public TypeReferencePattern(char[] qualification, char[] simpleName, int matchRule) { this(matchRule); this.qualification = this.isCaseSensitive ? qualification : CharOperation.toLowerCase(qualification); this.simpleName = (this.isCaseSensitive || this.isCamelCase) ? simpleName : CharOperation.toLowerCase(simpleName); if (simpleName == null) this.segments = this.qualification == null ? ONE_STAR_CHAR : CharOperation.splitOn('.', this.qualification); else this.segments = null; if (this.segments == null) if (this.qualification == null) this.segmentsSize = 0; else this.segmentsSize = CharOperation.occurencesOf('.', this.qualification) + 1; else this.segmentsSize = this.segments.length; this.mustResolve = true; // always resolve (in case of a simple name reference being a potential match) }
/* * Instanciate a type reference pattern with additional information for generics search, search elements nature and fine grain information */ public TypeReferencePattern( char[] qualification, char[] simpleName, String typeSignature, int limitTo, char typeSuffix, int matchRule) { this(qualification, simpleName, matchRule); this.typeSuffix = typeSuffix; if (typeSignature != null) { // store type signatures and arguments this.typeSignatures = Util.splitTypeLevelsSignature(typeSignature); setTypeArguments(Util.getAllTypeArguments(this.typeSignatures)); if (hasTypeArguments()) { this.segmentsSize = getTypeArguments().length + CharOperation.occurencesOf('/', this.typeSignatures[0]) - 1; } } this.fineGrain = limitTo & 0xFFFFFFF0; if (this.fineGrain == IJavaSearchConstants.ANNOTATION_TYPE_REFERENCE) { this.categories = CATEGORIES_ANNOT_REF; } }
/** * In case emulating local variables, wrap the (recovered) statements inside a try statement so as * to achieve local state commiting (copy local vars back to fields). The CSToCuMapper could not * be used, since it could have interfered with the syntax recovery specific to code snippets. */ protected void consumeMethodDeclaration(boolean isNotAbstract) { // MethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader MethodBody // AbstractMethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader ';' super.consumeMethodDeclaration(isNotAbstract); // now we know that we have a method declaration at the top of the ast stack MethodDeclaration methodDecl = (MethodDeclaration) this.astStack[this.astPtr]; // automatically wrap the last statement inside a return statement, if it is an expression // support have to be defined at toplevel only if (this.isTopLevelType()) { int last = methodDecl.statements == null ? -1 : methodDecl.statements.length - 1; if (last >= 0 && methodDecl.statements[last] instanceof Expression) { Expression lastExpression = (Expression) methodDecl.statements[last]; methodDecl.statements[last] = new CodeSnippetReturnStatement( lastExpression, lastExpression.sourceStart, lastExpression.sourceEnd); } } int start = methodDecl.bodyStart - 1, end = start; long position = ((long) start << 32) + end; long[] positions = new long[] {position}; if (this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames != null) { int varCount = this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames.length; // n local decls+ try statement // generate n local variable declarations: [type] [name] = val$[name]; Statement[] newStatements = new Statement[varCount + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < varCount; i++) { char[] trimmedTypeName = this.evaluationContext.localVariableTypeNames[i]; int nameEnd = CharOperation.indexOf('[', trimmedTypeName); if (nameEnd >= 0) { trimmedTypeName = CharOperation.subarray(trimmedTypeName, 0, nameEnd); } nameEnd = CharOperation.indexOf(' ', trimmedTypeName); if (nameEnd >= 0) { trimmedTypeName = CharOperation.subarray(trimmedTypeName, 0, nameEnd); } TypeReference typeReference = new QualifiedTypeReference(CharOperation.splitOn('.', trimmedTypeName), positions); int dimCount = CharOperation.occurencesOf('[', this.evaluationContext.localVariableTypeNames[i]); if (dimCount > 0) { typeReference = this.copyDims(typeReference, dimCount); } NameReference init = new SingleNameReference( CharOperation.concat( LOCAL_VAR_PREFIX, this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames[i]), position); LocalDeclaration declaration = new LocalDeclaration(this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames[i], start, end); declaration.initialization = init; declaration.type = typeReference; declaration.modifiers = this.evaluationContext.localVariableModifiers[i]; newStatements[i] = declaration; } // generate try { [snippet] } finally { [save locals to fields] } // try block TryStatement tryStatement = new TryStatement(); Block tryBlock = new Block(methodDecl.explicitDeclarations); tryBlock.sourceStart = start; tryBlock.sourceEnd = end; tryBlock.statements = methodDecl.statements; // snippet statements tryStatement.tryBlock = tryBlock; // finally block Block finallyBlock = new Block(0); finallyBlock.sourceStart = start; finallyBlock.sourceEnd = end; finallyBlock.statements = new Statement[varCount]; for (int i = 0; i < varCount; i++) { finallyBlock.statements[i] = new Assignment( new SingleNameReference( CharOperation.concat( LOCAL_VAR_PREFIX, this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames[i]), position), new SingleNameReference(this.evaluationContext.localVariableNames[i], position), (int) position); } tryStatement.finallyBlock = finallyBlock; newStatements[varCount] = tryStatement; methodDecl.statements = newStatements; } }