public void handleEvent(Event event) { if (psTB.isDisposed()) { return; } MUIElement changedElement = (MUIElement) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT); if (psME == null || !(changedElement instanceof MPerspective)) return; String attName = (String) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ATTNAME); Object newValue = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE); MWindow perspWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(changedElement); MWindow switcherWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(psME); if (perspWin != switcherWin) return; MPerspective perspective = (MPerspective) changedElement; if (!perspective.isToBeRendered()) return; for (ToolItem ti : psTB.getItems()) { if (ti.getData() == perspective) { updateToolItem(ti, attName, newValue); } } // update the size fixSize(); }
@Override public int countRenderableChildren(MUIElement element) { if (!(element instanceof MElementContainer<?>)) { return 0; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MElementContainer<MUIElement> container = (MElementContainer<MUIElement>) element; int count = 0; List<MUIElement> kids = container.getChildren(); for (MUIElement kid : kids) { if (kid.isToBeRendered()) { count++; } } if (element instanceof MPerspective) { MPerspective perspective = (MPerspective) element; for (MWindow window : perspective.getWindows()) { if (window.isToBeRendered()) { count++; } } } return count; }
@Override public void detach(MPartSashContainerElement element, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // If we're showing through a placehoilder then detach it... if (element.getCurSharedRef() != null) { element = element.getCurSharedRef(); } // Determine the correct parent for the new window MWindow window = getTopLevelWindowFor(element); MPerspective thePersp = getPerspectiveFor(element); MTrimmedWindow newWindow = MBasicFactory.INSTANCE.createTrimmedWindow(); newWindow.setX(x); newWindow.setY(y); newWindow.setWidth(width); newWindow.setHeight(height); element.getParent().getChildren().remove(element); MWindowElement uiRoot = wrapElementForWindow(element); newWindow.getChildren().add(uiRoot); if (thePersp != null) { thePersp.getWindows().add(newWindow); } else if (window != null) { window.getWindows().add(newWindow); } }
public void handleEvent(Event event) { if (psTB.isDisposed()) { return; } Object changedObj = event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT); if (psME == null || !(changedObj instanceof MPerspectiveStack)) return; MWindow perspWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor((MUIElement) changedObj); MWindow switcherWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(psME); if (perspWin != switcherWin) return; if (UIEvents.isADD(event)) { for (Object o : UIEvents.asIterable(event, UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE)) { MPerspective added = (MPerspective) o; // Adding invisible elements is a NO-OP if (!added.isToBeRendered()) continue; addPerspectiveItem(added); } } else if (UIEvents.isREMOVE(event)) { for (Object o : UIEvents.asIterable(event, UIEvents.EventTags.OLD_VALUE)) { MPerspective removed = (MPerspective) o; // Removing invisible elements is a NO-OP if (!removed.isToBeRendered()) continue; removePerspectiveItem(removed); } } }
@Override public void removePerspectiveModel(MPerspective persp, MWindow window) { // pick a new perspective to become active (if any) MUIElement psElement = persp.getParent(); MPerspectiveStack ps = (MPerspectiveStack) psElement; boolean foundNewSelection = false; if (ps.getSelectedElement() == persp) { for (MPerspective p : ps.getChildren()) { if (p != persp && p.isToBeRendered()) { ps.setSelectedElement(p); foundNewSelection = true; break; } } if (!foundNewSelection) { ps.setSelectedElement(null); } } // Remove transient elements (minimized stacks, detached windows) resetPerspectiveModel(persp, window, false); // unrender the perspective and remove it persp.setToBeRendered(false); ps.getChildren().remove(persp); }
private void switchPerspective(MPerspective perspective) { if (perspective.isToBeRendered() && perspective.getWidget() == null) engine.createGui(perspective); partService.switchPerspective(perspective); this.activePerspective = perspective; if (perspective.getElementId() != null) { String perspectiveId = perspective.getElementId().trim(); application.getContext().set("activePerspective", perspectiveId); } }
@Override public void switchPerspective(MPerspective perspective) { Assert.isNotNull(perspective); MWindow window = getWindow(); if (window != null && isInContainer(window, perspective)) { perspective.getParent().setSelectedElement(perspective); List<MPart> newPerspectiveParts = modelService.findElements(perspective, null, MPart.class, null); // if possible, keep the same active part across perspective switches if (newPerspectiveParts.contains(activePart) && partActivationHistory.isValid(perspective, activePart)) { MPart target = activePart; IEclipseContext activeChild = activePart.getContext().getParent().getActiveChild(); if (activeChild != null) { activeChild.deactivate(); } if (target.getContext() != null && target.getContext().get(MPerspective.class) != null && target.getContext().get(MPerspective.class).getContext() == perspective.getContext()) { target.getContext().activateBranch(); } else { perspective.getContext().activate(); } modelService.bringToTop(target); activate(target, true, false); return; } MPart newActivePart = perspective.getContext().getActiveLeaf().get(MPart.class); if (newActivePart == null) { // whatever part was previously active can no longer be found, find another one MPart candidate = partActivationHistory.getActivationCandidate(perspective); if (candidate != null) { modelService.bringToTop(candidate); activate(candidate, true, false); return; } } // there seems to be no parts in this perspective, just activate it as is then if (newActivePart == null) { modelService.bringToTop(perspective); perspective.getContext().activate(); } else { if ((modelService.getElementLocation(newActivePart) & EModelService.IN_SHARED_AREA) != 0) { if (newActivePart.getParent().getSelectedElement() != newActivePart) { newActivePart = (MPart) newActivePart.getParent().getSelectedElement(); } } activate(newActivePart, true, false); } } }
void handleChildAddition(MPerspectiveStack parent, MPerspective element) { if (element.isToBeRendered() && element.isVisible()) { int idx = getRenderedIndex(parent, element); AbstractRenderer<MPerspective, ?> renderer = factory.getRenderer(element); WPerspectiveStack<N, I, IC> stack = getWidget(parent); WStackItem<I, IC> item = createStackItem(getWidget(parent), element, renderer); stack.addItems(idx, Collections.singletonList(item)); } }
@Inject void setPart(@Optional @Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_PART) MPart p) { if (activePart != p) { if (p != null) { MPerspective persp = modelService.getPerspectiveFor(p); boolean inCurrentPerspective = persp == null || persp == persp.getParent().getSelectedElement(); if (inCurrentPerspective) { activate(p, true, true); } } else { activate(p, true, true); } } }
private void resetPerspectiveModel( MPerspective persp, MWindow window, boolean removeSharedPlaceholders) { if (persp == null) { return; } if (removeSharedPlaceholders) { // Remove any views (Placeholders) from the shared area EPartService ps = window.getContext().get(EPartService.class); List<MArea> areas = findElements(window, null, MArea.class, null); if (areas.size() == 1) { MArea area = areas.get(0); // Strip out the placeholders in visible stacks List<MPlaceholder> phList = findElements(area, null, MPlaceholder.class, null); for (MPlaceholder ph : phList) { ps.hidePart((MPart) ph.getRef()); ph.getParent().getChildren().remove(ph); } // Prevent shared stacks ids from clashing with the ones in the perspective List<MPartStack> stacks = findElements(area, null, MPartStack.class, null); for (MPartStack stack : stacks) { String generatedId = "PartStack@" + Integer.toHexString(stack.hashCode()); // $NON-NLS-1$ stack.setElementId(generatedId); } // Also remove any min/max tags on the area (or its placeholder) MUIElement areaPresentation = area; if (area.getCurSharedRef() != null) { areaPresentation = area.getCurSharedRef(); } areaPresentation.getTags().remove(IPresentationEngine.MAXIMIZED); areaPresentation.getTags().remove(IPresentationEngine.MINIMIZED); areaPresentation.getTags().remove(IPresentationEngine.MINIMIZED_BY_ZOOM); } } // Remove any minimized stacks for this perspective List<MTrimBar> bars = findElements(window, null, MTrimBar.class, null); List<MToolControl> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (MTrimBar bar : bars) { for (MUIElement barKid : bar.getChildren()) { if (!(barKid instanceof MToolControl)) { continue; } String id = barKid.getElementId(); if (id != null && id.contains(persp.getElementId())) { toRemove.add((MToolControl) barKid); } } } for (MToolControl toolControl : toRemove) { // Close any open fast view toolControl.setToBeRendered(false); toolControl.getParent().getChildren().remove(toolControl); } }
boolean isInContainer(MElementContainer<?> container, MUIElement element) { for (Object object : container.getChildren()) { if (object == element) { return true; } else if (object instanceof MElementContainer<?>) { if (isInContainer((MElementContainer<?>) object, element)) { return true; } } else if (object instanceof MPlaceholder) { MUIElement ref = ((MPlaceholder) object).getRef(); if (ref == element) { return true; } else if (ref instanceof MElementContainer<?>) { if (isInContainer((MElementContainer<?>) ref, element)) { return true; } } } else if (object instanceof MPerspective) { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) object; for (MWindow dw : persp.getWindows()) { if (isInContainer(dw, element)) return true; } } else if (object instanceof MWindow) { MWindow win = (MWindow) object; for (MWindow dw : win.getWindows()) { if (isInContainer(dw, element)) return true; } } } if (container instanceof MWindow) { MWindow win = (MWindow) container; for (MWindow dw : win.getWindows()) { if (isInContainer(dw, element)) return true; } } if (container instanceof MPerspective) { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) container; for (MWindow dw : persp.getWindows()) { if (isInContainer(dw, element)) return true; } } return false; }
@Override public void handleEvent(Event event) { Object changedObj = event.getProperty(EventTags.ELEMENT); if (!(changedObj instanceof MPerspectiveStack)) { return; } final MPerspectiveStack changedElement = (MPerspectiveStack) changedObj; String eventType = (String) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.TYPE); String tag = (String) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.NEW_VALUE); String oldVal = (String) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.OLD_VALUE); if (UIEvents.EventTypes.ADD.equals(eventType) && Tags.ICONS_ONLY.equals(tag)) { for (Map.Entry<MPerspective, TwoStateToolbarButton> entry : perspective_button.entrySet()) { MPerspective perspective = entry.getKey(); TwoStateToolbarButton button = entry.getValue(); button.setLabelAndIcon(null, Commons.trim(perspective.getIconURI())); ContextMenu menu = button2ContextMenu.get(button); // menu.removeItem(showTextItem); // showTextItem = menu.addItem("Show Text"); // showTextItem.addStyleName("close-perspective-item"); //bugfixing style for ie9 // (context menu addon has bug for ie9) } } else if (UIEvents.EventTypes.REMOVE.equals(eventType) && Tags.ICONS_ONLY.equals(oldVal)) { for (Map.Entry<MPerspective, TwoStateToolbarButton> entry : perspective_button.entrySet()) { MPerspective perspective = entry.getKey(); TwoStateToolbarButton button = entry.getValue(); button.setLabelAndIcon( Commons.trim(perspective.getLabel()), Commons.trim(perspective.getIconURI())); ContextMenu menu = button2ContextMenu.get(button); // menu.removeItem(showTextItem); // showTextItem = menu.addItem("Hide Text"); // showTextItem.addStyleName("close-perspective-item"); //bugfixing style for ie9 // (context menu addon has bug for ie9) } } }
private void closePerspective(MPerspective persp) { MWindow win = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(persp); WorkbenchPage page = (WorkbenchPage) win.getContext().get(IWorkbenchPage.class); String perspectiveId = persp.getElementId(); IPerspectiveDescriptor desc = getDescriptorFor(perspectiveId); page.closePerspective(desc, perspectiveId, true, false); // removePerspectiveItem(persp); }
private void changeShowText(boolean showText) { ToolItem[] items = psTB.getItems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) items[i].getData(); if (persp != null) if (showText) { if (persp.getLabel() != null) items[i].setText(persp.getLocalizedLabel()); items[i].setToolTipText(persp.getLocalizedTooltip()); } else { Image image = items[i].getImage(); if (image != null) { items[i].setText(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ items[i].setToolTipText(persp.getLocalizedLabel()); } } } // update the size fixSize(); }
@Override public void doProcessContent(MPerspectiveStack element) { WPerspectiveStack<N, I, IC> stack = getWidget(element); List<WStackItem<I, IC>> items = new ArrayList<WStackItem<I, IC>>(); WStackItem<I, IC> initalItem = null; for (MPerspective e : element.getChildren()) { // Precreate the rendering context for the subitem AbstractRenderer<MPerspective, ?> renderer = factory.getRenderer(e); if (renderer != null && e.isToBeRendered() && e.isVisible()) { WStackItem<I, IC> item = createStackItem(stack, e, renderer); items.add(item); if (e == element.getSelectedElement()) { initalItem = item; } } } if (!items.isEmpty()) { if (initalItem == null || items.size() == 1 || items.get(0) == initalItem) { stack.addItems(items); } else { stack.addItem(initalItem); if (items.get(items.size() - 1) == initalItem) { stack.addItems(0, items.subList(0, items.size() - 1)); } else { int idx = items.indexOf(initalItem); stack.addItems(0, items.subList(0, idx)); stack.addItems(items.subList(idx + 1, items.size())); } } } if (element.getSelectedElement() != null) { handleSelectedElement(element, null, element.getSelectedElement()); } else if (!element.getChildren().isEmpty()) { // TODO Should this be done through the part service???? element.setSelectedElement(element.getChildren().get(0)); } }
@Override public int getElementLocation(MUIElement element) { if (element == null) { return NOT_IN_UI; } // If the element is shared then use its current placeholder if (element.getCurSharedRef() != null) { element = element.getCurSharedRef(); } int location = NOT_IN_UI; MUIElement curElement = element; while (curElement != null) { Object container = ((EObject) curElement).eContainer(); if (!(container instanceof MUIElement)) return NOT_IN_UI; if (container instanceof MApplication) { if (location != NOT_IN_UI) return location; return OUTSIDE_PERSPECTIVE; } else if (container instanceof MPerspective) { MPerspective perspective = (MPerspective) container; MUIElement perspParent = perspective.getParent(); if (perspParent == null) { location = NOT_IN_UI; } else if (perspective.getParent().getSelectedElement() == perspective) { location |= IN_ACTIVE_PERSPECTIVE; } else { location |= IN_ANY_PERSPECTIVE; } } else if (container instanceof MTrimBar) { location = IN_TRIM; } else if (container instanceof MArea) { location = IN_SHARED_AREA; } curElement = (MUIElement) container; } return NOT_IN_UI; }
public void handleEvent(Event event) { if (psTB.isDisposed()) { return; } MUIElement changedElement = (MUIElement) event.getProperty(UIEvents.EventTags.ELEMENT); if (psME == null || !(changedElement instanceof MPerspective)) return; MWindow perspWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(changedElement); MWindow switcherWin = modelService.getTopLevelWindowFor(psME); if (perspWin != switcherWin) return; MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) changedElement; if (!persp.getParent().isToBeRendered()) return; if (changedElement.isToBeRendered()) { addPerspectiveItem(persp); } else { removePerspectiveItem(persp); } }
private void openMenuFor(ToolItem item, MPerspective persp) { final Menu menu = new Menu(psTB); menu.setData(persp); if (persp.getParent().getSelectedElement() == persp) { addSaveAsItem(menu); addResetItem(menu); } if (persp.isVisible()) { addCloseItem(menu); } new MenuItem(menu, SWT.SEPARATOR); // addDockOnSubMenu(menu); addShowTextItem(menu); Rectangle bounds = item.getBounds(); Point point = psTB.toDisplay(bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height); menu.setLocation(point.x, point.y); menu.setVisible(true); menu.addMenuListener( new MenuListener() { public void menuHidden(MenuEvent e) { psTB.getDisplay() .asyncExec( new Runnable() { public void run() { menu.dispose(); } }); } public void menuShown(MenuEvent e) { // Nothing to do } }); }
@Override public void processContents(MElementContainer<MUIElement> element) { if (element.getChildren().isEmpty()) return; MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack = (MPerspectiveStack) (MElementContainer<?>) element; MPerspective selectedPerspective = perspectiveStack.getSelectedElement(); if (selectedPerspective == null) { selectedPerspective = (MPerspective) findFirstRenderableAndVisibleElement(perspectiveStack); if (selectedPerspective != null) switchPerspective(selectedPerspective); } else if (!selectedPerspective.isToBeRendered() || !selectedPerspective.isVisible()) { selectedPerspective = (MPerspective) findFirstRenderableAndVisibleElement(perspectiveStack); if (selectedPerspective != null) switchPerspective(selectedPerspective); else perspectiveStack.setSelectedElement(null); } else { // reset selected element (set selected element handler will work) perspectiveStack.setSelectedElement(null); switchPerspective(selectedPerspective); } refreshPerspectiveStackVisibility(perspectiveStack); }
@PostConstruct void createWidget(Composite parent, MToolControl toolControl) { psME = toolControl; MUIElement meParent = psME.getParent(); int orientation = SWT.HORIZONTAL; if (meParent instanceof MTrimBar) { MTrimBar bar = (MTrimBar) meParent; if (bar.getSide() == SideValue.RIGHT || bar.getSide() == SideValue.LEFT) orientation = SWT.VERTICAL; } comp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE); RowLayout layout = new RowLayout(SWT.HORIZONTAL); layout.marginLeft = layout.marginRight = 8; layout.marginBottom = 4; layout.marginTop = 6; comp.setLayout(layout); psTB = new ToolBar(comp, SWT.FLAT | SWT.WRAP | SWT.RIGHT + orientation); comp.addPaintListener( new PaintListener() { public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { paint(e); } }); toolParent = ((Control) toolControl.getParent().getWidget()); toolParent.addPaintListener( new PaintListener() { public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { if (borderColor == null) borderColor = e.display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK); e.gc.setForeground(borderColor); Rectangle bounds = ((Control) e.widget).getBounds(); e.gc.drawLine(0, bounds.height - 1, bounds.width, bounds.height - 1); } }); comp.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { dispose(); } }); psTB.addMenuDetectListener( new MenuDetectListener() { public void menuDetected(MenuDetectEvent e) { ToolBar tb = (ToolBar) e.widget; Point p = new Point(e.x, e.y); p = psTB.getDisplay().map(null, psTB, p); ToolItem item = tb.getItem(p); if (item == null) E4Util.message(" ToolBar menu"); // $NON-NLS-1$ else { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) item.getData(); if (persp == null) E4Util.message(" Add button Menu"); // $NON-NLS-1$ else openMenuFor(item, persp); } } }); psTB.addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { disposeTBImages(); } }); psTB.getAccessible() .addAccessibleListener( new AccessibleAdapter() { public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { if (0 <= e.childID && e.childID < psTB.getItemCount()) { ToolItem item = psTB.getItem(e.childID); if (item != null) { e.result = item.getToolTipText(); } } } }); hookupDnD(psTB); final ToolItem createItem = new ToolItem(psTB, SWT.PUSH); createItem.setImage(getOpenPerspectiveImage()); createItem.setToolTipText(WorkbenchMessages.OpenPerspectiveDialogAction_tooltip); createItem.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { selectPerspective(); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { selectPerspective(); } }); new ToolItem(psTB, SWT.SEPARATOR); MPerspectiveStack stack = getPerspectiveStack(); if (stack != null) { // Create an item for each perspective that should show up for (MPerspective persp : stack.getChildren()) { if (persp.isToBeRendered()) { addPerspectiveItem(persp); } } } }
private ToolItem addPerspectiveItem(MPerspective persp) { int perspIndex = persp.getParent().getChildren().indexOf(persp); int index = perspIndex + 2; // HACK !! accounts for the 'open' and the // separator final ToolItem psItem = index < psTB.getItemCount() ? new ToolItem(psTB, SWT.RADIO, index) : new ToolItem(psTB, SWT.RADIO); psItem.setData(persp); IPerspectiveDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptorFor(persp.getElementId()); boolean foundImage = false; if (descriptor != null) { ImageDescriptor desc = descriptor.getImageDescriptor(); if (desc != null) { final Image image = desc.createImage(false); if (image != null) { psItem.setImage(image); psItem.addListener( SWT.Dispose, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event event) { image.dispose(); } }); foundImage = true; psItem.setToolTipText(persp.getLocalizedLabel()); } } } if (!foundImage || PrefUtil.getAPIPreferenceStore() .getBoolean(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.SHOW_TEXT_ON_PERSPECTIVE_BAR)) { psItem.setText(persp.getLocalizedLabel()); psItem.setToolTipText(persp.getLocalizedTooltip()); } psItem.setSelection(persp == persp.getParent().getSelectedElement()); psItem.addSelectionListener( new SelectionListener() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) e.widget.getData(); persp.getParent().setSelectedElement(persp); } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) e.widget.getData(); persp.getParent().setSelectedElement(persp); } }); psItem.addListener( SWT.MenuDetect, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event event) { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) event.widget.getData(); openMenuFor(psItem, persp); } }); // update the size fixSize(); return psItem; }
private <T> void findElementsRecursive( MApplicationElement searchRoot, Class<T> clazz, Selector matcher, List<T> elements, int searchFlags) { Assert.isLegal(searchRoot != null); if (searchFlags == 0) { return; } // are *we* a match ? boolean classMatch = clazz == null ? true : clazz.isInstance(searchRoot); if (classMatch && { if (!elements.contains(searchRoot)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T element = (T) searchRoot; elements.add(element); } } if (searchRoot instanceof MApplication && (searchFlags == ANYWHERE)) { MApplication app = (MApplication) searchRoot; List<MApplicationElement> children = new ArrayList<>(); if (clazz != null) { if (clazz.equals(MHandler.class)) { children.addAll(app.getHandlers()); } else if (clazz.equals(MCommand.class)) { children.addAll(app.getCommands()); } else if (clazz.equals(MBindingContext.class)) { children.addAll(app.getBindingContexts()); } else if (clazz.equals(MBindingTable.class) || clazz.equals(MKeyBinding.class)) { children.addAll(app.getBindingTables()); } // } else { only look for these if specifically asked. // children.addAll(app.getHandlers()); // children.addAll(app.getCommands()); // children.addAll(app.getBindingContexts()); // children.addAll(app.getBindingTables()); } for (MApplicationElement child : children) { findElementsRecursive(child, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } if (searchRoot instanceof MBindingContext && (searchFlags == ANYWHERE)) { MBindingContext bindingContext = (MBindingContext) searchRoot; for (MBindingContext child : bindingContext.getChildren()) { findElementsRecursive(child, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } if (searchRoot instanceof MBindingTable) { MBindingTable bindingTable = (MBindingTable) searchRoot; for (MKeyBinding child : bindingTable.getBindings()) { findElementsRecursive(child, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } // Check regular containers if (searchRoot instanceof MElementContainer<?>) { /* * Bug 455281: If given a window with a primary perspective stack, * and we're not told to look outside of the perspectives (i.e., * searchFlags is missing OUTSIDE_PERSPECTIVE), then just search the * primary perspective stack instead. This ignores special areas * like the compat layer's stack holding the Help, CheatSheets, and * Intro. */ MElementContainer<?> searchContainer = (MElementContainer<?>) searchRoot; MPerspectiveStack primaryStack = null; if (searchRoot instanceof MWindow && (searchFlags & OUTSIDE_PERSPECTIVE) == 0 && (primaryStack = getPrimaryPerspectiveStack((MWindow) searchRoot)) != null) { searchContainer = primaryStack; } if (searchContainer instanceof MPerspectiveStack) { if ((searchFlags & IN_ANY_PERSPECTIVE) != 0) { // Search *all* the perspectives MElementContainer<? extends MUIElement> container = searchContainer; List<? extends MUIElement> children = container.getChildren(); for (MUIElement child : children) { findElementsRecursive(child, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } else if ((searchFlags & IN_ACTIVE_PERSPECTIVE) != 0) { // Only search the currently active perspective, if any MPerspective active = ((MPerspectiveStack) searchContainer).getSelectedElement(); if (active != null) { findElementsRecursive(active, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } else if ((searchFlags & IN_SHARED_AREA) != 0) { // Only recurse through the shared areas List<MArea> areas = findElements(searchContainer, null, MArea.class, null); for (MArea area : areas) { findElementsRecursive(area, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") MElementContainer<MUIElement> container = (MElementContainer<MUIElement>) searchRoot; List<MUIElement> children = container.getChildren(); for (MUIElement child : children) { findElementsRecursive(child, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } } // Search Trim if (searchRoot instanceof MTrimmedWindow && (searchFlags & IN_TRIM) != 0) { MTrimmedWindow tw = (MTrimmedWindow) searchRoot; List<MTrimBar> bars = tw.getTrimBars(); for (MTrimBar bar : bars) { findElementsRecursive(bar, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } // Search Detached Windows if (searchRoot instanceof MWindow) { MWindow window = (MWindow) searchRoot; for (MWindow dw : window.getWindows()) { findElementsRecursive(dw, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } MMenu menu = window.getMainMenu(); if (menu != null && (searchFlags & IN_MAIN_MENU) != 0) { findElementsRecursive(menu, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } // Check for Handlers if (searchFlags == ANYWHERE && MHandler.class.equals(clazz)) { for (MHandler child : window.getHandlers()) { findElementsRecursive(child, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } } if (searchRoot instanceof MPerspective) { MPerspective persp = (MPerspective) searchRoot; for (MWindow dw : persp.getWindows()) { findElementsRecursive(dw, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } // Search shared elements if (searchRoot instanceof MPlaceholder) { MPlaceholder ph = (MPlaceholder) searchRoot; // Don't search in shared areas unless the flag is set if (ph.getRef() != null && (!(ph.getRef() instanceof MArea) || (searchFlags & IN_SHARED_AREA) != 0)) { findElementsRecursive(ph.getRef(), clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } if (searchRoot instanceof MPart && (searchFlags & IN_PART) != 0) { MPart part = (MPart) searchRoot; for (MMenu menu : part.getMenus()) { findElementsRecursive(menu, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } MToolBar toolBar = part.getToolbar(); if (toolBar != null) { findElementsRecursive(toolBar, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } if (MHandler.class.equals(clazz)) { for (MHandler child : part.getHandlers()) { findElementsRecursive(child, clazz, matcher, elements, searchFlags); } } } }
@CanExecute public boolean canExecute(MPerspective myPerspective) { if (!myPerspective.getElementId().equals(PART_ID)) return true; return false; }
private Component createPerspectiveButton(final MPerspective perspective) { if (!perspective.isVisible()) return null; boolean iconsOnly = perspectiveStackForSwitcher.getTags().contains(Tags.ICONS_ONLY); String label = iconsOnly ? null : Commons.trim(perspective.getLabel()); String iconURI = Commons.trim(perspective.getIconURI()); final TwoStateToolbarButton button = new TwoStateToolbarButton(label, iconURI); if (perspective.getTooltip() != null) { button.setDescription(perspective.getLocalizedTooltip()); } button.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { MPerspectiveStack perspectiveStack = (MPerspectiveStack) (MElementContainer<?>) perspective.getParent(); switchPerspective(perspective); } }); // TODO: replace VerticalLayout on more thin layout (for example SimpleLayout addon which // consist of just one div) // VerticalLayout wrapperLayout = new VerticalLayout(); // wrapperLayout.setSizeUndefined(); // wrapperLayout.addComponent(button); // wrapperLayout.addListener(new LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener() { // // @Override // public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) // { // if (LayoutClickEvent.BUTTON_RIGHT == event.getButton()) // { // lastClickedPerspective = perspective; ////, event.getClientY()); // } // } // }); // Create context menu // Context menu ContextMenu menu = new ContextMenu(); contextMenu2Button.put(menu, button); button2ContextMenu.put(button, menu); final ContextMenuItem showTextItem; final ContextMenuItem closeItem = menu.addItem("Close"); // closeItem.setSeparatorVisible(true); if (iconsOnly) showTextItem = menu.addItem("Show Text"); else showTextItem = menu.addItem("Hide Text"); // showTextItem.addStyleName("close-perspective-item"); //bugfixing style for ie9 (context menu // addon has bug for ie9) menu.addItemClickListener( new ContextMenu.ContextMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public void contextMenuItemClicked(ContextMenuItemClickEvent event) { ContextMenuItem clickedItem = (ContextMenuItem) event.getSource(); if (clickedItem == closeItem) { if (perspective == activePerspective) { MPerspective prevRenderableAndVisiblePerspective = null, nextRenderableAndVisiblePerspective = null; boolean startSearch = false; for (MPerspective p : perspectiveStackForSwitcher.getChildren()) { if (startSearch && p.isToBeRendered() && p.isVisible()) { nextRenderableAndVisiblePerspective = p; break; } if (p == perspective) startSearch = true; if (!startSearch && p.isToBeRendered() && p.isVisible()) { prevRenderableAndVisiblePerspective = p; } } MPerspective newSelectedPerspective = nextRenderableAndVisiblePerspective != null ? nextRenderableAndVisiblePerspective : prevRenderableAndVisiblePerspective; if (newSelectedPerspective != null) switchPerspective(newSelectedPerspective); } perspective.setToBeRendered(false); } else if (clickedItem == showTextItem) { if (perspectiveStackForSwitcher.getTags().contains(Tags.ICONS_ONLY)) perspectiveStackForSwitcher.getTags().remove(Tags.ICONS_ONLY); else perspectiveStackForSwitcher.getTags().add(Tags.ICONS_ONLY); } } }); menu.setAsContextMenuOf(button); perspective_button.put(perspective, button); // return wrapperLayout; return button; }
@Override public void hidePart(MPart part, boolean force) { if (isInContainer(part)) { MPlaceholder sharedRef = part.getCurSharedRef(); MUIElement toBeRemoved = getRemoveTarget(part); MElementContainer<MUIElement> parent = getParent(toBeRemoved); List<MUIElement> children = parent.getChildren(); // check if we're a placeholder but not actually the shared ref of the part if (toBeRemoved != part && toBeRemoved instanceof MPlaceholder && sharedRef != toBeRemoved) { toBeRemoved.setToBeRendered(false); // if so, not much to do, remove ourselves if necessary but that's it if (force || part.getTags().contains(REMOVE_ON_HIDE_TAG)) { parent.getChildren().remove(toBeRemoved); } return; } boolean isActiveChild = isActiveChild(part); MPart activationCandidate = null; // check if we're the active child if (isActiveChild) { // get the activation candidate if we are activationCandidate = partActivationHistory.getNextActivationCandidate(getParts(), part); } MPerspective thePersp = modelService.getPerspectiveFor(toBeRemoved); boolean needNewSel = thePersp == null || !thePersp.getTags().contains("PerspClosing"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (needNewSel) { if (parent.getSelectedElement() == toBeRemoved) { // if we're the selected element and we're going to be hidden, need to select // something else MUIElement candidate = partActivationHistory.getSiblingSelectionCandidate(part); candidate = candidate == null ? null : candidate.getCurSharedRef() == null ? candidate : candidate.getCurSharedRef(); if (candidate != null && children.contains(candidate)) { parent.setSelectedElement(candidate); } else { for (MUIElement child : children) { if (child != toBeRemoved && child.isToBeRendered()) { parent.setSelectedElement(child); break; } } } } if (activationCandidate == null) { // nothing else to activate and we're the active child, deactivate if (isActiveChild) { part.getContext().deactivate(); } } else { // activate our candidate activate(activationCandidate); } } if (toBeRemoved != null) { toBeRemoved.setToBeRendered(false); } else { part.setToBeRendered(false); } if (parent.getSelectedElement() == toBeRemoved) { parent.setSelectedElement(null); } if (force || part.getTags().contains(REMOVE_ON_HIDE_TAG)) { children.remove(toBeRemoved); } // remove ourselves from the activation history also since we're being hidden partActivationHistory.forget(getWindow(), part, toBeRemoved == part); } }
private void safeRemoveGui(MUIElement element) { if (removeRoot == null) removeRoot = element; renderedElements.remove(element); // We call 'hideChild' *before* checking if the actual element // has been rendered in order to pick up cases of 'lazy loading' MUIElement parent = element.getParent(); AbstractPartRenderer parentRenderer = parent != null ? getRendererFor(parent) : null; if (parentRenderer != null) { parentRenderer.hideChild(element.getParent(), element); } AbstractPartRenderer renderer = getRendererFor(element); // If the element hasn't been rendered then this is a NO-OP if (renderer != null) { if (element instanceof MElementContainer<?>) { MElementContainer<MUIElement> container = (MElementContainer<MUIElement>) element; MUIElement selectedElement = container.getSelectedElement(); List<MUIElement> children = container.getChildren(); for (MUIElement child : children) { // remove stuff in the "back" first if (child != selectedElement) { removeGui(child); } } if (selectedElement != null && children.contains(selectedElement)) { // now remove the selected element removeGui(selectedElement); } } if (element instanceof MPerspective) { MPerspective perspective = (MPerspective) element; for (MWindow subWindow : perspective.getWindows()) { removeGui(subWindow); } } else if (element instanceof MWindow) { MWindow window = (MWindow) element; for (MWindow subWindow : window.getWindows()) { removeGui(subWindow); } if (window instanceof MTrimmedWindow) { MTrimmedWindow trimmedWindow = (MTrimmedWindow) window; for (MUIElement trimBar : trimmedWindow.getTrimBars()) { removeGui(trimBar); } } } if (element instanceof MContribution) { MContribution contribution = (MContribution) element; Object client = contribution.getObject(); IEclipseContext parentContext = renderer.getContext(element); if (parentContext != null && client != null) { try { ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(client, PersistState.class, parentContext, null); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger != null) { logger.error(e); } } } } renderer.disposeWidget(element); // unset the client object if (element instanceof MContribution) { MContribution contribution = (MContribution) element; Object client = contribution.getObject(); IEclipseContext parentContext = renderer.getContext(element); if (parentContext != null && client != null) { try { ContextInjectionFactory.uninject(client, parentContext); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger != null) { logger.error(e); } } } contribution.setObject(null); } // dispose the context if (element instanceof MContext) { clearContext((MContext) element); } } if (removeRoot == element) removeRoot = null; }
void handleChildRemove(MPerspectiveStack parent, MPerspective element) { if (element.isToBeRendered() && element.isVisible()) { hideChild(parent, element); } }