protected File getFileFromLocalRepository(String cachedFileName) { // Look for a shared file (this represents a file that was based on a file originally in the // classpath. File cacheFile = broadleafFileService.getSharedLocalResource(cachedFileName); if (cacheFile.exists()) { return cacheFile; } else { return broadleafFileService.getLocalResource(cachedFileName); } }
@Transactional("blTransactionManagerAssetStorageInfo") @Override public Map<String, String> getCacheFileModel(String fullUrl, Map<String, String> parameterMap) throws Exception { StaticAsset staticAsset = findStaticAsset(fullUrl); if (staticAsset == null) { throw new AssetNotFoundException("Unable to find an asset for the url (" + fullUrl + ")"); } String mimeType = staticAsset.getMimeType(); // extract the values for any named parameters Map<String, String> convertedParameters = namedOperationManager.manageNamedParameters(parameterMap); String cachedFileName = constructCacheFileName(staticAsset, convertedParameters); // Look for a shared file (this represents a file that was based on a file originally in the // classpath. File cacheFile = getFileFromLocalRepository(cachedFileName); if (cacheFile.exists()) { return buildModel(cacheFile.getAbsolutePath(), mimeType); } // Obtain the base file (that we may need to convert based on the parameters String baseCachedFileName = constructCacheFileName(staticAsset, null); File baseLocalFile = getFileFromLocalRepository(baseCachedFileName); if (!baseLocalFile.exists()) { if (broadleafFileService.checkForResourceOnClassPath(staticAsset.getFullUrl())) { cacheFile = broadleafFileService.getSharedLocalResource(cachedFileName); baseLocalFile = broadleafFileService.getSharedLocalResource(baseCachedFileName); createLocalFileFromClassPathResource(staticAsset, baseLocalFile); } else { baseLocalFile = lookupAssetAndCreateLocalFile(staticAsset, baseLocalFile); } } if (convertedParameters.isEmpty()) { return buildModel(baseLocalFile.getAbsolutePath(), mimeType); } else { FileInputStream assetStream = new FileInputStream(baseLocalFile); BufferedInputStream original = new BufferedInputStream(assetStream); original.mark(0); Operation[] operations = artifactService.buildOperations(convertedParameters, original, staticAsset.getMimeType()); InputStream converted = artifactService.convert(original, operations, staticAsset.getMimeType()); createLocalFileFromInputStream(converted, cacheFile); if ("image/gif".equals(mimeType)) { mimeType = "image/png"; } return buildModel(cacheFile.getAbsolutePath(), mimeType); } }
@Transactional("blTransactionManagerAssetStorageInfo") @Override public void createStaticAssetStorageFromFile(MultipartFile file, StaticAsset staticAsset) throws IOException { if (StorageType.DATABASE.equals(staticAsset.getStorageType())) { StaticAssetStorage storage = staticAssetStorageDao.create(); storage.setStaticAssetId(staticAsset.getId()); Blob uploadBlob = staticAssetStorageDao.createBlob(file); storage.setFileData(uploadBlob);; } else if (StorageType.FILESYSTEM.equals(staticAsset.getStorageType())) { FileWorkArea tempWorkArea = broadleafFileService.initializeWorkArea(); String destFileName = tempWorkArea.getFilePathLocation() + removeLeadingSlash(staticAsset.getFullUrl()); InputStream input = file.getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[fileBufferSize]; File destFile = new File(destFileName); if (!destFile.getParentFile().exists()) { if (!destFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to create parent directories for file: " + destFileName); } } OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(destFile); boolean deleteFile = false; try { int bytesRead; int totalBytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { totalBytesRead += bytesRead; if (totalBytesRead > maxUploadableFileSize) { deleteFile = true; throw new IOException("Maximum Upload File Size Exceeded"); } output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } broadleafFileService.addOrUpdateResource(tempWorkArea, destFile, true); } finally { output.close(); broadleafFileService.closeWorkArea(tempWorkArea); } } }
protected void createLocalFileFromInputStream(InputStream is, File baseLocalFile) throws IOException { BufferedOutputStream bos = null; FileWorkArea workArea = null; try { if (!baseLocalFile.getParentFile().exists()) { if (!baseLocalFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to create middle directories for file: " + baseLocalFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } workArea = broadleafFileService.initializeWorkArea(); File tmpFile = new File(appendTrailingSlash(workArea.getFilePathLocation()) + baseLocalFile.getName()); bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); boolean eof = false; int temp; while (!eof) { temp =; if (temp < 0) { eof = true; } else { bos.write(temp); } } FileUtils.moveFile(tmpFile, baseLocalFile); } finally { try { if (bos != null) { bos.flush(); bos.close(); } if (workArea != null) { broadleafFileService.closeWorkArea(workArea); } } catch (Throwable e) { // do nothing } } }
protected File lookupAssetAndCreateLocalFile(StaticAsset staticAsset, File baseLocalFile) throws IOException, SQLException { if (StorageType.FILESYSTEM.equals(staticAsset.getStorageType())) { return broadleafFileService.getResource(staticAsset.getFullUrl()); } else { StaticAssetStorage storage = readStaticAssetStorageByStaticAssetId(staticAsset.getId()); if (storage != null) { InputStream is = storage.getFileData().getBinaryStream(); createLocalFileFromInputStream(is, baseLocalFile); } } return baseLocalFile; }
protected void createLocalFileFromClassPathResource(StaticAsset staticAsset, File baseLocalFile) throws IOException { InputStream is = broadleafFileService.getClasspathResource(staticAsset.getFullUrl()); createLocalFileFromInputStream(is, baseLocalFile); }