public static void updateMinecraftYMLCache() { if (!updated || !getConfigFile().exists()) { synchronized (key) { String current = null; if (getConfigFile().exists()) { try { current = getConfig().getString("current"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (YmlUtils.downloadYmlFile( MINECRAFT_YML, "", getConfigFile())) { // GameUpdater.copy(getConfigFile(), output) config = null; Configuration config = getConfig(); latest = config.getString("latest"); recommended = config.getString("recommended"); if (current != null) { config.setProperty("current", current);; } } updated = true; } } }
/** * Gets the ticket currently opened by the given player. * * @param player The player whose ticket is being retrieved. * @return An array containing the ticket info for the given player.<br> * The first element is the player's desired job, the second is the timestamp of the request. */ public String[] getTicket(String player) { String[] ticket = { tickets.getString("tickets." + player + ".job"), tickets.getString("tickets." + player + ".time") }; return ticket; }
/** Loads the configuration file data into appropriate places. */ public void loadConfig() { config.load(); int duplicatorTool = config.getInt("duplicatorTool", 275); int paintbrushTool = config.getInt("paintbrushTool", 341); int scrollerTool = config.getInt("scrollerTool", 352); int superPickaxe = config.getInt("superPickaxe", 274); Integer[] array = new Integer[] {duplicatorTool, paintbrushTool, scrollerTool, superPickaxe}; HashSet<Integer> tools = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(array)); if (tools.size() != 4) { log.warning("[" + name + "] Some tools are conflicting, using defaults insted."); } else { ToolHandler.duplicatorTool = duplicatorTool; ToolHandler.paintbrushTool = paintbrushTool; ToolHandler.scrollerTool = scrollerTool; ToolHandler.superPickaxe = superPickaxe; } CommandHandler.mimicRadius = config.getInt("mimicRadius", 40); // load blocks that are unduplicatable String temp[] = config.getString("unduplicatable", "7,8,9,10,11,51,52,79").split(","); for (String block : temp) { if (!block.equals("")) { BlockHandler.unduplicatableBlocks.put(Integer.parseInt(block), false); } } // load blocks that are unmimicable temp = config.getString("unmimicable", "0,1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,46,51,66,79").split(","); for (String block : temp) { if (!block.equals("")) { BlockHandler.unmimicableBlocks.put(Integer.parseInt(block), false); } } // load blocks that are scrollable temp = config .getString("scrollable", "17,18,23,25,26,35,43,44,53,61,63,65,66,67,68,69,77,86,81,91") .split(","); for (String block : temp) { if (!block.equals("")) { BlockHandler.scrollableBlocks.put(Integer.parseInt(block), true); } } // load tools that are invincible temp = config.getString("invincibleTools", "278,284,285,286").split(","); for (String block : temp) { if (!block.equals("")) { ToolHandler.invincibleTools.put(Integer.parseInt(block), true); } } saveConfig(); }
public void loadPreferences(String name) { File pref = new File(root + File.separator + name + ".pref"); Configuration c = new Configuration(pref); c.load(); armourType.put(name.toString(), getArmour(c.getString("Preferences.ArmourType", "NONE"))); blockHead.put( name.toString(), new ItemStack((Material.getMaterial(c.getString("Preferences.BlockOnHead", "AIR"))), 1)); swordType.put( name.toString(), Material.getMaterial(c.getString("Preferences.Sword", Material.WOOD_SWORD.toString()))); }
/** * Gets the Location of the given world's new player spawn. * * @param world The world to get the new player spawn for. * @return The Location of the new player spawn. */ public Location getNewPlayerSpawn(String world) { Location spawn = this.getServer().getWorld(world).getSpawnLocation(); if (deathSpawnExists(world)) { spawn.setX(spawns.getDouble("new-player-spawn." + world + ".x", spawn.getX())); spawn.setY(spawns.getDouble("new-player-spawn." + world + ".y", spawn.getY())); spawn.setZ(spawns.getDouble("new-player-spawn." + world + ".z", spawn.getZ())); spawn.setYaw(Float.parseFloat(spawns.getString("new-player-spawn." + world + ".yaw"))); spawn.setPitch(Float.parseFloat(spawns.getString("new-player-spawn." + world + ".pitch"))); } return spawn; }
public void loadConfiguration() { // make sure the config exists // and if it doesn't, make it! this.checkConfiguration(); // ge the configuration.. Configuration config = getConfiguration(); this.autoRestart = config.getBoolean("auto-restart", true); this.restartInterval = config.getDouble("auto-restart-interval", 8); this.warnTimes = config.getDoubleList("warn-times", null); this.warningMessage = config.getString("warning-message", "&cServer will be restarting in %t minutes!"); this.restartMessage = config.getString("restart-message", "&cServer is restarting, we'll be right back!"); }
public void readLangFile(String language) { String filename = getLangFolder() + File.separator + language + ".yml"; try { Configuration config = new Configuration(new File(filename)); config.load(); List<String> keys = config.getKeys(); if (!langDb.containsKey(language)) { langDb.put(language, new HashMap<String, String>()); } Map<String, String> langMap = langDb.get(language); for (Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String key =; Log.v("Adding " + language + "." + key + ";"); langMap.put(key, config.getString(key)); } Log.d("Done parsing localization file '" + filename + "' for language '" + language + "'"); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e("Could not load localizaion file '" + filename + "'"); } }
/** * Sets the option located at the given path for player to val. * * @param player The player whose option is being changed. * @param path The path of the option to change. * @param val The new value of the option. * @return A Boolean representation of the success of the operation. */ public Boolean setPlayerConfig(String player, String path, String val) { players.setProperty("players." + player + "." + path, val);; players.load(); return (players.getString("players." + player + "." + path) == val); }
/** * Sets the option located at the given path to val. * * @param path The path of the option to be changed. * @param val The new value of the option. * @return A Boolean representation of the success of the operation. */ public Boolean setConfig(String path, String val) { config.setProperty("config." + path, val);; config.load(); return (config.getString("config." + path) == val); }
/** * Attempts to create a new player in players.yml. * * @param player The new player to add to players.yml. * @return Whether or not the player exists after the operation has run. */ public Boolean createPlayer(String player) { players.setProperty("players." + player + ".job", config.getString("config.default-job")); players.setProperty("players." + player + ".exempt", false);; players.load(); return (playerExists(player)); }
public InstanceConfig(int id, String name, Configuration config) { config.load(); this.instanceName = name; = config.getString("instances." + this.instanceName + ".world", null); this.maxPlayers = config.getInt("instances." + this.instanceName + ".players", 0); this.timer = config.getInt("instances." + this.instanceName + ".timer", 0); this.exp = config.getInt("instances." + this.instanceName + ".exp", 0); }
private void loadConfigValues() { pluginConfig = plugin.getConfiguration(); PRE_RELEASE_MODE = pluginConfig.getBoolean("general.pre_release_mode", true); if (PRE_RELEASE_MODE) System.out.println("Activating Pre-release mode."); DB_URL = pluginConfig.getString("database.url"); DB_NAME = pluginConfig.getString(""); DB_DRIVER = pluginConfig.getString("database.driver"); DB_USER = pluginConfig.getString("database.user"); DB_PASSWORD = pluginConfig.getString("database.password"); DB_TIMEOUT = pluginConfig.getInt("database.timeout", 20000000); this.Lot_X_OFFSET = pluginConfig.getInt("lots.x_offset", -384); this.Lot_Z_OFFSET = pluginConfig.getInt("lots.z_offset", 416); Capitol_Name = pluginConfig.getString("", "Rage City"); Capitol_X1a = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.x1a", -386); // The NW corner of region A for capitol Capitol_Z1a = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.z1a", 146); Capitol_X2a = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.x2a", -82); // The SE corner of region A for capitol Capitol_Z2a = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.z2a", -261); Capitol_X1b = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.x1b", -83); // The NW corner of region B for capitol Capitol_Z1b = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.z1b", 418); Capitol_X2b = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.x2b", 513); // The SE corner of region B for capitol Capitol_Z2b = pluginConfig.getInt("capitol.z2b", -261); Capitol_SANDLOT = pluginConfig.getString("capitol.sandlot", "114,60,-19,141,68,-46"); NPC_TOTAL_FLOATING = pluginConfig.getInt("npc.total_floating", 5); System.out.println("Connecting to " + DB_URL + "..."); // Debug }
private void load() { for (String key : keys) { if (config.getProperty(key) == null) config.setProperty(key, defaults.get(key)); strings.put(key, config.getString(key).replace("&", "\u00a7")); } // clear defaults to free memory defaults.clear(); }
/** * Gets the block place deny message from config.yml. * * @return The String to output when block placement is denied. */ public String getPlaceDenyMsg(String player) { String msg = config.getString(""); if (msg == null) { msg = "You may not place this type of block."; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
/** * Gets the full inventory message (for wear denied) from config.yml. * * @return The String to output when an item is dropped as a result of denied armor. */ public String getWearDenyInvFullMsg(String player) { String msg = config.getString("config.wear-deny-inv-full-msg"); if (msg == null) { msg = "Your inventory is full. The item has been dropped."; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
/** * Gets the message to display to players when the respawn. * * @param player The player who is recieving the respawn message. * @return A String contianing the respawn message. */ public String getRespawnMsg(String player) { String msg = config.getString("config.respawn-msg"); if (msg == null) { msg = "Welcom back, %p"; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
/** * Gets the message to display when a crafting event is denied. * * @return The message to display to the player whose craft event was cancelled. */ public String getCraftDenyMsg(String player) { String msg = config.getString("config.craft-deny-msg"); if (msg == null) { msg = "The purpose of the materials in front of you evades you..."; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
/** * Gets the message to display when a user is denied access to a zone. * * @return The message to display to the player. */ public String getZoneDenyMsg(String zone, String player) { String msg = zones.getString("zones." + zone + "deny-msg"); if (msg == null) { msg = "A mysterious force pushes you away..."; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
/** * Gets the message to display when a new player joins. * * @param player The name of the new player. * @return The message to display to the new player. */ public String getNewPlayerMsg(String player) { String msg = config.getString(""); if (msg == null) { msg = "Welcome, %p. You have joined as %j. Type /job help for more info."; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
/** * Gets the armor usage deny message from config.yml. * * @return The String to output when armor usage is denied. */ public String getWearDenyMsg(String player) { String msg = config.getString("config.wear-deny-msg"); if (msg == null) { msg = "You may not wear this type of armor."; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
/** * Gets the item usage deny message from config.yml. * * @return The String to output when item usage is denied. */ public String getUseDenyMsg(String player) { String msg = config.getString("config.use-deny-msg"); if (msg == null) { msg = "You may not use type of item."; } msg = parseSpecialChars(msg, player); return msg; }
public MVPortal(String name, Configuration config, MultiVerse instance) { this.plugin = instance; this.utils = new MVUtils(plugin); this.config = config; = name; this.owner = config.getString("portals." + name + ".owner", ""); this.price = config.getDouble("portals." + name + ".price", 0.0); setupLocation(); setDestLocation(this.config.getString("portals." + name + ".destlocation", "")); }
private void updateKeys() { String fromKey, toKey, holder; for (String[] update : keyUpdates) { fromKey = update[0]; if (config.getProperty(fromKey) != null) { toKey = update[1]; holder = config.getString(fromKey); config.removeProperty(fromKey); if (!toKey.equals("")) config.setProperty(toKey, holder); } } }
public void modifyBlockOnHead(Player p, int material) { int level = Statistics.playerLevel.get(p.getName()); File pref = new File(root + File.separator + p.getName() + ".pref"); Configuration c = new Configuration(pref); c.load(); Material m = Material.getMaterial(material); if (level >= 40) { if (m == null || m == Material.AIR) { p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " +"Invalid Material Type!")); return; } c.setProperty("Preferences.ArmourType", c.getString("Preferences.ArmourType", "NONE")); c.setProperty( "Preferences.BlockOnHead", c.getString("Preferences.BlockOnHead", m.toString().toUpperCase())); c.setProperty( "Preferences.Sword", c.getString("Preferences.Sword", Material.WOOD_SWORD.toString())); blockHead.put(p.getName(), new ItemStack(m, 1)); p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " + ChatColor.GREEN + "Block preference changed to " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + m.toString().toUpperCase() + ChatColor.GREEN + " successfully!");; } else { p.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "[Warzone] " +"You must be level") + "40" +"or above to do this") + "!"); return; } }
private void updateTo6(Configuration config) { String lampList = config.getString("Config.lamplist", "") + "tube;"; config.setProperty("Config.lamplist", lampList); config.setProperty("", Integer.valueOf(1)); config.setProperty("", Integer.valueOf(6)); config.setProperty("", Integer.valueOf(2)); config.setProperty("", Integer.valueOf(6)); setVersion(6);; LightPoles.log("# updated config.yml to VERSION 6", new Object[0]); LightPoles.log("# added new lamp: tube", new Object[0]); }
private void updateTo5(Configuration config) { String lampList = config.getString("Config.lamplist", "") + "globe;"; config.setProperty("Config.lamplist", lampList); config.setProperty("Lamps.globe.height.min", Integer.valueOf(1)); config.setProperty("Lamps.globe.height.max", Integer.valueOf(6)); config.setProperty("Config.disableOnError", Boolean.valueOf(false)); setVersion(5);; LightPoles.log("# updated config.yml to VERSION 5", new Object[0]); LightPoles.log("# added new lamp: globe", new Object[0]); LightPoles.log("# added: disable on error", new Object[0]); }
public static double geta(String player) { File db = new File( TrueEconomy.getStatic().getDataFolder().toString() + File.separator + "bounties" + File.separator + player.toLowerCase() + ".efd"); Configuration config = new Configuration(db); config.load(); String t = config.getString("a"); return Double.parseDouble(t); }
private static void load() { conf.load(); key = conf.getString("APIkey", null); if (key == null) conf.setProperty("APIkey", ""); servername = conf.getString("servername", null); if (servername == null) conf.setProperty("servername", "please change"); owner = conf.getString("owner", null); if (owner == null) conf.setProperty("owner", "please change"); // options banborder = conf.getString("options.banborder", "1000"); if (banborder == "1000") conf.setProperty("options.banborder", "-40"); glizer.D = conf.getBoolean("options.debugmode", false); // features List<String> features = conf.getKeys("features"); bChat.log(features.toString()); if (!features.contains("usewhitelist")) conf.setProperty("features.usewhitelist", false); if (!features.contains("useglobalbans")) conf.setProperty("features.useglobalbans", true); if (!features.contains("usebansystem")) conf.setProperty("features.usebansystem", true); if (!features.contains("useprofiles")) conf.setProperty("features.useprofiles", true); if (!features.contains("usecomments")) conf.setProperty("features.usecomments", true); if (!features.contains("useratings")) conf.setProperty("features.useratings", true); usewhitelist = conf.getBoolean("features.usewhitelist", false); useglobalbans = conf.getBoolean("features.useglobalbans", false); usebansystem = conf.getBoolean("features.usebansystem", false); useprofiles = conf.getBoolean("features.useprofiles", false); usecomments = conf.getBoolean("features.usecomments", false); useratings = conf.getBoolean("features.useratings", false);; }
public static boolean locked() { write(); File db = new File( TrueEconomy.getStatic().getDataFolder().toString() + File.separator + "ores" + File.separator + "diamond" + ".efd"); Configuration config = new Configuration(db); config.load(); String a = config.getString("l"); return Boolean.parseBoolean(a); }
public static double ratio() { write(); File db = new File( TrueEconomy.getStatic().getDataFolder().toString() + File.separator + "ores" + File.separator + "diamond" + ".efd"); Configuration config = new Configuration(db); config.load(); String a = config.getString("r"); double amount = Double.parseDouble(a); return amount; }