public FlowInfo analyseCode(BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) { Constant cst = this.left.optimizedBooleanConstant(); boolean isLeftOptimizedTrue = cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.booleanValue() == true; boolean isLeftOptimizedFalse = cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.booleanValue() == false; if (isLeftOptimizedFalse) { // FALSE || anything // need to be careful of scenario: // (x || y) || !z, if passing the left info to the right, it would be swapped by the ! FlowInfo mergedInfo = this.left.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo).unconditionalInits(); flowContext.expireNullCheckedFieldInfo(); mergedInfo = this.right.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, mergedInfo); flowContext.expireNullCheckedFieldInfo(); this.mergedInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(mergedInfo); return mergedInfo; } FlowInfo leftInfo = this.left.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo); flowContext.expireNullCheckedFieldInfo(); // need to be careful of scenario: // (x || y) || !z, if passing the left info to the right, it would be swapped by the ! FlowInfo rightInfo = leftInfo.initsWhenFalse().unconditionalCopy(); this.rightInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(rightInfo); int previousMode = rightInfo.reachMode(); if (isLeftOptimizedTrue) { if ((rightInfo.reachMode() & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE) == 0) { currentScope.problemReporter().fakeReachable(this.right); rightInfo.setReachMode(FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_OR_DEAD); } } rightInfo = this.right.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, rightInfo); flowContext.expireNullCheckedFieldInfo(); if ((this.left.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { this.left.checkNPE(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo); } if ((this.right.implicitConversion & TypeIds.UNBOXING) != 0) { this.right.checkNPE(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo); } // The definitely null variables in right info when true should not be missed out while merging // FlowInfo leftInfoWhenTrueForMerging = leftInfo .initsWhenTrue() .unconditionalCopy() .addPotentialInitializationsFrom(rightInfo.unconditionalInitsWithoutSideEffect()); FlowInfo mergedInfo = FlowInfo.conditional( // merging two true initInfos for such a negative case: if ((t && (b = t)) || f) r = b; // // b may not have been initialized leftInfoWhenTrueForMerging .unconditionalInits() .mergedWith( rightInfo.safeInitsWhenTrue().setReachMode(previousMode).unconditionalInits()), rightInfo.initsWhenFalse()); this.mergedInitStateIndex = currentScope.methodScope().recordInitializationStates(mergedInfo); return mergedInfo; }
/** Code generation for a binary operation */ public void generateCode(BlockScope currentScope, CodeStream codeStream, boolean valueRequired) { int pc = codeStream.position; if (this.constant != Constant.NotAConstant) { // inlined value if (valueRequired) codeStream.generateConstant(this.constant, this.implicitConversion); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this.sourceStart); return; } Constant cst = this.right.constant; if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant) { // <expr> || true --> true if (cst.booleanValue() == true) { this.left.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, false); if (valueRequired) codeStream.iconst_1(); } else { // <expr>|| false --> <expr> this.left.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, valueRequired); } if (this.mergedInitStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.mergedInitStateIndex); } codeStream.generateImplicitConversion(this.implicitConversion); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this.sourceStart); return; } BranchLabel trueLabel = new BranchLabel(codeStream), endLabel; cst = this.left.optimizedBooleanConstant(); boolean leftIsConst = cst != Constant.NotAConstant; boolean leftIsTrue = leftIsConst && cst.booleanValue() == true; cst = this.right.optimizedBooleanConstant(); boolean rightIsConst = cst != Constant.NotAConstant; boolean rightIsTrue = rightIsConst && cst.booleanValue() == true; generateOperands: { if (leftIsConst) { this.left.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, false); if (leftIsTrue) { break generateOperands; // no need to generate right operand } } else { this.left.generateOptimizedBoolean(currentScope, codeStream, trueLabel, null, true); // need value, e.g. if (a == 1 || ((b = 2) > 0)) {} -> shouldn't initialize 'b' if a==1 } if (this.rightInitStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.rightInitStateIndex); } if (rightIsConst) { this.right.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, false); } else { this.right.generateOptimizedBoolean( currentScope, codeStream, trueLabel, null, valueRequired); } } if (this.mergedInitStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.mergedInitStateIndex); } /* * improving code gen for such a case: boolean b = i < 0 || true since * the label has never been used, we have the inlined value on the * stack. */ if (valueRequired) { if (leftIsConst && leftIsTrue) { codeStream.iconst_1(); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(codeStream.position, this.left.sourceEnd); } else { if (rightIsConst && rightIsTrue) { codeStream.iconst_1(); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(codeStream.position, this.left.sourceEnd); } else { codeStream.iconst_0(); } if (trueLabel.forwardReferenceCount() > 0) { if ((this.bits & IsReturnedValue) != 0) { codeStream.generateImplicitConversion(this.implicitConversion); codeStream.generateReturnBytecode(this);; codeStream.iconst_1(); } else { codeStream.goto_(endLabel = new BranchLabel(codeStream)); codeStream.decrStackSize(1);; codeStream.iconst_1();; } } else {; } } codeStream.generateImplicitConversion(this.implicitConversion); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(codeStream.position, this.sourceEnd); } else {; } }
/** Boolean operator code generation Optimized operations are: || */ public void generateOptimizedBoolean( BlockScope currentScope, CodeStream codeStream, BranchLabel trueLabel, BranchLabel falseLabel, boolean valueRequired) { if (this.constant != Constant.NotAConstant) { super.generateOptimizedBoolean( currentScope, codeStream, trueLabel, falseLabel, valueRequired); return; } // <expr> || false --> <expr> Constant cst = this.right.constant; if (cst != Constant.NotAConstant && cst.booleanValue() == false) { int pc = codeStream.position; this.left.generateOptimizedBoolean( currentScope, codeStream, trueLabel, falseLabel, valueRequired); if (this.mergedInitStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.mergedInitStateIndex); } codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this.sourceStart); return; } cst = this.left.optimizedBooleanConstant(); boolean leftIsConst = cst != Constant.NotAConstant; boolean leftIsTrue = leftIsConst && cst.booleanValue() == true; cst = this.right.optimizedBooleanConstant(); boolean rightIsConst = cst != Constant.NotAConstant; boolean rightIsTrue = rightIsConst && cst.booleanValue() == true; // default case generateOperands: { if (falseLabel == null) { if (trueLabel != null) { // implicit falling through the FALSE case this.left.generateOptimizedBoolean( currentScope, codeStream, trueLabel, null, !leftIsConst); // need value, e.g. if (a == 1 || ((b = 2) > 0)) {} -> shouldn't initialize 'b' if a==1 if (leftIsTrue) { if (valueRequired) codeStream.goto_(trueLabel); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(codeStream.position, this.left.sourceEnd); break generateOperands; // no need to generate right operand } if (this.rightInitStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.rightInitStateIndex); } this.right.generateOptimizedBoolean( currentScope, codeStream, trueLabel, null, valueRequired && !rightIsConst); if (valueRequired && rightIsTrue) { codeStream.goto_(trueLabel); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(codeStream.position, this.sourceEnd); } } } else { // implicit falling through the TRUE case if (trueLabel == null) { BranchLabel internalTrueLabel = new BranchLabel(codeStream); this.left.generateOptimizedBoolean( currentScope, codeStream, internalTrueLabel, null, !leftIsConst); // need value, e.g. if (a == 1 || ((b = 2) > 0)) {} -> shouldn't initialize 'b' if a==1 if (leftIsTrue) {; break generateOperands; // no need to generate right operand } if (this.rightInitStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.addDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.rightInitStateIndex); } this.right.generateOptimizedBoolean( currentScope, codeStream, null, falseLabel, valueRequired && !rightIsConst); int pc = codeStream.position; if (valueRequired && rightIsConst && !rightIsTrue) { codeStream.goto_(falseLabel); codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this.sourceEnd); }; } else { // no implicit fall through TRUE/FALSE --> should never occur } } } if (this.mergedInitStateIndex != -1) { codeStream.removeNotDefinitelyAssignedVariables(currentScope, this.mergedInitStateIndex); } }