/** * Reset the commit order from the session's descriptors. This uses the constraint dependencies in * the descriptor's mappings, to decide which descriptors are dependent on which other * descriptors. Multiple computations of the commit order should produce the same ordering. This * is done to improve performance on unit of work writes through decreasing the stack size, and * acts as a deadlock avoidance mechanism. */ public void initializeCommitOrder() { Vector descriptors = Helper.buildVectorFromMapElements(getSession().getDescriptors()); // Must ensure uniqueness, some descriptor my be register twice for interfaces. descriptors = Helper.addAllUniqueToVector(new Vector(descriptors.size()), descriptors); Object[] descriptorsArray = new Object[descriptors.size()]; for (int index = 0; index < descriptors.size(); index++) { descriptorsArray[index] = descriptors.elementAt(index); } Arrays.sort(descriptorsArray, new DescriptorCompare()); descriptors = new Vector(descriptors.size()); for (int index = 0; index < descriptorsArray.length; index++) { descriptors.addElement(descriptorsArray[index]); } CommitOrderCalculator calculator = new CommitOrderCalculator(getSession()); calculator.addNodes(descriptors); calculator.calculateMappingDependencies(); calculator.orderCommits(); descriptors = calculator.getOrderedDescriptors(); calculator = new CommitOrderCalculator(getSession()); calculator.addNodes(descriptors); calculator.calculateSpecifiedDependencies(); calculator.orderCommits(); setCommitOrder(calculator.getOrderedClasses()); }
public void setup() { if (getSession().getPlatform().isDB2()) { throw new TestWarningException( "This test is not supposed to work with DB2. " + org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper.cr() + "\t\tBecause as expected, sql string contains (t0.F_NAME = NULL) when the query is executed the second time with argument null, and '=NULL' is illegal syntax on DB2." + org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper.cr() + "\t\tHence, executing the query would result in runtime exception."); } query = (ReadObjectQuery) getSession() .getDescriptor( org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee.class) .getQueryManager() .getQuery("shouldPrepareQuery"); queryCopy = (ReadObjectQuery) query.clone(); ExpressionBuilder ex = new ExpressionBuilder(); queryCopy.setSelectionCriteria(ex.get("firstName").equal(ex.getParameter("firstName1"))); queryCopy.addArgument("firstName1"); vec = new Vector(); vec.add("Bob"); getSession().executeQuery(queryCopy, vec); }
public void test() { try { test1ResultIsTrue = Helper.compareCharArrays(array1, array2); test2ResultIsTrue = Helper.compareCharArrays(array1, array3); } catch (Exception e) { this.e = e; throw new TestErrorException( "An exception should not have been thrown when comparing char array content."); } }
/** * INTERNAL: Those objects that need/want to initialize more meta data should override this * method. */ public DatabaseField getDatabaseField() { // Initialize the DatabaseField with values and defaults. DatabaseField databaseField = new DatabaseField(); databaseField.setName( m_name == null ? "" : m_name, Helper.getDefaultStartDatabaseDelimiter(), Helper.getDefaultEndDatabaseDelimiter()); databaseField.setColumnDefinition(m_columnDefinition == null ? "" : m_columnDefinition); return databaseField; }
/** * INTERNAL: This method perform all necessary steps(verification, pre-build the target directory) * prior to the invocation of the weaving function. */ private void preProcess() throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException { // Instantiate default session log AbstractSessionLog.getLog().setLevel(this.logLevel); if (logWriter != null) { ((DefaultSessionLog) AbstractSessionLog.getLog()).setWriter(logWriter); } // Make sure the source is existing if (!(new File(Helper.toURI(source)).exists())) { throw StaticWeaveException.missingSource(); } URI targetURI = Helper.toURI(target); // Verification target and source, two use cases create warning or exception. // 1. If source is directory and target is jar - // This will lead unknown outcome, user attempt to use this tool to pack outcome into a Jar. // Warning message will be logged, this is can be worked around by other utilities. // 2. Both source and target are specified as a same jar - // User was trying to perform weaving in same Jar which is not supported, an Exception will be // thrown. if (isDirectory(source) && targetURI.toString().endsWith(".jar")) { AbstractSessionLog.getLog() .log( SessionLog.WARNING, ToStringLocalization.buildMessage( "staticweave_processor_unknown_outcome", new Object[] {null})); } if (!isDirectory(source) && target.toString().equals(source.toString())) { throw StaticWeaveException.weaveInplaceForJar(source.toString()); } // pre-create target if it is directory and dose not exist. // Using the method File.isDirectory() is not enough to determine what the type(dir or jar) // of the target(specified by URL)that user want to create. File.isDirectory() will return false // in // two possibilities, the location either is not directory or the location dose not exist. // Therefore pre-build of the directory target is required. Pre-build for the file(JAR) target // is not required since it gets built automatically by opening outputstream. if (!(new File(targetURI)).exists()) { if (!targetURI.toString().endsWith(".jar")) { (new File(targetURI)).mkdirs(); // if directory fails to build, which may leads to unknown outcome since it will // be treated as single file in the class StaticWeaveHandler and automatically gets built // by outputstream. // re-assign URL. target = (new File(targetURI)).toURL(); } } }
/** INTERNAL: Note: the order of calls in this method are important. */ protected void setFieldName(DatabaseField field, String defaultName, String context) { // This may set the use delimited identifier flag to true. field.setName( getName(field, defaultName, context), Helper.getDefaultStartDatabaseDelimiter(), Helper.getDefaultEndDatabaseDelimiter()); // The check is necessary to avoid overriding a true setting (set after // setting the name of the field). We don't want to override it at this // point if the global flag is set to false. if (useDelimitedIdentifier()) { field.setUseDelimiters(useDelimitedIdentifier()); } }
/** INTERNAL: Visit an executable and create a MetadataMethod object. */ @Override public MetadataMethod visitExecutable( ExecutableElement executableElement, MetadataClass metadataClass) { MetadataMethod method = new MetadataMethod(metadataClass.getMetadataFactory(), metadataClass); // Set the name. method.setName(executableElement.getSimpleName().toString()); // Set the attribute name. method.setAttributeName(Helper.getAttributeNameFromMethodName(method.getName())); // Set the modifiers. method.setModifiers(getModifiers(executableElement.getModifiers())); // Visit executable element for the parameters, return type and generic type. executableElement.asType().accept(typeVisitor, method); // Set the annotations. buildMetadataAnnotations(method, executableElement.getAnnotationMirrors()); // Handle multiple methods with the same name. MetadataMethod existing = metadataClass.getMethods().get(method.getName()); if (existing == null) { metadataClass.addMethod(method); } else { while (existing.getNext() != null) { existing = existing.getNext(); } existing.setNext(method); } return method; }
/** * Returns a String that represents the value of this object. * * @return a string representation of the receiver */ public String toString() { return org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper.getShortClassName(this.getClass()) + ": " + this.getFirstName() + " " + this.getLastName(); }
@Override public String toString() { return org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper.getShortClassName(getClass()) + "(" + getName() + ") "; }
/** * Ensure the value being set is supported by the mapping. If the mapping is direct/basic and the * mapping's type is primitive ensure the non-primitive type is allowed. */ public void checkSet(String propertyName, Object value) throws DynamicException { DatabaseMapping mapping = getMapping(propertyName); if (value == null) { if (mapping.isCollectionMapping() || (mapping.getAttributeClassification() != null && mapping.getAttributeClassification().isPrimitive())) { throw DynamicException.invalidSetPropertyType(mapping, value); } return; } Class<?> expectedType = mapping.getAttributeClassification(); if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) { if (mapping.isCollectionMapping()) { if (((CollectionMapping) mapping).getContainerPolicy().isMapPolicy()) { expectedType = Map.class; } else { expectedType = Collection.class; } } else { expectedType = ((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping).getReferenceClass(); } } if (expectedType != null && expectedType.isPrimitive() && !value.getClass().isPrimitive()) { expectedType = Helper.getObjectClass(expectedType); } if (expectedType != null && !expectedType.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { throw DynamicException.invalidSetPropertyType(mapping, value); } }
/** Return any tables that are defined by this expression (and not its base). */ @Override public List<DatabaseTable> getOwnedTables() { ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(); List<DatabaseTable> tables = null; if (descriptor == null) { List additionalTables = getAdditionalTables(); if (additionalTables == null) { return null; } else { return new ArrayList(additionalTables); } } else if (descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor()) { return null; } else if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && (getAsOfClause() != null && getAsOfClause().getValue() != null)) { tables = descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().getHistoricalTables(); } else if (isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()) { tables = descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().getAllTables(); } else { tables = descriptor.getTables(); } List additionalTables = getAdditionalTables(); if (additionalTables != null) { tables = new Vector(tables); Helper.addAllUniqueToList(tables, additionalTables); return tables; } return tables; }
/** INTERNAL: */ public String toString() { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write(Helper.getShortClassName(getClass())); writer.write("("); for (int index = 0; index < getFields().size(); index++) { writer.write(Helper.cr()); writer.write("\t"); writer.write(String.valueOf((getFields().elementAt(index)))); writer.write(" => "); writer.write(String.valueOf((getValues().elementAt(index)))); } writer.write(")"); return writer.toString(); }
/** INTERNAL: Return the type for a specified implementor */ protected Object getTypeForImplementor(Class implementor) { Object type = getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(implementor); if (type == Helper.getNullWrapper()) { type = null; } return type; }
/** PUBLIC: Add a type indicator conversion to this mapping. */ public void addClassIndicator(Class implementer, Object typeIndicator) { if (typeIndicator == null) { typeIndicator = Helper.getNullWrapper(); } getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(implementer, typeIndicator); getTypeIndicatorTranslation().put(typeIndicator, implementer); }
/** * INTERNAL: Extract the direct values from the specified field value. Return them in a vector. * The field value better be an Array. */ public Vector buildDirectValuesFromFieldValue(Object fieldValue) throws DatabaseException { if (fieldValue == null) { return null; } return Helper.vectorFromArray((Object[]) fieldValue); }
/** Determine whether or not the URL is pointing to directory. */ private boolean isDirectory(URL url) throws URISyntaxException { File file = new File(Helper.toURI(url)); if (file.isDirectory()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** Return the string for logging purposes. */ public String getLogString(Accessor accessor) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); writer.write("Executing "); writer.write(toString()); writer.write(Helper.cr()); writer.write("\tspec => "); writer.write(String.valueOf(getInteractionSpec())); writer.write(Helper.cr()); writer.write("\tproperties => "); writer.write(String.valueOf(getProperties())); writer.write(Helper.cr()); writer.write("\txml => "); Element dom = createInputDOM((EISAccessor) accessor); EISDOMRecord record = new EISDOMRecord(dom); record.transformToWriter(writer); return writer.toString(); }
public void printClasses(List classes) { for (Iterator iterator = classes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { System.out.print( org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper.getShortClassName( (Class) iterator.next())); System.out.print(", "); } System.out.println(":"); }
/** * INTERNAL: Appends an Oracle specific Timestamp, if usesNativeSQL is true otherwise use the ODBC * format. Native Format: to_timestamp ('1997-11-06 10:35:45.656' , 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ff') */ protected void appendTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp, Writer writer) throws IOException { if (usesNativeSQL()) { writer.write("to_timestamp('"); writer.write(Helper.printTimestamp(timestamp)); writer.write("','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS.FF')"); } else { super.appendTimestamp(timestamp, writer); } }
/** Return a house policy with null values for its Ref and nested table fields. For bug 2730536 */ public static HousePolicy example3() { HousePolicy housePolicy = new HousePolicy(); housePolicy.setPolicyNumber(783); housePolicy.setDescription("vacant home."); housePolicy.setDateOfConstruction(Helper.dateFromString("1997/06/10")); housePolicy.setMaxCoverage(50000); housePolicy.setDescription("Fire and flood coverage"); return housePolicy; }
public void test() { try { test1ResultIsTrue = Helper.classIsSubclass(LargeProject.class, null); } catch (Exception e) { this.e = e; throw new TestErrorException( "An exception should not have been thrown when checking for status as a subclass when superclass is null."); } }
/** Return an example claim instance. */ public static HousePolicy example2() { HousePolicy housePolicy = new HousePolicy(); housePolicy.setPolicyNumber(102); housePolicy.setDescription("Nice house."); housePolicy.setDateOfConstruction(Helper.dateFromString("1997/06/12")); housePolicy.setMaxCoverage(11111); housePolicy.setDescription("Theft Coverage"); housePolicy.addClaim(HouseClaim.example3()); return housePolicy; }
/** Return an example claim instance. */ public static HousePolicy example1() { HousePolicy housePolicy = new HousePolicy(); housePolicy.setPolicyNumber(101); housePolicy.setDescription("Nice house."); housePolicy.setDateOfConstruction(Helper.dateFromString("1997/06/10")); housePolicy.setMaxCoverage(50000); housePolicy.setDescription("Fire and flood coverage"); housePolicy.addClaim(HouseClaim.example1()); housePolicy.addClaim(HouseClaim.example2()); return housePolicy; }
public String toString() { if (isInstantiated()) { return "{" + getValue() + "}"; } else { return "{" + Helper.getShortClassName(getClass()) + ": " + ToStringLocalization.buildMessage("not_instantiated", (Object[]) null) + "}"; } }
/** * INTERNAL: Build the appropriate field value for the specified set of direct values. The * database better be expecting an ARRAY. */ public Object buildFieldValueFromDirectValues( Vector directValues, String elementDataTypeName, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException { Object[] fields = Helper.arrayFromVector(directValues); try { ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).incrementCallCount(session); java.sql.Connection connection = ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).getConnection(); return session.getPlatform().createArray(elementDataTypeName, fields, session, connection); } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) { throw DatabaseException.sqlException(ex, session, false); } finally { ((DatabaseAccessor) session.getAccessor()).decrementCallCount(); } }
/** INTERNAL: Return the implementor for a specified type */ protected Object getImplementorForType(Object type, AbstractSession session) { if (type == null) { return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(Helper.getNullWrapper()); } // Must ensure the type is the same, i.e. Integer != BigDecimal. try { type = session.getDatasourcePlatform().convertObject(type, getTypeField().getType()); } catch (ConversionException e) { throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e); } return getTypeIndicatorTranslation().get(type); }
/** INTERNAL: */ protected synchronized void initializeConnectionData(Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (isConnectionDataInitialized) { return; } driverVersion = conn.getMetaData().getDriverVersion(); // printCalendar for versions greater or equal 9 and less than shouldPrintCalendar = Helper.compareVersions("9", driverVersion) <= 0 && Helper.compareVersions(driverVersion, "") < 0; if (Helper.compareVersions(driverVersion, "") < 0) { isTimestampInGmt = false; } else { if (conn instanceof OracleConnection) { String timestampTzInGmtPropStr = ((OracleConnection) conn) .getProperties() .getProperty("oracle.jdbc.timestampTzInGmt", "true"); isTimestampInGmt = timestampTzInGmtPropStr.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } else { isTimestampInGmt = true; } } isConnectionDataInitialized = true; }
/** INTERNAL: */ public void startDocument(String encoding, String version) { try { writer.write("<?xml version=\""); writer.write(version); writer.write('\"'); if (null != encoding) { writer.write(" encoding=\""); writer.write(encoding); writer.write('\"'); } writer.write("?>"); writer.write(Helper.cr()); } catch (IOException e) { throw XMLMarshalException.marshalException(e); } }
protected void verify() { if (results.size() != expectedResults.size()) { throw new TestErrorException("ReportQuery test failed: The result size are different"); } BigDecimal expected = (BigDecimal) ((ReportQueryResult) expectedResults.firstElement()).getByIndex(0); BigDecimal result = (BigDecimal) ConversionManager.getDefaultManager() .convertObject( ((ReportQueryResult) results.firstElement()).getByIndex(0), BigDecimal.class); if (!Helper.compareBigDecimals(expected, result)) { throw new TestErrorException( "ReportQuery test failed: The results did not match (" + expected + ", " + result + ")"); } }
/** * INTERNAL: For this Type generate classes * * @param packageName * @param nr */ public void preInitialize(String packageName, List namespaceResolvers) { String instanceClassName = getInstanceClassName(); if (null == instanceClassName) { if (null == packageName) { String uri = getURI(); if (null == uri) { packageName = SDOUtil.getDefaultPackageName() + SDOConstants.JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME_SEPARATOR; } else { packageName = SDOUtil.getPackageNameFromURI(uri) + SDOConstants.JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME_SEPARATOR; } } // Verify and fix any Class name that does not conform to conventions // run the class name through the JAXB mangler String mangledClassName = SDOUtil.className(getName(), false, true, true); // we will not fix any type collision at this time as a result of class renaming // write fully qualified java class name StringBuffer fullClassName = new StringBuffer(packageName); fullClassName.append(mangledClassName); setInstanceClassName(fullClassName.toString()); } AbstractSessionLog.getLog() .log( AbstractSessionLog.FINER, // "sdo_type_generation_processing_type", // new Object[] {Helper.getShortClassName(getClass()), getInstanceClassName()}); initializeNamespaces(namespaceResolvers); getXmlDescriptor().setJavaClassName(getImplClassName()); // See SDOResolvable enhancement String schemaContext = getName(); if (getXmlDescriptor().getNamespaceResolver() != null) { String prefix = getXmlDescriptor().getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(getURI()); if ((prefix != null) && !prefix.equals(SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING)) { schemaContext = prefix + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + schemaContext; } } String schemaContextWithSlash = SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + schemaContext; XMLSchemaReference schemaRef = new XMLSchemaClassPathReference(); schemaRef.setSchemaContext(schemaContextWithSlash); schemaRef.setType(XMLSchemaReference.COMPLEX_TYPE); getXmlDescriptor().setSchemaReference(schemaRef); }