private static DynmapLocation toLoc(Location l) { return new DynmapLocation( DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(l.getWorld().getName()), l.getBlockX(), l.getBlockY(), l.getBlockZ()); }
/** Test if done loading */ public boolean isDoneLoading() { if (dw.isLoaded() == false) { isempty = true; unloadChunks(); return true; } if (iterator != null) return !iterator.hasNext(); return false; }
@Override public void buildClientConfiguration(JSONObject worldObject, DynmapWorld world, KzedMap map) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); s(o, "type", "KzedMapType"); s(o, "name", name); s(o, "title", title); s(o, "icon", icon); s(o, "prefix", prefix); s(o, "background", bg_cfg); s(o, "nightandday", night_and_day); s(o, "backgroundday", bg_day_cfg); s(o, "backgroundnight", bg_night_cfg); s(o, "bigmap", map.isBigWorldMap(world)); s(o, "mapzoomin", mapzoomin); s(o, "protected", is_protected); s(o, "mapzoomout", world.getExtraZoomOutLevels() + 1); if (MapManager.mapman.getCompassMode() != CompassMode.PRE19) s(o, "compassview", "NE"); /* Always from northeast */ else s(o, "compassview", "SE"); /* Always from southeast */ s(o, "image-format", ImageFormat.FORMAT_PNG.getFileExt()); a(worldObject, "maps", o); }
public boolean render(MapChunkCache cache, KzedMapTile tile, File outputFile) { DynmapWorld world = tile.getDynmapWorld(); boolean isnether = world.isNether(); DynmapBufferedImage im = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); DynmapBufferedImage zim = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth / 2, KzedMap.tileHeight / 2); DynmapBufferedImage im_day = null; DynmapBufferedImage zim_day = null; if (night_and_day) { im_day = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); zim_day = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth / 2, KzedMap.tileHeight / 2); } if (cache.getWorld().worldheight > 128) { if (maximumHeight == 127) maximumHeight = cache.getWorld().worldheight - 1; } int ix = tile.px / 2 + / 2 - ((127 - maximumHeight) / 2); int iy = maximumHeight; int iz = tile.px / 2 - / 2 + ((127 - maximumHeight) / 2); /* Don't mess with existing height-clipped renders */ if (maximumHeight < 127) isnether = false; int jx, jz; int x, y; MapIterator mapiter = cache.getIterator(ix, iy, iz); Color c1 = new Color(); Color c2 = new Color(); int[] argb = im.argb_buf; int[] zargb = zim.argb_buf; Color c1_day = null; Color c2_day = null; int[] argb_day = null; int[] zargb_day = null; if (night_and_day) { c1_day = new Color(); c2_day = new Color(); argb_day = im_day.argb_buf; zargb_day = zim_day.argb_buf; } int rowoff = 0; /* draw the map */ for (y = 0; y < KzedMap.tileHeight; ) { jx = ix; jz = iz; for (x = KzedMap.tileWidth - 1; x >= 0; x -= 2) { mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 0, isnether, c1, c1_day, mapiter); mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 2, isnether, c2, c2_day, mapiter); argb[rowoff + x] = c1.getARGB(); argb[rowoff + x - 1] = c2.getARGB(); if (night_and_day) { argb_day[rowoff + x] = c1_day.getARGB(); argb_day[rowoff + x - 1] = c2_day.getARGB(); } jx++; jz++; } y++; rowoff += KzedMap.tileWidth; jx = ix; jz = iz - 1; for (x = KzedMap.tileWidth - 1; x >= 0; x -= 2) { mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 2, isnether, c1, c1_day, mapiter); jx++; jz++; mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 0, isnether, c2, c2_day, mapiter); argb[rowoff + x] = c1.getARGB(); argb[rowoff + x - 1] = c2.getARGB(); if (night_and_day) { argb_day[rowoff + x] = c1_day.getARGB(); argb_day[rowoff + x - 1] = c2_day.getARGB(); } } y++; rowoff += KzedMap.tileWidth; ix++; iz--; } /* Now, compute zoomed tile - bilinear filter 2x2 -> 1x1 */ doScaleWithBilinear(argb, zargb, KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); if (night_and_day) { doScaleWithBilinear(argb_day, zargb_day, KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); } /* Hand encoding and writing file off to MapManager */ KzedZoomedMapTile zmtile = new KzedZoomedMapTile(tile.getDynmapWorld(), tile); File zoomFile = MapManager.mapman.getTileFile(zmtile); return doFileWrites(outputFile, tile, im, im_day, zmtile, zoomFile, zim, zim_day); }
public int loadChunks(int max_to_load) { if (dw.isLoaded() == false) return 0; long t0 = System.nanoTime(); Object queue = helper.getUnloadQueue(helper.getNMSWorld(w)); int cnt = 0; if (iterator == null) iterator = chunks.listIterator(); DynmapCore.setIgnoreChunkLoads(true); // boolean isnormral = w.getEnvironment() == Environment.NORMAL; // Load the required chunks. while ((cnt < max_to_load) && iterator.hasNext()) { DynmapChunk chunk =; boolean vis = true; if (visible_limits != null) { vis = false; for (VisibilityLimit limit : visible_limits) { if ((chunk.x >= limit.x0) && (chunk.x <= limit.x1) && (chunk.z >= limit.z0) && (chunk.z <= limit.z1)) { vis = true; break; } } } if (vis && (hidden_limits != null)) { for (VisibilityLimit limit : hidden_limits) { if ((chunk.x >= limit.x0) && (chunk.x <= limit.x1) && (chunk.z >= limit.z0) && (chunk.z <= limit.z1)) { vis = false; break; } } } /* Check if cached chunk snapshot found */ ChunkSnapshot ss = null; DynIntHashMap tileData = null; SnapshotRec ssr = DynmapPlugin.plugin.sscache.getSnapshot( dw.getName(), chunk.x, chunk.z, blockdata, biome, biomeraw, highesty); if (ssr != null) { ss =; if (!vis) { if (hidestyle == HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_STONE_PLAIN) ss = STONE; else if (hidestyle == HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_OCEAN) ss = OCEAN; else ss = EMPTY; } int idx = (chunk.x - x_min) + (chunk.z - z_min) * x_dim; snaparray[idx] = ss; snaptile[idx] = ssr.tileData; continue; } chunks_attempted++; boolean wasLoaded = w.isChunkLoaded(chunk.x, chunk.z); boolean didload = false; boolean isunloadpending = false; if (queue != null) { isunloadpending = helper.isInUnloadQueue(queue, chunk.x, chunk.z); } if (isunloadpending) { /* Workaround: can't be pending if not loaded */ wasLoaded = true; } try { if (!wasLoaded) { didload = w.loadChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, false); } else { /* If already was loaded, no need to load */ didload = true; } } catch (Throwable t) { /* Catch chunk error from Bukkit */ Log.warning("Bukkit error loading chunk " + chunk.x + "," + chunk.z + " on " + w.getName()); if (!wasLoaded) { /* If wasn't loaded, we loaded it if it now is */ didload = w.isChunkLoaded(chunk.x, chunk.z); } } boolean didgenerate = false; /* If we didn't load, and we're supposed to generate, do it */ if ((!didload) && do_generate && vis) didgenerate = didload = w.loadChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, true); /* If it did load, make cache of it */ if (didload) { tileData = new DynIntHashMap(); Chunk c = w.getChunkAt(chunk.x, chunk.z); /* Get the chunk */ /* Test if chunk isn't populated */ boolean populated = true; // TODO: figure out why this doesn't appear to be reliable in Bukkit // if((nmschunk != null) && (doneflag != null)) { // try { // populated = doneflag.getBoolean(nmschunk); // } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // } // } if (!vis) { if (hidestyle == HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_STONE_PLAIN) ss = STONE; else if (hidestyle == HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_OCEAN) ss = OCEAN; else ss = EMPTY; } else if (!populated) { /* If not populated, treat as empty */ ss = EMPTY; } else { if (blockdata || highesty) { ss = c.getChunkSnapshot(highesty, biome, biomeraw); if (use_spout) { ss = checkSpoutData(c, ss); } /* Get tile entity data */ List<Object> vals = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map tileents = helper.getTileEntitiesForChunk(c); for (Object t : tileents.values()) { int te_x = helper.getTileEntityX(t); int te_y = helper.getTileEntityY(t); int te_z = helper.getTileEntityZ(t); int cx = te_x & 0xF; int cz = te_z & 0xF; int blkid = ss.getBlockTypeId(cx, te_y, cz); int blkdat = ss.getBlockData(cx, te_y, cz); String[] te_fields = HDBlockModels.getTileEntityFieldsNeeded(blkid, blkdat); if (te_fields != null) { Object nbtcompound = helper.readTileEntityNBT(t); vals.clear(); for (String id : te_fields) { Object val = helper.getFieldValue(nbtcompound, id); if (val != null) { vals.add(id); vals.add(val); } } if (vals.size() > 0) { Object[] vlist = vals.toArray(new Object[vals.size()]); tileData.put(getIndexInChunk(cx, te_y, cz), vlist); } } } } else ss = w.getEmptyChunkSnapshot(chunk.x, chunk.z, biome, biomeraw); if (ss != null) { ssr = new SnapshotRec(); = ss; ssr.tileData = tileData; DynmapPlugin.plugin.sscache.putSnapshot( dw.getName(), chunk.x, chunk.z, ssr, blockdata, biome, biomeraw, highesty); } } snaparray[(chunk.x - x_min) + (chunk.z - z_min) * x_dim] = ss; snaptile[(chunk.x - x_min) + (chunk.z - z_min) * x_dim] = tileData; /* If wasn't loaded before, we need to do unload */ if (!wasLoaded) { chunks_read++; /* It looks like bukkit "leaks" entities - they don't get removed from the world-level table * when chunks are unloaded but not saved - removing them seems to do the trick */ if (!(didgenerate && do_save)) { helper.removeEntitiesFromChunk(c); } /* Since we only remember ones we loaded, and we're synchronous, no player has * moved, so it must be safe (also prevent chunk leak, which appears to happen * because isChunkInUse defined "in use" as being within 256 blocks of a player, * while the actual in-use chunk area for a player where the chunks are managed * by the MC base server is 21x21 (or about a 160 block radius). * Also, if we did generate it, need to save it */ w.unloadChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, didgenerate && do_save, false); } else if (isunloadpending) { /* Else, if loaded and unload is pending */ w.unloadChunkRequest(chunk.x, chunk.z); /* Request new unload */ } } cnt++; } DynmapCore.setIgnoreChunkLoads(false); if (iterator.hasNext() == false) { /* If we're done */ isempty = true; /* Fill missing chunks with empty dummy chunk */ for (int i = 0; i < snaparray.length; i++) { if (snaparray[i] == null) snaparray[i] = EMPTY; else if (snaparray[i] != EMPTY) isempty = false; } } total_loadtime += System.nanoTime() - t0; return cnt; }