public Map<String, ItemStack> getCreativeArmor() { if (getEnabled()) { Map<String, ItemStack> armor = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : config.getValues(false).entrySet()) { if (!entry.getKey().equals("enabled") && !entry.getKey().equals("fixed")) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof ItemStack) { armor.put(entry.getKey(), (ItemStack) entry.getValue()); } else { MaterialData md = null; try { md = ItemUtils.parseMaterial((String) entry.getValue()); } catch (MaterialNotRecognizedException e) { getLog().warn(L("exception.config.material_not_found", entry.getValue())); } catch (MaterialDataNotRecognizedException e) { getLog().warn(L("exception.config.materiak_data_not_found", entry.getValue())); } if (md != null) armor.put(entry.getKey(), md.toItemStack(1)); } } } return armor.size() > 0 ? armor : null; } return null; }
@Override public void changeBlock(Block block) { currentJob.addBlock(block.getState()); block.setType(item.getItemType()); block.setData(item.getData()); }
public ItemStack getOutcome(boolean isFixedDrops) { if (Math.random() * 100.0D < percentage && material != null) { int dropAmount = isFixedDrops ? range.getMaximumInteger() : range.getMinimumInteger() + random.nextInt( Math.abs(range.getMaximumInteger() - range.getMinimumInteger() + 1)); if (dropAmount > 0) { ItemStack itemStack; if (data == null) { itemStack = new ItemStack(material, dropAmount); } else { MaterialData materialData = new MaterialData(material, data); itemStack = materialData.toItemStack(dropAmount); if (durability != null) { itemStack.setDurability(durability); } } itemStack.addEnchantments(ItemEnchantment.getOutcome(enchantments)); if (itemStack.getAmount() > 0) { return itemStack; } } } return null; }
/** Build and return a new {@link ItemStack}. */ public ItemStack build() { ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(_materialData.getItemType()); itemStack.setData(_materialData.clone()); itemStack.setAmount(_amount); if (_durability != null) itemStack.setDurability(_durability); if (_display != null) ItemStackUtils.setDisplayName(itemStack, _display); if (_lore != null) ItemStackUtils.setLore(itemStack, _lore); if (_enchantments != null) { for (IEnchantmentLevel wrapper : _enchantments) { itemStack.addUnsafeEnchantment(wrapper.getEnchantment(), wrapper.getLevel()); } } if (_color != null) { ItemStackUtils.setColor(itemStack, _color); } return itemStack; }
/** * Gets mythic material name. * * @param matData the mat data * @return the mythic material name */ public String getMythicMaterialName(MaterialData matData) { String comb = String.format( "%s;%s", String.valueOf(matData.getItemTypeId()), String.valueOf(matData.getData())); String comb2; if (matData.getData() == (byte) 0) { comb2 = String.valueOf(matData.getItemTypeId()); } else { comb2 = comb; } String mythicMatName = getPlugin() .getConfigurationManager() .getConfiguration(MythicConfigurationFile.LANGUAGE) .getString(comb.toLowerCase()); if (mythicMatName == null) { mythicMatName = getPlugin() .getConfigurationManager() .getConfiguration(MythicConfigurationFile.LANGUAGE) .getString(comb2.toLowerCase()); if (mythicMatName == null) { mythicMatName = getMinecraftMaterialName(matData.getItemType()); } } return StringUtils.getInitCappedString(mythicMatName.split(" ")); }
private void highlightBoardSquare(int row, int col) { Cuboid sq = getSquare(row, col); MaterialData squareHighlightColor = boardStyle.getHighlightMaterial(col + (row % 2) % 2 == 1); switch (boardStyle.getHighlightStyle()) { case EDGES: sq.getFace(CuboidDirection.East).fill(squareHighlightColor); sq.getFace(CuboidDirection.North).fill(squareHighlightColor); sq.getFace(CuboidDirection.West).fill(squareHighlightColor); sq.getFace(CuboidDirection.South).fill(squareHighlightColor); break; case CORNERS: for (Block b : sq.corners()) { b.setTypeIdAndData( squareHighlightColor.getItemTypeId(), squareHighlightColor.getData(), false); } break; case CHECKERED: case CHEQUERED: for (Block b : sq) { if ((b.getLocation().getBlockX() - b.getLocation().getBlockZ()) % 2 == 0) { b.setTypeIdAndData( squareHighlightColor.getItemTypeId(), squareHighlightColor.getData(), false); } } break; default: break; } if (ChessCraft.getInstance().getDynmapIntegration() != null) { ChessCraft.getInstance().getDynmapIntegration().triggerUpdate(sq); } }
@Override public void changeBlock(Block block) { if (block.getTypeId() == match.getItemTypeId() && (match.getData() == 0 || block.getData() == match.getData())) { player.sendBlockChange(block.getLocation(), item.getItemType(), item.getData()); } }
private void writeMaterialData(final Object data) { final MaterialData matData = (MaterialData) data; writeMaterial(matData.getItemType()); if (matData.getData() > 0) { writer.print(':'); writer.print(matData.getData()); } }
public boolean giveItem(String name, int id, int quant, int data) throws Exception { try { byte realData = Byte.valueOf(String.valueOf(data)); Player p = getPlayerExact(name); MaterialData materialData = new MaterialData(id, realData); p.getInventory().addItem(materialData.toItemStack(quant)); p.saveData(); return true; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return false; } }
@Override public MagicMaterial resolveItem(String string) { if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) return null; // first check for predefined material datas MaterialData matData = materialDataMap.get(string.toLowerCase()); if (matData != null) { if (matData.getItemType().isBlock()) { return new MagicBlockMaterial(matData); } else { return new MagicItemMaterial(matData); } } // split type and data String stype; String sdata; if (string.contains(":")) { String[] split = string.split(":", 2); stype = split[0].toLowerCase(); sdata = split[1].toLowerCase(); } else if (string.contains(" ")) { String[] split = string.split(" ", 2); sdata = split[0].toLowerCase(); stype = split[1].toLowerCase(); } else { stype = string.toLowerCase(); sdata = ""; } Material type = materialMap.get(stype); if (type == null) { return resolveUnknown(stype, sdata); } if (type.isBlock()) { return new MagicBlockMaterial(resolveBlockData(type, sdata)); } else { if (sdata.equals("*")) return new MagicItemAnyDataMaterial(type); MaterialData itemData = resolveItemData(type, sdata); if (itemData != null) { return new MagicItemMaterial(itemData); } short durability = 0; try { durability = Short.parseShort(sdata); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // DebugHandler.debugNumberFormat(e); } return new MagicItemMaterial(type, durability); } }
@HawkEvent(dataType = {DataType.LAVA_FLOW, DataType.WATER_FLOW}) public void onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent event) { List<Integer> fluidBlocks = Arrays.asList( 0, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 51, 55, 59, 66, 69, 70, 75, 76, 78, 93, 94); Location loc = event.getToBlock().getLocation(); BlockState from = event.getBlock().getState(); BlockState to = event.getToBlock().getState(); MaterialData data = from.getData(); // Lava if (from.getTypeId() == 10 || from.getTypeId() == 11) { // Flowing into a normal block if (fluidBlocks.contains(to.getTypeId())) { data.setData((byte) (from.getRawData() + 1)); from.setData(data); } // Flowing into water else if (to.getTypeId() == 8 || to.getTypeId() == 9) { from.setTypeId(event.getFace() == BlockFace.DOWN ? 10 : 4); data.setData((byte) 0); from.setData(data); } DataManager.addEntry(new BlockChangeEntry("Environment", DataType.LAVA_FLOW, loc, to, from)); } // Water else if (from.getTypeId() == 8 || from.getTypeId() == 9) { // Normal block if (fluidBlocks.contains(to.getTypeId())) { data.setData((byte) (from.getRawData() + 1)); from.setData(data); DataManager.addEntry( new BlockChangeEntry("Environment", DataType.WATER_FLOW, loc, to, from)); } // If we are flowing over lava, cobble or obsidian will form BlockState lower = event.getToBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getState(); if (lower.getTypeId() == 10 || lower.getTypeId() == 11) { from.setTypeId(lower.getData().getData() == 0 ? 49 : 4); loc.setY(loc.getY() - 1); DataManager.addEntry( new BlockChangeEntry("Environment", DataType.WATER_FLOW, loc, lower, from)); } } }
/** * Checks if the block matches any one from the given material list. * * @param anchorBlock block to check relative to * @param initiator initiator * @return checkReturn if at least one block matches */ public boolean check(Block anchorBlock, SagaPatternInitiator initiator) { for (int i = 0; i < checkMaterialData.length; i++) { MaterialData metadata = anchorBlock .getRelative(getxOffset(initiator), getyOffset(initiator), getzOffset(initiator)) .getState() .getData(); if (metadata.equals(checkMaterialData[i])) { return true; } } return false; }
@SuppressWarnings("javadoc") @Deprecated public short parseDurability(final String string, final Material material) { try { return Short.parseShort(string); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { } final String s = string.replace(' ', '_').toUpperCase(); MaterialData data = null; try { switch (material) { case COAL: data = new Coal(CoalType.valueOf(s)); break; case WOOD: case LOG: data = new Tree(TreeSpecies.valueOf(s)); break; case LEAVES: data = new Leaves(TreeSpecies.valueOf(s)); break; case STEP: case DOUBLE_STEP: data = new Step(Material.valueOf(s)); break; case INK_SACK: data = new Dye(); ((Dye) data).setColor(DyeColor.valueOf(s)); break; case WOOL: data = new Wool(DyeColor.valueOf(s)); break; case MONSTER_EGGS: data = new MonsterEggs(Material.valueOf(s)); break; case SMOOTH_BRICK: data = new SmoothBrick(Material.valueOf(s)); break; case SANDSTONE: data = new Sandstone(Material.valueOf(s)); } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } return data == null ? 0 : (short) data.getData(); } // */
@Override public void placeBlock( GlowPlayer player, GlowBlockState state, BlockFace face, ItemStack holding, Vector clickedLoc) { super.placeBlock(player, state, face, holding, clickedLoc); // No Tree2 MaterialData MaterialData data = state.getData(); data.setData(setTree(face, (byte) holding.getDurability())); state.setData(data); }
public void setItemStack(int slot, ItemStack[] is) { BItemStack[] convert = new BItemStack[52]; for (int i = 0; i < convert.length; i++) { if (is[i] == null) convert[i] = null; else { MaterialData data = is[i].getData(); try { if (data == null) convert[i] = new BItemStack( is[i].getTypeId(), is[i].getAmount(), is[i].getDurability(), null, is[i].getEnchantments()); else convert[i] = new BItemStack( is[i].getTypeId(), is[i].getAmount(), is[i].getDurability(), data.getData(), is[i].getEnchantments()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { if (data == null) convert[i] = new BItemStack( is[i].getTypeId(), is[i].getAmount(), is[i].getDurability(), null, new HashMap<Enchantment, Integer>()); else convert[i] = new BItemStack( is[i].getTypeId(), is[i].getAmount(), is[i].getDurability(), data.getData(), new HashMap<Enchantment, Integer>()); } } } slots.put(slot, convert); }
/** * Sets the MaterialData for this stack of items * * @param data New MaterialData for this item */ public void setData(MaterialData data) { Material mat = getType(); if (data == null || mat == null || mat.getData() == null) { = data; } else { if ((data.getClass() == mat.getData()) || (data.getClass() == MaterialData.class)) { = data; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Provided data is not of type " + mat.getData().getName() + ", found " + data.getClass().getName()); } } }
/** * Use Bresenham's algorithm to draw line between two squares on the board * * @param from Square index of the first square * @param to Square index of the second square * @param isHighlighting True if drawing a highlight, false if erasing it */ private void drawHighlightLine(int from, int to, boolean isHighlighting) { if (from < 0 || to < 0 || from >= 64 || to >= 64) { return; } Cuboid s1 = getSquare(Chess.sqiToRow(from), Chess.sqiToCol(from)); Cuboid s2 = getSquare(Chess.sqiToRow(to), Chess.sqiToCol(to)); Location loc1 = s1.getRelativeBlock(s1.getSizeX() / 2, 0, s1.getSizeZ() / 2).getLocation(); Location loc2 = s2.getRelativeBlock(s2.getSizeX() / 2, 0, s2.getSizeZ() / 2).getLocation(); int dx = Math.abs(loc1.getBlockX() - loc2.getBlockX()); int dz = Math.abs(loc1.getBlockZ() - loc2.getBlockZ()); int sx = loc1.getBlockX() < loc2.getBlockX() ? 1 : -1; int sz = loc1.getBlockZ() < loc2.getBlockZ() ? 1 : -1; int err = dx - dz; while (loc1.getBlockX() != loc2.getBlockX() || loc1.getBlockZ() != loc2.getBlockZ()) { int sqi = getSquareAt(loc1); MaterialData m = isHighlighting ? boardStyle.getHighlightMaterial(Chess.isWhiteSquare(sqi)) : (Chess.isWhiteSquare(sqi) ? boardStyle.getWhiteSquareMaterial() : boardStyle.getBlackSquareMaterial()); loc1.getBlock().setTypeIdAndData(m.getItemTypeId(), m.getData(), false); int e2 = 2 * err; if (e2 > -dz) { err -= dz; loc1.add(sx, 0, 0); } if (e2 < dx) { err += dx; loc1.add(0, 0, sz); } } }
@EventHandler public void onPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent evt) { Player p = evt.getPlayer(); String fCmd = evt.getMessage(); String cmd = fCmd.substring(1).split(" ", 1)[0]; String[] args = fCmd.substring(cmd.length() + 1).split(" "); if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("startexport")) { p.sendMessage("Starting export!"); bSets.put(p.getName(), new BlockSet()); evt.setCancelled(true); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("export")) { BlockSet bs = bSets.get(p.getName()); if (bs == null) { p.sendMessage("You must first use the /startexport command!"); evt.setCancelled(true); return; } p.sendMessage("Exporting..."); List<NiceBlock> niceBlocks = new ArrayList<NiceBlock>(); Vector firstBlock = bs.getFirstBlock(); Vector secondBlock = bs.getSecondBlock(); World w = p.getWorld(); // int topBlockX = (firstBlock.getBlockX() < secondBlock.getBlockX() ? secondBlock.getBlockX() : firstBlock.getBlockX()); int bottomBlockX = (firstBlock.getBlockX() > secondBlock.getBlockX() ? secondBlock.getBlockX() : firstBlock.getBlockX()); int topBlockY = (firstBlock.getBlockY() < secondBlock.getBlockY() ? secondBlock.getBlockY() : firstBlock.getBlockY()); int bottomBlockY = (firstBlock.getBlockY() > secondBlock.getBlockY() ? secondBlock.getBlockY() : firstBlock.getBlockY()); int topBlockZ = (firstBlock.getBlockZ() < secondBlock.getBlockZ() ? secondBlock.getBlockZ() : firstBlock.getBlockZ()); int bottomBlockZ = (firstBlock.getBlockZ() > secondBlock.getBlockZ() ? secondBlock.getBlockZ() : firstBlock.getBlockZ()); int xCtr = 0; for (int x = bottomBlockX; x <= topBlockX; x++) { int zCtr = 0; for (int z = bottomBlockZ; z <= topBlockZ; z++) { int yCtr = 0; for (int y = bottomBlockY; y <= topBlockY; y++) { Block b = w.getBlockAt(x, y, z); MaterialData data = b.getState().getData(); NiceBlock nb = new NiceBlock(b.getTypeId(), xCtr, yCtr, zCtr, data.getData()); niceBlocks.add(nb); yCtr++; } zCtr++; } xCtr++; } File exportFolder = new File("block_exports"); if (!exportFolder.exists()) { exportFolder.mkdir(); } try { File datFile = new File(exportFolder, "export.dat"); if (!datFile.exists()) { datFile.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(datFile); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(niceBlocks); oos.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("Done!"); bSets.remove(p.getName()); evt.setCancelled(true); } }
/** * Constructor. * * @param materialData The item {@link MaterialData}. */ public ItemStackBuilder(MaterialData materialData) { PreCon.notNull(materialData); _materialData = materialData.clone(); }
/** * Set the meta magic value. * * @param meta The meta magic value. * @return Self for chaining. */ public ItemStackBuilder meta(int meta) { _materialData.setData((byte) meta); return this; }
@Override public void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, MaterialData material) { setBlock(x, y, z, material.getItemTypeId(), material.getData()); }
@Override public void setRegion( int xMin, int yMin, int zMin, int xMax, int yMax, int zMax, MaterialData material) { setRegion(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax, material.getItemTypeId(), material.getData()); }
@Override public boolean equals(MaterialData matData) { return matData.getItemTypeId() == type && matData.getData() == data; }