   * Stores information about this launch for later reference in a standard Java properties file.
   * @param projectFolder
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws CoreException
  private void createProperties() throws IOException, CoreException {
    IPath storagePath = getStoragePath();
    File projectFolder = new File(storagePath.toOSString());
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put(PROCESS_PROPERTY, getLabel());
    props.put(HOST_PROPERTY, getHostLabel());
    props.put(LABEL_PROPERTY, getLabel());
    props.put(ATTACH_TIME_PROPERTY, "" + getAttachTime());
    props.put(ID_PROPERTY, getID());
    File propertiesFile = new File(projectFolder, PROCESS_PROPERTIES_FILE);
    props.store(new FileOutputStream(propertiesFile), "");

    // write out the launch configuration so that it can be loaded later
    File lcFile = new File(projectFolder, CONFIGURATION_FILE);
    String lcMemento = configuration.getMemento();
    FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(lcFile);
 public MockLaunchConfig(ILaunchConfiguration original, Map<String, String> tmpAttr)
     throws CoreException {
   this.tmpAttr = tmpAttr;