/** Test of setShortDescription method, of class BitstreamFormat. */ @Test public void testSetShortDescription() throws SQLException { String desc = "short"; bf.setShortDescription(desc); assertThat("testSetShortDescription 0", bf.getShortDescription(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testSetShortDescription 1", bf.getShortDescription(), not(equalTo(""))); assertThat("testSetShortDescription 2", bf.getShortDescription(), equalTo(desc)); }
/** Test of find method, of class BitstreamFormat. */ @Test public void testFind() throws SQLException { BitstreamFormat found = BitstreamFormat.find(context, 1); assertThat("testFind 0", found, notNullValue()); assertThat("testFind 1", found.getShortDescription(), equalTo("Unknown")); found = BitstreamFormat.find(context, 2); assertThat("testFind 2", found, notNullValue()); assertThat("testFind 3", found.getShortDescription(), equalTo("License")); assertTrue("testFind 4", found.isInternal()); }
/** Test of findByShortDescription method, of class BitstreamFormat. */ @Test public void testFindByShortDescription() throws SQLException { BitstreamFormat found = BitstreamFormat.findByShortDescription(context, "Adobe PDF"); assertThat("testFindByShortDescription 0", found, notNullValue()); assertThat("testFindByShortDescription 1", found.getShortDescription(), equalTo("Adobe PDF")); assertFalse("testFindByShortDescription 2", found.isInternal()); found = BitstreamFormat.findByShortDescription(context, "XML"); assertThat("testFindByShortDescription 3", found, notNullValue()); assertThat("testFindByShortDescription 4", found.getShortDescription(), equalTo("XML")); assertFalse("testFindByShortDescription 5", found.isInternal()); }
/** Test of findUnknown method, of class BitstreamFormat. */ @Test public void testFindUnknown() throws SQLException { BitstreamFormat found = BitstreamFormat.findUnknown(context); assertThat("testFindUnknown 0", found, notNullValue()); assertThat("testFindUnknown 1", found.getShortDescription(), equalTo("Unknown")); assertFalse("testFindUnknown 2", found.isInternal()); assertThat("testFindUnknown 3", found.getSupportLevel(), equalTo(0)); }
/** Test of findNonInternal method, of class BitstreamFormat. */ @Test public void testFindNonInternal() throws SQLException { BitstreamFormat[] found = BitstreamFormat.findNonInternal(context); assertThat("testFindNonInternal 0", found, notNullValue()); int i = 0; for (BitstreamFormat b : found) { i++; assertFalse( "testFindNonInternal " + i + " (" + b.getShortDescription() + ")", b.isInternal()); } }
public void addBody(Body body) throws WingException, SQLException, AuthorizeException { // Get all our parameters String idsString = parameters.getParameter("formatIDs", null); ArrayList<BitstreamFormat> formats = new ArrayList<BitstreamFormat>(); for (String id : idsString.split(",")) { BitstreamFormat format = BitstreamFormat.find(context, Integer.valueOf(id)); formats.add(format); } // DIVISION: bitstream-format-confirm-delete Division deleted = body.addInteractiveDivision( "bitstream-format-confirm-delete", contextPath + "/admin/format-registry", Division.METHOD_POST, "primary administrative format-registry"); deleted.setHead(T_head); deleted.addPara(T_para1); Table table = deleted.addTable("format-confirm-delete", formats.size() + 1, 3); Row header = table.addRow(Row.ROLE_HEADER); header.addCell().addContent(T_column1); header.addCell().addContent(T_column2); header.addCell().addContent(T_column3); for (BitstreamFormat format : formats) { if (format == null) { continue; } String formatID = String.valueOf(format.getID()); String mimetype = format.getMIMEType(); String name = format.getShortDescription(); Row row = table.addRow(); row.addCell().addContent(formatID); row.addCell().addContent(mimetype); row.addCell().addContent(name); } Para buttons = deleted.addPara(); buttons.addButton("submit_confirm").setValue(T_submit_delete); buttons.addButton("submit_cancel").setValue(T_submit_cancel); deleted.addHidden("administrative-continue").setValue(knot.getId()); }
/** * Each submission step must define its own information to be reviewed during the final * Review/Verify Step in the submission process. * * <p>The information to review should be tacked onto the passed in List object. * * <p>NOTE: To remain consistent across all Steps, you should first add a sub-List object (with * this step's name as the heading), by using a call to reviewList.addList(). This sublist is the * list you return from this method! * * @param reviewList The List to which all reviewable information should be added * @return The new sub-List object created by this step, which contains all the reviewable * information. If this step has nothing to review, then return null! */ public List addReviewSection(List reviewList) throws SAXException, WingException, UIException, SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException { // Create a new list section for this step (and set its heading) List uploadSection = reviewList.addList("submit-review-" + this.stepAndPage, List.TYPE_FORM); uploadSection.setHead(T_head); // Review all uploaded files Item item = submission.getItem(); Bundle[] bundles = item.getBundles("ORIGINAL"); Bitstream[] bitstreams = new Bitstream[0]; if (bundles.length > 0) { bitstreams = bundles[0].getBitstreams(); } for (Bitstream bitstream : bitstreams) { BitstreamFormat bitstreamFormat = bitstream.getFormat(); String name = bitstream.getName(); String url = makeBitstreamLink(item, bitstream); String format = bitstreamFormat.getShortDescription(); Message support = ReviewStep.T_unknown; if (bitstreamFormat.getSupportLevel() == BitstreamFormat.KNOWN) { support = T_known; } else if (bitstreamFormat.getSupportLevel() == BitstreamFormat.SUPPORTED) { support = T_supported; } org.dspace.app.xmlui.wing.element.Item file = uploadSection.addItem(); file.addXref(url, name); file.addContent(" - " + format + " "); file.addContent(support); } // return this new "upload" section return uploadSection; }
public void addBody(Body body) throws SQLException, WingException { // Get our parameters and state int itemID = parameters.getParameterAsInteger("itemID", -1); Item item = Item.find(context, itemID); String baseURL = contextPath + "/admin/item?administrative-continue=" + knot.getId(); // DIVISION: main div Division main = body.addInteractiveDivision( "edit-item-status", contextPath + "/admin/item", Division.METHOD_POST, "primary administrative item"); main.setHead(T_option_head); // LIST: options List options = main.addList("options", List.TYPE_SIMPLE, "horizontal"); options.addItem().addXref(baseURL + "&submit_status", T_option_status); options .addItem() .addHighlight("bold") .addXref(baseURL + "&submit_bitstreams", T_option_bitstreams); options.addItem().addXref(baseURL + "&submit_metadata", T_option_metadata); options.addItem().addXref(baseURL + "&view_item", T_option_view); // TABLE: Bitstream summary Table files = main.addTable("editItemBitstreams", 1, 1); files.setHead(T_head1); Row header = files.addRow(Row.ROLE_HEADER); header.addCellContent(T_column1); header.addCellContent(T_column2); header.addCellContent(T_column3); header.addCellContent(T_column4); header.addCellContent(T_column5); Bundle[] bundles = item.getBundles(); for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { Cell bundleCell = files.addRow().addCell(1, 5); bundleCell.addContent(T_bundle_label.parameterize(bundle.getName())); Bitstream[] bitstreams = bundle.getBitstreams(); for (Bitstream bitstream : bitstreams) { boolean primary = (bundle.getPrimaryBitstreamID() == bitstream.getID()); String name = bitstream.getName(); if (name != null && name.length() > 50) { // If the fiel name is too long the shorten it so that it will display nicely. String shortName = name.substring(0, 15); shortName += " ... "; shortName += name.substring(name.length() - 25, name.length()); name = shortName; } String description = bitstream.getDescription(); String format = null; BitstreamFormat bitstreamFormat = bitstream.getFormat(); if (bitstreamFormat != null) format = bitstreamFormat.getShortDescription(); String editURL = contextPath + "/admin/item?administrative-continue=" + knot.getId() + "&bitstreamID=" + bitstream.getID() + "&submit_edit"; String viewURL = contextPath + "/bitstream/id/" + bitstream.getID() + "/" + bitstream.getName(); Row row = files.addRow(); CheckBox remove = row.addCell().addCheckBox("remove"); remove.setLabel("remove"); remove.addOption(bundle.getID() + "/" + bitstream.getID()); if (!AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, item, Constants.REMOVE)) { remove.setDisabled(); } if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, bitstream, Constants.WRITE)) { // The user can edit the bitstream give them a link. Cell cell = row.addCell(); cell.addXref(editURL, name); if (primary) cell.addXref(editURL, T_primary_label); row.addCell().addXref(editURL, description); row.addCell().addXref(editURL, format); } else { // The user can't edit the bitstream just show them it. Cell cell = row.addCell(); cell.addContent(name); if (primary) cell.addContent(T_primary_label); row.addCell().addContent(description); row.addCell().addContent(format); } Highlight highlight = row.addCell().addHighlight("fade"); highlight.addContent("["); highlight.addXref(viewURL, T_view_link); highlight.addContent("]"); } } if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, item, Constants.ADD)) { Cell cell = files.addRow().addCell(1, 5); cell.addXref( contextPath + "/admin/item?administrative-continue=" + knot.getId() + "&submit_add", T_submit_add); } else { Cell cell = files.addRow().addCell(1, 5); cell.addHighlight("fade").addContent(T_no_upload); } // PARA: actions Para actions = main.addPara("editItemActionsP", "editItemActionsP"); if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, item, Constants.REMOVE)) actions.addButton("submit_delete").setValue(T_submit_delete); else { Button button = actions.addButton("submit_delete"); button.setValue(T_submit_delete); button.setDisabled(); main.addPara().addHighlight("fade").addContent(T_no_remove); } actions.addButton("submit_return").setValue(T_submit_return); main.addHidden("administrative-continue").setValue(knot.getId()); }
/** Test of getShortDescription method, of class BitstreamFormat. */ @Test public void testGetShortDescription() { assertThat("getShortDescription 0", bf.getShortDescription(), notNullValue()); assertThat("getShortDescription 1", bf.getShortDescription(), not(equalTo(""))); assertThat("getShortDescription 2", bf.getShortDescription(), equalTo("XML")); }