   * INTERNAL: Returns the first field from each of the owned tables, used for fine-grained
   * pessimistic locking.
  protected Vector getForUpdateOfFields() {
    Vector allFields = getFields();
    int expected = getTableAliases().size();
    Vector firstFields = new Vector(expected);
    DatabaseTable lastTable = null;
    DatabaseField field = null;
    int i = 0;

    // The following loop takes O(n*m) time.  n=# of fields. m=#tables.
    // However, in the m=1 case this will take one pass only.
    // Also assuming that fields are generally sorted by table, this will
    // take O(n) time.
    // An even faster way may be to go getDescriptor().getAdditionalPrimaryKeyFields.
    while ((i < allFields.size()) && (firstFields.size() < expected)) {
      field = (DatabaseField) allFields.elementAt(i++);
      if ((lastTable == null) || !field.getTable().equals(lastTable)) {
        lastTable = field.getTable();
        int j = 0;
        while (j < firstFields.size()) {
          if (lastTable.equals(((DatabaseField) firstFields.elementAt(j)).getTable())) {
        if (j == firstFields.size()) {
    return firstFields;
  protected void buildExpectedResults() {
    ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery();

    Vector employees = (Vector) getSession().executeQuery(query);
    Vector distinctEmployees = new Vector();

    // initialize distinctEmployees

    // check employees with duplicate province and add only distinct employees to distinctEmployees
    for (int i = 1; i < employees.size(); i++) {
      boolean duplicateFound = false;

      // iterate through distinctEmployees to check for duplicate provinces, if found, employee not
      // added
      for (int j = 0; j < distinctEmployees.size(); j++) {
        if ((((Employee) employees.elementAt(i)).getAddress().getProvince())
            .equals((((Employee) distinctEmployees.elementAt(j)).getAddress().getProvince()))) {
          duplicateFound = true;
      if (!duplicateFound) {

    for (Enumeration e = distinctEmployees.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      Employee emp = (Employee) e.nextElement();
      Object[] result = new Object[1];
      result[0] = emp.getAddress().getProvince();
      addResult(result, null);
  public Vector getAttributeFromAll(String attributeName, Vector objects) {
    ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getClassDescriptor(getReferenceClass());
    DirectToFieldMapping mapping =
        (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(attributeName);

    Vector attributes = new Vector();
    Object currentObject;
    for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
      currentObject = objects.elementAt(i);
      if (currentObject.getClass() == ReportQueryResult.class) {
        attributes.addElement(((ReportQueryResult) currentObject).get(attributeName));
      } else {
    return attributes;
   * INTERNAL: Used in case outer joins should be printed in FROM clause. Each of the additional
   * tables mapped to expressions that joins it.
  public Map additionalExpressionCriteriaMap() {
    if (getDescriptor() == null) {
      return null;

    HashMap tablesJoinExpressions = new HashMap();
    Vector tables = getDescriptor().getTables();
    // skip the main table - start with i=1
    int tablesSize = tables.size();
    if (shouldUseOuterJoin()) {
      for (int i = 1; i < tablesSize; i++) {
        DatabaseTable table = (DatabaseTable) tables.elementAt(i);
        Expression joinExpression =
            (Expression) getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getTablesJoinExpressions().get(table);
        joinExpression = getBaseExpression().twist(joinExpression, this);
        tablesJoinExpressions.put(table, joinExpression);
    if (isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()) {
      List childrenTables = getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getChildrenTables();
      tablesSize = childrenTables.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < tablesSize; i++) {
        DatabaseTable table = (DatabaseTable) childrenTables.get(i);
        Expression joinExpression =
        joinExpression = getBaseExpression().twist(joinExpression, this);
        tablesJoinExpressions.put(table, joinExpression);

    return tablesJoinExpressions;
   * INTERNAL This method iterates through a collection and gets the values from the objects to
   * conform in an in-memory query. Creation date: (1/19/01 1:18:27 PM)
  public Object valuesFromCollection(
      Object object, AbstractSession session, int valueHolderPolicy, boolean isObjectUnregistered) {
    // in case the mapping is null - this can happen if a query key is being used
    // In this case, check for the query key and find it's mapping.
    boolean readMappingFromQueryKey = false;
    if (getMapping() == null) {
      readMappingFromQueryKey = true;

    // For bug 2780817 get the mapping directly from the object.  In EJB 2.0
    // inheritance, each child must override mappings defined in an abstract
    // class with its own.
    DatabaseMapping mapping = this.mapping;
    ClassDescriptor descriptor = mapping.getDescriptor();
    if (descriptor.hasInheritance() && (descriptor.getJavaClass() != object.getClass())) {
      mapping =
      descriptor = mapping.getDescriptor();

    // fetch group support
    if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
      FetchGroupManager fetchGroupManager = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager();
      if (fetchGroupManager.isPartialObject(object)
          && (!fetchGroupManager.isAttributeFetched(object, mapping.getAttributeName()))) {
        // the conforming attribute is not fetched, simply throw exception
        throw QueryException.cannotConformUnfetchedAttribute(mapping.getAttributeName());

    if (mapping.isDirectToFieldMapping()) {
      return ((AbstractDirectMapping) mapping).valueFromObject(object, mapping.getField(), session);
    } else if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {
      // CR 3677 integration of a ValueHolderPolicy
      Object valueFromMapping = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(object);
      if (!((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping)
          .objectIsInstantiated(valueFromMapping)) {
        if (valueHolderPolicy != InMemoryQueryIndirectionPolicy.SHOULD_TRIGGER_INDIRECTION) {
          // If the client wishes us to trigger the indirection then we should do so,
          // Other wise throw the exception
          throw QueryException
              .mustInstantiateValueholders(); // you should instantiate the valueholder for this to
                                              // work

        // maybe we should throw this exception from the start, to save time
      Object valueToIterate = mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(object, session);
      UnitOfWorkImpl uow = isObjectUnregistered ? (UnitOfWorkImpl) session : null;

      // First check that object in fact is unregistered.
      // toDo: ?? Why is this commented out? Why are we supporting the unregistered thing at all?
      // Does not seem to be any public API for this, nor every used internally?
      // if (isObjectUnregistered) {
      //	isObjectUnregistered = !uow.getCloneMapping().containsKey(object);
      // }
      if (mapping.isCollectionMapping() && (valueToIterate != null)) {
        // For bug 2766379 must use the correct version of vectorFor to
        // unwrap the result same time.
        valueToIterate = mapping.getContainerPolicy().vectorFor(valueToIterate, session);

        // toDo: If the value is empty, need to support correct inner/outer join filtering
        // symantics.
        // For CR 2612601, try to partially replace the result with already
        // registered objects.
        if (isObjectUnregistered && (uow.getCloneMapping().get(object) == null)) {
          Vector objectValues = (Vector) valueToIterate;
          for (int i = 0; i < objectValues.size(); i++) {
            Object original = objectValues.elementAt(i);
            Object clone =
            if (clone != null) {
              objectValues.setElementAt(clone, i);

        // For CR 2612601, conforming without registering, a query could be
        // bob.get("address").get("city").equal("Ottawa"); where the address
        // has been registered and modified in the UOW, but bob has not.  Thus
        // even though bob does not point to the modified address now, it will
        // as soon as it is registered, so should point to it here.
      } else if (isObjectUnregistered && (uow.getCloneMapping().get(object) == null)) {
        Object clone =
        if (clone != null) {
          valueToIterate = clone;
      return valueToIterate;
    } else if (mapping.isAggregateMapping()) {
      Object aggregateValue = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(object);
      // Bug 3995468 - if this query key is to a mapping in an aggregate object, get the object from
      // actual mapping rather than the aggregate mapping
      while (readMappingFromQueryKey
          && mapping.isAggregateObjectMapping()
          && !((AggregateObjectMapping) mapping)
              .equals(queryKey.getDescriptor().getJavaClass())) {
        mapping =
                .getMappingForField(((DirectQueryKey) queryKey).getField());
        aggregateValue = mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(aggregateValue, session);
      return aggregateValue;
    } else {
      throw QueryException.cannotConformExpression();
  /** INTERNAL: Conform the result if specified. */
  protected Object conformResult(
      Object result,
      UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork,
      AbstractRecord arguments,
      boolean buildDirectlyFromRows) {
    if (getSelectionCriteria() != null) {
      ExpressionBuilder builder = getSelectionCriteria().getBuilder();

    // If the query is redirected then the collection returned might no longer
    // correspond to the original container policy.  CR#2342-S.M.
    ContainerPolicy cp;
    if (getRedirector() != null) {
      cp = ContainerPolicy.buildPolicyFor(result.getClass());
    } else {
      cp = getContainerPolicy();

    // This code is now a great deal different...  For one, registration is done
    // as part of conforming.  Also, this should only be called if one actually
    // is conforming.
    // First scan the UnitOfWork for conforming instances.
    // This will walk through the entire cache of registered objects.
    // Let p be objects from result not in the cache.
    // Let c be objects from cache.
    // Presently p intersect c = empty set, but later p subset c.
    // By checking cache now doesConform will be called p fewer times.
    Map indexedInterimResult =
            getSelectionCriteria(), getReferenceClass(), arguments, this);

    Cursor cursor = null;
    // In the case of cursors just conform/register the initially read collection.
    if (cp.isCursorPolicy()) {
      cursor = (Cursor) result;
      cp = ContainerPolicy.buildPolicyFor(ClassConstants.Vector_class);
      // In nested UnitOfWork session might have been session of the parent.
      result = cursor.getObjectCollection();
      // for later incremental conforming...

    // Now conform the result from the database.
    // Remove any deleted or changed objects that no longer conform.
    // Deletes will only work for simple queries, queries with or's or anyof's may not return
    // correct results when untriggered indirection is in the model.
    Vector fromDatabase = null;

    // When building directly from rows, one of the performance benefits
    // is that we no longer have to wrap and then unwrap the originals.
    // result is just a vector, not a container of wrapped originals.
    if (buildDirectlyFromRows) {
      Vector rows = (Vector) result;
      fromDatabase = new Vector(rows.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
        Object object = rows.elementAt(i);
        // null is placed in the row collection for 1-m joining to filter duplicate rows.
        if (object != null) {
          Object clone =
          if (clone != null) {
    } else {
      fromDatabase = new Vector(cp.sizeFor(result));
      AbstractSession sessionToUse = unitOfWork.getParent();
      for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(result); cp.hasNext(iter); ) {
        Object object = cp.next(iter, sessionToUse);
        Object clone =
        if (clone != null) {

    // Now add the unwrapped conforming instances into an appropriate container.
    // Wrapping is done automatically.
    // Make sure a vector of exactly the right size is returned.
    Object conformedResult =
        cp.containerInstance(indexedInterimResult.size() + fromDatabase.size());
    Object eachClone;
    for (Iterator enumtr = indexedInterimResult.values().iterator(); enumtr.hasNext(); ) {
      eachClone = enumtr.next();
      cp.addInto(eachClone, conformedResult, unitOfWork);
    for (Enumeration enumtr = fromDatabase.elements(); enumtr.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      eachClone = enumtr.nextElement();
      cp.addInto(eachClone, conformedResult, unitOfWork);

    if (cursor != null) {
      cursor.setObjectCollection((Vector) conformedResult);

      // For nested UOW must copy all in object collection to
      // initiallyConformingIndex, as some of these could have been from
      // the parent UnitOfWork.
      if (unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) {
        for (Enumeration enumtr = cursor.getObjectCollection().elements();
            enumtr.hasMoreElements(); ) {
          Object clone = enumtr.nextElement();
          indexedInterimResult.put(clone, clone);
      return cursor;
    } else {
      return conformedResult;
  public void test() {

    ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery();
    ScrollableCursor cursor = null;

    try {
      if (TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE_isSupported && CONCUR_UPDATABLE_isSupported) {
      } else {
        ScrollableCursorPolicy policy = new ScrollableCursorPolicy();
        if (!TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE_isSupported) {
        if (!CONCUR_UPDATABLE_isSupported) {
      if (configuration != null) {
        ExpressionBuilder builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
        Expression exp = builder.get("salary").greaterThan(50000);
      cursor = (ScrollableCursor) getSession().executeQuery(query);

      try {
        // test to see if we can iterate through a list and then iterate
        // in reverse through the same list.
        int totalItems = 0;
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        while (cursor.hasPrevious()) {

        cursorSuccess = (totalItems == 0);

        int size = readWithPrevious.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < readWithNext.size(); i++) {
          cursorSuccess =
                  && (readWithNext.elementAt(i) == readWithPrevious.elementAt((size - 1) - i)));

      } catch (org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException ex) {
        caughtException = ex;

    } finally {
      if (cursor != null) {