private String extractNativeMethodBody(MethodDeclaration m) { assert (m.getModifiers() & Modifier.NATIVE) > 0; String nativeCode = extractNativeCode(m.getStartPosition(), m.getLength()); if (nativeCode == null) { ErrorUtil.warning(m, "no native code found"); return ""; } return '{' + nativeCode + '}'; }
public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration node) { String signature = getSignature(node); push( node.isConstructor() ? JavaNode.CONSTRUCTOR : JavaNode.METHOD, signature, node.getStartPosition(), node.getLength()); return false; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param methodDeclarationNode the method declaration of this manager handles. */ public StubMethodBindingManager(MethodDeclaration methodDeclarationNode) { this.methodDeclarationNode = methodDeclarationNode; this.stubMethodLen = methodDeclarationNode.getLength(); this.stubMethodStartPosition = methodDeclarationNode.getStartPosition(); ASTNode astNode = methodDeclarationNode.getRoot(); System.out.println( "Stub Method, stubMethodLen = " + stubMethodLen + ", StubMethodStartPosition = " + stubMethodStartPosition); }
private void printMethodsAndOcni( AbstractTypeDeclaration typeNode, Iterable<MethodDeclaration> methods, Iterable<Comment> comments) { Set<String> methodsPrinted = Sets.newHashSet(); Iterator<MethodDeclaration> methodsIter = methods.iterator(); Iterator<Comment> commentsIter = comments.iterator(); MethodDeclaration nextMethod = methodsIter.hasNext() ? : null; Comment nextComment = commentsIter.hasNext() ? : null; int minPos = 0; while (nextMethod != null || nextComment != null) { int methodStartPos = nextMethod != null ? nextMethod.getStartPosition() : Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (methodStartPos < 0) { methodStartPos = minPos; } int commentStartPos = nextComment != null ? nextComment.getStartPosition() : Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (methodStartPos < commentStartPos) { assert nextMethod != null; printMethod(nextMethod); minPos = methodStartPos + nextMethod.getLength(); nextMethod = methodsIter.hasNext() ? : null; } else { assert nextComment != null; if (commentStartPos > minPos) { String nativeCode = extractNativeCode(commentStartPos, nextComment.getLength()); if (nativeCode != null) { nativeCode = reindent(nativeCode.trim()); findMethodSignatures(nativeCode, methodsPrinted); print(nativeCode + "\n\n"); } } nextComment = commentsIter.hasNext() ? : null; } } // If the type implements Iterable and there's no existing implementation // for NSFastEnumeration's protocol method, then add the default // implementation. if (BindingUtil.findInterface(Types.getTypeBinding(typeNode), "java.lang.Iterable") != null && !methodsPrinted.contains("countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:")) { print( "- (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state " + "objects:(__unsafe_unretained id *)stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len {\n" + " return JreDefaultFastEnumeration(self, state, stackbuf, len);\n}\n\n"); } }