@Override public String findSystemOfTestCase(String test, String testcase) throws CerberusException { return testCaseDao.findSystemOfTestCase(test, testcase); }
@Override public TCase findTestCaseByKey(String test, String testCase) throws CerberusException { return testCaseDao.findTestCaseByKey(test, testCase); }
@Override public List<TCase> findTestCaseByCampaignName(String campaign) { return testCaseDao.findTestCaseByCampaignName(campaign); }
@Override public List<TCase> findByCriteria( String[] test, String[] project, String[] app, String[] active, String[] priority, String[] status, String[] group, String[] targetBuild, String[] targetRev, String[] creator, String[] implementer, String[] function, String[] campaign, String[] battery) { String testClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.Test", test == null ? null : Arrays.asList(test), true); String projectClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.Project", project == null ? null : Arrays.asList(project), true); String appClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.Application", app == null ? null : Arrays.asList(app), true); String activeClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.tcactive", active == null ? null : Arrays.asList(active), true); String priorityClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.priority", priority == null ? null : Arrays.asList(priority), true); String statusClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.status", status == null ? null : Arrays.asList(status), true); String groupClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.group", group == null ? null : Arrays.asList(group), true); String targetBuildClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.targetBuild", targetBuild == null ? null : Arrays.asList(targetBuild), true); String targetRevClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.targetRev", targetRev == null ? null : Arrays.asList(targetRev), true); String creatorClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.creator", creator == null ? null : Arrays.asList(creator), true); String implementerClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.implementer", implementer == null ? null : Arrays.asList(implementer), true); String functionClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tc.funtion", function == null ? null : Arrays.asList(function), true); String campaignClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND cc.campaign", campaign == null ? null : Arrays.asList(campaign), true); String batteryClause = SqlUtil.createWhereInClause( " AND tbc.testbattery", battery == null ? null : Arrays.asList(battery), true); return testCaseDao.findTestCaseByCriteria( testClause, projectClause, appClause, activeClause, priorityClause, statusClause, groupClause, targetBuildClause, targetRevClause, creatorClause, implementerClause, functionClause, campaignClause, batteryClause); }
@Override public void updateTestCaseField(TCase tc, String columnName, String value) { testCaseDao.updateTestCaseField(tc, columnName, value); }
@Override public void updateTestCase(TCase tc) throws CerberusException { testCaseDao.updateTestCase(tc); }
@Override public List<TCase> findTestCaseActiveByCriteria(String test, String application, String country) { return testCaseDao.findTestCaseByCriteria(test, application, country, "Y"); }
@Override public boolean deleteTestCase(TCase testCase) { return testCaseDao.deleteTestCase(testCase); }
@Override public boolean createTestCase(TCase testCase) throws CerberusException { return testCaseDao.createTestCase(testCase); }
@Override public boolean updateTestCaseInformationCountries(TestCase tc) { return testCaseDao.updateTestCaseInformationCountries(tc); }
@Override public boolean updateTestCaseInformation(TestCase testCase) { return testCaseDao.updateTestCaseInformation(testCase); }
@Override public List<TCase> findTestCaseByTestSystem(String test, String system) { return testCaseDao.findTestCaseByTestSystem(test, system); }
@Override public List<TCase> findTestCaseByTest(String test) { return testCaseDao.findTestCaseByTest(test); }