public void startLobby() { server.broadcastMessage(GOLD + "[ServerGames]" + GREEN + " Countdown started."); clearAll(); bets.clear(); this.clearEnt(); load(); tpAll(waiting); ServerGames.current = worlds.get(new Random().nextInt(ServerGames.worlds.size())); for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { showAllFor(p); showPlayer(p); if (isTribute(p) || isSpectator(p)) clearItems(p); } loaded.clear(); this.resetPlayers(); state = State.LOBBY; game = new Lobby(this); startTimer(); }
public void startFinished() { if (bets != null && !bets.isEmpty() && bets.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bets.size(); i++) { try { Bet b = bets.get(i); if (isTribute(server.getPlayer(b.tribute))) { addScore(b.better, b.wager / 4); addScore(b.tribute, b.wager / 4); } else { subtractScore(b.better, b.wager); } bets.remove(b); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } clearAll(); load(); bets.clear(); state = State.DONE; game = new Finished(this); startTimer(); }
public void startGame() { state = State.IN_GAME; for (Tribute t : ServerGames.tributes) { t.player.setHealth(20); t.player.setFoodLevel(20); clearItems(t.player); if (!t.player.isOnline()) { ServerGames.tributes.remove(t); } } loaded.clear(); Chests.resetChests(); bets.clear(); clearAll(); load(); for (Player p : getCorn().getWorld().getPlayers()) { p.setCompassTarget(getCorn()); } server.broadcastMessage(GOLD + "[ServerGames]" + GREEN + " Let the game begin!"); game = new Game(this); startTimer(); }
public String topInGame() { String most = ""; for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { if (getScore(p) > getScore(most)) { most = p.getName(); } } return most; }
public void startDeath() { server.broadcastMessage(GOLD + "[ServerGames] " + RED + "Do not run from the deathmatch."); for (Tribute t : ServerGames.tributes) { if (!t.player.isDead()) { t.player.teleport(toCenter(t.start)); tell(t.player, GOLD + "[ServerGames] " + GREEN + "You have made it to the deathmatch."); } } for (Spectator s : ServerGames.spectators) { if (!s.player.isDead()) s.player.teleport(ServerGames.getCorn()); } clearAll(); load(); state = State.DEATHMATCH; game = new Deathmatch(this); startTimer(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void load() { for (String s : worlds) { //////////// --------- Tubes ------------ /////////////// try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path + File.separator + s + "Tubes.loc")); Object result = ois.readObject(); ArrayList<String> t = new ArrayList<String>(); t = (ArrayList<String>) result; ArrayList<Location> holder = new ArrayList<Location>(); for (String x : t) { String[] split = x.split(","); holder.add( new Location( server.getWorld(split[0]), toInt(split[1]), toInt(split[2]), toInt(split[3]))); } tubes.put(s, holder); if (tubes == null || tubes.get(s) == null) { tubes.put(s, new ArrayList<Location>()); } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } //////////// --------- Tubes End ------------ /////////////// //////////// --------- cornucopia ------------ /////////////// try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path + File.separator + s + "Corn.loc")); Object result = ois.readObject(); String[] split = ((String) result).split(","); Location c = new Location( server.getWorld(split[0]), toInt(split[1]), toInt(split[2]), toInt(split[3])); ServerGames.cornucopia.put(s, c); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } //////////// --------- cornucopia End ------------ /////////////// } //////////// --------- Score ------------ /////////////// try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path + File.separator + "Score.loc")); Object result = ois.readObject(); score = (HashMap<String, Integer>) result; } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } //////////// --------- Score End ------------ /////////////// //////////// --------- Waiting ------------ /////////////// try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path + File.separator + "Wait.loc")); Object result = ois.readObject(); String[] split = ((String) result).split(","); Location w = new Location( server.getWorld(split[0]), toInt(split[1]), toInt(split[2]), toInt(split[3])); ServerGames.waiting = w; } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } //////////// --------- Waiting End ------------ /////////////// //////////// --------- Shop ------------ /////////////// try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path + File.separator + "Shops.loc")); Object result = ois.readObject(); ArrayList<String> it = ((ArrayList<String>) result); for (String i : it) { String[] split = i.split(","); int id = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); int score = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); Location w = new Location( server.getWorld(split[2]), toInt(split[3]), toInt(split[4]), toInt(split[5])); items.add(new ShopItem(w.getWorld().getBlockAt(w), id, score)); } } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } //////////// --------- Shop End ------------ /////////////// //////////// --------- Shop ------------ /////////////// try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path + File.separator + "Shop.loc")); Object result = ois.readObject(); String[] split = ((String) result).split(","); Location s = new Location( server.getWorld(split[0]), toInt(split[1]), toInt(split[2]), toInt(split[3])); = s; } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } //////////// --------- Shop End ------------ /////////////// }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public void onEnable() { if (getConfig().contains("worlds")) { String w = getConfig().getString("worlds"); for (String s : w.split(" ")) { worlds.add(s); System.out.println(s + " added!"); } } else { getConfig().set("worlds", ""); saveConfig(); } current = worlds.get(0); if (getConfig().contains("min-to-start")) { int mts = getConfig().getInt("min-to-start"); min = mts; } else { getConfig().set("min-to-start", ""); saveConfig(); } final PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager(); final Plugin plugin = pm.getPlugin("LogBlock"); server = this.getServer(); log = this.getLogger(); server.getPluginManager().registerEvents(Listener, this); new File(path).mkdir(); load(); hardResetPlayers(); tpAll(waiting); // cornucopia.getWorld().setAutoSave(false); CommandExec cmd = new CommandExec(this); this.getCommand("start").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("sgstart").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("end").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("dm").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("edit").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("bet").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("bets").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("score").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("to").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("setWait").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("setCorn").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("force").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("sg").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("watch").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("see").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("spec").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("setmin").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("addworld").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("delworld").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("map").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("show").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("hide").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("shop").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("toshop").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("setshop").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("quit").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("join").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("clearshop").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("buy").setExecutor(cmd); this.getCommand("redeem").setExecutor(cmd); }
public static void showAllFor(Player player) { for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { player.showPlayer(p); } }
public static void hideAllFrom(Player player) { for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { player.hidePlayer(p); } }
public static void hidePlayer(Player player) { for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { p.hidePlayer(player); } }
public void startSetup() { clearAll(); int i = 0; for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { if (!isSpectator(p) && !isTribute(p)) { hidePlayer(p); } if (isTribute(p)) { if (i >= getTubes().size()) i = 0; Location to = getTubes().get(i); p.setHealth(20); p.setFoodLevel(20); p.setSprinting(false); p.setSneaking(false); p.setPassenger(null); p.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); p.setFireTicks(0); clearItems(p); getTribute(p).start = to; p.teleport(toCenter(to)); i++; } } for (String s : ServerGames.worlds) { World w = ServerGames.server.getWorld(s); w.getEntities().clear(); w.setThundering(false); w.setTime(0); w.setWeatherDuration(0); w.setStorm(false); } // ----- WORLD RESETTING ----- LogBlock logblock = (LogBlock) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("LogBlock"); QueryParams params = new QueryParams(logblock); = getCorn().getWorld(); params.silent = false; try { logblock.getCommandsHandler() .new CommandRollback(this.getServer().getConsoleSender(), params, false); } catch (Exception e) { } clearEnt(); // ----- WORLD RESETTING ----- server.broadcastMessage(DARK_AQUA + "This plugin was created by Brenhien and NerdsWBNerds."); server.broadcastMessage( DARK_AQUA + "Email [email protected] or tweet us (@NerdsWBNerds) with ideas or bugs you have found."); load(); state = State.SET_UP; game = new Setup(this); startTimer(); }
public void hardResetPlayers() { for (Player p : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { tributes.add(new Tribute(p)); } }