/** * @param server The server this connector will be added to. Must not be null. * @param executor An executor for this connector or null to use the servers executor * @param scheduler A scheduler for this connector or null to either a {@link Scheduler} set as a * server bean or if none set, then a new {@link TimerScheduler} instance. * @param pool A buffer pool for this connector or null to either a {@link ByteBufferPool} set as * a server bean or none set, the new {@link ArrayByteBufferPool} instance. * @param acceptors the number of acceptor threads to use, or 0 for a default value. * @param factories The Connection Factories to use. */ public AbstractConnector( Server server, Executor executor, Scheduler scheduler, ByteBufferPool pool, int acceptors, ConnectionFactory... factories) { _server = server; _executor = executor != null ? executor : _server.getThreadPool(); if (scheduler == null) scheduler = _server.getBean(Scheduler.class); _scheduler = scheduler != null ? scheduler : new TimerScheduler(); if (pool == null) pool = _server.getBean(ByteBufferPool.class); _byteBufferPool = pool != null ? pool : new ArrayByteBufferPool(); addBean(_server, false); addBean(_executor); if (executor == null) unmanage(_executor); // inherited from server addBean(_scheduler); addBean(_byteBufferPool); for (ConnectionFactory factory : factories) addConnectionFactory(factory); if (acceptors <= 0) acceptors = Math.max(1, (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) / 2); if (acceptors > 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) LOG.warn("Acceptors should be <= 2*availableProcessors: " + this); _acceptors = new Thread[acceptors]; }
@Test public void testStandardTestWar() throws Exception { PreconfigureStandardTestWar.main(new String[] {}); WebDescriptor descriptor = new WebDescriptor( Resource.newResource( "./target/test-standard-preconfigured/WEB-INF/quickstart-web.xml")); descriptor.setValidating(true); descriptor.parse(); Node node = descriptor.getRoot(); assertThat(node, Matchers.notNullValue()); System.setProperty("jetty.home", "target"); // war file or dir to start String war = "target/test-standard-preconfigured"; // optional jetty context xml file to configure the webapp Resource contextXml = Resource.newResource("src/test/resources/test.xml"); Server server = new Server(0); QuickStartWebApp webapp = new QuickStartWebApp(); webapp.setAutoPreconfigure(true); webapp.setWar(war); webapp.setContextPath("/"); // apply context xml file if (contextXml != null) { // System.err.println("Applying "+contextXml); XmlConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XmlConfiguration(contextXml.getURL()); xmlConfiguration.configure(webapp); } server.setHandler(webapp); server.start(); URL url = new URL( "" + server.getBean(NetworkConnector.class).getLocalPort() + "/test/dump/info"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); assertEquals(200, connection.getResponseCode()); assertThat( IO.toString((InputStream) connection.getContent()), Matchers.containsString("Dump Servlet")); server.stop(); }