  protected OperationData process(IDataset input, IMonitor monitor) {

    RectangularROI box = model.getBox();

    Dataset in1 =
        BoxSlicerRodScanUtils.rOIBox(input, monitor, box.getIntLengths(), box.getIntPoint());

    if (g2 == null) g2 = new Polynomial2D(model.getFitPower());
    if ((int) Math.pow(model.getFitPower() + 1, 2) != g2.getNoOfParameters())
      g2 = new Polynomial2D(model.getFitPower());

    Dataset[] fittingBackground =
            input, monitor, box.getIntLengths(), box.getIntPoint(), model.getBoundaryBox());

    Dataset offset = DatasetFactory.ones(fittingBackground[2].getShape(), Dataset.FLOAT64);

    Dataset intermediateFitTest = Maths.add(offset, fittingBackground[2]);
    Dataset matrix =
            model.getFitPower(), fittingBackground[0], fittingBackground[1]);

    DoubleDataset test = (DoubleDataset) LinearAlgebra.solveSVD(matrix, intermediateFitTest);
    double[] params = test.getData();

    DoubleDataset in1Background =
            params, box.getIntLengths(), model.getBoundaryBox(), model.getFitPower());

    IndexIterator it = in1Background.getIterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
      double v = in1Background.getElementDoubleAbs(it.index);
      if (v < 0) in1Background.setObjectAbs(it.index, 0);

    Dataset pBackgroundSubtracted = Maths.subtract(in1, in1Background, null);


    IndexIterator it1 = pBackgroundSubtracted.getIterator();

    while (it1.hasNext()) {
      double q = pBackgroundSubtracted.getElementDoubleAbs(it1.index);
      if (q < 0) pBackgroundSubtracted.setObjectAbs(it1.index, 0);

    Dataset output = DatasetUtils.cast(pBackgroundSubtracted, Dataset.FLOAT64);

    output.setName("Region of Interest, polynomial background removed");

    return new OperationData(output);
   * Get the logged image value.
   * @param bean
   * @return a dataset that can be absolute, if complex, and also be logged according to bean
   *     Package private for testing
  /* package */ Dataset getImageLoggedDataCalc(ImageServiceBean bean) {
    Dataset ret = DatasetUtils.convertToDataset(bean.getImage());

    if (ret.isComplex()) {
      ret = Maths.abs(ret);
    if (bean.isLogColorScale()) {
      double offset = bean.getLogOffset();
      if (!Double.isNaN(offset) && !Double.isInfinite(offset)) {
        ret = Maths.subtract(ret, offset);
      ret = Maths.log10(ret);
    return ret;
  protected OperationData process(IDataset input, IMonitor monitor) {

    double theta = 0;
    try {
      theta = ScanMetadata.getTheta(input);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    NormalDistribution beamfootprint =
        new NormalDistribution(
            0, (1e-3 * model.getBeamHeight() / 2 * Math.sqrt(2 * Math.log(2) - 0.5)));
    double areaCorrection =
            * (beamfootprint.cumulativeProbability(
                    * Math.sin((theta + model.getAngularFudgeFactor()) * Math.PI / 180))));

    Dataset output = DatasetUtils.cast(input, Dataset.FLOAT64);

    output = Maths.multiply(input, areaCorrection);

    Dataset outputSum =
        DatasetFactory.createFromObject((DatasetUtils.cast(output, Dataset.FLOAT64)).sum());

    return new OperationData(output, outputSum);
   * @param datasets input 2D dataset
   * @return one 2D dataset
  public List<Dataset> value(IDataset... datasets) {
    if (datasets.length == 0) return null;

    List<Dataset> result = new ArrayList<Dataset>();

    for (IDataset ids : datasets) {
      Dataset ds = DatasetUtils.convertToDataset(ids);
      // check if input is 2D
      int[] s = ds.getShape();
      if (s.length != 2) return null;

      // find extent of projected dataset
      int[] pos = new int[2];
      int[] start = pshape.clone();
      int[] stop = new int[2];

      qToPixel(qspace.qFromPixelPosition(0, 0), pos);
      adjustBoundingBox(start, stop, pos);
      qToPixel(qspace.qFromPixelPosition(s[0], 0), pos);
      adjustBoundingBox(start, stop, pos);
      qToPixel(qspace.qFromPixelPosition(0, s[1]), pos);
      adjustBoundingBox(start, stop, pos);
      qToPixel(qspace.qFromPixelPosition(s[0], s[1]), pos);
      adjustBoundingBox(start, stop, pos);

      // iterate over bounding box in project dataset
      //     find image point
      //     calculate interpolated value
      //     store running average
      // (could have done this using a slice iterator)
      Vector3d qy = new Vector3d();
      Vector3d q = new Vector3d();
      Vector3d t = new Vector3d();
      double delta, value;
      int i = 0, n;
      for (int y = start[0]; y < stop[0]; y++) {
        qy.scale((y + roff) * cdel, col);
        for (int x = start[1]; x < stop[1]; x++) {
          q.scaleAdd((x + coff) * rdel, row, qy);
          qspace.pixelPosition(q, t);
          n = (int) (count.getElementLongAbs(i) + 1);
          value = image.getElementDoubleAbs(i);
          delta = Maths.interpolate(ds, t.y, t.x) - value;
          image.setObjectAbs(i, value + (delta / n));
          count.setObjectAbs(i, n);

    return result;
   * getImageData(...) provides an image in a given palette data and origin. Faster than getting a
   * resolved image
   * <p>This method should be thread safe.
  public ImageData getImageData(ImageServiceBean bean) {
    ImageOrigin origin = bean.getOrigin();
    if (origin == null) origin = ImageOrigin.TOP_LEFT;

    // orientate the image
    Dataset oImage =
        DatasetUtils.rotate90(DatasetUtils.convertToDataset(bean.getImage()), origin.ordinal());
    Dataset image = oImage;

    if (image instanceof RGBDataset) {
      return SWTImageUtils.createImageData(
          (RGBDataset) image, 0, 255, null, null, null, false, false, false);

    double max = getMax(bean);
    double min = getMin(bean);

    double maxCut = getMaxCut(bean);
    double minCut = getMinCut(bean);

    // now deal with the log if needed
    if (bean.isLogColorScale()) {
      image = DatasetUtils.rotate90(getImageLoggedData(bean), origin.ordinal());
      max = Math.log10(max);
      // note createMaxMin() -> getFastStatistics() -> getImageLogged() which ensures min >= 0
      min = Math.log10(min);
      maxCut = Math.log10(maxCut);
      // no guarantees for minCut though
      minCut = minCut <= 0 ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Math.log10(minCut);

    if (oImage.isComplex()) { // handle complex datasets by creating RGB dataset
      Dataset hue = Maths.angle(oImage, true);
      Dataset value = DatasetUtils.rotate90(getImageLoggedData(bean), origin.ordinal());
      double maxmax = Math.max(Math.abs(max), Math.abs(min));
      if (max - min > Math.ulp(maxmax)) {
        value.imultiply(1. / (max - min));
      } else {
        value.imultiply(1. / maxmax);
      image = RGBDataset.createFromHSV(hue, null, value);
      return SWTImageUtils.createImageData(image, 0, 255, null, null, null, false, false, false);

    if (bean.getFunctionObject() != null && bean.getFunctionObject() instanceof FunctionContainer) {
      final FunctionContainer fc = (FunctionContainer) bean.getFunctionObject();
      // TODO This does not support masking or cut bounds for zingers and dead pixels.
      return SWTImageUtils.createImageData(

    return SWTImageUtils.createImageData(min, max, minCut, maxCut, image, bean);