@Override public void visit(CompilationUnit n, Object arg) { if (n.getPackage() != null) { n.getPackage().accept(this, arg); } if (n.getImports() != null) { for (ImportDeclaration i : n.getImports()) { i.accept(this, arg); } printer.printLn(); } if (n.getTypes() != null) { for (Iterator<TypeDeclaration> i = n.getTypes().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { i.next().accept(this, arg); printer.printLn(); if (i.hasNext()) { printer.printLn(); } } } }
/** * Entry point of recursive-descent IndexUnit to AScene transformer. * * @param iu {@link IndexUnit} representing stubfile * @return {@link AScene} containing annotations from stubfile */ private static void extractScene(IndexUnit iu, AScene scene) { for (CompilationUnit cu : iu.getCompilationUnits()) { List<TypeDeclaration> typeDecls = cu.getTypes(); if (typeDecls != null) { List<ImportDeclaration> impDecls = cu.getImports(); PackageDeclaration pkgDecl = cu.getPackage(); for (TypeDeclaration typeDecl : typeDecls) { ToIndexFileConverter converter = new ToIndexFileConverter(pkgDecl, impDecls, scene); String pkgName = converter.pkgName; String name = typeDecl.getName(); if (!pkgName.isEmpty()) { name = pkgName + "." + name; } typeDecl.accept(converter, scene.classes.vivify(name)); } } } }