private void saveZoomedTile( final KzedZoomedMapTile zmtile, final File zoomFile, final DynmapBufferedImage zimg, int ox, int oy, String subkey) { BufferedImage zIm = null; DynmapBufferedImage kzIm = null; try { zIm =; } catch (IOException e) { } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } boolean zIm_allocated = false; if (zIm == null) { /* create new one */ kzIm = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); zIm = kzIm.buf_img; zIm_allocated = true; Debug.debug("New zoom-out tile created " + zmtile.getFilename()); } else { Debug.debug("Loaded zoom-out tile from " + zmtile.getFilename()); } /* blit scaled rendered tile onto zoom-out tile */ zIm.setRGB( ox, oy, KzedMap.tileWidth / 2, KzedMap.tileHeight / 2, zimg.argb_buf, 0, KzedMap.tileWidth / 2); /* save zoom-out tile */ if (!zoomFile.getParentFile().exists()) zoomFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { FileLockManager.imageIOWrite(zIm, ImageFormat.FORMAT_PNG, zoomFile); Debug.debug("Saved zoom-out tile at " + zoomFile.getName()); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.error("Failed to save zoom-out tile: " + zoomFile.getName(), e); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) { Debug.error("Failed to save zoom-out tile (NullPointerException): " + zoomFile.getName(), e); } if (zIm_allocated) DynmapBufferedImage.freeBufferedImage(kzIm); else zIm.flush(); }
public boolean render(MapChunkCache cache, KzedMapTile tile, File outputFile) { DynmapWorld world = tile.getDynmapWorld(); boolean isnether = world.isNether(); DynmapBufferedImage im = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); DynmapBufferedImage zim = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth / 2, KzedMap.tileHeight / 2); DynmapBufferedImage im_day = null; DynmapBufferedImage zim_day = null; if (night_and_day) { im_day = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); zim_day = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(KzedMap.tileWidth / 2, KzedMap.tileHeight / 2); } if (cache.getWorld().worldheight > 128) { if (maximumHeight == 127) maximumHeight = cache.getWorld().worldheight - 1; } int ix = tile.px / 2 + / 2 - ((127 - maximumHeight) / 2); int iy = maximumHeight; int iz = tile.px / 2 - / 2 + ((127 - maximumHeight) / 2); /* Don't mess with existing height-clipped renders */ if (maximumHeight < 127) isnether = false; int jx, jz; int x, y; MapIterator mapiter = cache.getIterator(ix, iy, iz); Color c1 = new Color(); Color c2 = new Color(); int[] argb = im.argb_buf; int[] zargb = zim.argb_buf; Color c1_day = null; Color c2_day = null; int[] argb_day = null; int[] zargb_day = null; if (night_and_day) { c1_day = new Color(); c2_day = new Color(); argb_day = im_day.argb_buf; zargb_day = zim_day.argb_buf; } int rowoff = 0; /* draw the map */ for (y = 0; y < KzedMap.tileHeight; ) { jx = ix; jz = iz; for (x = KzedMap.tileWidth - 1; x >= 0; x -= 2) { mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 0, isnether, c1, c1_day, mapiter); mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 2, isnether, c2, c2_day, mapiter); argb[rowoff + x] = c1.getARGB(); argb[rowoff + x - 1] = c2.getARGB(); if (night_and_day) { argb_day[rowoff + x] = c1_day.getARGB(); argb_day[rowoff + x - 1] = c2_day.getARGB(); } jx++; jz++; } y++; rowoff += KzedMap.tileWidth; jx = ix; jz = iz - 1; for (x = KzedMap.tileWidth - 1; x >= 0; x -= 2) { mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 2, isnether, c1, c1_day, mapiter); jx++; jz++; mapiter.initialize(jx, iy, jz); scan(world, 0, isnether, c2, c2_day, mapiter); argb[rowoff + x] = c1.getARGB(); argb[rowoff + x - 1] = c2.getARGB(); if (night_and_day) { argb_day[rowoff + x] = c1_day.getARGB(); argb_day[rowoff + x - 1] = c2_day.getARGB(); } } y++; rowoff += KzedMap.tileWidth; ix++; iz--; } /* Now, compute zoomed tile - bilinear filter 2x2 -> 1x1 */ doScaleWithBilinear(argb, zargb, KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); if (night_and_day) { doScaleWithBilinear(argb_day, zargb_day, KzedMap.tileWidth, KzedMap.tileHeight); } /* Hand encoding and writing file off to MapManager */ KzedZoomedMapTile zmtile = new KzedZoomedMapTile(tile.getDynmapWorld(), tile); File zoomFile = MapManager.mapman.getTileFile(zmtile); return doFileWrites(outputFile, tile, im, im_day, zmtile, zoomFile, zim, zim_day); }
@Override public boolean render(MapChunkCache cache, HDMapTile tile, String mapname) { Color rslt = new Color(); MapIterator mapiter = cache.getIterator(0, 0, 0); /* Build shader state object for each shader */ HDShaderState[] shaderstate = MapManager.mapman.hdmapman.getShaderStateForTile(tile, cache, mapiter, mapname); int numshaders = shaderstate.length; if (numshaders == 0) return false; /* Check if nether world */ boolean isnether = tile.getWorld().getEnvironment() == Environment.NETHER; /* Create buffered image for each */ DynmapBufferedImage im[] = new DynmapBufferedImage[numshaders]; DynmapBufferedImage dayim[] = new DynmapBufferedImage[numshaders]; int[][] argb_buf = new int[numshaders][]; int[][] day_argb_buf = new int[numshaders][]; for (int i = 0; i < numshaders; i++) { HDShader shader = shaderstate[i].getShader(); HDLighting lighting = shaderstate[i].getLighting(); if (shader.isEmittedLightLevelNeeded() || lighting.isEmittedLightLevelNeeded()) need_emittedlightlevel = true; if (shader.isSkyLightLevelNeeded() || lighting.isSkyLightLevelNeeded()) need_skylightlevel = true; im[i] = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(tileWidth, tileHeight); argb_buf[i] = im[i].argb_buf; if (lighting.isNightAndDayEnabled()) { dayim[i] = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(tileWidth, tileHeight); day_argb_buf[i] = dayim[i].argb_buf; } } /* Create perspective state object */ OurPerspectiveState ps = new OurPerspectiveState(mapiter, isnether); = new Vector3D(); ps.bottom = new Vector3D(); double xbase = tile.tx * tileWidth; double ybase = tile.ty * tileHeight; boolean shaderdone[] = new boolean[numshaders]; boolean rendered[] = new boolean[numshaders]; for (int x = 0; x < tileWidth; x++) { ps.px = x; for (int y = 0; y < tileHeight; y++) { = ps.bottom.x = xbase + x + 0.5; /* Start at center of pixel at Y=127.5, bottom at Y=-0.5 */ = ps.bottom.y = ybase + y + 0.5; = maxheight + 0.5; ps.bottom.z = minheight - 0.5; map_to_world.transform(; /* Transform to world coordinates */ map_to_world.transform(ps.bottom); = y; for (int i = 0; i < numshaders; i++) { shaderstate[i].reset(ps); } ps.raytrace(cache, mapiter, shaderstate, shaderdone); for (int i = 0; i < numshaders; i++) { if (shaderdone[i] == false) { shaderstate[i].rayFinished(ps); } else { shaderdone[i] = false; rendered[i] = true; } shaderstate[i].getRayColor(rslt, 0); argb_buf[i][(tileHeight - y - 1) * tileWidth + x] = rslt.getARGB(); if (day_argb_buf[i] != null) { shaderstate[i].getRayColor(rslt, 1); day_argb_buf[i][(tileHeight - y - 1) * tileWidth + x] = rslt.getARGB(); } } } } boolean renderone = false; /* Test to see if we're unchanged from older tile */ TileHashManager hashman = MapManager.mapman.hashman; for (int i = 0; i < numshaders; i++) { long crc = hashman.calculateTileHash(argb_buf[i]); boolean tile_update = false; String prefix = shaderstate[i].getMap().getPrefix(); if (rendered[i]) { renderone = true; MapType.ImageFormat fmt = shaderstate[i].getMap().getImageFormat(); String fname = tile.getFilename(prefix, fmt); File f = new File(tile.getDynmapWorld().worldtilepath, fname); FileLockManager.getWriteLock(f); try { if ((!f.exists()) || (crc != hashman.getImageHashCode(tile.getKey(), prefix, tile.tx, tile.ty))) { /* Wrap buffer as buffered image */ Debug.debug("saving image " + f.getPath()); if (!f.getParentFile().exists()) f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { FileLockManager.imageIOWrite(im[i].buf_img, fmt.getFileExt(), f); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.error("Failed to save image: " + f.getPath(), e); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) { Debug.error("Failed to save image (NullPointerException): " + f.getPath(), e); } MapManager.mapman.pushUpdate(tile.getWorld(), new Client.Tile(fname)); hashman.updateHashCode(tile.getKey(), prefix, tile.tx, tile.ty, crc); tile.getDynmapWorld().enqueueZoomOutUpdate(f); tile_update = true; } else { Debug.debug("skipping image " + f.getPath() + " - hash match"); } } finally { FileLockManager.releaseWriteLock(f); DynmapBufferedImage.freeBufferedImage(im[i]); } MapManager.mapman.updateStatistics(tile, prefix, true, tile_update, !rendered[i]); /* Handle day image, if needed */ if (dayim[i] != null) { fname = tile.getDayFilename(prefix, fmt); f = new File(tile.getDynmapWorld().worldtilepath, fname); FileLockManager.getWriteLock(f); prefix = prefix + "_day"; tile_update = false; try { if ((!f.exists()) || (crc != hashman.getImageHashCode(tile.getKey(), prefix, tile.tx, tile.ty))) { /* Wrap buffer as buffered image */ Debug.debug("saving image " + f.getPath()); if (!f.getParentFile().exists()) f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { FileLockManager.imageIOWrite(dayim[i].buf_img, fmt.getFileExt(), f); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.error("Failed to save image: " + f.getPath(), e); } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) { Debug.error("Failed to save image (NullPointerException): " + f.getPath(), e); } MapManager.mapman.pushUpdate(tile.getWorld(), new Client.Tile(fname)); hashman.updateHashCode(tile.getKey(), prefix, tile.tx, tile.ty, crc); tile.getDynmapWorld().enqueueZoomOutUpdate(f); tile_update = true; } else { Debug.debug("skipping image " + f.getPath() + " - hash match"); } } finally { FileLockManager.releaseWriteLock(f); DynmapBufferedImage.freeBufferedImage(dayim[i]); } MapManager.mapman.updateStatistics(tile, prefix, true, tile_update, !rendered[i]); } } } return renderone; }