  public DeploymentConfiguration prepareForDeployment(
      CloudFoundryServer server, CloudFoundryApplicationModule module, IProgressMonitor monitor)
      throws CoreException {

    // NOTE:
    // This
    // section
    // here
    // is
    // a
    // substitute
    // for
    // the
    // Application

    DeploymentInfoWorkingCopy copy = module.resolveDeploymentInfoWorkingCopy(monitor);
    if (variables != null) {
    if (services != null) {

    if (url != null) {
    } else {
      // Derive the URL from the app name specified in the test call back.
      // NOTE that although the working copy SHOULD have a default URL
      // generated from a default application name
      // (generally, the project name), since the appname and project name
      // can be different,
      // and such difference would be specified manually by the user in
      // the deployment wizard,
      // be sure to generate a URL from the actual app name specified in
      // this Test call back, to be sure
      // the URL is built off the app name rather than the project name,
      // as the test case may have specified
      // a different app name than the default app name from the project
      // name.

      ApplicationUrlLookupService urlLookup = ApplicationUrlLookupService.update(server, monitor);

      CloudApplicationURL url = urlLookup.getDefaultApplicationURL(copy.getDeploymentName());
      if (url != null) {


    ApplicationAction mode = deployStopped ? ApplicationAction.STOP : ApplicationAction.START;

    return new DeploymentConfiguration(mode);