  public boolean loadInfoFromResourceFile() {
    ObjectMapper objMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    // Get the location of the class files at runtime, backtrack a level to the root directory,
    // Then get the path to the resource directory.
    try {
      File inFile = new File(configFileLocation);

      if (!inFile.exists()) {
        // The file doesn't exist. Create it with default empty values.

      // JsonNode rootNode = objMapper.readTree(new File("./res/configItems/userConfig.json"));
      // Get the location of the class files at runtime, backtrack a level to the root directory,
      // Then get the path to the resource directory.
      JsonNode rootNode = objMapper.readTree(inFile);
      loginId = rootNode.path("loginId").getTextValue();
      mainSummoner = rootNode.path("mainSummoner").getTextValue();
      mainServer = LeagueServer.findServerByCode(rootNode.path("mainServer").getTextValue());
      clientVersion = rootNode.path("client version").getTextValue();
      Iterator<String> fieldIterator = rootNode.getFieldNames();
      while (fieldIterator.hasNext()) {
        String currentField = fieldIterator.next();
        if (!currentField.startsWith("summoner")) {

    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
      return false;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      return false;
    return true;
  public Response toResponse(JsonProcessingException exception) {
     * If the error is in the JSON generation, it's a server error.
    if (exception instanceof JsonGenerationException) {
      LOG.warn(exception, "Error generating JSON");
      return Response.serverError().build();

    final String message = exception.getMessage();

     * If we can't deserialize the JSON because someone forgot a no-arg constructor, it's a
     * server error and we should inform the developer.
    if (message.startsWith("No suitable constructor found")) {
      LOG.error(exception, "Unable to deserialize the specific type");
      return Response.serverError().build();

     * Otherwise, it's those pesky users.
    try {
      LOG.debug(exception, "Unable to process JSON");
      final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(4096);

      errorHandler.writeErrorPage(request, writer, 400, stripLocation(message), false);
      return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST)
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.debug(e, "Unable to output error message");
      return Response.serverError().build();