  public static void writeInitialFactHandleRightTuples(MarshallerWriteContext context)
      throws IOException {
    ObjectOutputStream stream = context.stream;
    InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;

    ObjectTypeNode initialFactNode =

    // do we write the fact to the objecttypenode memory
    if (initialFactNode != null) {
      ObjectHashSet initialFactMemory = (ObjectHashSet) context.wm.getNodeMemory(initialFactNode);
      if (initialFactMemory != null && !initialFactMemory.isEmpty()) {
        // context.out.println( "InitialFactMemory true int:" + initialFactNode.getId() );

        // context.out.println( "InitialFact RightTuples" );
        writeRightTuples(context.wm.getInitialFactHandle(), context);
      } else {
        // context.out.println( "InitialFactMemory false " );
    } else {
      // context.out.println( "InitialFactMemory false " );
   * TMS will be automatically enabled when the first logical insert happens.
   * <p>We will take all the already asserted objects of the same type and initialize the equality
   * map.
   * @param object the logically inserted object.
   * @param conf the type's configuration.
  private void enableTMS(Object object, ObjectTypeConf conf) {

    final Rete source = this.ruleBase.getRete();
    final ClassObjectType cot = new ClassObjectType(object.getClass());
    final Map<ObjectType, ObjectTypeNode> map = source.getObjectTypeNodes(EntryPoint.DEFAULT);
    final ObjectTypeNode node = map.get(cot);
    final ObjectHashSet memory = ((ObjectTypeNodeMemory) this.wm.getNodeMemory(node)).memory;

    // All objects of this type that are already there were certainly stated,
    // since this method call happens at the first logical insert, for any given type.
    org.drools.core.util.Iterator it = memory.iterator();

    for (Object obj = it.next(); obj != null; obj = it.next()) {

      org.drools.core.util.ObjectHashSet.ObjectEntry holder =
          (org.drools.core.util.ObjectHashSet.ObjectEntry) obj;

      InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) holder.getValue();

      if (handle != null) {
        EqualityKey key = createEqualityKey(handle);

    // Enable TMS for this type.
 public void dispose() {
   if (dynamicFacts != null) {
     // first we check for facts that were inserted into the working memory
     // using the old API and setting a per instance dynamic flag and remove the
     // session from the listeners list in the bean
     for (InternalFactHandle handle : dynamicFacts) {
       removePropertyChangeListener(handle, false);
     dynamicFacts = null;
   for (ObjectTypeConf conf : this.typeConfReg.values()) {
     // then, we check if any of the object types were configured using the
     // @propertyChangeSupport annotation, and clean them up
     if (conf.isDynamic() && conf.isSupportsPropertyChangeListeners()) {
       // it is enough to iterate the facts on the concrete object type nodes
       // only, as the facts will always be in their concrete object type nodes
       // even if they were also asserted into higher level OTNs as well
       ObjectTypeNode otn = conf.getConcreteObjectTypeNode();
       final ObjectHashSet memory =
           ((ObjectTypeNodeMemory) this.getInternalWorkingMemory().getNodeMemory(otn)).memory;
       Iterator it = memory.iterator();
       for (ObjectEntry entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next();
           entry != null;
           entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next()) {
         InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) entry.getValue();
         removePropertyChangeListener(handle, false);
  * OTN needs to override remove to avoid releasing the node ID, since OTN are never removed from
  * the rulebase in the current implementation
 protected void doRemove(
     final RuleRemovalContext context,
     final ReteooBuilder builder,
     final BaseNode node,
     final InternalWorkingMemory[] workingMemories) {
   if (context.getCleanupAdapter() != null) {
     for (InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory : workingMemories) {
       CleanupAdapter adapter = context.getCleanupAdapter();
       final ObjectHashSet memory = (ObjectHashSet) workingMemory.getNodeMemory(this);
       Iterator it = memory.iterator();
       for (ObjectEntry entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next();
           entry != null;
           entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next()) {
         InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) entry.getValue();
         for (LeftTuple leftTuple = handle.getFirstLeftTuple();
             leftTuple != null;
             leftTuple = leftTuple.getLeftParentNext()) {
           adapter.cleanUp(leftTuple, workingMemory);
   if (!node.isInUse()) {
     removeObjectSink((ObjectSink) node);
   * When L&R Unlinking is enabled, updateSink() is used to populate a node's memory, but it has to
   * take into account if it's propagating.
  private void updateLRUnlinking(
      final ObjectSink sink,
      final PropagationContext context,
      final InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) {

    final ObjectHashSet memory = (ObjectHashSet) workingMemory.getNodeMemory(this);

    Iterator it = memory.iterator();

    InternalFactHandle ctxHandle = (InternalFactHandle) context.getFactHandle();

    if (!context.isPropagating(this)
        || (context.isPropagating(this) && context.shouldPropagateAll())) {

      for (ObjectEntry entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next();
          entry != null;
          entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next()) {
        // Assert everything
        sink.assertObject((InternalFactHandle) entry.getValue(), context, workingMemory);

    } else {

      for (ObjectEntry entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next();
          entry != null;
          entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next()) {
        InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) entry.getValue();
        // Exclude the current fact propagation
        if (handle.getId() != ctxHandle.getId()) {
          sink.assertObject(handle, context, workingMemory);
   * Propagate the <code>FactHandleimpl</code> through the <code>Rete</code> network. All <code>
   * FactHandleImpl</code> should be remembered in the node memory, so that later runtime rule
   * attachmnents can have the matched facts propagated to them.
   * @param factHandle The fact handle.
   * @param object The object to assert.
   * @param workingMemory The working memory session.
  public void assertObject(
      final InternalFactHandle factHandle,
      final PropagationContext context,
      final InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) {

    if (objectMemoryEnabled && !(queryNode && !((DroolsQuery) factHandle.getObject()).isOpen())) {
      final ObjectHashSet memory = (ObjectHashSet) workingMemory.getNodeMemory(this);
      memory.add(factHandle, false);

    if (compiledNetwork != null) {
      compiledNetwork.assertObject(factHandle, context, workingMemory);
    } else {

      this.sink.propagateAssertObject(factHandle, context, workingMemory);

    if (this.objectType.isEvent()
        && this.expirationOffset >= 0
        && this.expirationOffset != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
      // schedule expiration
      WorkingMemoryReteExpireAction expire = new WorkingMemoryReteExpireAction(factHandle, this);
      TimerService clock = workingMemory.getTimerService();

      long nextTimestamp =
              clock.getCurrentTime() + this.expirationOffset,
              ((EventFactHandle) factHandle).getStartTimestamp() + this.expirationOffset);
      JobContext jobctx = new ExpireJobContext(expire, workingMemory);
      JobHandle handle =
          clock.scheduleJob(job, jobctx, new PointInTimeTrigger(nextTimestamp, null, null));
  public static void readFactHandles(MarshallerReaderContext context, ObjectStore objectStore)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    ObjectInputStream stream = context.stream;
    InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

    int size = stream.readInt();

    // load the handles
    InternalFactHandle[] handles = new InternalFactHandle[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle(context);

      context.handles.put(handle.getId(), handle);
      handles[i] = handle;

      if (handle.getObject() != null) {
        objectStore.addHandle(handle, handle.getObject());

      readRightTuples(handle, context);

    readLeftTuples(context); // object store

    if (stream.readBoolean()) {
      readLeftTuples(context); // activation fact handles

    // add handles to object type nodes
    for (InternalFactHandle factHandle : handles) {
      Object object = factHandle.getObject();

      EntryPoint ep =
          ((InternalWorkingMemoryEntryPoint) factHandle.getEntryPoint()).getEntryPoint();

      ObjectTypeConf typeConf =
          ((InternalWorkingMemoryEntryPoint) factHandle.getEntryPoint())
              .getObjectTypeConf(ep, object);
      ObjectTypeNode[] cachedNodes = typeConf.getObjectTypeNodes();
      for (int i = 0, length = cachedNodes.length; i < length; i++) {
        ObjectHashSet set = (ObjectHashSet) wm.getNodeMemory(cachedNodes[i]);
        set.add(factHandle, false);
  public void updateSink(
      final ObjectSink sink,
      final PropagationContext context,
      final InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) {
    if (lrUnlinkingEnabled) {
      // Update sink taking into account L&R unlinking peculiarities
      updateLRUnlinking(sink, context, workingMemory);

    } else {
      // Regular updateSink
      final ObjectHashSet memory = (ObjectHashSet) workingMemory.getNodeMemory(this);
      Iterator it = memory.iterator();

      for (ObjectEntry entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next();
          entry != null;
          entry = (ObjectEntry) it.next()) {
        sink.assertObject((InternalFactHandle) entry.getValue(), context, workingMemory);
   * Retract the <code>FactHandleimpl</code> from the <code>Rete</code> network. Also remove the
   * <code>FactHandleImpl</code> from the node memory.
   * @param rightTuple The fact handle.
   * @param object The object to assert.
   * @param workingMemory The working memory session.
  public void retractObject(
      final InternalFactHandle factHandle,
      final PropagationContext context,
      final InternalWorkingMemory workingMemory) {
    if (objectMemoryEnabled && !(queryNode && !((DroolsQuery) factHandle.getObject()).isOpen())) {
      final ObjectHashSet memory = (ObjectHashSet) workingMemory.getNodeMemory(this);

    for (RightTuple rightTuple = factHandle.getFirstRightTuple();
        rightTuple != null;
        rightTuple = (RightTuple) rightTuple.getHandleNext()) {
      rightTuple.getRightTupleSink().retractRightTuple(rightTuple, context, workingMemory);

    for (LeftTuple leftTuple = factHandle.getFirstLeftTuple();
        leftTuple != null;
        leftTuple = (LeftTuple) leftTuple.getLeftParentNext()) {
      leftTuple.getLeftTupleSink().retractLeftTuple(leftTuple, context, workingMemory);
  public static ReteooStatefulSession readSession(
      ReteooStatefulSession session,
      DefaultAgenda agenda,
      long time,
      boolean multithread,
      MarshallerReaderContext context)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    if (session.getTimerService() instanceof PseudoClockScheduler) {
      PseudoClockScheduler clock = (PseudoClockScheduler) session.getTimerService();
      clock.advanceTime(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    // RuleFlowGroups need to reference the session
    for (RuleFlowGroup group : agenda.getRuleFlowGroupsMap().values()) {
      ((RuleFlowGroupImpl) group).setWorkingMemory(session);

    context.wm = session;

        context.wm.getInitialFactHandle().getId(), context.wm.getInitialFactHandle());

    if (context.stream.readBoolean()) {
      InternalFactHandle initialFactHandle = context.wm.getInitialFactHandle();
      int sinkId = context.stream.readInt();
      ObjectTypeNode initialFactNode = (ObjectTypeNode) context.sinks.get(sinkId);
      if (initialFactNode == null) {
        // ------ START RANT ------
        // The following code is as bad as it looks, but since I was so far
        // unable to convince Mark that creating OTNs on demand is really bad,
        // I have to continue doing it :)
        EntryPointNode defaultEPNode =
        BuildContext buildContext =
            new BuildContext(
                context.ruleBase, context.ruleBase.getReteooBuilder().getIdGenerator());
        initialFactNode =
            new ObjectTypeNode(
                sinkId, defaultEPNode, ClassObjectType.InitialFact_ObjectType, buildContext);
        // isn't contention something everybody loves?
        try {
          // Yeah, I know, because one session is being deserialized, we go and lock all of them...
        } finally {
        // ------- END RANT -----
      ObjectHashSet initialFactMemory = (ObjectHashSet) context.wm.getNodeMemory(initialFactNode);

      readRightTuples(initialFactHandle, context);
    while (context.readShort() == PersisterEnums.ENTRY_POINT) {
      String entryPointId = context.stream.readUTF();
      WorkingMemoryEntryPoint wmep = context.wm.getEntryPoints().get(entryPointId);
      readFactHandles(context, ((NamedEntryPoint) wmep).getObjectStore());
    InternalFactHandle handle = context.wm.getInitialFactHandle();
    while (context.stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
      LeftTupleSink sink = (LeftTupleSink) context.sinks.get(context.stream.readInt());
      LeftTuple leftTuple = sink.createLeftTuple(handle, sink, true);
      readLeftTuple(leftTuple, context);





    if (processMarshaller != null) {
    } else {
      short type = context.stream.readShort();
      if (PersisterEnums.END != type) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "No process marshaller, unable to unmarshall type: " + type);

    if (processMarshaller != null) {
    } else {
      short type = context.stream.readShort();
      if (PersisterEnums.END != type) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "No process marshaller, unable to unmarshall type: " + type);

    if (processMarshaller != null) {
      // This actually does ALL timers, due to backwards compatability issues
      // It will read in old JBPM binaries, but always write to the new binary format.
    } else {
      short type = context.stream.readShort();
      if (PersisterEnums.END != type) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "No process marshaller, unable to unmarshall type: " + type);

    // no legacy jBPM timers, so handle locally
    while (context.readShort() == PersisterEnums.DEFAULT_TIMER) {

    if (multithread) {

    return session;