protected void perfValidate(String filename, int iterations) throws Exception { // read in the file InputStream in = FileLocator.openStream( Platform.getBundle(JSCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID), Path.fromPortableString("performance/" + filename), false); IFile file = project.createFile(filename,; RebuildIndexJob job = new RebuildIndexJob(project.getURI());; // Ok now actually validate the thing, the real work for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { EditorTestHelper.joinBackgroundActivities(); BuildContext context = new BuildContext(file); // Don't measure reading in string... context.getContents(); startMeasuring(); validator.buildFile(context, null); stopMeasuring(); } commitMeasurements(); assertPerformance(); }
public static IVMInstall getVMInstall(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException { String jre = configuration.getAttribute( IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_JRE_CONTAINER_PATH, (String) null); IVMInstall vm = null; if (jre == null) { String name = configuration.getAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.VMINSTALL, (String) null); if (name == null) { name = getDefaultVMInstallName(configuration); } vm = getVMInstall(name); if (vm == null) { throw new CoreException( LauncherUtils.createErrorStatus( NLS.bind(MDEMessages.WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate_noJRE, name))); } } else { IPath jrePath = Path.fromPortableString(jre); vm = JavaRuntime.getVMInstall(jrePath); if (vm == null) { String id = JavaRuntime.getExecutionEnvironmentId(jrePath); if (id == null) { String name = JavaRuntime.getVMInstallName(jrePath); throw new CoreException( LauncherUtils.createErrorStatus( NLS.bind(MDEMessages.WorkbenchLauncherConfigurationDelegate_noJRE, name))); } throw new CoreException( LauncherUtils.createErrorStatus(NLS.bind(MDEMessages.VMHelper_cannotFindExecEnv, id))); } } return vm; }
private static void loadFromStream(InputSource inputSource, Map<IPath, String> oldLocations) throws CoreException { Element cpElement; try { DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); parser.setErrorHandler(new DefaultHandler()); cpElement = parser.parse(inputSource).getDocumentElement(); } catch (SAXException e) { throw createException(e, CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_error_readXML); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw createException(e, CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_error_readXML); } catch (IOException e) { throw createException(e, CorextMessages.JavaDocLocations_error_readXML); } if (cpElement == null) return; if (!cpElement.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(NODE_ROOT)) { return; } NodeList list = cpElement.getChildNodes(); int length = list.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Node node = list.item(i); short type = node.getNodeType(); if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) node; if (element.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(NODE_ENTRY)) { String varPath = element.getAttribute(NODE_PATH); String varURL = parseURL(element.getAttribute(NODE_URL)).toExternalForm(); oldLocations.put(Path.fromPortableString(varPath), varURL); } } } }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { File baseTempFile = File.createTempFile("test", ".txt"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ baseTempFile.deleteOnExit(); File baseDirectory = baseTempFile.getParentFile(); LocalConnectionPoint lcp = new LocalConnectionPoint(); lcp.setPath(new Path(baseDirectory.getAbsolutePath())); clientManager = lcp; SFTPConnectionPoint ftpcp = new SFTPConnectionPoint(); ftpcp.setHost(getConfig().getProperty("")); // $NON-NLS-1$ ftpcp.setLogin(getConfig().getProperty("sftp.username")); // $NON-NLS-1$ ftpcp.setPassword(getConfig().getProperty("sftp.password").toCharArray()); ftpcp.setPort( Integer.valueOf(getConfig().getProperty("sftp.port", "22"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ ftpcp.setPath(Path.fromPortableString(getConfig().getProperty("sftp.path"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ serverManager = ftpcp; ConnectionContext context = new ConnectionContext(); context.put(ConnectionContext.COMMAND_LOG, System.out); CoreIOPlugin.setConnectionContext(ftpcp, context); fileName = "file name.txt"; folderName = "folder name"; super.setUp(); }
public void testAsPortableString() throws Exception { ItemPointer pointer = new ItemPointer( Path.fromPortableString("c:/temp/"), new Location(1, 2), new Location(3, 4)); String asPortableString = pointer.asPortableString(); assertEquals(pointer, ItemPointer.fromPortableString(asPortableString)); pointer = new ItemPointer( Path.fromPortableString("c:/temp/"), new Location(1, 2), new Location(3, 4), null, "zipLocation"); asPortableString = pointer.asPortableString(); assertEquals(pointer, ItemPointer.fromPortableString(asPortableString)); }
private static IPath decodePath(String str) { if ("#".equals(str)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ return null; } else if ("&".equals(str)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ return Path.EMPTY; } else { return Path.fromPortableString(decode(str)); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override protected void loadState(IMemento memento) { super.loadState(memento); IMemento child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_HOST); if (child != null) { host = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_PORT); if (child != null) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(child.getTextData()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_PATH); if (child != null) { String text = child.getTextData(); if (text != null) { path = Path.fromPortableString(text); } } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_LOGIN); if (child != null) { login = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_EXPLICIT); if (child != null) { explicit = Boolean.parseBoolean(child.getTextData()); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE); if (child != null) { validateCertificate = Boolean.parseBoolean(child.getTextData()); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_NO_SSL_SESSION_RESUMPTION); if (child != null) { noSSLSessionResumption = Boolean.parseBoolean(child.getTextData()); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_PASSIVE); if (child != null) { passiveMode = Boolean.parseBoolean(child.getTextData()); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_TRANSFER_TYPE); if (child != null) { transferType = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_ENCODING); if (child != null) { encoding = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_TIMEZONE); if (child != null) { timezone = child.getTextData(); } }
protected static void ensureMetadataJSONExists(IFile moduleFile, IProgressMonitor monitor) { IFile mdjson = moduleFile.getParent().getFile(Path.fromPortableString(METADATA_JSON_NAME)); if (mdjson.exists()) return; try { OpenBAStream oba = new OpenBAStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(oba); ps.println("{}"); ps.close(); mdjson.create(oba.getInputStream(), IResource.DERIVED, monitor); } catch (CoreException e) { } }
protected String getContent(String path) { try { InputStream stream = FileLocator.openStream( Platform.getBundle("com.aptana.xml.core.tests"), Path.fromPortableString(path), false); return; } catch (IOException e) { fail(e.getMessage()); // never reached... return StringUtil.EMPTY; } }
public static void addDialyzerWarningMarker( final IProject project, final String filename, final int line, final String message) { final IPath projectPath = project.getLocation(); final String projectPathString = projectPath.toPortableString(); IResource file; if (filename.startsWith(projectPathString)) { final String relFilename = filename.substring(projectPathString.length()); final IPath relPath = Path.fromPortableString(relFilename); file = project.findMember(relPath); } else { file = null; } MarkerUtils.addDialyzerWarningMarker(file, filename, message, line, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING); }
private void xmlReadManifest(JarPackageData jarPackage, Element element) throws { if (element.getNodeName().equals("manifest")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setManifestVersion(element.getAttribute("manifestVersion")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setUsesManifest(getBooleanAttribute(element, "usesManifest")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setReuseManifest(getBooleanAttribute(element, "reuseManifest")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setSaveManifest(getBooleanAttribute(element, "saveManifest")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setGenerateManifest( getBooleanAttribute(element, "generateManifest")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setManifestLocation( Path.fromPortableString(element.getAttribute("manifestLocation"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setManifestMainClass(getMainClass(element)); xmlReadSealingInfo(jarPackage, element); } }
private void fillTreeItemWithGitDirectory( RepositoryMapping m, TreeItem treeItem, boolean isAlternative) { if (m.getGitDir() == null) treeItem.setText(2, UIText.ExistingOrNewPage_SymbolicValueEmptyMapping); else { IPath relativePath = new Path(m.getGitDir()); if (isAlternative) { IPath withoutLastSegment = relativePath.removeLastSegments(1); IPath path; if (withoutLastSegment.isEmpty()) path = Path.fromPortableString("."); // $NON-NLS-1$ else path = withoutLastSegment; treeItem.setText(0, path.toString()); } treeItem.setText(2, relativePath.toOSString()); try { IProject project = m.getContainer().getProject(); Repository repo = new RepositoryBuilder().setGitDir(m.getGitDirAbsolutePath().toFile()).build(); File workTree = repo.getWorkTree(); IPath workTreePath = Path.fromOSString(workTree.getAbsolutePath()); if (workTreePath.isPrefixOf(project.getLocation())) { IPath makeRelativeTo = project.getLocation().makeRelativeTo(workTreePath); String repoRelativePath = makeRelativeTo.append("/.project").toPortableString(); // $NON-NLS-1$ ObjectId headCommitId = repo.resolve(Constants.HEAD); if (headCommitId != null) { // Not an empty repo RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(repo); RevCommit headCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(headCommitId); RevTree headTree = headCommit.getTree(); TreeWalk projectInRepo = TreeWalk.forPath(repo, repoRelativePath, headTree); if (projectInRepo != null) { // the .project file is tracked by this repo treeItem.setChecked(true); } revWalk.dispose(); } } repo.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { Activator.logError(UIText.ExistingOrNewPage_FailedToDetectRepositoryMessage, e1); } } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override protected void loadState(IMemento memento) { super.loadState(memento); IMemento child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_HOST); if (child != null) { host = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_PORT); if (child != null) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(child.getTextData()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_PATH); if (child != null) { String text = child.getTextData(); if (text != null) { path = Path.fromPortableString(text); } } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_LOGIN); if (child != null) { login = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_PASSIVE); if (child != null) { passiveMode = Boolean.parseBoolean(child.getTextData()); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_TRANSFER_TYPE); if (child != null) { transferType = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_ENCODING); if (child != null) { encoding = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_TIMEZONE); if (child != null) { timezone = child.getTextData(); } }
protected static void createDescriptor() { try { InputStream descriptorStream = ExerciseCParseControllerGenerated.class.getResourceAsStream(DESCRIPTOR); InputStream table = ExerciseCParseControllerGenerated.class.getResourceAsStream(TABLE); boolean filesystem = false; if (descriptorStream == null && new File("./" + DESCRIPTOR).exists()) { descriptorStream = new FileInputStream("./" + DESCRIPTOR); filesystem = true; } if (table == null && new File("./" + TABLE).exists()) { table = new FileInputStream("./" + TABLE); filesystem = true; } if (descriptorStream == null) throw new BadDescriptorException( "Could not load descriptor file from " + DESCRIPTOR + " (not found in plugin: " + getPluginLocation() + ")"); if (table == null) throw new BadDescriptorException( "Could not load parse table from " + TABLE + " (not found in plugin: " + getPluginLocation() + ")"); descriptor = DescriptorFactory.load( descriptorStream, table, filesystem ? Path.fromPortableString("./") : null); descriptor.setAttachmentProvider(ExerciseCParseControllerGenerated.class); } catch (BadDescriptorException exc) { notLoadingCause = exc; Environment.logException("Bad descriptor for " + LANGUAGE + " plugin", exc); throw new RuntimeException("Bad descriptor for " + LANGUAGE + " plugin", exc); } catch (IOException exc) { notLoadingCause = exc; Environment.logException("I/O problem loading descriptor for " + LANGUAGE + " plugin", exc); throw new RuntimeException("I/O problem loading descriptor for " + LANGUAGE + " plugin", exc); } }
private void xmlReadOptions(JarPackageData jarPackage, Element element) throws { if (element.getNodeName().equals("options")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setOverwrite(getBooleanAttribute(element, "overwrite")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setCompress(getBooleanAttribute(element, "compress")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setExportErrors(getBooleanAttribute(element, "exportErrors")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setExportWarnings(getBooleanAttribute(element, "exportWarnings")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setSaveDescription(getBooleanAttribute(element, "saveDescription")); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setUseSourceFolderHierarchy( getBooleanAttribute(element, "useSourceFolders", false)); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setDescriptionLocation( Path.fromPortableString(element.getAttribute("descriptionLocation"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setBuildIfNeeded( getBooleanAttribute( element, "buildIfNeeded", jarPackage.isBuildingIfNeeded())); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setIncludeDirectoryEntries( getBooleanAttribute(element, "includeDirectoryEntries", false)); // $NON-NLS-1$ jarPackage.setRefactoringAware( getBooleanAttribute(element, "storeRefactorings", false)); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog#createDialogArea(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite) */ protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) { Composite result = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent); final Button button = new Button(result, SWT.CHECK); button.setText(fFilterMessage); button.setFont(parent.getFont()); IDialogSettings settings = PhingUi.getDefault().getDialogSettings(); fShowAll = settings.getBoolean(DIALOG_SETTING); String lastPath = settings.get(LAST_CONTAINER); if (lastPath != null) { IPath path = Path.fromPortableString(lastPath); IResource resource = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(path); setInitialSelection(resource); } fFilter.considerExtension(!fShowAll); getTreeViewer().addFilter(fFilter); if (!fShowAll) { button.setSelection(true); } button.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { if (button.getSelection()) { fShowAll = false; } else { fShowAll = true; } fFilter.considerExtension(!fShowAll); getTreeViewer().refresh(); } }); applyDialogFont(result); return result; }
public void testLongOneLiner() throws Exception { // read in the file InputStream stream = FileLocator.openStream( Platform.getBundle("com.aptana.editor.json.tests"), // $NON-NLS-1$ Path.fromPortableString("performance/api-aptana-format.json"), false); //$NON-NLS-1$ String src =; IDocument document = new Document(src); // Ok now actually scan the thing, the real work for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { startMeasuring(); fScanner.setRange(document, 0, src.length()); while (fScanner.nextToken() != Token.EOF) { fScanner.getTokenOffset(); fScanner.getTokenLength(); } stopMeasuring(); } commitMeasurements(); assertPerformance(); }
protected void loadState(IMemento memento) { IMemento child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_NAME); if (child != null) { name = child.getTextData(); } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_SOURCE); if (child != null) { URI uri = URI.create(child.getTextData()); sourceConnectionPoint = ConnectionPointUtils.findConnectionPoint(uri); if (sourceConnectionPoint == null) { IdeLog.logWarning( SyncingPlugin.getDefault(), "Failed to load source connection point from URI " + uri, // $NON-NLS-1$ IDebugScopes.DEBUG); } } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_DESTINATION); if (child != null) { URI uri = URI.create(child.getTextData()); destinationConnectionPoint = ConnectionPointUtils.findConnectionPoint(uri); if (destinationConnectionPoint == null) { IdeLog.logWarning( SyncingPlugin.getDefault(), "Failed to load destination connection point from URI " + uri, // $NON-NLS-1$ IDebugScopes.DEBUG); } } child = memento.getChild(ELEMENT_EXCLUDES); if (child != null) { for (IMemento i : child.getChildren(ELEMENT_PATH)) { excludes.add(Path.fromPortableString(i.getTextData())); } for (IMemento i : child.getChildren(ELEMENT_WILDCARD)) { excludes.add(i.getTextData()); } } }
protected void perfValidate(String filename, int iterations) throws Exception { // read in the file URL url = FileLocator.find( Platform.getBundle(JSCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID), Path.fromPortableString("performance/" + filename), null); File file = ResourceUtil.resourcePathToFile(url); IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getStore(file.toURI()); // Ok now actually validate the thing, the real work for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { EditorTestHelper.joinBackgroundActivities(); // Force a re-parse every time so we're comparing apples to apples for JSLint BuildContext context = new FileStoreBuildContext(fileStore) { @Override protected ParseResult parse( String contentType, IParseState parseState, WorkingParseResult working) throws Exception { if (reparseEveryTime()) { return new JSParser().parse(parseState); } return super.parse(contentType, parseState, working); } }; // Don't measure reading in string... context.getContents(); startMeasuring(); validator.buildFile(context, null); stopMeasuring(); } commitMeasurements(); assertPerformance(); }
/** * Get version for the specified Firefox extension ID * * @param extensionID * @param profileDir * @return */ public static String getExtensionVersion(String extensionID, IPath profileDir) { try { IPath dir = profileDir.append("extensions").append(extensionID); // $NON-NLS-1$ InputStream rdfInputStream = null; if (dir.toFile().isFile()) { dir = Path.fromOSString( FileInputStream(dir.toFile()))); } if (dir.toFile().isDirectory()) { File installRdf = dir.append("install.rdf").toFile(); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (installRdf.exists()) { rdfInputStream = new FileInputStream(installRdf); } } else if (dir.addFileExtension("xpi").toFile().isFile()) // $NON-NLS-1$ { rdfInputStream = ZipUtil.openEntry( dir.addFileExtension("xpi").toFile(), // $NON-NLS-1$ Path.fromPortableString("install.rdf")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (rdfInputStream != null) { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = parser.parse(rdfInputStream); Node node = document.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if ("description".equals(node.getNodeName().toLowerCase()) // $NON-NLS-1$ || "rdf:description".equals(node.getNodeName().toLowerCase())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes(); Node about = attrs.getNamedItem("about"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (about == null) { about = attrs.getNamedItem("RDF:about"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (about != null) { if ("urn:mozilla:install-manifest".equals(about.getNodeValue())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ break; } } } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (node != null) { NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes(); Node version = attrs.getNamedItem("em:version"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (version != null) { return version.getNodeValue(); } node = node.getFirstChild(); } while (node != null) { if ("em:version".equals(node.getNodeName().toLowerCase())) { // $NON-NLS-1$ break; } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (node != null) { return node.getTextContent(); } } } catch (Exception e) { IdeLog.logError(CorePlugin.getDefault(), e.getMessage(), e); } return null; }
private void xmlReadJarLocation(JarPackageData jarPackage, Element element) { if (element.getNodeName().equals(JarPackagerUtil.JAR_EXTENSION)) jarPackage.setJarLocation( Path.fromPortableString(element.getAttribute("path"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ }
@Override protected void updateProject(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, InterruptedException { IProject projectHandle = fFirstPage.getProjectHandle(); IScriptProject create = DLTKCore.create(projectHandle); super.init(create, null, false); fCurrProjectLocation = getProjectLocationURI(); boolean installSymfony = true; if (monitor == null) { monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); } try { monitor.beginTask(NewWizardMessages.ScriptProjectWizardSecondPage_operation_initialize, 70); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } URI realLocation = fCurrProjectLocation; if (fCurrProjectLocation == null) { // inside workspace try { URI rootLocation = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocationURI(); realLocation = new URI( rootLocation.getScheme(), null, Path.fromPortableString(rootLocation.getPath()) .append(getProject().getName()) .toString(), null); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Assert.isTrue(false, "Can't happen"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } rememberExistingFiles(realLocation); createProject(getProject(), fCurrProjectLocation, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); IBuildpathEntry[] buildpathEntries = null; IncludePath[] includepathEntries = null; SymfonyProjectWizardFirstPage firstPage = (SymfonyProjectWizardFirstPage) fFirstPage; if (firstPage.getDetect()) { installSymfony = false; includepathEntries = setProjectBaseIncludepath(); if (!getProject().getFile(FILENAME_BUILDPATH).exists()) { IDLTKLanguageToolkit toolkit = DLTKLanguageManager.getLanguageToolkit(getScriptNature()); final BuildpathDetector detector = createBuildpathDetector(monitor, toolkit); buildpathEntries = detector.getBuildpath(); } else { monitor.worked(20); } } else if (firstPage.hasSymfonyStandardEdition()) { // flat project layout IPath projectPath = getProject().getFullPath(); List cpEntries = new ArrayList(); cpEntries.add(DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(projectPath)); // buildpathEntries = (IBuildpathEntry[]) cpEntries // .toArray(new IBuildpathEntry[cpEntries.size()]); // includepathEntries = setProjectBaseIncludepath(); buildpathEntries = new IBuildpathEntry[0]; includepathEntries = new IncludePath[0]; monitor.worked(20); } else { // flat project layout IPath projectPath = getProject().getFullPath(); List cpEntries = new ArrayList(); cpEntries.add(DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(projectPath)); // buildpathEntries = (IBuildpathEntry[]) cpEntries // .toArray(new IBuildpathEntry[cpEntries.size()]); // includepathEntries = setProjectBaseIncludepath(); buildpathEntries = new IBuildpathEntry[0]; includepathEntries = new IncludePath[0]; monitor.worked(20); } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } init(DLTKCore.create(getProject()), buildpathEntries, false); // setting PHP4/5 and ASP-Tags : setPhpLangOptions(); configureScriptProject(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 30)); SymfonyProjectWizardFirstPage p = (SymfonyProjectWizardFirstPage) getFirstPage(); // checking and adding JS nature,libs, include path if needed if (p.shouldSupportJavaScript()) { addJavaScriptNature(monitor); } // adding build paths, and language-Container: getScriptProject().setRawBuildpath(buildpathEntries, new NullProgressMonitor()); LanguageModelInitializer.enableLanguageModelFor(getScriptProject()); // init, and adding include paths: getBuildPathsBlock().init(getScriptProject(), new IBuildpathEntry[] {}); IncludePathManager.getInstance().setIncludePath(getProject(), includepathEntries); if (installSymfony) installSymfony(new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 50)); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
protected void initialiseStoriesfromConfiguration(ILaunchConfiguration config) { try { String containerHandle = config.getAttribute(ILaunchConstants.LAUNCH_ATTR_CONTAINER_HANDLE, ""); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(containerHandle)) { container = JavaCore.create(containerHandle); txtMultiStories.setText(container.getElementName()); } } catch (CoreException ce) { EasybLaunchActivator.Log("Unable to set project,resource or package name for launch", ce); setErrorMessage("Unable to set project,folder or package for stories from configuration"); } try { String storyProjectPath = config.getAttribute(ILaunchConstants.LAUNCH_ATTR_STORY_PATH, ""); IPath path = null; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(storyProjectPath)) { path = Path.fromPortableString(storyProjectPath); } IJavaProject javaProject = getJavaProject(); if (javaProject != null) { IProject project = javaProject.getProject(); if (project.findMember(path) instanceof IFile) { storyFile = (IFile) project.findMember(path); } else { setErrorMessage("Unable to locate " + storyProjectPath + " in project"); } } else { setErrorMessage("No project has been set for story"); } if (storyFile != null) { txtStory.setText(storyFile.getName()); } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(storyProjectPath)) { txtStory.setText(storyProjectPath); } } catch (CoreException ce) { EasybLaunchActivator.Log("Unable to set story for launch", ce); setErrorMessage("Unable to set story for launch"); } try { boolean isSingleStory = config.getAttribute(ILaunchConstants.LAUNCH_ATTR_IS_SINGLE_STORY, true); setEnableSingleStory(isSingleStory); setEnableProject(isSingleStory); setEnableMultiStory(!isSingleStory); btnRadioSingleStory.setSelection(isSingleStory); btnRadioMultiStory.setSelection(!isSingleStory); } catch (CoreException ce) { EasybLaunchActivator.Log("Unable to set single or multi story radio buttons", ce); setErrorMessage("Unable to set single or multi story radio buttons"); } }
public void loadFromMemento(XMLMemento sdkElement) { setName(sdkElement.getString("name")); // $NON-NLS-1$ setLocation(Path.fromPortableString(sdkElement.getString("location"))); // $NON-NLS-1$ // setRuntime(sdkElement.getString("runtime")); }
public static IPath convertCygpath(IPath path) { String pathStr = path.toPortableString(); String newPathStr = Cygwin.cygwinToWindowsPath(pathStr); IPath newPath = Path.fromPortableString(newPathStr); return newPath; }
/** * Returns the package fragment root corresponding to a given resource path. * * @param resourcePathString path of expected package fragment root. * @return the {@link IProjectFragment package fragment root} which path match the given one or * <code>null</code> if none was found. */ public IProjectFragment projectFragment(String resourcePathString) { int index = -1; int separatorIndex = resourcePathString.indexOf(FILE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR); boolean isZIPFile = separatorIndex != -1; boolean isSpecial = resourcePathString.startsWith(IBuildpathEntry.BUILDPATH_SPECIAL); if (isZIPFile) { // internal or external jar (case 3, 4, or 5) String zipPath = resourcePathString.substring(0, separatorIndex); String relativePath = resourcePathString.substring(separatorIndex + 1); index = indexOf(zipPath, relativePath); } else { // resource in workspace (case 1 or 2) index = indexOf(resourcePathString); } if (index >= 0) { int idx = projectIndexes[index]; String projectPath = idx == -1 ? null : (String) this.projectPaths.get(idx); if (projectPath != null) { IScriptProject project = DLTKCore.create(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectPath)); if (isZIPFile) { return project.getProjectFragment(this.containerPaths[index]); } if (isSpecial) { return project.getProjectFragment(this.containerPaths[index]); } Object target = Model.getTarget( ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(), Path.fromPortableString( this.containerPaths[index] + '/' + this.relativePaths[index]), false); if (target instanceof IProject) { return project.getProjectFragment((IProject) target); } if (target instanceof IResource) { IModelElement element = DLTKCore.create((IResource) target); return (IProjectFragment) element.getAncestor(IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT); } if (target instanceof IFileHandle) { try { IProjectFragment[] fragments = project.getProjectFragments(); IFileHandle t = (IFileHandle) target; IPath absPath = t.getFullPath(); for (int i = 0; i < fragments.length; ++i) { IProjectFragment f = fragments[i]; if (f.isExternal()) { IPath pPath = f.getPath(); if (pPath.isPrefixOf(absPath) && !Util.isExcluded(absPath, f, t.isDirectory())) { return f; } } } } catch (ModelException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } } return null; }
private IPath getPath(Element element) throws IOException { String pathString = element.getAttribute("path"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (pathString.length() == 0) throw new IOException(JarPackagerMessages.JarPackageReader_error_tagPathNotFound); return Path.fromPortableString(element.getAttribute("path")); // $NON-NLS-1$ }
/** @author Max Stepanov */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class FTPSConnectionPointTest { private static final String name = "My FTPS Site"; private static final String host = ""; private static final int port = 2222; private static final String login = "******"; private static final char[] password = "******".toCharArray(); private static final IPath path = Path.fromPortableString("/home/user"); private static final String encoding = "UTF-8"; private static final boolean passiveMode = true; private static final String timezone = "GMT"; private static final String transferType = IFTPConstants.TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY; private static final boolean explicit = false; private static final boolean noSSLSessionResumption = false; private static final boolean validateCertificate = false; @Test public void testPersistance() { createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, transferType, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); } @Test public void testPassiveMode() { createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, true, timezone, transferType, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, false, timezone, transferType, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); } @Test public void testTransferTypes() { createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, IFTPConstants.TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, IFTPConstants.TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, IFTPConstants.TRANSFER_TYPE_AUTO, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); } @Test public void testExplicitMode() { createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, transferType, true, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, transferType, false, noSSLSessionResumption, validateCertificate); } @Test public void testSSLSessionResumptionMode() { createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, transferType, explicit, true, validateCertificate); createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, transferType, explicit, false, validateCertificate); } @Test public void testValidateCertificateMode() { createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, transferType, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, true); createAndTestConnectionPoint( name, host, port, login, password, path, encoding, passiveMode, timezone, transferType, explicit, noSSLSessionResumption, false); } @Test public void testExplicitModeDefaultPort() { FTPSConnectionPoint cp = new FTPSConnectionPoint(); cp.setExplicit(true); assertEquals( "Default explicit port doesn't match", IFTPSConstants.FTP_PORT_DEFAULT, cp.getPort()); } @Test public void testImplicitModeDefaultPort() { FTPSConnectionPoint cp = new FTPSConnectionPoint(); cp.setExplicit(false); assertEquals( "Default implicit port doesn't match", IFTPSConstants.FTPS_IMPLICIT_PORT, cp.getPort()); } private static void createAndTestConnectionPoint( String name, String host, int port, String login, char[] password, IPath path, String encoding, boolean passiveMode, String timezone, String transferType, boolean explicit, boolean noSSLSessionResumption, boolean validateCertificate) { FTPSConnectionPoint cp = new FTPSConnectionPoint(); cp.setName(name); cp.setHost(host); cp.setPort(port); cp.setLogin(login); cp.setPassword(password); cp.setPassiveMode(passiveMode); cp.setPath(path); cp.setTimezone(timezone); cp.setTransferType(transferType); cp.setEncoding(encoding); cp.setExplicit(explicit); cp.setNoSSLSessionResumption(noSSLSessionResumption); cp.setValidateCertificate(validateCertificate); XMLMemento root = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("root"); IMemento memento = root.createChild("item"); cp.saveState(memento); cp = new FTPSConnectionPoint(); cp.loadState(memento); assertEquals("Name doesn't match", name, cp.getName()); assertEquals("Host doesn't match", host, cp.getHost()); assertEquals("Port doesn't match", port, cp.getPort()); assertEquals("Login doesn't match", login, cp.getLogin()); assertEquals("Password should not be persistent", null, cp.getPassword()); assertEquals("Passive mode doesn't match", passiveMode, cp.isPassiveMode()); assertEquals("Path doesn't match", path, cp.getPath()); assertEquals("Timezone doesn't match", timezone, cp.getTimezone()); assertEquals("Transfer type doesn't match", transferType, cp.getTransferType()); assertEquals("Encoding doesn't match", encoding, cp.getEncoding()); assertEquals("Explicit mode doesn't match", explicit, cp.isExplicit()); assertEquals( "No SSL resumption mode doesn't match", noSSLSessionResumption, cp.isNoSSLSessionResumption()); assertEquals( "Validate certificate mode doesn't match", validateCertificate, cp.isValidateCertificate()); } }
/** * Creates a locale specific properties file within the fragment project based on the content of * the host plug-in's properties file. * * @param fragmentProject * @param locale * @throws CoreException * @throws IOException */ private void createLocaleSpecificPropertiesFile( final IProject fragmentProject, IPluginModelBase plugin, final Locale locale) throws CoreException, IOException { final IFolder localeResourceFolder = fragmentProject.getFolder(RESOURCE_FOLDER_PARENT).getFolder(locale.toString()); // Case 1: External plug-in if (plugin instanceof ExternalPluginModelBase) { final String installLocation = plugin.getInstallLocation(); // Case 1a: External plug-in is a jar file if (new File(installLocation).isFile()) { ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(installLocation); for (Enumeration e = zf.entries(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { worked(); ZipEntry zfe = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement(); String name = zfe.getName(); String[] segments = name.split(SLASH); IPath path = Path.fromPortableString(join(SLASH, segments, 0, segments.length - 1)); String resourceName = segments[segments.length - 1]; String localizedResourceName = localeSpecificName(resourceName, locale); if (propertiesFilter.include(name)) { createParents(fragmentProject, path); IFile file = fragmentProject.getFile(path.append(localizedResourceName)); InputStream is = zf.getInputStream(zfe); file.create(is, false, getProgressMonitor()); } else if (resourceFilter.include(name)) { IPath target = localeResourceFolder.getFullPath().append(path).append(resourceName); createParents(fragmentProject, target.removeLastSegments(1).removeFirstSegments(1)); IFile file = fragmentProject.getFile(target.removeFirstSegments(1)); file.create(zf.getInputStream(zfe), false, getProgressMonitor()); } } } // Case 1b: External plug-in has a folder structure else { Visitor visitor = new Visitor() { public void visit(File file) throws CoreException, FileNotFoundException { worked(); String relativePath = file.getAbsolutePath() .substring(installLocation.length()) .replaceAll(File.separator, SLASH); String[] segments = relativePath.split(SLASH); IPath path = Path.fromPortableString(join(SLASH, segments, 0, segments.length - 1)); String resourceName = segments[segments.length - 1]; String localizedResourceName = localeSpecificName(resourceName, locale); if (propertiesFilter.include( relativePath + (file.isDirectory() ? SLASH : EMPTY_STRING))) { createParents(fragmentProject, path); IFile iFile = fragmentProject.getFile(path.append(localizedResourceName)); iFile.create(new FileInputStream(file), false, getProgressMonitor()); } else if (resourceFilter.include( relativePath + (file.isDirectory() ? SLASH : EMPTY_STRING))) { IPath target = localeResourceFolder.getFullPath().append(relativePath); createParents( fragmentProject, target.removeLastSegments(1).removeFirstSegments(1)); IFile iFile = fragmentProject.getFile(target.removeFirstSegments(1)); iFile.create(new FileInputStream(file), false, getProgressMonitor()); } if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] children = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { visit(children[i]); } } } }; visitor.visit(new File(installLocation)); } } // Case 2: Workspace plug-in else { final IProject project = plugin.getUnderlyingResource().getProject(); project.accept( new IResourceVisitor() { public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException { worked(); IPath parent = resource.getFullPath().removeLastSegments(1).removeFirstSegments(1); if (propertiesFilter.include(resource)) { String segment = localeSpecificName(resource.getFullPath().lastSegment(), locale); IPath fragmentResource = fragmentProject.getFullPath().append(parent).append(segment); createParents(fragmentProject, parent); resource.copy(fragmentResource, true, getProgressMonitor()); } else if (resourceFilter.include(resource)) { IPath target = localeResourceFolder .getFullPath() .append(parent) .append(resource.getFullPath().lastSegment()); createParents(fragmentProject, target.removeLastSegments(1).removeFirstSegments(1)); resource.copy(target, true, getProgressMonitor()); } return true; } }); } }
@Override public void launch( ILaunchConfiguration config, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { ConfigUtils configUtils = new ConfigUtils(config); project = configUtils.getProject(); // check if Perf exists in $PATH if (!PerfCore.checkPerfInPath(project)) { IStatus status = new Status( IStatus.ERROR, PerfPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Error: Perf was not found on PATH"); //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new CoreException(status); } URI binURI = new URI(configUtils.getExecutablePath()); binPath = Path.fromPortableString(binURI.toString()); workingDirPath = Path.fromPortableString( Path.fromPortableString(binURI.toString()).removeLastSegments(2).toPortableString()); PerfPlugin.getDefault().setWorkingDir(workingDirPath); if (config.getAttribute(PerfPlugin.ATTR_ShowStat, PerfPlugin.ATTR_ShowStat_default)) { showStat(config, launch); } else { URI exeURI = new URI(configUtils.getExecutablePath()); String configWorkingDir = configUtils.getWorkingDirectory() + IPath.SEPARATOR; RemoteConnection exeRC = new RemoteConnection(exeURI); String perfPathString = RuntimeProcessFactory.getFactory().whichCommand(PerfPlugin.PERF_COMMAND, project); boolean copyExecutable = configUtils.getCopyExecutable(); if (copyExecutable) { URI copyExeURI = new URI(configUtils.getCopyFromExecutablePath()); RemoteConnection copyExeRC = new RemoteConnection(copyExeURI); IRemoteFileProxy copyExeRFP = copyExeRC.getRmtFileProxy(); IFileStore copyExeFS = copyExeRFP.getResource(copyExeURI.getPath()); IRemoteFileProxy exeRFP = exeRC.getRmtFileProxy(); IFileStore exeFS = exeRFP.getResource(exeURI.getPath()); IFileInfo exeFI = exeFS.fetchInfo(); if (exeFI.isDirectory()) { // Assume the user wants to copy the file to the given directory, using // the same filename as the "copy from" executable. IPath copyExePath = Path.fromOSString(copyExeURI.getPath()); IPath newExePath = Path.fromOSString(exeURI.getPath()).append(copyExePath.lastSegment()); // update the exeURI with the new path. exeURI = new URI( exeURI.getScheme(), exeURI.getAuthority(), newExePath.toString(), exeURI.getQuery(), exeURI.getFragment()); exeFS = exeRFP.getResource(exeURI.getPath()); } copyExeFS.copy(exeFS, EFS.OVERWRITE | EFS.SHALLOW, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); // Note: assume that we don't need to create a new exeRC since the // scheme and authority remain the same between the original exeURI and the new one. } IPath remoteBinFile = Path.fromOSString(exeURI.getPath()); IFileStore workingDir; URI workingDirURI = new URI(RemoteProxyManager.getInstance().getRemoteProjectLocation(project)); RemoteConnection workingDirRC = new RemoteConnection(workingDirURI); IRemoteFileProxy workingDirRFP = workingDirRC.getRmtFileProxy(); workingDir = workingDirRFP.getResource(workingDirURI.getPath()); // Build the commandline string to run perf recording the given project String arguments[] = getProgramArgumentsArray(config); // Program args from launch config. ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<>(4 + arguments.length); Version perfVersion = PerfCore.getPerfVersion(config); command.addAll( Arrays.asList( PerfCore.getRecordString( config, perfVersion))); // Get the base commandline string (with flags/options based on // config) command.add(remoteBinFile.toOSString()); // Add the path to the executable command.set(0, perfPathString); command.add(2, OUTPUT_STR + configWorkingDir + PerfPlugin.PERF_DEFAULT_DATA); // Compile string command.addAll(Arrays.asList(arguments)); // Spawn the process String[] commandArray = command.toArray(new String[command.size()]); Process pProxy = RuntimeProcessFactory.getFactory() .exec(commandArray, getEnvironment(config), workingDir, project); MessageConsole console = new MessageConsole("Perf Console", null); // $NON-NLS-1$ console.activate(); ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager().addConsoles(new IConsole[] {console}); MessageConsoleStream stream = console.newMessageStream(); if (pProxy != null) { try (BufferedReader error = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pProxy.getErrorStream()))) { String err = error.readLine(); while (err != null) { stream.println(err); err = error.readLine(); } } } /* This commented part is the basic method to run perf record without integrating into eclipse. String binCall = exePath.toOSString(); for(String arg : arguments) { binCall.concat(" " + arg); } PerfCore.Run(binCall);*/ pProxy.destroy(); PrintStream print = null; if (config.getAttribute(IDebugUIConstants.ATTR_CAPTURE_IN_CONSOLE, true)) { // Get the console to output to. // This may not be the best way to accomplish this but it shall do for now. ConsolePlugin plugin = ConsolePlugin.getDefault(); IConsoleManager conMan = plugin.getConsoleManager(); IConsole[] existing = conMan.getConsoles(); IOConsole binaryOutCons = null; // Find the console for (IConsole x : existing) { if (x.getName().contains(renderProcessLabel(commandArray[0]))) { binaryOutCons = (IOConsole) x; } } if ((binaryOutCons == null) && (existing.length != 0)) { // if can't be found get the most recent opened, this should probably // never happen. if (existing[existing.length - 1] instanceof IOConsole) binaryOutCons = (IOConsole) existing[existing.length - 1]; } // Get the printstream via the outputstream. // Get ouput stream OutputStream outputTo; if (binaryOutCons != null) { outputTo = binaryOutCons.newOutputStream(); // Get the printstream for that console print = new PrintStream(outputTo); } for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++) { print.print(command.get(i) + " "); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Print Message print.println(); print.println("Analysing recorded, please wait..."); // $NON-NLS-1$ // Possibly should pass this (the console reference) on to PerfCore.Report if theres // anything we ever want to spit out to user. } config, getEnvironment(config), Path.fromOSString(configWorkingDir), monitor, null, print); URI perfDataURI = null; IRemoteFileProxy proxy = null; perfDataURI = new URI( RemoteProxyManager.getInstance().getRemoteProjectLocation(project) + PerfPlugin.PERF_DEFAULT_DATA); proxy = RemoteProxyManager.getInstance().getFileProxy(perfDataURI); IFileStore perfDataFileStore = proxy.getResource(perfDataURI.getPath()); IFileInfo info = perfDataFileStore.fetchInfo(); info.setAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY, true); perfDataFileStore.putInfo(info, EFS.SET_ATTRIBUTES, null); PerfCore.refreshView(renderProcessLabel(exeURI.getPath())); if (config.getAttribute( PerfPlugin.ATTR_ShowSourceDisassembly, PerfPlugin.ATTR_ShowSourceDisassembly_default)) { showSourceDisassembly( Path.fromPortableString(workingDirURI.toString() + IPath.SEPARATOR)); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); abort(e.getLocalizedMessage(), null, ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); } catch (RemoteConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); abort(e.getLocalizedMessage(), null, ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); abort(e.getLocalizedMessage(), null, ICDTLaunchConfigurationConstants.ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); } }