public void createMRPMessage(final String code) { final I_AD_Message message = InterfaceWrapperHelper.newInstance(I_AD_Message.class, contextProvider); InterfaceWrapperHelper.setValue(message, "AD_Client_ID", 0); message.setAD_Org_ID(0); message.setValue(code); message.setMsgText(code);; }
@Override public I_AD_Note createMRPNote() { final Properties ctx = getCtx(); final I_AD_Org org = getAD_Org_ToUse(); final int AD_Org_ID = org == null ? 0 : org.getAD_Org_ID(); final I_M_Warehouse warehouse = getM_Warehouse_ToUse(); final I_S_Resource plant = getPlant_ToUse(); final I_M_Product product = getM_Product_ToUse(); final int productPlanningId = getPP_Product_Planning_ID_ToUse(); final int panner_AD_User_ID = getPlanner_AD_Use_ID_ToUse(); // // Note's TextMsg final I_AD_Message adMessageToUse = getMRPCode_AD_Message_ToUse(); final StringBuilder noteTextMsg = new StringBuilder(); noteTextMsg .append(adMessageToUse.getValue()) .append(" - ") .append(messagesBL.getMsg(ctx, adMessageToUse.getValue())); // // Note's Reference text final String noteReference; if (product != null) { noteReference = messagesBL.translate(ctx, "M_Product_ID") + ": " + product.getValue() + " " + product.getName(); } else { noteReference = ""; } // // Append DocumentNos to note's TextMsg final Set<String> documentNos = getDocumentNos_ToUse(); if (documentNos != null && !documentNos.isEmpty()) { final String documentNoPropertyName = messagesBL.translate(ctx, I_PP_Order.COLUMNNAME_DocumentNo); for (final String documentNo : documentNos) { noteTextMsg.append("\n" + documentNoPropertyName + ":" + documentNo); } } // // Append additional parameters to TextMsg final String parametersStr = getParametersAsString(); if (!Check.isEmpty(parametersStr, true)) { noteTextMsg.append("\n").append(parametersStr); } // // Apppend Comment (if any) to note's TextMsg final String comment = getComment_ToUse(); if (!Check.isEmpty(comment, true)) { noteTextMsg.append("\n").append(comment); } // // Append Exception (if any) final Exception exception = getException_ToUse(); if (exception != null) { String exceptionStr = exception.getLocalizedMessage(); if (exceptionStr == null || exceptionStr.length() <= 5) { // comment to small, better use whole exception string exceptionStr = exception.toString(); } noteTextMsg.append("\nException: ").append(exceptionStr); // NOTE: since the exception is not logged anywhere, we are printing here to console // FIXME: create an AD_Issue and link it to create AD_Note. logger.log(Level.WARNING, exception.getLocalizedMessage(), exception); } // // Create AD_Note and return it { final I_PP_MRP mrp = getPP_MRP_ToUse(); final int mrpId = mrp == null ? 0 : mrp.getPP_MRP_ID(); final I_AD_Note note = InterfaceWrapperHelper.create(ctx, I_AD_Note.class, ITrx.TRXNAME_ThreadInherited); note.setAD_Org_ID(AD_Org_ID); note.setAD_Message_ID(adMessageToUse.getAD_Message_ID()); note.setAD_User_ID(panner_AD_User_ID); // NOTE: we always shall set the AD_Table_ID=PP_MRP because else the MRP cleanup won't delete // this note (see org.eevolution.mrp.api.impl.MRPNoteDAO.deleteMRPNotes(IMRPContext)) note.setAD_Table_ID(InterfaceWrapperHelper.getTableId(I_PP_MRP.class)); if (mrpId > 0) { note.setRecord_ID(mrpId); } note.setM_Warehouse(warehouse); note.setPP_Plant(plant); note.setM_Product(product); note.setPP_Product_Planning_ID(productPlanningId); note.setReference(noteReference); note.setTextMsg(noteTextMsg.toString());; return note; } }
@Override public int retrieveIdByValue(@CacheCtx final Properties ctx, final String value) { final I_AD_Message msg = retrieveByValue(ctx, value); if (msg == null) return 0; return msg.getAD_Message_ID(); }