  private static void addPartsForRels(
      List<Alteration> list, List<Relationship> rels, RelationshipsPart rp) throws Docx4JException {

    for (Relationship r : rels) {
      if (r.getTargetMode() != null && r.getTargetMode().equals("External")) {
        log.debug(r.getTarget() + " is external");
        // Have everything we need info wise in transmitting the rels part
      } else {
        list.add(new Alteration(rp, toStorageFormat(rp.getPart(r))));
        log.debug("added part: " + r.getTarget());
  /* recursively
  (i) create new Parts for each thing listed
  in the relationships
  (ii) add the new Part to the package
  (iii) cross the PartName off unusedZipEntries
  private void addPartsFromRelationships(Base source, RelationshipsPart rp, ContentTypeManager ctm)
      throws Docx4JException {

    OpcPackage pkg = source.getPackage();

    for (Relationship r : rp.getRelationships().getRelationship()) {

          "\n For Relationship Id="
              + r.getId()
              + " Source is "
              + rp.getSourceP().getPartName()
              + ", Target is "
              + r.getTarget()
              + ", type: "
              + r.getType());

      // This is usually the first logged comment for
      // a part, so start with a line break.
      try {
        getPart(pkg, rp, r, ctm);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Docx4JException("Failed to add parts from relationships", e);
   * @param alteredParts
   * @param theseRels
   * @throws Docx4JException
  private static void addTree(List<Alteration> list, RelationshipsPart rp) throws Docx4JException {

    if (rp == null) return;

    for (Relationship r : rp.getJaxbElement().getRelationship()) {
      if (r.getTargetMode() != null && r.getTargetMode().equals("External")) {
        log.debug(r.getTarget() + " is external");
        // Have everything we need info wise in transmitting the rels part
      } else {
        list.add(new Alteration(rp, toStorageFormat(rp.getPart(r))));
        log.debug("add tree: " + r.getTarget());

        // recurse
        Part nextSourcePart = rp.getPart(r);
        RelationshipsPart nextRP = nextSourcePart.getRelationshipsPart();
        if (nextRP != null) {
          list.add(new Alteration(nextSourcePart.getPartName(), toStorageFormat(nextRP)));
          addTree(list, nextRP);
  public static void visit(
      WordprocessingMLPackage wmlPackage, boolean bodyOnly, Callback callback) {

    MainDocumentPart mainDocument = null;
    RelationshipsPart relPart = null;
    List<Relationship> relList = null;
    List<Object> elementList = null;

    if ((wmlPackage != null) && (callback != null)) {
      mainDocument = wmlPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
      if (!bodyOnly) {
        relPart = mainDocument.getRelationshipsPart();
        relList = relPart.getRelationships().getRelationship();
        for (Relationship rs : relList) {
          elementList = null;
          if (Namespaces.HEADER.equals(rs.getType())) {
            elementList = ((HeaderPart) relPart.getPart(rs)).getJaxbElement().getContent();
          } else if (Namespaces.FOOTER.equals(rs.getType())) {
            elementList = ((FooterPart) relPart.getPart(rs)).getJaxbElement().getContent();
          } else if (Namespaces.ENDNOTES.equals(rs.getType())) {
            // elementList = ((EndnotesPart) relPart.getPart(rs)).getContent();
            elementList = new ArrayList();
            elementList.addAll(((EndnotesPart) relPart.getPart(rs)).getJaxbElement().getEndnote());
          } else if (Namespaces.FOOTNOTES.equals(rs.getType())) {
            // elementList =  ((FootnotesPart) relPart.getPart(rs)).getContent();
            elementList = new ArrayList();
                ((FootnotesPart) relPart.getPart(rs)).getJaxbElement().getFootnote());
          } else if (Namespaces.COMMENTS.equals(rs.getType())) {
            elementList = new ArrayList();
            for (Comment comment :
                ((CommentsPart) relPart.getPart(rs)).getJaxbElement().getComment()) {
          if ((elementList != null) && (!elementList.isEmpty())) {
            log.debug("Processing target: " + rs.getTarget() + ", type: " + rs.getType());
  // private void addPartsFromRelationships(ZipFile zf, Base source, RelationshipsPart rp)
  private void addPartsFromRelationships(
      HashMap<String, ByteArray> partByteArrays,
      Base source,
      RelationshipsPart rp,
      ContentTypeManager ctm)
      throws Docx4JException {

    OpcPackage pkg = source.getPackage();

    //		for (Iterator it = rp.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    //			Relationship r = (Relationship)it.next();
    //			log.info("For Relationship Id=" + r.getId() + " Source is "
    //					+ r.getSource().getPartName()
    //					+ ", Target is " + r.getTargetURI() );
    //			try {
    //				getPart(zf, pkg, rp, r);
    //			} catch (Exception e) {
    //				throw new Docx4JException("Failed to add parts from relationships", e);
    //			}
    //		}

    for (Relationship r : rp.getRelationships().getRelationship()) {

          "\n For Relationship Id="
              + r.getId()
              + " Source is "
              + rp.getSourceP().getPartName()
              + ", Target is "
              + r.getTarget()
              + ", type: "
              + r.getType());

      // This is usually the first logged comment for
      // a part, so start with a line break.
      try {
        getPart(partByteArrays, pkg, rp, r, ctm);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Docx4JException("Failed to add parts from relationships", e);
   * Get a Part (except a relationships part), but not its relationships part or related parts.
   * Useful if you need quick access to just this part. This can be called directly from outside the
   * library, in which case the Part will not be owned by a Package until the calling code makes it
   * so.
   * @see To get a Part and all its related parts, and add all to a package, use getPart.
   * @param partByteArrays
   * @param ctm
   * @param resolvedPartUri
   * @param rel
   * @return
   * @throws Docx4JException including if result is null
  public Part getRawPart(ContentTypeManager ctm, String resolvedPartUri, Relationship rel)
      throws Docx4JException {

    Part part = null;

    InputStream is = null;
    try {
      try {
        log.debug("resolved uri: " + resolvedPartUri);

        // Get a subclass of Part appropriate for this content type
        // This will throw UnrecognisedPartException in the absence of
        // specific knowledge. Hence it is important to get the is
        // first, as we do above.
        part = ctm.getPart("/" + resolvedPartUri, rel);

        log.info("ctm returned " + part.getClass().getName());

        if (part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.ThemePart
            || part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.DocPropsCorePart
            || part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.DocPropsCustomPart
            || part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.DocPropsExtendedPart
            || part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.CustomXmlDataStoragePropertiesPart
            || part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.digitalsignature.XmlSignaturePart
            || part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.JaxbXmlPart) {

          // Nothing to do here

        } else if (part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.WordprocessingML.BinaryPart) {

          log.debug("Detected BinaryPart " + part.getClass().getName());
          //					is = partStore.loadPart( resolvedPartUri);
          //					((BinaryPart)part).setBinaryData(is);

        } else if (part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.CustomXmlDataStoragePart) {
          // ContentTypeManager initially detects them as CustomXmlDataStoragePart;
          // the below changes as necessary

          // Is it a part we know?
          is = partStore.loadPart(resolvedPartUri);
          try {
            Unmarshaller u = Context.jc.createUnmarshaller();
            Object o = u.unmarshal(is);

            PartName name = part.getPartName();
            if (o instanceof CoverPageProperties) {

              part = new DocPropsCoverPagePart(name);
              ((DocPropsCoverPagePart) part).setJaxbElement((CoverPageProperties) o);

            } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.conditions.Conditions) {

              part = new ConditionsPart(name);
              ((ConditionsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.conditions.Conditions) o);

            } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths) {

              part = new XPathsPart(name);
              ((XPathsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths) o);

            } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.questions.Questionnaire) {

              part = new QuestionsPart(name);
              ((QuestionsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.questions.Questionnaire) o);

            } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.answers.Answers) {

              part = new StandardisedAnswersPart(name);
              ((StandardisedAnswersPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.answers.Answers) o);

            } else if (o instanceof org.opendope.components.Components) {

              part = new ComponentsPart(name);
              ((ComponentsPart) part).setJaxbElement((org.opendope.components.Components) o);

            } else if (o instanceof JAXBElement<?>
                && XmlUtils.unwrap(o) instanceof org.docx4j.bibliography.CTSources) {
              part = new BibliographyPart(name);
              ((BibliographyPart) part)
                  .setJaxbElement((JAXBElement<org.docx4j.bibliography.CTSources>) o);

            } else {

              log.error("TODO: handle known CustomXmlPart part  " + o.getClass().getName());

              CustomXmlDataStorage data = getCustomXmlDataStorageClass().factory();
              data.setDocument(is); // Not necessarily JAXB, that's just our method name
              ((org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.CustomXmlDataStoragePart) part).setData(data);

          } catch (javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException ue) {

            log.warn("No JAXB model for this CustomXmlDataStorage part; " + ue.getMessage());

            CustomXmlDataStorage data = getCustomXmlDataStorageClass().factory();
            data.setDocument(is); // Not necessarily JAXB, that's just our method name
            ((org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.CustomXmlDataStoragePart) part).setData(data);

        } else if (part instanceof org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.XmlPart) {

          is = partStore.loadPart(resolvedPartUri);

          //					try {
          ((XmlPart) part).setDocument(is);

          // Experimental 22/6/2011; don't fall back to binary (which we used to)

          //					} catch (Docx4JException d) {
          //						// This isn't an XML part after all,
          //						// even though ContentTypeManager detected it as such
          //						// So get it as a binary part
          //						part = getBinaryPart(partByteArrays, ctm, resolvedPartUri);
          //						log.warn("Could not parse as XML, so using BinaryPart for "
          //								+ resolvedPartUri);
          //						((BinaryPart)part).setBinaryData(is);
          //					}

        } else {
          // Shouldn't happen, since ContentTypeManagerImpl should
          // return an instance of one of the above, or throw an
          // Exception.

          log.error("No suitable part found for: " + resolvedPartUri);
          part = null;

      } catch (PartUnrecognisedException e) {
        log.error("PartUnrecognisedException shouldn't happen anymore!", e);
        // Try to get it as a binary part
        part = getBinaryPart(ctm, resolvedPartUri);
        log.warn("Using BinaryPart for " + resolvedPartUri);

        //				is = partStore.loadPart( resolvedPartUri);
        //				((BinaryPart)part).setBinaryData(is);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      // IOException, URISyntaxException
      throw new Docx4JException("Failed to getPart", ex);

    } finally {

    if (part == null) {
      throw new Docx4JException(
          "cannot find part "
              + resolvedPartUri
              + " from rel "
              + rel.getId()
              + "="
              + rel.getTarget());

    return part;
   * Get a Part (except a relationships part), and all its related parts. This can be called
   * directly from outside the library, in which case the Part will not be owned by a Package until
   * the calling code makes it so.
   * @param zf
   * @param source
   * @param unusedZipEntries
   * @param pkg
   * @param r
   * @param resolvedPartUri
   * @throws Docx4JException
   * @throws InvalidFormatException
  private void getPart(OpcPackage pkg, RelationshipsPart rp, Relationship r, ContentTypeManager ctm)
      throws Docx4JException, InvalidFormatException, URISyntaxException {

    Base source = null;
    String resolvedPartUri = null;

    if (r.getType().equals(Namespaces.HYPERLINK)) {
      // Could be Internal or External
      // Example of Internal is w:drawing/wp:inline/wp:docPr/a:hlinkClick
      log.info("Encountered (but not loading) hyperlink " + r.getTarget());
    } else if (r.getTargetMode() == null || !r.getTargetMode().equals("External")) {

      // Usual case

      source = rp.getSourceP();
      resolvedPartUri =
          URIHelper.resolvePartUri(rp.getSourceURI(), new URI(r.getTarget())).toString();

      // Now drop leading "/'
      resolvedPartUri = resolvedPartUri.substring(1);

      // Now normalise it .. ie abc/def/../ghi
      // becomes abc/ghi
      // Maybe this isn't necessary with a zip file,
      // - ZipFile class may be smart enough to do it.
      // But it is certainly necessary in the JCR case.
      //			resolvedPartUri = (new java.net.URI(resolvedPartUri)).normalize().toString();
      //			log.info("Normalised, it is " + resolvedPartUri );

    } else {
      // EXTERNAL
      if (loadExternalTargets && r.getType().equals(Namespaces.IMAGE)) {
        // It could instead be, for example, of type hyperlink,
        // and we don't want to try to fetch that
        log.info("Loading external resource " + r.getTarget() + " of type " + r.getType());
        BinaryPart bp = ExternalResourceUtils.getExternalResource(r.getTarget());
        pkg.getExternalResources().put(bp.getExternalTarget(), bp);
      } else {
            "Encountered (but not loading) external resource "
                + r.getTarget()
                + " of type "
                + r.getType());

    String relationshipType = r.getType();
    Part part;

    if (pkg.handled.get(resolvedPartUri) != null) {

      // The source Part (or Package) might have a convenience
      // method for this
      part = pkg.getParts().getParts().get(new PartName("/" + resolvedPartUri));
      if (source.setPartShortcut(part, relationshipType)) {
            "Convenience method established from "
                + source.getPartName()
                + " to "
                + part.getPartName());

    part = getRawPart(ctm, resolvedPartUri, r); // will throw exception if null

    // The source Part (or Package) might have a convenience
    // method for this
    if (source.setPartShortcut(part, relationshipType)) {
          "Convenience method established from "
              + source.getPartName()
              + " to "
              + part.getPartName());

    if (part instanceof BinaryPart || part instanceof DefaultXmlPart) {
      // The constructors of other parts should take care of this...
    rp.loadPart(part, r);
    pkg.handled.put(resolvedPartUri, resolvedPartUri);

    //		unusedZipEntries.put(resolvedPartUri, new Boolean(false));

    RelationshipsPart rrp = getRelationshipsPart(part);
    if (rrp != null) {
      // recurse via this parts relationships, if it has any
      addPartsFromRelationships(part, rrp, ctm);
      String relPart = PartName.getRelationshipsPartName(part.getPartName().getName().substring(1));
      //			unusedZipEntries.put(relPart, new Boolean(false));
  public static void recurse(
      Alterations alterations, RelationshipsPart thisRP, RelationshipsPart otherRP)
      throws Docx4JException {

    log.info("######### @" + thisRP.partName.getName() + "#########");

    log.info("uniques -------");
    List<Relationship> uniques = thisRP.uniqueToThis(otherRP);
    addPartsForRels(alterations.getPartsAdded(), uniques, thisRP);

    List<Relationship> missings = thisRP.uniqueToOther(otherRP);
    addPartsForRels(alterations.getPartsDeleted(), missings, otherRP);

    // is this rels part itself altered?
    if (!thisRP.isContentEqual(otherRP)) {
      alterations.getPartsModified().add(new Alteration(thisRP, toStorageFormat(thisRP)));

    log.info("content -------");
    List<Relationship> altered = thisRP.differingContent(otherRP);
    addPartsForRels(alterations.getPartsModified(), altered, thisRP);

    // Now recurse all rels
    log.info("recurse ------- ");
    for (Relationship r : thisRP.getJaxbElement().getRelationship()) {

      if (r.getTargetMode() != null && r.getTargetMode().equals("External")) {
        // do nothing
      } else {
        if (uniques.contains(r)) {
          // add tree, including any external parts
          // (we already have the part itself)
          addTree(alterations.getPartsAdded(), thisRP.getPart(r).getRelationshipsPart());

        } else if (missings.contains(r)) {
          addTree(alterations.getPartsDeleted(), thisRP.getPart(r).getRelationshipsPart());
        } else {
          // its present in both trees.
          // irrespective of whether content of part is the same, content of a rel could still have
          // changed
          Part thisPart = thisRP.getPart(r);
          Part otherPart =
              otherRP.getPart(RelationshipsPart.getRelationshipByTarget(otherRP, r.getTarget()));

          if (thisPart.getRelationshipsPart() == null) {

            if (otherPart.getRelationshipsPart() != null) {
              // add tree, including any external parts
                      new Alteration(
              addTree(alterations.getPartsDeleted(), thisPart.getRelationshipsPart());

          } else {

            if (otherPart.getRelationshipsPart() == null) {
              // add tree, including any external parts
                      new Alteration(
              addTree(alterations.getPartsAdded(), thisPart.getRelationshipsPart());

            } else {
                  alterations, thisPart.getRelationshipsPart(), otherPart.getRelationshipsPart());
  /* recursively
  	(i) get each Part listed in the relationships
  	(ii) add the Part to the zip file
  	(iii) traverse its relationship
  public void addPartsFromRelationships(ZipOutputStream out, RelationshipsPart rp)
      throws Docx4JException {

    //		for (Iterator it = rp.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    //			Relationship r = (Relationship)it.next();
    //			log.info("For Relationship Id=" + r.getId() + " Source is " + r.getSource().getPartName() +
    // ", Target is " + r.getTargetURI() );
    for (Relationship r : rp.getRelationships().getRelationship()) {

          "For Relationship Id="
              + r.getId()
              + " Source is "
              + rp.getSourceP().getPartName()
              + ", Target is "
              + r.getTarget());

      if (r.getType().equals(Namespaces.HYPERLINK)) {
        continue; // whether internal or external

      if (r.getTargetMode() != null && r.getTargetMode().equals("External")) {

        // ie its EXTERNAL
        // As at 1 May 2008, we don't have a Part for these;
        // there is just the relationship.

        log.warn("Encountered external resource " + r.getTarget() + " of type " + r.getType());

        // So

      try {
        // String resolvedPartUri = URIHelper.resolvePartUri(r.getSourceURI(), r.getTargetURI()
        // ).toString();

        String resolvedPartUri =
            URIHelper.resolvePartUri(rp.getSourceURI(), new URI(r.getTarget())).toString();

        // Now drop leading "/'
        resolvedPartUri = resolvedPartUri.substring(1);

        // Now normalise it .. ie abc/def/../ghi
        // becomes abc/ghi
        // Maybe this isn't necessary with a zip file,
        // - ZipFile class may be smart enough to do it.
        // But it is certainly necessary in the JCR case.
        //				target = (new java.net.URI(target)).normalize().toString();
        //				log.info("Normalised, it is " + target );

        //				Document contents = getDocumentFromZippedPart( zf,  target);

        if (!false) {
          log.debug("Getting part /" + resolvedPartUri);

          // Part part = p.getParts().get(new PartName("/" + resolvedPartUri));
          Part part = rp.getPart(r);
          // 2012 09 26: If the part is actually attached to
          // a different package, using this you can still get it.
          // Use this 'feature' at your own risk!

          if (part == null) {
            log.error("Part " + resolvedPartUri + " not found!");
          } else {

          if (!part.getPackage().equals(p)) {
            log.warn("Part " + resolvedPartUri + " is attached to some other package");

          savePart(out, part);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Docx4JException(
            "Failed to add parts from relationships of " + rp.getSourceP().getPartName(), e);