private void removeFilesInIndex( List<Object> filesToRemove, List<IIndexFragmentFile> indexFilesToRemove, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException, CoreException { if (!filesToRemove.isEmpty() || !indexFilesToRemove.isEmpty()) { fIndex.acquireWriteLock(); try { for (Object tu : filesToRemove) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } IIndexFileLocation ifl = fResolver.resolveFile(tu); if (ifl == null) continue; IIndexFragmentFile[] ifiles = fIndex.getWritableFiles(ifl); for (IIndexFragmentFile ifile : ifiles) { fIndex.clearFile(ifile); } incrementRequestedFilesCount(-1); } for (IIndexFragmentFile ifile : indexFilesToRemove) { if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return; } fIndex.clearFile(ifile); incrementRequestedFilesCount(-1); } } finally { fIndex.releaseWriteLock(); } } filesToRemove.clear(); }
private void setResume(boolean value) throws InterruptedException, CoreException { fIndex.acquireWriteLock(); try { fIndex .getWritableFragment() .setProperty(IIndexFragment.PROPERTY_RESUME_INDEXER, String.valueOf(value)); } finally { fIndex.releaseWriteLock(); } }
private void parseLinkage(int linkageID, List<IIndexFileLocation> files, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, InterruptedException { LinkageTask map = findRequestMap(linkageID); if (map == null || files == null || files.isEmpty()) return; // First parse the required sources for (Iterator<IIndexFileLocation> it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { IIndexFileLocation ifl =; LocationTask locTask = map.find(ifl); if (locTask == null || locTask.isCompleted()) { it.remove(); } else if (locTask.fKind == UpdateKind.REQUIRED_SOURCE) { if (monitor.isCanceled() || hasUrgentTasks()) return; final Object tu = locTask.fTu; final IScannerInfo scannerInfo = getScannerInfo(linkageID, tu); parseFile(tu, getLanguage(tu, linkageID), ifl, scannerInfo, null, monitor); } } // Files with context for (Iterator<IIndexFileLocation> it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { IIndexFileLocation ifl =; LocationTask locTask = map.find(ifl); if (locTask == null || locTask.isCompleted()) { it.remove(); } else { for (FileVersionTask versionTask : locTask.fVersionTasks) { if (versionTask.fOutdated) { if (monitor.isCanceled() || hasUrgentTasks()) return; parseVersionInContext( linkageID, map, ifl, versionTask, locTask.fTu, new LinkedHashSet<IIndexFile>(), monitor); } } } } // Files without context for (Iterator<IIndexFileLocation> it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { IIndexFileLocation ifl =; LocationTask locTask = map.find(ifl); if (locTask == null || locTask.isCompleted()) { it.remove(); } else { if (locTask.needsVersion()) { if (monitor.isCanceled() || hasUrgentTasks()) return; final Object tu = locTask.fTu; final IScannerInfo scannerInfo = getScannerInfo(linkageID, tu); parseFile(tu, getLanguage(tu, linkageID), ifl, scannerInfo, null, monitor); if (locTask.isCompleted()) it.remove(); } } } // Delete remaining files. fIndex.acquireWriteLock(); try { for (IIndexFileLocation ifl : files) { LocationTask locTask = map.find(ifl); if (locTask != null && !locTask.isCompleted()) { if (!locTask.needsVersion()) { if (monitor.isCanceled() || hasUrgentTasks()) return; Iterator<FileVersionTask> it = locTask.fVersionTasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FileVersionTask v =; if (v.fOutdated) { fIndex.clearFile(v.fIndexFile); reportFile(true, locTask.fKind); locTask.removeVersionTask(it); fIndexContentCache.remove(v.fIndexFile); fIndexFilesCache.remove(ifl); } } } } } } finally { fIndex.releaseWriteLock(); } }