public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // String uri = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/sample-docs/metafile-samples/gradient.emf";
    String uri =
            + "/sample-docs/metafile-samples/freehand_picture_saveas.wmf";

    // String uri = "/tmp/img4448.img";

    ImageInfo ii = getImageInfo(new URL(uri));

   * @param bytes
   * @param imageFile
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
   * @throws FileNotFoundException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws InterruptedException
  private static ImageInfo ensureFormatIsSupported(
      URL url, File imageFile, byte[] bytes, boolean isLoad) throws Docx4JException {

    FileOutputStream fos;
    // ImageInfo can also tell us what sort of image it is

    ImageInfo info = null;
    boolean imagePreloaderFound = true;
    try {
      try {
        info = getImageInfo(url);

        // Debug ... note that these figures
        // aren't necessarily accurate for EPS
      } catch (org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.ImageException e) {

        // Assume: The file format is not supported. No ImagePreloader found for /tmp/img55623.img
        // There is no preloader for eg PDFs.
        // (To use an image natively, we do need a preloader)
        imagePreloaderFound = false;

      if (imagePreloaderFound
          && (info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_TIFF)
              || info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_EMF2) // ImageInfo
              || info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_WMF)
              || info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_PNG)
              || info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_JPEG)
              || info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_GIF)
              //					 || info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_EPS)
              || info.getMimeType().equals(ContentTypes.IMAGE_BMP))) {
        // TODO: add other supported formats

        // If its a format Word supports natively,
        // do nothing here
        log.debug(".. supported natively by Word");

      } else if (imageFile != null && bytes != null) {

        // otherwise (eg if its an EPS or PDF), try to convert it
        // Although the Word UI suggests you can embed an EPS
        // directly, Word actually converts it to an EMF;
        // Word is unable to read a plain EPS image part.

        // (TODO: detect failure)

        log.debug(".. attempting to convert to PNG");

        // If image haven't been load (using function createImagePartFromFilePath), we load it
        if (isLoad == false) {

          // So first, we create tmpFile
          File tmpImageFile = File.createTempFile("img", ".img");
          fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpImageFile);

          // Now we get the inputStream, which is represented by imageFile in this case
          FileInputStream bais = new FileInputStream(imageFile);

          // We convert
          convertToPNG(bais, fos, density);

          // We don't forget to change locFile because the new image file is the converted image
          // file!!
          imageFile = tmpImageFile;

        } // Else image has been load in an array (using function cretaImagePart)
        else {
          ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
          fos = new FileOutputStream(imageFile);
          convertToPNG(bais, fos, density);

        fos = null;

        // We need to refresh image info
        info = getImageInfo(new URL("file://" + imageFile.getAbsolutePath()));

        // Debug ...
      } else {
        throw new Docx4JException("Unsupported linked image type.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new Docx4JException("Error checking image format", e);
    return info;