   * Save (Insert new) Row of Tab
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param curRow insert after relative row number in results
   * @param context current (relevant) context of new row
   * @return error message or null
  public ChangeVO insertRow(
      int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int curRow, Map<String, String> context) {
    if (context == null || context.size() == 0) return new ChangeVO(true, "No Context");
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);

    log.info("Line Amt:" + context.get("LineNetAmt"));
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, true);
    if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
    // Update Results
    ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (data == null) retValue.addError("Data Not Found");
    else {
      String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData;
      if (curRow >= data.size()) data.add(dataRow);
      else data.add(curRow, dataRow);
      retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
    return retValue;
  } // insertRow
  * ************************************************************************ Create Missing
  * Document Types
  * @param ctx context
  * @param AD_Client_ID client
  * @param sp server process
  * @param trx transaction
 public static void createDocumentTypes(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
   s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);
   String sql =
       "SELECT rl.Value, rl.Name "
           + "FROM AD_Ref_List rl "
           + "WHERE rl.AD_Reference_ID=183"
           + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND NOT EXISTS "
           + " (SELECT * FROM C_DocType dt WHERE dt.AD_Client_ID=? AND rl.Value=dt.DocBaseType)";
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
     pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     while (rs.next()) {
       String name = rs.getString(2);
       String value = rs.getString(1);
       s_log.config(name + "=" + value);
       MDocType dt = new MDocType(ctx, value, name, trx);
       if (dt.save()) {
         if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, name);
         else s_log.fine(name);
       } else {
         if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, "Not created: " + name);
         else s_log.warning("Not created: " + name);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
 } //	createDocumentTypes
 public ChangeVO updateRow(
     int windowNo,
     int AD_Tab_ID,
     int queryResultID,
     int relRowNo,
     Map<String, String> context,
     boolean force) {
   if (context == null || context.size() == 0)
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "NoContext"));
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null || data.size() == 0)
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "CachedDataNotFound"));
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID));
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue;
   if (force) retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, null);
   else retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, data.get(relRowNo));
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData.clone();
   data.set(relRowNo, dataRow);
   postProcessChangeVO(retValue, windowNo, context, dataRow, tab);
   retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
   if (retValue.isRefreshAll()) {}
   return retValue;
  * Retrieve results for Tab. If the from/to range does not exist, it returns existing rows
  * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
  * @param fromRow from row first is 0
  * @param noRows number of rows
  * @return array of rows of array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via
  *     String[] columns = uiTab.getColumnNames();
 public String[][] getResults(int queryResultID, int fromRow, int noRows) {
   if (noRows < 0) {
     log.config("Invalid: fromRow=" + fromRow + ",noRows" + noRows);
   } else if (noRows == 0) return new String[][] {};
   ArrayList<String[]> resultAll = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (resultAll == null) {
     log.config("No Results for queryResultID=" + queryResultID);
     return null;
   if (resultAll.size() < fromRow) {
         "Insufficient Results for queryResultID="
             + queryResultID
             + ", Length="
             + resultAll.size()
             + ", fromRow="
             + fromRow);
     return null;
   // copy
   if (resultAll.size() < noRows) {
         "Insufficient Rows for queryResultID="
             + queryResultID
             + ", Length="
             + resultAll.size()
             + ", fromRow="
             + fromRow
             + ", noRows="
             + noRows);
     noRows = resultAll.size();
   String[][] result = new String[noRows][];
   for (int i = 0; i < noRows; i++) {
     int index = i + fromRow;
     if (index >= resultAll.size()) break;
     result[i] = resultAll.get(index);
   return result;
 } // getResult
  * Execute Query for Tab
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param queryVO optional query
  * @param context record context for link columns and other variables
  * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
  * @return number of records or -1 if error
 public int executeQuery(
     int AD_Tab_ID, QueryVO queryVO, HashMap<String, String> context, int queryResultID) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return -1;
   ArrayList<String[]> result = tab.executeQueryString(queryVO, context, m_context);
   if (result == null) {
     log.config("Not Result for AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return -1;
   MRole role = getRole();
   // return -1 to indicate query exceeds
   if (role.isQueryMax(result.size())) {
     m_results.put(queryResultID, new ArrayList<String[]>());
     return -1;
   m_results.put(queryResultID, result);
   return result.size();
 } // executeQuery
 public Query createQuery(int AD_Tab_ID, QueryVO queryVO, WindowCtx ctx, String tableName) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   String whereClause = tab.getWhereClause();
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return null;
   Query result = tab.createQueryForReport(m_context, queryVO);
   if (result == null) {
     result = new Query(tableName);
   if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() != 0) {
     QueryRestriction restriction = new QueryRestriction(whereClause);
   return result;
 } // executeQuery
   * Field Changed
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Field_ID field
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param oldValue old field value
   * @param newValue new field value
   * @param context record context
   * @return Field Change VO
  public ChangeVO fieldChanged(
      int windowNo,
      int AD_Field_ID,
      int AD_Tab_ID,
      String oldValue,
      String newValue,
      Map<String, String> context) {
    // Same Values
    if (oldValue == null || oldValue.equals(Null.NULLString)) oldValue = "";
    if (newValue == null || newValue.equals(Null.NULLString)) newValue = "";
    if (oldValue.equals(newValue)) return null;
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return null;
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
    if (field == null) {
      log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
      return null;

    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    CContext origCtx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    origCtx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO change = null;
    try {
      // reset the thread active flag, in case the thread is reused later on
      change =
              origCtx, ctx, new ArrayList<UIField>(5), windowNo, field, oldValue, newValue);
      ctx.setContext(windowNo, field.getColumnName(), change.newConfirmedFieldValue);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.severe("fieldChange error:" + field.getColumnName() + e.getMessage());
    } finally {

    return change;
  } // fieldChanged
  * Create new Row with Default values. The new Row is not saved in Results
  * @param windowNo relative window
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param context record context for parent columns and other variables
  * @return array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via String[] columns =
  *     uiTab.getColumnNames();
 public ChangeVO newRow(int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, Map<String, String> context) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return null;
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ctx.setIsSOTrx(windowNo, tab.isSOTrx());
   ChangeVO change = tab.newRow(ctx, windowNo);
    * Very likely not needed if (change.changedDropDowns == null) change.changedDropDowns = new
    * HashMap<String,ArrayList<NamePair>>(); for(UIField f:tab.getFields()) { if
    * (f.isDependentValue()) change.changedDropDowns.put(f.getColumnName(),
    * getLookupValues(windowNo, f.getAD_Field_ID(), change.changedFields)); }
   tab.canUpdate(ctx, windowNo, change);
   return change;
 } // newRow
  * Refresh current row of Tab
  * @param windowNo relative window
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
  * @param context current (relevant) context of new row
  * @return error message or null
 public ChangeVO refreshRow(
     int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo, Map<String, String> context) {
   if (context == null || context.size() == 0) return new ChangeVO(true, "No Context");
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue = tab.refreshRow(ctx, windowNo);
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null) retValue.addError("Data Not Found");
   else {
     String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData.clone();
     data.set(relRowNo, dataRow);
     postProcessChangeVO(retValue, windowNo, context, dataRow, tab);
     retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
   return retValue;
 } // refreshRow
  * Delete existing Row
  * @param windowNo relative window
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
  * @return error message or null
 public ChangeVO deleteRow(int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null) return new ChangeVO(true, "Data Not Found");
   String[] rowData = data.get(relRowNo);
   // Copy Data into Context
   Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<String, String>();
   String[] columns = tab.getColumnNames();
   for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
     String column = columns[i];
     context.put(column, rowData[i]);
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue = tab.deleteRow(ctx, windowNo);
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   return retValue;
 } // deleteRow
   * Create Period Controls
   * @param ctx context
   * @param AD_Client_ID client
   * @param sp server process
   * @param trx transaction
  public static void createPeriodControls(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
    s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);

    //	Delete Duplicates
    String sql =
        "DELETE FROM C_PeriodControl "
            + "WHERE (C_Period_ID, DocBaseType) IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc2 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)"
            + " AND C_PeriodControl_ID NOT IN "
            + "(SELECT MIN(C_PeriodControl_ID) "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc3 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType)";
    int no = DB.executeUpdate(trx, sql);
    s_log.info("Duplicates deleted #" + no);

    //	Insert Missing
    sql =
        "SELECT DISTINCT p.AD_Client_ID, p.C_Period_ID, dbt.DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_Period p, "
            + "C_DocBaseType dbt "
            + "WHERE p.AD_Client_ID=? "
            + " AND NOT EXISTS"
            + " (SELECT * FROM C_PeriodControl pc "
            + "WHERE pc.C_Period_ID=p.C_Period_ID AND pc.DocBaseType=dbt.DocBaseType)"
            + " AND (dbt.AD_Client_ID = 0 OR p.AD_Client_ID = dbt.AD_Client_ID)";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    int counter = 0;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {
        int Client_ID = rs.getInt(1);
        int C_Period_ID = rs.getInt(2);
        String DocBaseType = rs.getString(3);
                + Client_ID
                + ", C_Period_ID="
                + C_Period_ID
                + ", DocBaseType="
                + DocBaseType);
        MPeriodControl pc = new MPeriodControl(ctx, Client_ID, C_Period_ID, DocBaseType, trx);
        if (pc.save()) {
        } else s_log.warning("Not saved: " + pc);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(counter), "@C_PeriodControl_ID@ @Created@");
    s_log.info("Inserted #" + counter);
  } //	createPeriodControls
   * ************************************************************************* Get Window in default
   * context based on Role
   * @param windowNO relative window
   * @param AD_Window_ID window
   * @param AD_Menu_ID menu
   * @return WindowVO or null
  public UIWindow getWindow(int windowNO, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Menu_ID) {
    UIWindow win = null;
    // win = m_windows.get(AD_Window_ID);
    // if (win != null)
    // {
    // win.clearLookupCache();
    // return win;
    // }
    UIWindowVOFactory winFactory = new UIWindowVOFactory();
    UIWindowVO winVO = null;
    int AD_UserDef_Win_ID = -1;
    WindowVOCacheKey vokey =
        new WindowVOCacheKey(
            AD_Window_ID, m_context.getAD_Role_ID(), AD_Menu_ID, Env.getAD_Language(m_context));

    // note, the usage of m_context below in constructing window is only for
    // language, menu, role,
    // and those are already included in the cache key, so we can safely
    // assume the win is correctly cached
    if (Userdef_Winids.get(null, vokey) == null) {
      winVO = winFactory.get(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_Menu_ID);
      if (winVO == null) {
        log.config("No Window - AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID + ",AD_Menu_ID=" + AD_Menu_ID);
        return null;
      int theAD_UserDef_Win_ID = winVO.getAD_UserDef_Win_ID();

      if (Userdef_Winids.putIfAbsent(vokey, theAD_UserDef_Win_ID) == null)
        AD_UserDef_Win_ID = theAD_UserDef_Win_ID;
    } else AD_UserDef_Win_ID = Userdef_Winids.get(m_context, vokey);

    WindowCacheKey key =
        new WindowCacheKey(
    win = UIWindows.get(null, key);
    if (win == null) {
      // log.warning("key:" + key + " not found, create");
      if (winVO == null) winVO = winFactory.get(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_Menu_ID);
      if (winVO == null) {
        log.config("No Window - AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID + ",AD_Menu_ID=" + AD_Menu_ID);
        return null;
      UIWindow newWin = new UIWindow(winVO);
      AD_Window_ID = newWin.getAD_Window_ID();
      UIFieldVOFactory fieldFactory = new UIFieldVOFactory();
      newWin.setFields(fieldFactory.getAll(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_UserDef_Win_ID));
      UITabVOFactory tabFactory = new UITabVOFactory();
      // setTabVOs initrlize tabs but not fields, 'cuz fields needs to be
      // copied over and initialized later
          m_context, tabFactory.getAll(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_UserDef_Win_ID), windowNO);
      win = UIWindows.putIfAbsent(key, newWin);
      if (win == null) win = newWin;
    // deep copy the window object so we hold a separate window object for
    // each user session
    UIWindow duplicatedWin = (UIWindow) DeepCopy.copy(win);
    fillTabsFieldsAndInitFieldsAndCreateDependencyRelations(duplicatedWin, windowNO);

    MSession session = MSession.get(m_context);
    if (session != null)

    return duplicatedWin;
  } // getWindowVO
   * Get the response according to the request message
   * @param model model
   * @param remoteHost remote host name
   * @param remoteAddr remote host ip address
   * @return response
  public byte[] getResult(MLdapProcessor model, String remoteHost, String remoteAddr) {
    if (m_errNo != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
          (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST
              ? LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE
              : LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT),
          ldapErrorMessage[m_errNo] + ": " + m_errStr);

    try {
      String usrId = m_ldapMsg.getUserId();
      String o = m_ldapMsg.getOrg();
      String ou = m_ldapMsg.getOrgUnit();
      int msgId = m_ldapMsg.getMsgId();

      // Adding the Application 1 Sequence
      if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST) {
        String pwd = m_ldapMsg.getUserPasswd();
        if (pwd == null || pwd.length() <= 0) {
          // 1st anonymous bind
          generateResult(m_ldapMsg.getDN(), LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
          log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success on anonymous bind");
          return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        // Authenticate with Compiere data
        if (m_ldapUser.getUserId()
            == null) { // Try to authenticate on the 1st bind, must be java client
          model.authenticate(m_ldapUser, usrId, o, ou, remoteHost, remoteAddr);
          if (m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg() != null) { // Failed to authenticated with compiere
            m_errNo = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
                ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT] + m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg());
            log.config("#" + msgId + ": Failed with bind");
            return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        // Check to see if the input passwd is match to the one
        // in compiere database
        if (m_ldapUser.getUserId() != null
            && m_ldapUser.getPassword() != null
            && usrId.compareTo(m_ldapUser.getUserId()) == 0
            && !SecureEngine.isEncrypted(pwd)
            && (pwd.compareTo(m_ldapUser.getPassword()) == 0
                || pwd.compareTo(SecureEngine.decrypt(m_ldapUser.getPassword()))
                    == 0)) { // Successfully authenticated
          generateResult("", LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
          // Close the connection to client since most of the client
          // application might cache the connection but we can't afford
          // to have too many such client connection
          m_disconnect = true;
          log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success authenticate with password");
        } else { // Unsuccessfully authenticated
              "#" + msgId + ": Failed : " + ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION]);
      } else if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST) {
        // Authenticate with compiere database
        model.authenticate(m_ldapUser, usrId, o, ou, remoteHost, remoteAddr);
        if (m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg() != null) {
          m_errNo = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
              ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT] + m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg());
          log.info("#" + msgId + ": Failed with SEARCH_REQUEST");
          return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        m_encoder.beginSeq(48); // Hard coded here for Envelope header
        m_encoder.beginSeq(LdapMessage.SEARCH_REP_ENTRY); // Application 4
        m_encoder.encodeString("cn=" + m_ldapMsg.getUserId(), true); // this should be object name
        // not going to put in any attributes for this

        // SearchResultDone Application 5 for bind
        // Result 0 = success
        // No error message
        generateResult(m_ldapMsg.getBaseObj(), LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
        log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success with SEARCH_REQUEST");

      return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);

      // Get the response operation
      int responseOp = LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE;
      if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST)
        responseOp = LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT;

      // Send the response to the client and disconnect
      m_errNo = LDAP_OTHER;
          ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_OTHER] + e.getMessage());
      m_disconnect = true;

    return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();
  } //	getResult