/** Processes all the commands registered in the server and creates help topics for them. */ public synchronized void initializeCommands() { // ** Load topics from highest to lowest priority order ** Set<String> ignoredPlugins = new HashSet<String>(yaml.getIgnoredPlugins()); // Don't load any automatic help topics if All is ignored if (ignoredPlugins.contains("All")) { return; } // Initialize help topics from the server's command map outer: for (Command command : server.getCommandMap().getCommands()) { if (commandInIgnoredPlugin(command, ignoredPlugins)) { continue; } // Register a topic for (Class c : topicFactoryMap.keySet()) { if (c.isAssignableFrom(command.getClass())) { HelpTopic t = topicFactoryMap.get(c).createTopic(command); if (t != null) addTopic(t); continue outer; } if (command instanceof PluginCommand && c.isAssignableFrom(((PluginCommand) command).getExecutor().getClass())) { HelpTopic t = topicFactoryMap.get(c).createTopic(command); if (t != null) addTopic(t); continue outer; } } addTopic(new GenericCommandHelpTopic(command)); } // Initialize command alias help topics for (Command command : server.getCommandMap().getCommands()) { if (commandInIgnoredPlugin(command, ignoredPlugins)) { continue; } for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { if (!helpTopics.containsKey("/" + alias)) { addTopic(new CommandAliasHelpTopic("/" + alias, "/" + command.getLabel(), this)); } } } // Initialize help topics from the server's fallback commands for (VanillaCommand command : server.getCommandMap().getFallbackCommands()) { if (!commandInIgnoredPlugin(command, ignoredPlugins)) { addTopic(new GenericCommandHelpTopic(command)); } } // Add alias sub-index addTopic( new IndexHelpTopic( "Aliases", "Lists command aliases", null, Collections2.filter( helpTopics.values(), Predicates.instanceOf(CommandAliasHelpTopic.class)))); // Initialize plugin-level sub-topics Map<String, Set<HelpTopic>> pluginIndexes = new HashMap<String, Set<HelpTopic>>(); fillPluginIndexes(pluginIndexes, server.getCommandMap().getCommands()); fillPluginIndexes(pluginIndexes, server.getCommandMap().getFallbackCommands()); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<HelpTopic>> entry : pluginIndexes.entrySet()) { addTopic( new IndexHelpTopic( entry.getKey(), "All commands for " + entry.getKey(), null, entry.getValue(), "Below is a list of all " + entry.getKey() + " commands:")); } // Amend help topics from the help.yml file for (HelpTopicAmendment amendment : yaml.getTopicAmendments()) { if (helpTopics.containsKey(amendment.getTopicName())) { helpTopics .get(amendment.getTopicName()) .amendTopic(amendment.getShortText(), amendment.getFullText()); if (amendment.getPermission() != null) { helpTopics.get(amendment.getTopicName()).amendCanSee(amendment.getPermission()); } } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void register(Command command, Map<String, Object> cmdParams) { String cmdName = command.getCommandName(); log.devDebug("register() command=", command, ",cmdParams=", cmdParams); command.setPlugin(plugin); command.setCommandParameters(cmdParams); if (cmdParams.containsKey("name")) cmdName = (String) cmdParams.get("name"); // we never load the same command twice if (loadedCommands.contains(cmdName)) return; CraftServer cs = (CraftServer) Bukkit.getServer(); SimpleCommandMap commandMap = cs.getCommandMap(); try { Constructor<PluginCommand> constructor = PluginCommand.class.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, Plugin.class); constructor.setAccessible(true); // construct a new PluginCommand object PluginCommand pc = constructor.newInstance(cmdName, plugin); pc.setExecutor(command); pc.setLabel(cmdName); if (command.getUsage() != null) pc.setUsage(command.getUsage()); // don't set Permission node, not all permission plugins behave // with superperms command permissions nicely. // pc.setPermission(command.getCommandPermissionNode()); // check for aliases defined in the configuration Object o = cmdParams.get("aliases"); if (o != null) { List<String> aliases = null; if (o instanceof List) { aliases = (List<String>) o; } else if (o instanceof String) { aliases = new ArrayList<String>(2); aliases.add((String) o); } else log.warn("invalid aliases defined for command ", cmdName, ": ", o); if (aliases == null) aliases = new ArrayList<String>(1); aliases.add("hsp" + command.getCommandName()); // all commands have "hsp" prefix alias pc.setAliases(aliases); } // otherwise set whatever the command has defined else { List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>(5); String[] strAliases = command.getCommandAliases(); if (strAliases != null) { for (String alias : strAliases) { aliases.add(alias); } } aliases.add("hsp" + command.getCommandName()); // all commands have "hsp" prefix alias pc.setAliases(aliases); } // register it commandMap.register("hsp", pc); loadedCommands.add(cmdName); Debug.getInstance().devDebug("register() command ", command, " registered"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }