public void applyHandle(Boolean warDeployFlag) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(webDefault)) { webDefault = "org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.webdefault.xml"; } // contexts handler ContextHandlerCollection contexthandler = new ContextHandlerCollection(); WebAppContext webapp = new WebAppContext(); webapp.setContextPath(contextPath); webapp.setDefaultsDescriptor(webDefault); webapp.setTempDirectory(new File(warTmp)); // webapp.setParentLoaderPriority(true); if (!warDeployFlag) { webapp.setResourceBase(resourceBase); webapp.setDescriptor(webXmlPath); } else { webapp.setWar(warPath); } ResourceHandler resource_handler = new ResourceHandler(); resource_handler.setDirectoriesListed(true); resource_handler.setWelcomeFiles(new String[] {"index.html"}); resource_handler.setResourceBase(resourceBase); contexthandler.setHandlers( new Handler[] { webapp, resource_handler, new DefaultHandler(), new StatisticsHandler(), new GzipHandler() }); super.setHandler(contexthandler); }
/** * Start Jetty web server * * @param version of bigloupe-chart * @return * @throws Exception */ private Server startWebServer(String version) throws Exception { if (!cmd.hasOption(OPTION_NO_WEBSERVER)) { applyOptionWithWebServer(); Server server = new Server(getPortWebServer()); WebAppContext root = new WebAppContext(); root.setContextPath("/"); if (cmd.hasOption(OPTION_WEBSERVER_WEBROOT)) { String webRoot = cmd.getOptionValue(OPTION_WEBSERVER_WEBROOT); Resource resource = FileResource.newResource(webRoot); root.setBaseResource(resource); } else { String webFiles = "bigloupe-chart-" + version + "-webapp.war"; File fileWebApp = new File(webFiles); if (!fileWebApp.exists()) { if (version.equals("'undefined'")) { Resource resource = FileResource.newResource("src/main/webapp"); root.setBaseResource(resource); root.setDefaultsDescriptor("./etc/webdefault.xml"); "Embedded webServer started with base resource " + resource.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); } else { + " file not available");"Embedded webServer will be not started"); return null; } } else { root.setWar(fileWebApp.getAbsolutePath()); } } File tmp = new File("tmp"); if (!tmp.exists()) tmp.mkdir(); root.setTempDirectory(tmp); ContextHandlerCollection contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection(); Handler handlerHawtIO = addWebApplicationHawtIO(); if (handlerHawtIO != null) contexts.setHandlers(new Handler[] {root, handlerHawtIO}); else contexts.setHandlers(new Handler[] {root}); server.setHandler(contexts); server.start(); addWebServerJMXSupport(server); return server; } else { applyOptionWithoutWebServer(); return null; } }
/** 创建用于开发运行调试的Jetty Server, 以src/main/webapp为Web应用目录. */ public static Server createServerInSource(int port, String contextPath) { Server server = new Server(); // 设置在JVM退出时关闭Jetty的钩子。 server.setStopAtShutdown(true); SelectChannelConnector connector = new SelectChannelConnector(); connector.setPort(port); // 解决Windows下重复启动Jetty居然不报告端口冲突的问题. connector.setReuseAddress(false); server.setConnectors(new Connector[] {connector}); WebAppContext webContext = new WebAppContext(DEFAULT_WEBAPP_PATH, contextPath); // 修改webdefault.xml,解决Windows下Jetty Lock住静态文件的问题. webContext.setDefaultsDescriptor(WINDOWS_WEBDEFAULT_PATH); server.setHandler(webContext); return server; }
public EmbeddedWebServer(BimServer bimServer, boolean localDev) { server = new Server(); // Disabled 26-04-2015, I am pretty sure we don't use session anymore at all // HashSessionIdManager hashSessionIdManager = new HashSessionIdManager(new Random()); // // Should be SecureRandom, but this makes startup slow on certain systems // server.setSessionIdManager(hashSessionIdManager); ServerConnector socketConnector = new ServerConnector(server); socketConnector.setPort(bimServer.getConfig().getPort()); server.addConnector(socketConnector); context = new WebAppContext(server, "", "/"); context.setTempDirectory(bimServer.getHomeDir().resolve("jettytmp").toFile()); if (localDev) { // TODO document why context.setDefaultsDescriptor("www/WEB-INF/webdefault.xml"); } context.getServletContext().setAttribute("bimserver", bimServer); if (context.getResourceBase() == null) { context.setResourceBase("../BimServer/www"); } }
public ServerMain(String configDir) throws Exception { config = Util.getConfig(configDir); // make sure we have all the correct dirs and files now ensureInstall();"Freeboard starting...."); // do we have a USB drive connected?"USB drive " + Util.getUSBFile()); // create a new Camel Main so we can easily start Camel Main main = new Main(); // enable hangup support which mean we detect when the JVM terminates, and stop Camel graceful main.enableHangupSupport(); NavDataWebSocketRoute route = new NavDataWebSocketRoute(config); // must do this early! CamelContextFactory.setContext(route); // web socket on port 9090" Websocket port:" + config.getProperty(Constants.WEBSOCKET_PORT)); route.setPort(Integer.valueOf(config.getProperty(Constants.WEBSOCKET_PORT))); // are we running demo?" Serial url:" + config.getProperty(Constants.SERIAL_URL)); route.setSerialUrl(config.getProperty(Constants.SERIAL_URL)); // add our routes to Camel main.addRouteBuilder(route); Connector connector = new SelectChannelConnector();" Webserver http port:" + config.getProperty(Constants.HTTP_PORT)); connector.setPort(Integer.valueOf(config.getProperty(Constants.HTTP_PORT))); // virtual hosts String virtualHosts = config.getProperty(Constants.VIRTUAL_URL); server = new Server(); server.addConnector(connector); // serve mapcache ServletContextHandler mapContext = new ServletContextHandler();" Mapcache url:" + config.getProperty(Constants.MAPCACHE)); mapContext.setContextPath(config.getProperty(Constants.MAPCACHE));" Mapcache resource:" + config.getProperty(Constants.MAPCACHE_RESOURCE)); mapContext.setResourceBase(config.getProperty(Constants.MAPCACHE_RESOURCE)); ServletHolder mapHolder = mapContext.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/*"); mapHolder.setInitParameter("cacheControl", "max-age=3600,public"); // serve tracks ServletContextHandler trackContext = new ServletContextHandler();" Tracks url:" + config.getProperty(Constants.TRACKS)); trackContext.setContextPath(config.getProperty(Constants.TRACKS));" Tracks resource:" + config.getProperty(Constants.TRACKS_RESOURCE)); trackContext.setResourceBase(config.getProperty(Constants.TRACKS_RESOURCE)); trackContext.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/*"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(virtualHosts)) { mapContext.setVirtualHosts(virtualHosts.split(",")); trackContext.setVirtualHosts(virtualHosts.split(",")); } HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList(); handlers.addHandler(mapContext); handlers.addHandler(trackContext); // serve freeboard WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();" Freeboard resource:" + config.getProperty(Constants.FREEBOARD_RESOURCE)); wac.setWar(config.getProperty(Constants.FREEBOARD_RESOURCE)); wac.setDefaultsDescriptor( config.getProperty(Constants.FREEBOARD_RESOURCE) + "WEB-INF/webdefault.xml"); wac.setDescriptor(config.getProperty(Constants.FREEBOARD_RESOURCE) + "WEB-INF/web.xml");" Freeboard url:" + config.getProperty(Constants.FREEBOARD_URL)); wac.setContextPath(config.getProperty(Constants.FREEBOARD_URL)); wac.setServer(server); wac.setParentLoaderPriority(true); wac.setVirtualHosts(null); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(virtualHosts)) { wac.setVirtualHosts(virtualHosts.split(",")); } handlers.addHandler(wac); server.setHandler(handlers); server.start(); // and run, which keeps blocking until we terminate the JVM (or stop CamelContext); // so now shutdown serial reader and server route.stopSerial(); server.stop(); System.exit(0); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @Override public ContextHandler createContextHandler(final App app) throws Exception { Resource resource = Resource.newResource(app.getOriginId()); File file = resource.getFile(); if (!resource.exists()) throw new IllegalStateException("App resouce does not exist " + resource); String context = file.getName(); if (resource.exists() && FileID.isXmlFile(file)) { XmlConfiguration xmlc = new XmlConfiguration(resource.getURL()); xmlc.getIdMap().put("Server", getDeploymentManager().getServer()); if (getConfigurationManager() != null) xmlc.getProperties().putAll(getConfigurationManager().getProperties()); return (ContextHandler) xmlc.configure(); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { // must be a directory } else if (FileID.isWebArchiveFile(file)) { // Context Path is the same as the archive. context = context.substring(0, context.length() - 4); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("unable to create ContextHandler for " + app); } // Ensure "/" is Not Trailing in context paths. if (context.endsWith("/") && context.length() > 0) { context = context.substring(0, context.length() - 1); } // Start building the webapplication WebAppContext wah = new WebAppContext(); wah.setDisplayName(context); // special case of archive (or dir) named "root" is / context if (context.equalsIgnoreCase("root")) { context = URIUtil.SLASH; } else if (context.toLowerCase().startsWith("root-")) { int dash = context.toLowerCase().indexOf('-'); String virtual = context.substring(dash + 1); wah.setVirtualHosts(new String[] {virtual}); context = URIUtil.SLASH; } // Ensure "/" is Prepended to all context paths. if (context.charAt(0) != '/') { context = "/" + context; } wah.setContextPath(context); wah.setWar(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (_defaultsDescriptor != null) { wah.setDefaultsDescriptor(_defaultsDescriptor); } wah.setExtractWAR(_extractWars); wah.setParentLoaderPriority(_parentLoaderPriority); if (_configurationClasses != null) { wah.setConfigurationClasses(_configurationClasses); } if (_tempDirectory != null) { /* Since the Temp Dir is really a context base temp directory, * Lets set the Temp Directory in a way similar to how WebInfConfiguration does it, * instead of setting the * WebAppContext.setTempDirectory(File). * If we used .setTempDirectory(File) all webapps will wind up in the * same temp / work directory, overwriting each others work. */ wah.setAttribute(WebAppContext.BASETEMPDIR, _tempDirectory); } return wah; }
public void configureWebApp() throws Exception { // TODO turn this around and let any context.xml file get applied first, and have the // properties override _webApp.setContextPath(_contextPath); // osgi Enterprise Spec r4 p.427 _webApp.setAttribute(OSGiWebappConstants.OSGI_BUNDLECONTEXT, _bundle.getBundleContext()); String overrideBundleInstallLocation = (String) _properties.get(OSGiWebappConstants.JETTY_BUNDLE_INSTALL_LOCATION_OVERRIDE); File bundleInstallLocation = (overrideBundleInstallLocation == null ? BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory() .getHelper() .getBundleInstallLocation(_bundle) : new File(overrideBundleInstallLocation)); URL url = null; Resource rootResource = Resource.newResource( BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory() .getHelper() .getLocalURL(bundleInstallLocation.toURI().toURL())); // try and make sure the rootResource is useable - if its a jar then make it a jar file url if (rootResource.exists() && !rootResource.isDirectory() && !rootResource.toString().startsWith("jar:")) { Resource jarResource = JarResource.newJarResource(rootResource); if (jarResource.exists() && jarResource.isDirectory()) rootResource = jarResource; } // if the path wasn't set or it was ., then it is the root of the bundle's installed location if (_webAppPath == null || _webAppPath.length() == 0 || ".".equals(_webAppPath)) { url = bundleInstallLocation.toURI().toURL(); } else { // Get the location of the root of the webapp inside the installed bundle if (_webAppPath.startsWith("/") || _webAppPath.startsWith("file:")) { url = new File(_webAppPath).toURI().toURL(); } else if (bundleInstallLocation != null && bundleInstallLocation.isDirectory()) { url = new File(bundleInstallLocation, _webAppPath).toURI().toURL(); } else if (bundleInstallLocation != null) { Enumeration<URL> urls = BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory() .getHelper() .findEntries(_bundle, _webAppPath); if (urls != null && urls.hasMoreElements()) url = urls.nextElement(); } } if (url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to locate " + _webAppPath + " in " + (bundleInstallLocation != null ? bundleInstallLocation.getAbsolutePath() : "unlocated bundle '" + _bundle.getSymbolicName() + "'")); } // Sets the location of the war file // converts bundleentry: protocol if necessary _webApp.setWar( BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory.getFactory().getHelper().getLocalURL(url).toString()); // Set up what has been configured on the provider _webApp.setParentLoaderPriority(isParentLoaderPriority()); _webApp.setExtractWAR(isExtract()); if (getConfigurationClasses() != null) _webApp.setConfigurationClasses(getConfigurationClasses()); else _webApp.setConfigurationClasses(__defaultConfigurations); if (getDefaultsDescriptor() != null) _webApp.setDefaultsDescriptor(getDefaultsDescriptor()); // Set up configuration from manifest headers // extra classpath String tmp = (String) _properties.get(OSGiWebappConstants.JETTY_EXTRA_CLASSPATH); if (tmp != null) _webApp.setExtraClasspath(tmp); // web.xml tmp = (String) _properties.get(OSGiWebappConstants.JETTY_WEB_XML_PATH); if (tmp != null && tmp.trim().length() != 0) { File webXml = getFile(tmp, bundleInstallLocation); if (webXml != null && webXml.exists()) _webApp.setDescriptor(webXml.getAbsolutePath()); } // webdefault.xml tmp = (String) _properties.get(OSGiWebappConstants.JETTY_DEFAULT_WEB_XML_PATH); if (tmp != null) { File defaultWebXml = getFile(tmp, bundleInstallLocation); if (defaultWebXml != null) { if (defaultWebXml.exists()) _webApp.setDefaultsDescriptor(defaultWebXml.getAbsolutePath()); else LOG.warn(defaultWebXml.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); } } // Handle Require-TldBundle // This is a comma separated list of names of bundles that contain tlds that this webapp uses. // We add them to the webapp classloader. String requireTldBundles = (String) _properties.get(OSGiWebappConstants.REQUIRE_TLD_BUNDLE); String pathsToTldBundles = getPathsToRequiredBundles(requireTldBundles); // make sure we provide access to all the jetty bundles by going // through this bundle. OSGiWebappClassLoader webAppLoader = new OSGiWebappClassLoader( _serverWrapper.getParentClassLoaderForWebapps(), _webApp, _bundle); if (pathsToTldBundles != null) webAppLoader.addClassPath(pathsToTldBundles); _webApp.setClassLoader(webAppLoader); // apply any META-INF/context.xml file that is found to configure // the webapp first applyMetaInfContextXml(rootResource); // pass the value of the require tld bundle so that the TagLibOSGiConfiguration // can pick it up. _webApp.setAttribute(OSGiWebappConstants.REQUIRE_TLD_BUNDLE, requireTldBundles); // Set up some attributes // rfc66 _webApp.setAttribute( OSGiWebappConstants.RFC66_OSGI_BUNDLE_CONTEXT, _bundle.getBundleContext()); // spring-dm-1.2.1 looks for the BundleContext as a different attribute. // not a spec... but if we want to support // // then we need to do this to: _webApp.setAttribute( "org.springframework.osgi.web." + BundleContext.class.getName(), _bundle.getBundleContext()); // also pass the bundle directly. sometimes a bundle does not have a // bundlecontext. // it is still useful to have access to the Bundle from the servlet // context. _webApp.setAttribute(OSGiWebappConstants.JETTY_OSGI_BUNDLE, _bundle); }