public static void BuildAndVerify(BoardDescriptor boardid) { IProject theTestProject = null; CodeDescriptor codeDescriptor = CodeDescriptor.createDefaultIno(); NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); String projectName = String.format("%03d_", new Integer(mCounter++)) + boardid.getBoardID(); try { theTestProject = boardid.createProject( projectName, null, ConfigurationDescriptor.getDefaultDescriptors(), codeDescriptor, monitor); Shared.waitForAllJobsToFinish(); // for the indexer } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Failed to create the project:" + projectName); return; } try {, monitor); if (Shared.hasBuildErrors(theTestProject)) { fail("Failed to compile the project:" + projectName + " build errors"); } } catch (CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Failed to compile the project:" + boardid.getBoardName() + " exception"); } }
/** * Check if model version is changed and rebuild PHP projects if necessary. * * @see PHPCoreConstants.STRUCTURE_VERSION */ private void rebuildProjects() { IEclipsePreferences preferences = InstanceScope.INSTANCE.getNode(ID); String modelVersion = preferences.get(PHPCoreConstants.STRUCTURE_VERSION_PREFERENCE, null); if (PHPCoreConstants.STRUCTURE_VERSION.equals(modelVersion)) { return; } preferences.put( PHPCoreConstants.STRUCTURE_VERSION_PREFERENCE, PHPCoreConstants.STRUCTURE_VERSION); try { preferences.flush(); } catch (BackingStoreException e1) { Logger.logException(e1); } IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IProject[] projects = workspace.getRoot().getProjects(); if (workspace.isAutoBuilding()) { try { for (IProject project : projects) { if (PHPToolkitUtil.isPhpProject(project)) {, null); } } } catch (CoreException e) { Logger.logException(e); } } }
public void testBug148055() throws Exception { IProject project = createPredefinedProject("project.with.aop-ajc.xml.file"); // $NON-NLS-1$ IResource xml = project.findMember("src/META-INF/aop-ajc.xml"); // $NON-NLS-1$ assertNotNull("Couldn't find aop-ajc.xml file in project", xml); // $NON-NLS-1$ assertTrue("aop-ajc.xml file doesn't exist: " + xml, xml.exists()); // $NON-NLS-1$ File file = xml.getRawLocation().toFile(); assertNotNull("Couldn't find aop-ajc.xml as a", file); // $NON-NLS-1$ assertTrue("aop-ajc.xml file doesn't exist: " + file, file.exists()); // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean deleted = file.delete(); assertTrue("Delete failed for file: " + file, deleted); // $NON-NLS-1$, new NullProgressMonitor()); assertTrue( "Regression of bug 148055: Should be no errors, but got " //$NON-NLS-1$ + ((UIMessageHandler) AspectJPlugin.getDefault() .getCompilerFactory() .getCompilerForProject(project) .getMessageHandler()) .getErrors(), ((UIMessageHandler) AspectJPlugin.getDefault() .getCompilerFactory() .getCompilerForProject(project) .getMessageHandler()) .getErrors() .size() == 0); }
// test that after a source folder is deleted, all // class files nd resources are removed from the // output folder public void testDeleteSourceFolder() throws Exception { IProject proj = createPredefinedProject("CopyDerived1"); getWorkspace().build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, null); IJavaProject jProj = JavaCore.create(proj); IClasspathEntry[] classpath = jProj.getRawClasspath(); IClasspathEntry[] newClasspath = new IClasspathEntry[classpath.length - 1]; // remove the classpath entry corresponding to src for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < classpath.length; i++, j++) { if (classpath[i].getPath().lastSegment().toString().equals("src")) { j--; continue; } newClasspath[j] = classpath[i]; } jProj.setRawClasspath(newClasspath, true, null);, null); IFolder out = proj.getFolder("bin"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, ""); checkFileNoExist(out, "file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing2.class"); checkFolderNoExist(out, "package1"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing2.class"); }
/** Tests a builder that requests deltas for closed and missing projects. */ public void testRequestMissingProject() { // add builder and do an initial build to get the instance try { addBuilder(project1, DeltaVerifierBuilder.BUILDER_NAME);, getMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { fail("1.0", e); } final DeltaVerifierBuilder builder = DeltaVerifierBuilder.getInstance(); assertTrue("1.1", builder != null); // always check deltas for all projects final IProject[] allProjects = new IProject[] {project1, project2, project3, project4}; try { project2.close(getMonitor()); project3.delete(IResource.ALWAYS_DELETE_PROJECT_CONTENT, getMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e1) { fail("1.99", e1); } builder.checkDeltas(allProjects); // modify a file in project1 to force an autobuild try { file1.setContents(getRandomContents(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e2) { fail("2.99", e2); } }
public void testSetCompilerOptions() throws Exception { assertFalse( "project shouldn't have any error markers", //$NON-NLS-1$ ProjectDependenciesUtils.projectIsMarkedWithError(project, null)); AspectJPreferences.setCompilerOptions(project, "blah"); // $NON-NLS-1$, null); waitForJobsToComplete(); assertTrue( "build should fail because can't understand compiler options", //$NON-NLS-1$ ProjectDependenciesUtils.projectIsMarkedWithError(project, null)); AspectJPreferences.setCompilerOptions(project, ""); // $NON-NLS-1$, null); waitForJobsToComplete(); assertFalse( "project shouldn't have any error markers", //$NON-NLS-1$ ProjectDependenciesUtils.projectIsMarkedWithError(project, null)); }
/** * Tests wiring validation. * * @throws Exception if a failure occurs. */ public void testWiringValidation() throws Exception { IProject project = importProject("test-data/validator-tests/wiring-validation-tests/pom.xml"); waitForJobsToComplete();, monitor); waitForJobsToComplete();, monitor); waitForJobsToComplete(); IFile switchYardFile = project.getFile("src/main/resources/META-INF/switchyard.xml"); assertTrue("switchyard.xml does not exist.", switchYardFile != null && switchYardFile.exists()); IMarker[] markers = switchYardFile.findMarkers( SwitchYardProjectValidator.SWITCHYARD_MARKER_ID, true, IFile.DEPTH_ZERO); int errorCount = 0; int warningCount = 0; int infoCount = 0; int unknownCount = 0; for (IMarker marker : markers) { switch (marker.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, -1)) { case IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR: ++errorCount; break; case IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO: ++infoCount; break; case IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING: ++warningCount; break; default: ++unknownCount; break; } } assertEquals("Expecting 14 errors: " + WorkspaceHelpers.toString(markers), 14, errorCount); assertEquals("Expecting 4 warnings: " + WorkspaceHelpers.toString(markers), 4, warningCount); assertEquals("Expecting 0 infos: " + WorkspaceHelpers.toString(markers), 0, infoCount); assertEquals( "Unexpected marker severity (not info, warning, error): " + WorkspaceHelpers.toString(markers), 0, unknownCount); }
/** * @throws JavaModelException * @throws CoreException */ @Before public void setup() throws JavaModelException, CoreException { System.out.println( "Setup test project: " + ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toOSString()); // _project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(DEFAULT_JDT_TEST_PROJECT_NAME); // create PDE project EclipseProjectUtils.createEclipsePluginProject(_project, getImportedPackages()); // IFolder srcFolder = _project.getFolder("src"); createTestSourceFiles(srcFolder); srcFolder.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); // EclipseProjectUtils.enableDsAnnotationNature(_project); // TODO: Synchronize try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // noop } // refresh and build _project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); try {, null);, null); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // if (failOnErrors()) { EclipseProjectUtils.failOnErrors(_project); } }
protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); origFactory = AspectJPlugin.getDefault().getCompilerFactory(); AspectJPlugin.getDefault().setCompilerFactory(new MockCompilerFactory()); Utils.setAutobuilding(true); proj2 = createPredefinedProject("ExportAsJar"); AspectJCorePreferences.setProjectOutJar(proj2, "export.jar");, null); proj1 = createPredefinedProject("JarOnInpath"); waitForAutoBuild(); }
/** * @param project * @throws CoreException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws Exception */ protected void assertConvertsAndBuilds(IProject project) throws CoreException, InterruptedException, Exception { // Convert the project to a Maven project (generates pom.xml, enables Maven nature) convert(project); // Checks the generated pom.xml is identical to /<projectName>/expectedPom.xml verifyGeneratedPom(project); // Checks the Maven project builds without errors, monitor); waitForJobsToComplete(); assertNoErrors(project); }
public void testPropertiesSubstitution() throws Exception { IProject p1 = createExisting("t019-p1"); waitForJobsToComplete();, monitor); IMavenProjectFacade f1 = manager.create(p1, monitor); MavenProject m1 = f1.getMavenProject(monitor); assertEquals("t019-p1", m1.getArtifactId()); assertEquals("1.0.0-SNAPSHOT", m1.getVersion()); assertEquals("plain description", m1.getDescription()); }
private void executeResolutions(List<QuickFixTestPackage> packages, String testResource) throws CoreException { // Some resolutions can be ignored. One example is a detector that has one or more sometimes // applicable quickfixes, but occasionally none apply. These are useful to include in the // test cases (e.g., and need to be properly handled. // we keep a count of the ignored resolutions (QuickFixTestPackage.IGNORE_FIX) and correct // our progress using that int ignoredResolutions = 0; int pendingBogoFixes = 0; boolean skipNextScan = true; for (int resolutionsCompleted = 0; resolutionsCompleted < packages.size(); resolutionsCompleted++) { if (!skipNextScan) { // Refresh, rebuild, and scan for bugs again // We only need to do this after the first time, as we expect the file to have // been scanned and checked for consistency (see checkBugsAndPerformResolution) testIProject.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null);, null); clearMarkersAndBugs(); scanUntilMarkers(testResource); } skipNextScan = false; System.out.println(resolutionsCompleted); IMarker[] markers = getSortedMarkersFromFile(testResource); assertEquals( "Bug marker number was different than anticipated. " + "Check to see if another bug marker was introduced by fixing another.", packages.size() - (resolutionsCompleted), markers.length - ignoredResolutions - pendingBogoFixes); IMarker nextNonIgnoredMarker = markers[ ignoredResolutions + pendingBogoFixes]; // Bug markers we ignore float to the "top" of the stack // ignoredResolutions can act as an index for that QuickFixTestPackage p = packages.get(resolutionsCompleted); skipNextScan = !performResolution(p, nextNonIgnoredMarker); if (p.resolutionToExecute == QuickFixTestPackage.IGNORE_FIX) { ignoredResolutions++; } else if (p.resolutionToExecute == QuickFixTestPackage.FIXED_BY_ANOTHER_FIX) { pendingBogoFixes++; } else { pendingBogoFixes = 0; } } }
public void testMarkersAreAdded() throws Exception {, new NullProgressMonitor()); SynchronizationUtils.joinBackgroudActivities(); assertEquals( "Simple AJ Project should contain 2 advice markers after building", 2, myProject.findMarkers(IAJModelMarker.ADVICE_MARKER, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE) .length); //$NON-NLS-1$ assertEquals( "Simple AJ Project should contain 2 source advice markers after building", 2, myProject.findMarkers(IAJModelMarker.SOURCE_ADVICE_MARKER, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE) .length); //$NON-NLS-1$ }
@Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { IProgressMonitor sub = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, projects.length); for (IProject project : projects) {, sub); sub.worked(1); } return Status.OK_STATUS; } catch (CoreException e) { GroovyCore.logException("Error building groovy project", e); return e.getStatus(); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
/** * Executes a rebuild of the Project. * * @param editor * @param monitor */ private void execute(EditorState editor, IProgressMonitor monitor) { // rebuild the project IProject project =; if (project != null) { int kind = IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD; // int kind = IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD; // IProgressMonitor monitor = null; try {, monitor); } catch (CoreException e) { Environment.logException(e.getMessage()); openError(editor, e.getMessage()); } } }
/** This test disabled until is resolved */ public void _testExtensionPluginResolution() throws Exception { IProject p1 = createExisting("MNGECLIPSE380-plugin", "resources/MNGECLIPSE380/plugin"); IProject p2 = createExisting("MNGECLIPSE380-project", "resources/MNGECLIPSE380/project"); waitForJobsToComplete();, monitor); IFile pom2 = p2.getFile("pom.xml"); assertNotNull(manager.create(pom2, false, null)); deleteProject(p1); waitForJobsToComplete(); assertNull(manager.create(pom2, false, null)); assertNotNull(manager.create(pom2, false, null)); }
/** * Creates test file with the specified content and calculates the offset at OFFSET_CHAR. Offset * character itself is stripped off. * * @param data File data * @return offset where's the offset character set. * @throws Exception */ protected int createFile(String data) throws Exception { int offset = data.lastIndexOf(OFFSET_CHAR); if (offset == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset character is not set"); } // replace the offset character data = data.substring(0, offset) + data.substring(offset + 1); testFile = project.getFile("pdttest/test.php"); testFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()), true, null); project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null);, null); TestUtils.waitForIndexer(); return offset; }
/** * Replace the project pom.xml with a new one, triggers new build, wait for waitTime milliseconds. * * @param project * @param newPomName * @param waitTime * @throws Exception */ protected void updateProject(IProject project, String newPomName, int waitTime) throws Exception { if (newPomName != null) { copyContent(project, newPomName, "pom.xml"); } IProjectConfigurationManager configurationManager = MavenPlugin.getDefault().getProjectConfigurationManager(); ResolverConfiguration configuration = new ResolverConfiguration(); configurationManager.enableMavenNature(project, configuration, monitor); configurationManager.updateProjectConfiguration(project, monitor); waitForJobsToComplete();, monitor); if (waitTime > 0) { Thread.sleep(waitTime); } waitForJobsToComplete(); }
/** Test for Bug #5102. Never reproduced but interesting little test, worth keeping around */ public void testPR() throws Exception { // create a project with a RefreshLocalJavaFileBuilder and a SortBuilder on the classpath IProject project = getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("P1"); project.create(null);; IProjectDescription desc = project.getDescription(); ICommand one = desc.newCommand(); one.setBuilderName(RefreshLocalJavaFileBuilder.BUILDER_NAME); ICommand two = desc.newCommand(); two.setBuilderName(SortBuilder.BUILDER_NAME); desc.setBuildSpec(new ICommand[] {one, two}); project.setDescription(desc, null); // do a full build, null); // do an incremental build by creating a file IFile file = project.getFile("Foo"); file.create(getRandomContents(), true, getMonitor()); }
@Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { synchronized (getClass()) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } Job[] buildJobs = Job.getJobManager().find(ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_MANUAL_BUILD); for (int i = 0; i < buildJobs.length; i++) { Job curr = buildJobs[i]; if (curr != this && curr instanceof BuildJob) { BuildJob job = (BuildJob) curr; if (job.isCoveredBy(this)) { curr.cancel(); // cancel all other build jobs of // our kind } } } } try { if (fProject != null) { monitor.beginTask( Messages.format(DLTKUIMessages.CoreUtility_buildproject_taskname, fProject.getName()), 2);, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); DLTKUIPlugin.getWorkspace() .build( IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); } else { monitor.beginTask(DLTKUIMessages.CoreUtility_buildall_taskname, 2); DLTKUIPlugin.getWorkspace() .build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 2)); } } catch (CoreException e) { return e.getStatus(); } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } finally { monitor.done(); } return Status.OK_STATUS; }
/** * Existing interceptor binding, taken from TCK, is annotated @Inherited @Target({TYPE}) If this * test fails, first check that the existing interceptor binding has not been moved or modified. * In the previous version, the result of testNewInterceptorBindingWizard() was used, but that * turned to be not safe, since the order of tests is not guaranteed. * * @throws CoreException */ public void testNewInterceptorBindingWizardWithBinding() throws CoreException { IProject tck = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject("tck");, new NullProgressMonitor()); WizardContext context = new WizardContext(); context.init( "", PACK_NAME, INTERCEPTOR_BINDING2_NAME); try { NewInterceptorBindingWizardPage page = (NewInterceptorBindingWizardPage); ICDIProject cdi = CDICorePlugin.getCDIProject(context.tck, true); IInterceptorBinding s = cdi.getInterceptorBinding(EXISTING_PACK_NAME + "." + EXISTING_INTERCEPTOR_BINDING_NAME); assertNotNull(s); page.addInterceptorBinding(s); String message = page.getErrorMessage(); assertNull(message); message = page.getMessage(); assertNotNull(message); int messageType = page.getMessageType(); assertEquals(IMessageProvider.WARNING, messageType); String testmessage = NLS.bind( CDIUIMessages.MESSAGE_INTERCEPTOR_BINDING_IS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, s.getSourceType().getElementName()); assertEquals(testmessage, message); page.setTarget("TYPE"); message = page.getErrorMessage(); assertNull(message); message = page.getMessage(); assertNull(message); } finally { context.close(); } }
public static void loadFilesThatNeedFixing() throws CoreException, IOException { makeJavaProject(); TestingUtils.copyBrokenFiles( testIProject.getFolder(SRC_FOLDER_NAME), new File("classesToFix/"), new File("mockLibraries/")); // Compiles the code testIProject.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null);, null); FindbugsPlugin.setProjectSettingsEnabled(testIProject, null, true); UserPreferences userPrefs = FindbugsPlugin.getUserPreferences(testIProject); // enables categories like Security, which are disabled by default userPrefs.getFilterSettings().clearAllCategories(); checkFBContribInstalled(); checkFindSecurityBugsInstalled(); TestingUtils.waitForUiEvents(100); }
/** * Creates test file with the specified content and calculates the source range for the selection. * Selection characters themself are stripped off. * * @param data File data * @return offset where's the offset character set. * @throws Exception */ protected SourceRange createFile(String data) throws Exception { int left = data.indexOf(SELECTION_CHAR); if (left == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selection characters are not set"); } // replace the left character data = data.substring(0, left) + data.substring(left + 1); int right = data.indexOf(SELECTION_CHAR); if (right == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selection is not closed"); } data = data.substring(0, right) + data.substring(right + 1); testFile = project.getFile("pdttest/test.php"); testFile.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()), true, null); project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null);, null); PHPCoreTests.waitForIndexer(); return new SourceRange(left, right - left); }
/** * Creates the Acceleo project. * * @param monitor The progress monitor. */ private void createProject(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(newProjectPage.getProjectName()); IPath location = newProjectPage.getLocationPath(); if (!project.exists()) { IProjectDescription desc = project.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(newProjectPage.getProjectName()); if (ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().equals(location)) { location = null; } desc.setLocation(location); project.create(desc, monitor);; boolean shouldGenerateModules = !(getContainer().getCurrentPage() instanceof WizardNewProjectCreationPage); convert( project, newProjectPage.getSelectedJVM(), newAcceleoModulesCreationPage.getAllModules(), shouldGenerateModules, monitor); IWorkingSet[] workingSets = newProjectPage.getSelectedWorkingSets(); getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager().addToWorkingSets(project, workingSets); IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, AcceleoBuilder.BUILDER_ID, new HashMap<String, String>(), monitor); } } catch (CoreException e) { AcceleoUIActivator.log(e, true); } }
@Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { repairErroneousBuilderEntry(project); reorderBuilderEntries(project); final ImmutableList<String> newIDs = project.hasNature(ViatraQueryNature.NATURE_ID) ? ImmutableList.<String>of() : ImmutableList.of(ViatraQueryNature.NATURE_ID); Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); for (String ID : MigratorConstants.INCORRECT_NATURE_IDS) { if (project.hasNature(ID)) { builder.add(ID); } } final ImmutableList<String> oldIDs =; if (newIDs.size() + oldIDs.size() > 0) { ProjectGenerationHelper.updateNatures(project, newIDs, oldIDs, monitor); } removeGlobalEiq(project); renamePatternDefinitionFiles(project); if (PDE.hasPluginNature(project)) { removeExpressionExtensions(project); ProjectGenerationHelper.ensurePackageImports( project, ImmutableList.<String>of("org.apache.log4j")); }, monitor); } catch (CoreException e) { return new Status( IStatus.ERROR, ViatraQueryGUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Error updating project natures", e); } return Status.OK_STATUS; }
// As above, but test that when root folder is out folder public void testCopyDerivedInRoot() throws Exception { IProject proj = createPredefinedProject("CopyDerived2"); getWorkspace().build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, null); checkFileIsNotDerived(proj, "file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(proj, "Nothing.class"); checkFileIsDerived(proj, "Nothing2.class"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(proj, "package1"); checkFileIsNotDerived(proj, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(proj, "package1/Nothing.class"); checkFileIsDerived(proj, "package1/Nothing2.class"); // should delete all binaries but leave all resources, null); checkProjectIsNotDerived(proj, ""); checkFileIsNotDerived(proj, "file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(proj, "Nothing1.class"); checkFileNoExist(proj, "Nothing2.class"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(proj, "package1"); checkFileIsNotDerived(proj, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(proj, "package1/Nothing1.class"); checkFileNoExist(proj, "package1/Nothing2.class"); }
// TODO - turn this into an OSGi command private void generate_code( final String project_path, final String lang, String codegenId, final String templateId, final String[] preserveFiles, final NullProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws CoreException { final SubMonitor monitor = SubMonitor.convert(progressMonitor, 2); final ResourceSet set = ScaResourceFactoryUtil.createResourceSet(); final IPath projectPath = new Path(project_path); final IProject project = openProject(projectPath); final SoftPkg softPkg = getSoftPkg(project); if (softPkg == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load spd.xml for project"); } // Create or open the existing settings final WaveDevSettings waveDev = getWaveDevSettings(set, softPkg, codegenId, templateId); if (waveDev == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load wavedev settings for project"); } final EMap<String, ImplementationSettings> implSet = waveDev.getImplSettings(); // Try generate each implementation, or just the specified language for (final Implementation impl : softPkg.getImplementation()) { final String currLang = impl.getProgrammingLanguage().getName(); if ((lang != null) && !lang.equals(currLang.toLowerCase())) { continue; } // Prepare for generation final ImplementationSettings settings = implSet.get(impl.getId()); final ArrayList<FileToCRCMap> crcMap = new ArrayList<FileToCRCMap>(); System.out.println("\n\nGenerating " + currLang + " code for " + softPkg.getName()); // Validate the settings name final String implName = CodegenFileHelper.safeGetImplementationName(impl, settings); if (!implName.equals(CodegenUtil.getValidName(implName))) { System.err.println("Invalid characters in implementation name for " + implName); continue; } else if (settings.getGeneratorId() != null) { // Find the desired code generator codegenId = settings.getGeneratorId(); final ICodeGeneratorDescriptor codeGenDesc = RedhawkCodegenActivator.getCodeGeneratorsRegistry().findCodegen(codegenId); if (codeGenDesc == null) { System.err.println( "The code generator(" + codegenId + ") for this implementation could not be found."); continue; } // Get the actual code generator final IScaComponentCodegen generator = codeGenDesc.getGenerator(); // Get files to generate final Set<FileStatus> fileStatusSet = generator.getGeneratedFilesStatus(settings, softPkg); final Set<String> fileList = new HashSet<String>(); for (FileStatus s : fileStatusSet) { fileList.add(s.getFilename()); } // Remove files we don't want to delete if (preserveFiles.length != 0) { if ("*".equals(preserveFiles[0])) { fileList.clear(); } else { for (final String f : preserveFiles) { if (fileList.contains(f)) { fileList.remove(f); } } } } // Generate the files final IStatus status = generator.generate( settings, impl, System.out, System.err, monitor.newChild(1), fileList.toArray(new String[0]), generator.shouldGenerate(), crcMap); // Save the workspace final WorkspaceModifyOperation operation = new WorkspaceModifyOperation() { @Override protected void execute(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { final IStatus saveStatus = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().save(true, monitor); // Check the save results, hopefully this worked if (!saveStatus.isOK()) { System.err.println( "Generated files, but there was a problem saving the workspace: " + saveStatus.getMessage()); } } }; try {; } catch (final InvocationTargetException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, CodegeneratorApplication.PLUGIN_ID, "Error saving resources", e)); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, CodegeneratorApplication.PLUGIN_ID, "Error saving resources", e)); } // Check the results if (!status.isOK()) { System.err.println( "\nErrors occurred generating " + currLang + " code: " + status.getMessage()); continue; } else { System.out.println("\nDone generating " + currLang + " code!"); } } else { System.err.println( "No generator specified for implementation: " + implName + ". No code generated."); } }, monitor.newChild(1)); }
public void testCopyDerived() throws Exception { IProject proj = createPredefinedProject("CopyDerived1"); getWorkspace().build(IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD, null); // all out folders were empty. // project was built when created // check all build artifacts to make sure that // they exist and are marked derived IFolder out = proj.getFolder("bin"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, ""); checkFileIsDerived(out, "file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "Nothing.class"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "Nothing2.class"); checkFolderIsDerived(out, "package1"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/Nothing.class"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/Nothing2.class"); // deep out folder out = proj.getFolder("folder/bin2"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, ""); checkFileIsDerived(out, "file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "Nothing3.class"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "Nothing4.class"); checkFolderIsDerived(out, "package1"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/Nothing3.class"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/Nothing4.class"); // binary folder == out folder out = proj.getFolder("src3"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, ""); checkFileIsNotDerived(out, "file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "Nothing5.class"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "Nothing6.class"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, "package1"); checkFileIsNotDerived(out, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/Nothing5.class"); checkFileIsDerived(out, "package1/Nothing6.class"); // should delete all binaries and all resources // except for resources in source folder, null); out = proj.getFolder("bin"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, ""); checkFileNoExist(out, "file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing2.class"); checkFolderNoExist(out, "package1"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing2.class"); // deep out folder out = proj.getFolder("folder/bin2"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, ""); checkFileNoExist(out, "file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing3.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing4.class"); checkFolderNoExist(out, "package1"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing3.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing4.class"); // binary folder == out folder out = proj.getFolder("src3"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, ""); checkFileIsNotDerived(out, "file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing5.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "Nothing6.class"); checkFolderIsNotDerived(out, "package1"); checkFileIsNotDerived(out, "package1/file.txt"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing5.class"); checkFileNoExist(out, "package1/Nothing6.class"); }
public static void invokeBuilderOn(final IErlProject erlProject) throws CoreException { final IProject project = erlProject.getWorkspaceProject();, null); }
public List<IResource> exportArtifact(IProject project) throws Exception { List<IResource> exportResources = new ArrayList<IResource>(); List<String> exportedPackageList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> importededPackageList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArchiveManipulator archiveManipulator = new ArchiveManipulator(); NullProgressMonitor nullProgressMonitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); BundlesDataInfo bundleData = new BundlesDataInfo(); IFile bundleDataFile = project.getFile("bundles-data.xml"); File tempProject = createTempProject(); File libResources = createTempDir(tempProject, "lib_resources"); MavenProject mavenProject = MavenUtils.getMavenProject(project.getFile("pom.xml").getLocation().toFile()); if (bundleDataFile.exists()) { bundleData.deserialize(bundleDataFile); for (String lib : bundleData.getExportedPackageListsFromJar().keySet()) { IFile JarFile = project.getFile(lib); if (JarFile.exists()) { archiveManipulator.extract(JarFile.getLocation().toFile(), libResources); exportedPackageList.addAll(bundleData.getExportedPackageListsFromJar().get(lib)); } } for (IProject lib : bundleData.getExportedPackageListsFromProject().keySet()) { if (lib.isOpen()) {, nullProgressMonitor); IJavaProject javaLibProject = JavaCore.create(lib); for (IPackageFragment pkg : javaLibProject.getPackageFragments()) { if (pkg.getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE) { if (pkg.hasChildren()) { exportedPackageList.add(pkg.getElementName()); } } } IPath outPutPath = getOutputPath(javaLibProject); // get resource location IPath resources = getResourcePath(lib); FileUtils.copyDirectoryContents(outPutPath.toFile(), libResources); if (resources.toFile().exists()) { FileUtils.copyDirectoryContents(resources.toFile(), libResources); } } } getPackages(exportedPackageList, mavenProject, "Export-Package"); getPackages(importededPackageList, mavenProject, "Import-Package"); BundleManifest manifest = new BundleManifest(); manifest.setBundleName(project.getName()); manifest.setBundleSymbolicName(project.getName()); if (null != mavenProject.getModel().getDescription() && !"".equals(mavenProject.getModel().getDescription())) { manifest.setBundleDescription(mavenProject.getModel().getDescription()); } else { manifest.setBundleDescription(project.getName()); } if (null != mavenProject.getModel().getVersion() && !"".equals(mavenProject.getDescription())) { manifest.setBundleVersion(mavenProject.getModel().getVersion()); } else { manifest.setBundleVersion("1.0.0"); } if (null != bundleData.getFragmentHost() && !"".equals(bundleData.getFragmentHost())) { manifest.setFragmentHost(bundleData.getFragmentHost()); } manifest.setExportPackagesList(exportedPackageList); if (importededPackageList.size() > 0) { manifest.setImportPackagesList(importededPackageList); manifest.setDynamicImports(false); } File metaInfDir = new File(libResources, "META-INF"); if (!metaInfDir.exists()) metaInfDir.mkdir(); File manifestFile = new File(metaInfDir, "MANIFEST.MF"); FileUtils.createFile(manifestFile, manifest.toString()); File tmpArchive = new File(tempProject, project.getName().concat(".jar")); archiveManipulator.archiveDir(tmpArchive.toString(), libResources.toString()); IFile libArchive = getTargetArchive(project, "jar"); FileUtils.copy(tmpArchive, libArchive.getLocation().toFile()); exportResources.add((IResource) libArchive); // cleaning temp project // if(!{ // tempProject.delete(true, getProgressMonitor()); } TempFileUtils.cleanUp(); return exportResources; }