  * Set the value of withdrawalReasonCode as the classification of WithdrawalReason. <br>
  * (退会理由コード)WITHDRAWAL_REASON_CODE: {PK, NotNull, CHAR(3), classification=WithdrawalReason} <br>
  * reason for member withdrawal
  * @param cdef The instance of classification definition (as ENUM type). (NullAllowed: if null,
  *     null value is set to the column)
 public void setWithdrawalReasonCodeAsWithdrawalReason(CDef.WithdrawalReason cdef) {
   setWithdrawalReasonCode(cdef != null ? cdef.code() : null);
  * Is the value of withdrawalReasonCode Oth? <br>
  * OTH: other reasons
  * <p>It's treated as case insensitive and if the code value is null, it returns false.
  * @return The determination, true or false.
 public boolean isWithdrawalReasonCodeOth() {
   CDef.WithdrawalReason cdef = getWithdrawalReasonCodeAsWithdrawalReason();
   return cdef != null ? cdef.equals(CDef.WithdrawalReason.Oth) : false;
  * Get the value of withdrawalReasonCode as the classification of WithdrawalReason. <br>
  * (退会理由コード)WITHDRAWAL_REASON_CODE: {PK, NotNull, CHAR(3), classification=WithdrawalReason} <br>
  * reason for member withdrawal
  * <p>It's treated as case insensitive and if the code value is null, it returns null.
  * @return The instance of classification definition (as ENUM type). (NullAllowed: when the column
  *     value is null)
 public CDef.WithdrawalReason getWithdrawalReasonCodeAsWithdrawalReason() {
   return CDef.WithdrawalReason.codeOf(getWithdrawalReasonCode());