private static boolean processJavadocComments(CompilationUnit astRoot) {
   // don't visit Javadoc for 'package-info' (bug 216432)
   if (astRoot != null && astRoot.getTypeRoot() != null) {
     return !JavaModelUtil.PACKAGE_INFO_JAVA.equals(astRoot.getTypeRoot().getElementName());
   return true;
  public ExtractConstantRefactoring(
      CompilationUnit astRoot, int selectionStart, int selectionLength) {
    Assert.isTrue(selectionStart >= 0);
    Assert.isTrue(selectionLength >= 0);
    Assert.isTrue(astRoot.getTypeRoot() instanceof ICompilationUnit);

    fSelectionStart = selectionStart;
    fSelectionLength = selectionLength;
    fCu = (ICompilationUnit) astRoot.getTypeRoot();
    fCuRewrite = new CompilationUnitRewrite(fCu, astRoot);
    fLinkedProposalModel = null;
    fConstantName = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$
    fCheckResultForCompileProblems = true;
  * Creates new <code>GenerateToStringOperation</code>, using <code>settings.toStringStyle</code>
  * field to choose the right subclass.
  * @param typeBinding binding for the type for which the toString() method will be created
  * @param selectedBindings bindings for the typetype's members to be used in created method
  * @param unit a compilation unit containing the type
  * @param elementPosition at this position in the compilation unit created method will be added
  * @param settings the settings for toString() generator
  * @return a ready to use <code>GenerateToStringOperation</code> object
 public static GenerateToStringOperation createOperation(
     ITypeBinding typeBinding,
     Object[] selectedBindings,
     CompilationUnit unit,
     IJavaElement elementPosition,
     ToStringGenerationSettings settings) {
   AbstractToStringGenerator generator = createToStringGenerator(settings.toStringStyle);
   ToStringTemplateParser parser = createTemplateParser(settings.toStringStyle);
   CompilationUnitRewrite rewrite =
       new CompilationUnitRewrite((ICompilationUnit) unit.getTypeRoot(), unit);
   ToStringGenerationContext context =
       new ToStringGenerationContext(parser, selectedBindings, settings, typeBinding, rewrite);
   return new GenerateToStringOperation(elementPosition, context, generator, unit, rewrite);
 private static SourceProvider resolveSourceProvider(
     RefactoringStatus status, ITypeRoot typeRoot, ASTNode invocation) {
   CompilationUnit root = (CompilationUnit) invocation.getRoot();
   IMethodBinding methodBinding = Invocations.resolveBinding(invocation);
   if (methodBinding == null) {
     return null;
   MethodDeclaration declaration = (MethodDeclaration) root.findDeclaringNode(methodBinding);
   if (declaration != null) {
     return new SourceProvider(typeRoot, declaration);
   IMethod method = (IMethod) methodBinding.getJavaElement();
   if (method != null) {
     CompilationUnit methodDeclarationAstRoot;
     ICompilationUnit methodCu = method.getCompilationUnit();
     if (methodCu != null) {
       methodDeclarationAstRoot = new RefactoringASTParser(AST.JLS3).parse(methodCu, true);
     } else {
       IClassFile classFile = method.getClassFile();
       if (!JavaElementUtil.isSourceAvailable(classFile)) {
         String methodLabel =
                 JavaElementLabels.M_FULLY_QUALIFIED | JavaElementLabels.M_PARAMETER_TYPES);
                 RefactoringCoreMessages.InlineMethodRefactoring_error_classFile, methodLabel));
         return null;
       methodDeclarationAstRoot = new RefactoringASTParser(AST.JLS3).parse(classFile, true);
     ASTNode node =
     if (node instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
       return new SourceProvider(methodDeclarationAstRoot.getTypeRoot(), (MethodDeclaration) node);
   return null;
 private JavaElementLine getLineElement(
     CompilationUnit astRoot,
     OccurrenceLocation location,
     HashMap<Integer, JavaElementLine> lineToGroup) {
   int lineNumber = astRoot.getLineNumber(location.getOffset());
   if (lineNumber <= 0) {
     return null;
   JavaElementLine lineElement = null;
   try {
     Integer key = new Integer(lineNumber);
     lineElement = lineToGroup.get(key);
     if (lineElement == null) {
       int lineStartOffset = astRoot.getPosition(lineNumber, 0);
       if (lineStartOffset >= 0) {
         lineElement = new JavaElementLine(astRoot.getTypeRoot(), lineNumber - 1, lineStartOffset);
         lineToGroup.put(key, lineElement);
   } catch (CoreException e) {
     // nothing
   return lineElement;