathNode) marshalContext.getNonAttributeChild(x, node); xPathNode.marshal( (MarshalRecord) record, object, session, namespaceResolver, marshaller, marshalContext.getMarshalContext(x), rootFragment); } } } marshalRecord.getCycleDetectionStack().pop(); return record; }
public void persistExample(Session session) { Vector allObjects = new Vector(); allObjects.add(example1()); allObjects.add(example2()); allObjects.add(example3()); allObjects.add(example4()); // Bug 387491 - Three JUnitJPQLDateTimeTestSuite tests fail with Oracle jdbc 12.1 driver // Starting with Oracle jdbc 12.1 Statement.setDate no longer truncates time component of // sql.Date. // The following code makes Oracle9Platform to do that by setting shouldTruncateDate flag to // "true". boolean hasSetTruncateDate = false; if (session.getPlatform().isOracle9()) { try { Class clazz = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getClassForName( "org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.oracle.Oracle9Platform"); Method getDriverVersionMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethod(clazz, "getDriverVersion", null, false); String driverVersion = (String) PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod( getDriverVersionMethod, session.getPlatform(), null); if (Helper.compareVersions(driverVersion, "12.1") >= 0) { Method shouldTruncateDateMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethod(clazz, "shouldTruncateDate", null, false); boolean shouldTruncateDate = (Boolean) PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod( shouldTruncateDateMethod, session.getPlatform(), null); if (!shouldTruncateDate) { Method setShouldTruncateDateMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethod( clazz, "setShouldTruncateDate", new Class[] {boolean.class}, false); PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod( setShouldTruncateDateMethod, session.getPlatform(), new Object[] {true}); hasSetTruncateDate = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed oracle9Platform.setShouldTruncateDate(true)", ex); } } UnitOfWork unitOfWork = session.acquireUnitOfWork(); unitOfWork.registerAllObjects(allObjects); unitOfWork.commit(); if (hasSetTruncateDate) { // Now setting shouldTruncateDate flag back to its original value "false". try { Class clazz = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getClassForName( "org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.oracle.Oracle9Platform"); Method setShouldTruncateDateMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethod( clazz, "setShouldTruncateDate", new Class[] {boolean.class}, false); PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod( setShouldTruncateDateMethod, session.getPlatform(), new Object[] {false}); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed oracle9Platform.setShouldTruncateDate(false)", ex); } } }