private IPluginModelBase findModel(IAdaptable object) { if (object instanceof IJavaProject) object = ((IJavaProject) object).getProject(); if (object instanceof IProject) return PluginRegistry.findModel((IProject) object); if (object instanceof PersistablePluginObject) { return PluginRegistry.findModel(((PersistablePluginObject) object).getPluginID()); } return null; }
private void loadManifestAndIntroIds(boolean onlyLoadManifest) { TreeSet<String> result = new TreeSet<String>(); String introId; IExtension[] extensions = PDECore.getDefault() .getExtensionsRegistry() .findExtensions("org.eclipse.ui.intro", true); // $NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { IConfigurationElement[] children = extensions[i].getConfigurationElements(); for (int j = 0; j < children.length; j++) { if ("introProductBinding".equals(children[j].getName())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ String attribute = children[j].getAttribute("productId"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (attribute != null && attribute.equals(getProduct().getProductId())) { if (fManifest == null) { IPluginModelBase base = PluginRegistry.findModel(extensions[i].getContributor().getName()); if (base == null) continue; fManifest = (IFile) base.getUnderlyingResource(); } if (onlyLoadManifest) return; introId = children[j].getAttribute("introId"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (introId != null) result.add(introId); } } } } fAvailableIntroIds = result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); }
protected void collectSuites(IPluginModelBase model, Set<String> visited) { if (!model.isEnabled()) return; BundleDescription description = model.getBundleDescription(); if (!visited.add(description.getSymbolicName())) return; model.addModelChangedListener(this); listentingTo.add(model); for (IPluginExtension ext : model.getExtensions(true).getExtensions()) if ("org.xpect.testSuite".equals(ext.getPoint())) { for (IPluginObject child : ext.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof IPluginElement) { IPluginElement pluginElement = (IPluginElement) child; IPluginAttribute clazz = pluginElement.getAttribute("class"); IPluginAttribute fileExtension = pluginElement.getAttribute("fileExtension"); if (clazz != null && fileExtension != null) { LazyClass<Object> lazyClass = LazyClass.create( Object.class, clazz.getValue(), (Function<String, Class<?>>) null); TestSuiteInfo info = new TestSuiteInfo(lazyClass, Collections.singleton(fileExtension.getValue())); this.extToInfo.put(fileExtension.getValue(), info); } } } } for (BundleDescription desc : description.getDependents()) { collectSuites(PluginRegistry.findModel(desc), visited); } }
private void initializePluginModel() { IPluginModelBase base = PluginRegistry.findModel(getPluginProject()); // should never happen if (base == null) return; if (base instanceof IBundlePluginModelBase) fExtensionsModel = ((IBundlePluginModelBase) base).getExtensionsModel(); else fExtensionsModel = base; }
protected void collectSuites() { if (this.extToInfo == null) { for (IModelChangeProvider provider : listentingTo) provider.removeModelChangedListener(this); listentingTo.clear(); this.extToInfo = Maps.newHashMap(); IPluginModelBase xpect = PluginRegistry.findModel("org.xpect"); collectSuites(xpect, Sets.<String>newHashSet()); } }
private void initializeModel(IStructuredSelection selection) { Object selected = selection.getFirstElement(); if (selected instanceof IAdaptable) { IResource resource = (IResource) ((IAdaptable) selected).getAdapter(IResource.class); if (resource != null) { IProject project = resource.getProject(); fModel = PluginRegistry.findModel(project); } } }
/** * This will install or refresh the given workspace contribution if needed, then search through it * for a class corresponding to <code>qualifiedName</code>. * * @param project The project that is to be dynamically installed when Acceleo searches for * workspace contributions. * @param qualifiedName The qualified name of the class we seek to load. * @return An instance of the class <code>qualifiedName</code> if it could be found in the * workspace bundles, <code>null</code> otherwise. */ public synchronized Class<?> getClass(IProject project, String qualifiedName) { Class<?> instance = null; addWorkspaceContribution(project); refreshContributions(); final IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(project); final Bundle installedBundle = workspaceInstalledBundles.get(model); if (installedBundle != null) { instance = internalLoadClass(installedBundle, qualifiedName); } return instance; }
// Copied from PDEClasspathContainer#resolveLibraryInFragments protected static IPluginModelBase resolveLibraryInFragments( IPluginModelBase model, String libraryName) { BundleDescription desc = model.getBundleDescription(); if (desc != null) { BundleDescription[] fragments = desc.getFragments(); for (int i = 0; i < fragments.length; i++) { if (new File(fragments[i].getLocation(), libraryName).exists()) return PluginRegistry.findModel(fragments[i]); } } return null; }
// Adapted from RequiredPluginsClassPathContainer#addPlugin and // PDEClasspathContainer#addExternalPlugin private void createEntry(BundleDescription desc, LinkedList<IClasspathEntry> entries) { IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(desc); IResource resource = model.getUnderlyingResource(); // Rule[] rules = useInclusions ? getInclusions(map, model) : null; if (resource != null) { entries.add(JavaCore.newProjectEntry(resource.getProject().getFullPath())); // addProjectEntry(resource.getProject(), rules, entries); } else { if (new File(model.getInstallLocation()).isFile()) { String installLocation = model.getInstallLocation(); // This is to make it work in windows... if (!installLocation.startsWith("/")) { installLocation = "/" + installLocation; } IPath libraryLocation_ = Path.fromOSString(installLocation); entries.add(JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation_, null, null)); // IPath libraryLocation_ = Path.fromPortableString(model.getInstallLocation()); // entries.add( JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation_, null, null) ); } else { IPluginLibrary[] libraries = model.getPluginBase().getLibraries(); for (int i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) { if (IPluginLibrary.RESOURCE.equals(libraries[i].getType())) continue; model = (IPluginModelBase) libraries[i].getModel(); String name = libraries[i].getName(); String expandedName = ClasspathUtilCore.expandLibraryName(name); IPath path = getPath(model, expandedName); if (path == null && !model.isFragmentModel() && ClasspathUtilCore.containsVariables(name)) { model = resolveLibraryInFragments(model, expandedName); if (model != null && model.isEnabled()) path = getPath(model, expandedName); } if (path != null && !path.toFile().isDirectory()) { entries.add( JavaCore.newLibraryEntry( path, ClasspathUtilCore.getSourceAnnotation(model, expandedName), null)); // addLibraryEntry(path, ClasspathUtilCore.getSourceAnnotation(model, expandedName), // rules, getClasspathAttributes(model), entries); } else if (path != null) { // is a directory entries.add( JavaCore.newLibraryEntry( path, ClasspathUtilCore.getSourceAnnotation(model, expandedName), null)); } } } } }
private void validateUnpack(Element parent) { int severity = CompilerFlags.getFlag(fProject, CompilerFlags.F_UNRESOLVED_PLUGINS); if (severity == CompilerFlags.IGNORE) { return; } if (severity == CompilerFlags.ERROR) { // this might not be an error, so max the flag at WARNING level. severity = CompilerFlags.WARNING; } String unpack = parent.getAttribute("unpack"); // $NON-NLS-1$ IPluginModelBase pModel = PluginRegistry.findModel(parent.getAttribute("id")); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (pModel == null) { return; } if (pModel instanceof IBundlePluginModel) { IBundlePluginModel bModel = (IBundlePluginModel) pModel; IManifestHeader header = bModel .getBundleModel() .getBundle() .getManifestHeader(ICoreConstants.ECLIPSE_BUNDLE_SHAPE); if (header != null) { String value = header.getValue(); String unpackValue = "true".equals(unpack) ? "jar" : "dir"; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ if (value != null && !value.equalsIgnoreCase(unpackValue)) { String message = NLS.bind( PDECoreMessages.Builders_Feature_mismatchUnpackBundleShape, (new String[] { "unpack=" + unpack, parent.getAttribute("id"), "Eclipse-BundleShape: " + value })); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ report(message, getLine(parent), severity, PDEMarkerFactory.CAT_OTHER); } } } if ("true".equals(unpack) && !CoreUtility.guessUnpack(pModel.getBundleDescription())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ String message = NLS.bind( PDECoreMessages.Builders_Feature_missingUnpackFalse, (new String[] { parent.getAttribute("id"), "unpack=\"false\"" })); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ report(message, getLine(parent), severity, PDEMarkerFactory.CAT_OTHER); } }
private void computeSelected(Collection<?> initialSelection) { if (initialSelection == null || initialSelection.size() == 0) return; Set<IPluginModelBase> selected = new HashSet<IPluginModelBase>(); Iterator<?> iter = initialSelection.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof IProject) { IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel((IProject) obj); if (model != null) { selected.add(model); } } } fSelected = selected.toArray(new IPluginModelBase[selected.size()]); }
protected void validatePluginIDRef(Element element, Attr attr) { if (!validatePluginID(element, attr)) { return; } int severity = CompilerFlags.getFlag(fProject, CompilerFlags.P_UNRESOLVED_IMPORTS); if ("true".equals(element.getAttribute("optional")) && severity == CompilerFlags.ERROR) // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ severity = CompilerFlags.WARNING; if (severity != CompilerFlags.IGNORE) { IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(attr.getValue()); if (model == null || !model.isEnabled()) { report( NLS.bind(PDECoreMessages.Builders_Manifest_dependency, attr.getValue()), getLine(element, attr.getName()), severity, PDEMarkerFactory.CAT_FATAL); } } }
private void validatePluginID(Element element, Attr attr, boolean isFragment) { String id = attr.getValue(); if (!validatePluginID(element, attr)) { return; } int severity = CompilerFlags.getFlag(fProject, CompilerFlags.F_UNRESOLVED_PLUGINS); if (severity != CompilerFlags.IGNORE) { IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(id); if (model == null || !model.isEnabled() || (isFragment && !model.isFragmentModel()) || (!isFragment && model.isFragmentModel())) { report( NLS.bind(PDECoreMessages.Builders_Feature_reference, id), getLine(element, attr.getName()), severity, PDEMarkerFactory.CAT_OTHER); } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see * org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener#resourceChanged(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent) */ public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) { switch (event.getType()) { /* * Closing and deleting projects trigger the same actions : we must remove the model listener and * uninstall the bundle. */ case IResourceChangeEvent.PRE_CLOSE: case IResourceChangeEvent.PRE_DELETE: if (event.getResource() instanceof IProject) { final IProject project = (IProject) event.getResource(); final IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(project); if (model != null) { final Bundle bundle = workspaceInstalledBundles.remove(model); changedContributions.remove(model); if (bundle != null) { try { uninstallBundle(bundle); } catch (BundleException e) { AcceleoCommonPlugin.log( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, AcceleoCommonPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, AcceleoCommonMessages.getString( UNINSTALLATION_FAILURE_KEY, bundle.getSymbolicName()), e)); } } } } break; case IResourceChangeEvent.POST_BUILD: processBuildEvent(event); break; case IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE: default: // no default action } }
/** * Adds a given project to the set of projects that are to be dynamically installed. * * @param project The project that is to be dynamically installed when Acceleo searches for * workspace contributions. */ public synchronized void addWorkspaceContribution(IProject project) { final IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(project); if (model != null && !workspaceInstalledBundles.containsKey(model)) { changedContributions.add(model); } }
/** * This will process IResourceChangeEvent.POST_BUILD events so that we can react to builds of * our workspace loaded services. * * @param event The event that is to be processed. Assumes that <code> * event.getType() == IResourceChangeEvent.POST_BUILD</code>. */ private void processBuildEvent(IResourceChangeEvent event) { final IResourceDelta delta = event.getDelta(); switch (event.getBuildKind()) { case IncrementalProjectBuilder.AUTO_BUILD: // Nothing built in such cases if (!ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().isAutoBuilding()) { break; } // Fall through to the incremental build handling otherwise // $FALL-THROUGH$ case IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD: final AcceleoDeltaVisitor visitor = new AcceleoDeltaVisitor(); try { delta.accept(visitor); } catch (CoreException e) { AcceleoCommonPlugin.log(e, false); } for (IProject changed : visitor.getChangedProjects()) { IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(changed); if (model != null) { changedContributions.add(model); } } for (String changedClass : visitor.getChangedClasses()) { final WorkspaceClassInstance workspaceInstance = workspaceLoadedClasses.get(changedClass); if (workspaceInstance != null) { workspaceInstance.setStale(true); } } break; case IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD: for (Map.Entry<IPluginModelBase, Bundle> entry : workspaceInstalledBundles.entrySet()) { IPluginModelBase model = entry.getKey(); if (model != null) { changedContributions.add(model); } } for (WorkspaceClassInstance workspaceInstance : workspaceLoadedClasses.values()) { workspaceInstance.setStale(true); } break; case IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD: // workspace has been cleaned. Unload every service until next they're built final Iterator<Map.Entry<IPluginModelBase, Bundle>> workspaceBundleIterator = workspaceInstalledBundles.entrySet().iterator(); while (workspaceBundleIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<IPluginModelBase, Bundle> entry =; final Bundle bundle = entry.getValue(); try { uninstallBundle(bundle); } catch (BundleException e) { AcceleoCommonPlugin.log( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, AcceleoCommonPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, AcceleoCommonMessages.getString( UNINSTALLATION_FAILURE_KEY, bundle.getSymbolicName()), e)); } workspaceBundleIterator.remove(); } for (WorkspaceClassInstance workspaceInstance : workspaceLoadedClasses.values()) { workspaceInstance.setStale(true); } break; default: // no default action } }
public DependencyExtentOperation(IProject project, String importID, ISearchResult searchResult) { fSearchResult = (DependencyExtentSearchResult) searchResult; fProject = project; fImportID = importID; fModel = PluginRegistry.findModel(project); }
// see // // see // private EclecticContainerInternal getNewContainer(IPath containerPath) { // IPath bundleLocation = new Path(org.eclectic.idc.Activator.getBundle().getLocation()); // IClasspathEntry entry = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry( // bundleLocation.append("eclectic-runtime.jar"), null, null); // I may need to touch raw classpath according to the clojure example, but i don't know why // Eclectic-runtime /* File libFile = getJarInsidePlugin(org.eclectic.idc.Activator.getBundle().getSymbolicName(), "eclectic-runtime"); IPath libraryLocation = Path.fromOSString(libFile.getAbsolutePath()); IPluginModelBase srcPlugin = PluginRegistry.findModel(org.eclectic.idc.Activator.getBundle().getSymbolicName()); IClasspathEntry entryEclecticRuntime = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation, Path.fromPortableString(srcPlugin.getInstallLocation()), null); // Eclectic-modelhandling File libFile2 = getJarInsidePlugin(org.eclectic.idc.Activator.getBundle().getSymbolicName(), "eclectic-modeling"); IPath libraryLocation2 = Path.fromOSString(libFile2.getAbsolutePath()); IClasspathEntry entryEclecticModeling = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation2, null, null); */ // Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle("org.eclipse.emf.ecore"); // Path path = new Path("icons/sample.gif"); // URL fileURL = FileLocator.find(bundle, path, null); // InputStream in = fileURL.openStream(); LinkedList<BundleDescription> bundleDescriptions = new LinkedList<BundleDescription>(); bundleDescriptions.add( PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclipse.emf.ecore").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add( PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add(PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclectic.idc").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add( PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclectic.modeling").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add( PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclectic.javaflow").getBundleDescription()); // To allow loading a description to create an ApiModel -> maybe it could be removed in the // future bundleDescriptions.add( PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclectic.apidesc.language").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add( PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclectic.streamdesc.language").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add(PluginRegistry.findModel("").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add(PluginRegistry.findModel("javax.inject").getBundleDescription()); bundleDescriptions.add(PluginRegistry.findModel("").getBundleDescription()); fillWithDependent(bundleDescriptions); LinkedList<IClasspathEntry> entries = new LinkedList<IClasspathEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < bundleDescriptions.size(); i++) { BundleDescription bundleDescription = bundleDescriptions.get(i); // IPluginModelBase plugin = PluginRegistry.findModel(bundleDescription); // IPath libraryLocation_ = Path.fromPortableString(plugin.getInstallLocation()); // IClasspathEntry entry_ = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation_, null, null); createEntry(bundleDescription, entries); } // entries.add( entryEclecticRuntime ); // entries.add( entryEclecticModeling ); File libFile2 = getJarInsidePlugin( org.eclectic.idc.Activator.getBundle().getSymbolicName(), "lib-instrumented/idc-instrumented"); IPath libraryLocation2 = Path.fromOSString(libFile2.getAbsolutePath()); IClasspathEntry entryIdcInstrumentedClasses = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation2, null, null); entries.add(entryIdcInstrumentedClasses); String javaflow = PluginRegistry.findModel("org.eclectic.javaflow").getBundleDescription().getSymbolicName(); File libFile3 = getJarInsidePlugin(javaflow, "lib/commons-logging-api-1.1.1"); IPath libraryLocation3 = Path.fromOSString(libFile3.getAbsolutePath()); IClasspathEntry javaflow3 = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation3, null, null); entries.add(javaflow3); File libFile4 = getJarInsidePlugin(javaflow, "lib/commons-logging-1.1.1"); IPath libraryLocation4 = Path.fromOSString(libFile4.getAbsolutePath()); IClasspathEntry javaflow4 = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libraryLocation4, null, null); entries.add(javaflow4); IClasspathEntry[] entriesAsArray = new IClasspathEntry[entries.size()]; entries.toArray(entriesAsArray); return new EclecticContainerInternal(containerPath, entriesAsArray); }
/** * Creates a URL describing the location of a included schema. First looks up the plug-in in the * schema registry, then tries additional source locations, then looks for a co-located plug-in, * then looks in the additional search path locations. * * @param pluginID ID of the plug-in owning the schema * @param path the path to the schema inside the plug-in * @param parentURL url of the parent schema file * @param additionalSearchPath list of additional locations to search; only used with the <code> * pde.convertSchemaToHTML</code> Ant task * @return a url location of the included schema or <code>null</code> */ private static URL getPluginRelativePath( String pluginID, IPath path, URL parentURL, List<IPath> additionalSearchPath) { // Start by looking in the schema registry URL url = SchemaRegistry.getSchemaURL(pluginID, path.toString()); // Next search source locations if (url == null) { IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(pluginID); if (model != null) url = SchemaRegistry.getSchemaFromSourceExtension(model.getPluginBase(), path); } File parentFile = null; if (url == null && parentURL != null) { try { parentFile = URIUtil.toFile(URIUtil.toURI(parentURL)); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { } } // If we are running the ant task, see if another project co-located with the parent contains // the schema file // The project folder must have the plug-in ID as its file name if (url == null && parentFile != null) { try { // assuming schemas are located in: pluginId/schema/schemaFile.exsd (need to go up to parent // of plug-in directory) File pluginFile = new File(parentFile + "/../../../" + pluginID); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (pluginFile.isDirectory()) { File schemaFile = new File(pluginFile, path.toOSString()); if (schemaFile.exists()) { url = schemaFile.toURL(); } // This is how we would extract the schema from a jar, but in practice this will never be // the case // because when a bundle is built, the schema files are moved to the source bundle, not // the bundle we are checking // } else if (CoreUtility.jarContainsResource(pluginFile, path.toPortableString(), // false)) { // url = new URL("jar:file:" + pluginFile.getAbsolutePath() + "!/" + path); // //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } } // If we are running the ant task, additional search locations may be provided // The project folder must have the plug-in ID as its file name if (url == null && additionalSearchPath != null) { for (IPath searchPath : additionalSearchPath) { File pluginFile = null; if (searchPath.isAbsolute()) { // Append plug-in id directly to absolute paths pluginFile = new File(searchPath.toFile(), pluginID); } else if (parentFile != null) { // Append relative path to parent file location File file = new File(parentFile, searchPath.toOSString()); pluginFile = new File(file, pluginID); } if (pluginFile != null && pluginFile.isDirectory()) { try { File schemaFile = new File(pluginFile, path.toOSString()); if (schemaFile.exists()) { url = schemaFile.toURL(); break; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } } } } return url; }
public IPluginModelBase getReferencedModel(IFeaturePlugin reference) { IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(reference.getId()); return (model != null && model.isEnabled()) ? model : null; }