  protected String getReceiverID(Task task) {
    String receiverID;

    Object receiver = task.getPrepositionalPhrase(Constants.Preposition.FOR);

    if (receiver != null) receiver = ((PrepositionalPhrase) receiver).getIndirectObject();

    // Add field with recipient
    if (receiver == null) {
      receiverID = UNKNOWN;
          .error("Filler.addContentsInfo - Task " + task.getUID() + " had no FOR prep.");
    } else if (receiver instanceof String) {
      receiverID = (String) receiver;
    } else if (!(receiver instanceof Asset)) {
      receiverID = UNKNOWN;
    } else {
      ItemIdentificationPG itemIdentificationPG = ((Asset) receiver).getItemIdentificationPG();
      if ((itemIdentificationPG == null)
          || (itemIdentificationPG.getItemIdentification() == null)
          || (itemIdentificationPG.getItemIdentification().equals(""))) {
        receiverID = UNKNOWN;
      } else {
        receiverID = itemIdentificationPG.getItemIdentification();
    return receiverID;
 /** @return true iff the object "passes" the predicate */
 public boolean execute(Object o) {
   if (o instanceof Task) {
     Task task = (Task) o;
     return (task.getVerb().equals(MonitoringUtils.Start_Publishing_Cmd));
   return false;
 void auditPublishChange(Object o) {
   if (o instanceof Task) {
     Task t = (Task) o;
     if (!equalp(t.getSource(), getMessageAddress())) {
       log().warn("publishChange of non-local task: " + t);
  public static AllocationResult createEstimatedAllocationResult(Task t, PlanningFactory ldmf) {
    Enumeration preferences = t.getPreferences();
    if (preferences != null && preferences.hasMoreElements()) {
      // do something really simple for now.
      Vector aspects = new Vector();
      Vector results = new Vector();
      while (preferences.hasMoreElements()) {
        Preference pref = (Preference) preferences.nextElement();
        int at = pref.getAspectType();
        aspects.addElement(new Integer(at));
        ScoringFunction sf = pref.getScoringFunction();
        // allocate as if you can do it at the "Best" point
        double myresult = ((AspectScorePoint) sf.getBest()).getValue();
        results.addElement(new Double(myresult));
      int[] aspectarray = new int[aspects.size()];
      double[] resultsarray = new double[results.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < aspectarray.length; i++)
        aspectarray[i] = (int) ((Integer) aspects.elementAt(i)).intValue();
      for (int j = 0; j < resultsarray.length; j++)
        resultsarray[j] = (double) ((Double) results.elementAt(j)).doubleValue();

      AllocationResult myestimate = ldmf.newAllocationResult(0.0, true, aspectarray, resultsarray);
      return myestimate;
    // if there were no preferences...return a null estimate for the allocation result (for now)
    return null;
    public void reactToChangedFilter() {
      if (getSubscription().getRemovedCollection().size() > 0) {
                + " - got "
                + getSubscription().getRemovedCollection().size()
                + " removed tasks.");

      if (getSubscription().getRemovedList().hasMoreElements()) {
        Enumeration removedtasks = getSubscription().getRemovedList();
        while (removedtasks.hasMoreElements()) {
          Task task = (Task) removedtasks.nextElement();
          warn(getName() + " - task " + task.toString() + " was removed.");
  public boolean execute(Object o) {
    if (o instanceof PlanElement) {
      PlanElement p = (PlanElement) o;
      if (p instanceof Expansion) {
        Workflow wf = ((Expansion) p).getWorkflow();
        Enumeration e = wf.getTasks();
        Task t = (Task) e.nextElement();

        if (t.getPlanElement() == null) {
          // Returns true if the current task is a supply task
          if (t.getVerb().equals(myVerb)) {
            return true;
    return false;
 public double handleUnplanned(Task unplanned) {
   if (_gp.getLoggingService().isDebugEnabled())
     _gp.getLoggingService().debug("Filler.handleUnplanned - replanning " + unplanned.getUID());
   List agglist = new ArrayList();
   // packer.subtractTaskFromReceiver (unplanned);
   double loadedQuantity = createMPTask(agglist);
   return loadedQuantity;
  * Process "Start_publishing_Cmd" task .It update internal data structure for kind of sensor data
  * user has requested for.
  * @param publichcmdlist Enumeration on Collection of newly Start_publishing_Cmd
  * @see org.cougaar.core.security.oldmonitoring.util.PublishCmdObj
 protected void process_publishCmd(Enumeration publichcmdlist) {
   PublishCmdObj pcmd;
   for (; publichcmdlist.hasMoreElements(); ) {
     Task tsk = (Task) publichcmdlist.nextElement();
     PrepositionalPhrase pp =
     if (pp != null) {
       pcmd = (PublishCmdObj) pp.getIndirectObject();
       if (!currentlypublishing.contains(pcmd.Type)) {
         if (MonitoringUtils.debug > 0)
               "In sensor Plugin  process_publishCmd Add ::::::::"
                   + pcmd.Type
                   + " to current publishing list");
  /** agglist is the list of parent tasks */
  protected double createMPTask(List agglist) {
    // now we do the aggregation
    NewMPTask mpt = _ac.newTask();

    HashSet set = new HashSet();
    Iterator taskIt = agglist.iterator();
    Task parentTask;
    while (taskIt.hasNext()) {
      parentTask = (Task) taskIt.next();
      if (parentTask.getContext() != null) {
        set.addAll((ContextOfOplanIds) parentTask.getContext());
    mpt.setContext(new ContextOfOplanIds(set));

    // Set ContentsPG on container
    addContentsInfo((GLMAsset) mpt.getDirectObject(), agglist);

    // BOZO
        new Vector(_pa.aggregatePreferences(agglist.iterator(), _gp.getGPFactory())).elements());
    double loadedQuantity = mpt.getPreferredValue(AspectType.QUANTITY);
    Plan plan = ((Task) agglist.get(0)).getPlan();

    _gp.createAggregation(agglist.iterator(), mpt, plan, _ard);

    if (mpt.getComposition().getParentTasks().size() != agglist.size())
              "Filler.createMPTask - received "
                  + agglist.size()
                  + " tasks to be agggregated, but only "
                  + mpt.getComposition().getParentTasks().size()
                  + " tasks as parents of "
                  + mpt.getUID());
    // System.out.println( " FILLER : what is the loadedQuantity " + loadedQuantity);
    return loadedQuantity;
  /** This is the driving function in the whole packing process. */
  public double execute() {
    // boolean finished = false;
    double tonsPacked = 0;

    if (_gp.getLoggingService().isInfoEnabled())
      _gp.getLoggingService().info("Filler.execute - entered.");
    int numTasks = 0;
    int numParents = 0;

    // while there's still ammo to put in milvans
    while (_sz.moreTasksInQueue()) {
      // initialize the aggregation
      ArrayList agglist = new ArrayList();
      double amount = 0.0;
      double earliest = 0.0;
      double latest = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

      // while our milvan is not yet full and there is more ammo left to pack
      while (_ac.getQuantity() - amount > MIN_DELTA && _sz.moreTasksInQueue()) {
        // ask the sizer for what an amount that would fill the milvan
        Task t = _sz.provide(_ac.getQuantity() - amount, earliest, latest);
        if (t == null) { // the next task is outside the earliest->latest window
          //	    finished = true;

        // if we reach here, t is a Task that provides
        // some amount towards our overall amount
        double provided = t.getPreferredValue(AspectType.QUANTITY);

        if (_gp.getLoggingService().isInfoEnabled()) {
                  "Filler.execute - adding "
                      + provided
                      + " to agg list vs "
                      + (_ac.getQuantity() - amount)
                      + " amount "
                      + amount);

        Preference endDatePref = t.getPreference(AspectType.END_TIME);
        ScoringFunction sf = endDatePref.getScoringFunction();

        AspectScorePoint aspStart = sf.getDefinedRange().getRangeStartPoint();
        AspectScorePoint aspBest = sf.getBest();
        AspectScorePoint aspEnd = sf.getDefinedRange().getRangeEndPoint();

        Date taskEarlyDate = new Date((long) aspStart.getValue());
        Date taskBestDateMinusFiveDays =
            new Date((long) aspBest.getValue() - MAX_GROUP_DAYS * ONE_DAY_MILLIS);

        // no earlier than earliest arrival, but no more than 5 days before best
        if (taskBestDateMinusFiveDays.getTime() < taskEarlyDate.getTime())
          taskBestDateMinusFiveDays = taskEarlyDate;
        if (taskBestDateMinusFiveDays.getTime() > earliest) {
          earliest = taskBestDateMinusFiveDays.getTime();

        // restrict the window of time within which we'll aggregate tasks together
        // to be
        //   earliest arrival->best date + one day
        // instead of
        //   earliest arrival->latest arrival
        // because that can have problems when we replan
        // tasks without plan elements (happens when all aggregations of an mptask get
        // removed when any parent is removed). Resulting task has too narrow a time
        // window, since the replanned transport task will have an arrival window of
        // now->best date, and now could potentially be too close to the best date.

        Date taskLateDate = new Date((long) aspEnd.getValue());
        Date taskBestDatePlusOneDay = new Date((long) aspBest.getValue() + ONE_DAY_MILLIS);

        // no later than late date, but no more than one day after best
        if (taskBestDatePlusOneDay.getTime() > taskLateDate.getTime())
          taskBestDatePlusOneDay = taskLateDate;
        if (taskBestDatePlusOneDay.getTime() < latest) {
          latest = taskBestDatePlusOneDay.getTime();

        amount += provided;

      if (!agglist.isEmpty()) {
        double loadedQuantity = createMPTask(agglist);
        numParents += agglist.size();
        TRANSPORT_TONS += loadedQuantity;
        tonsPacked += loadedQuantity;

      if (_gp.getLoggingService().isInfoEnabled()) {
            .info("Filler.execute - aggregating together " + agglist.size() + " parents:");
        for (Iterator iter = agglist.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
          Task task = (Task) iter.next();
                  "Filler.execute - "
                      + task.getUID()
                      + " end date "
                      + new Date((long) task.getPreferredValue(AspectType.END_TIME)));

    if (numTasks != numParents)
              "Filler.execute - num tasks created "
                  + numTasks
                  + " != parents of MPTask "
                  + numParents);

    if (numParents != _sz.sizedMade)
              "Filler.execute - sizer num tasks made "
                  + _sz.sizedMade
                  + " != total parents of MPTask "
                  + numParents);

    if (_gp.getLoggingService().isInfoEnabled())
          .info("Packer  - current aggregated requested transport: " + TRANSPORT_TONS + " tons.");

    if (_gp.getLoggingService().isInfoEnabled())
      _gp.getLoggingService().info("Filler.execute - exited.");

    return tonsPacked;
  protected void addContentsInfo(GLMAsset container, List agglist) {
    ArrayList typeIDs = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList nomenclatures = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList weights = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList receivers = new ArrayList();

    for (Iterator iterator = agglist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
      Task task = (Task) iterator.next();
      TypeIdentificationPG typeIdentificationPG = task.getDirectObject().getTypeIdentificationPG();
      String typeID;
      String nomenclature;
      if (typeIdentificationPG != null) {
        typeID = typeIdentificationPG.getTypeIdentification();
        if ((typeID == null) || (typeID.equals(""))) {
          typeID = UNKNOWN;

        nomenclature = typeIdentificationPG.getNomenclature();
        if ((nomenclature == null) || (nomenclature.equals(""))) {
          nomenclature = UNKNOWN;
      } else {
        typeID = UNKNOWN;
        nomenclature = UNKNOWN;

      double quantity = task.getPreferredValue(AspectType.QUANTITY);
      Mass mass = Mass.newMass(quantity, Mass.SHORT_TONS);

      String receiverID;
        receiverID = getReceiverID(task);
      } else {
        receiverID = _gp.getGPMessageAddress().getAddress();

              "Adding - "
                  + task.getUID()
                  + " for "
                  + receiverID
                  + " - "
                  + typeID
                  + " - "
                  + quantity);
      packer.addToReceiver(receiverID, typeID, quantity);


    // Contents
    NewContentsPG contentsPG = PropertyGroupFactory.newContentsPG();