/** * Called when the sender is invalid for the command * * @param sender The sender of the command */ public void invalidSender(CommandSender sender) { if (sender instanceof Player) sender.sendMessage("[" + plugin.getName() + "] You cannot use this command as a player"); if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) sender.sendMessage("[" + plugin.getName() + "] You cannot use this command from the console"); }
public void registerCommands(Class<?> clazz, CommandContainer base) { Validate.notNull(clazz); Set<CommandContainer> commands = CommandContainer.create(clazz, base, instantiator, execution, logger); Iterator<CommandContainer> iterator = commands.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { CommandContainer command = iterator.next(); if (base == null) { if (commandMap.containsKey(command.getName())) { logger.warning("duplicate command " + command.getName() + "!"); continue; } commandMap.put(command.getName(), command); PluginCommand bukkitCommand = plugin.getCommand(command.getName()); if (bukkitCommand != null) { bukkitCommand.setExecutor(this); } else { logger.warning( "Command " + command.getName() + " registered but could not find a matching command for plugin " + plugin.getName() + ". Did you forget to add the command to your plugin.yml?"); } } else { // Just add it as a child base.addChild(command); } } }
/** * Log a message in the debug file. * * @param message Message to be logged. */ public void log(String message) { try { BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true)); output.write("[" + plugin.getName() + "] " + getDateAndTime() + " " + message); output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Called when a sub-command of the main command is not found * * @param sender The sender of the command * @param args The arguments of the command sent */ public void commandNotFound(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { sender.sendMessage("[" + plugin.getName() + "] Command usage incorrect"); sender.sendMessage("[" + plugin.getName() + "] Usage: " + usage); }
/** * Called when the sender do not have permission * * @param sender The sender of the command */ public void noPermission(CommandSender sender) { sender.sendMessage("[" + plugin.getName() + "] You do not have permission"); }