文件: GenomeLoc.java 项目: nh13/gatk
 @Ensures("result != null")
 public final String toString() {
   if (GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this)) return "unmapped";
   if (throughEndOfContigP() && atBeginningOfContigP()) return getContig();
   else if (throughEndOfContigP() || getStart() == getStop())
     return String.format("%s:%d", getContig(), getStart());
   else return String.format("%s:%d-%d", getContig(), getStart(), getStop());
文件: GenomeLoc.java 项目: nh13/gatk
   * Returns a new GenomeLoc that represents the region between the endpoints of this and that.
   * Requires that this and that GenomeLoc are both mapped.
  @Requires({"that != null", "isUnmapped(this) == isUnmapped(that)"})
  @Ensures("result != null")
  public GenomeLoc endpointSpan(GenomeLoc that) throws ReviewedStingException {
    if (GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this) || GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that)) {
      throw new ReviewedStingException("Cannot get endpoint span for unmerged genome locs");

    if (!this.getContig().equals(that.getContig())) {
      throw new ReviewedStingException(
          "Cannot get endpoint span for genome locs on different contigs");

    return new GenomeLoc(
        Math.min(getStart(), that.getStart()),
        Math.max(getStop(), that.getStop()));
文件: GenomeLoc.java 项目: nh13/gatk
   * Returns a new GenomeLoc that represents the entire span of this and that. Requires that this
   * and that GenomeLoc are contiguous and both mapped
  @Requires({"that != null", "isUnmapped(this) == isUnmapped(that)"})
  @Ensures("result != null")
  public GenomeLoc merge(GenomeLoc that) throws ReviewedStingException {
    if (GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this) || GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that)) {
      if (!GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this) || !GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that))
        throw new ReviewedStingException("Tried to merge a mapped and an unmapped genome loc");
      return UNMAPPED;

    if (!(this.contiguousP(that))) {
      throw new ReviewedStingException("The two genome loc's need to be contigous");

    return new GenomeLoc(
        Math.min(getStart(), that.getStart()),
        Math.max(getStop(), that.getStop()));
文件: GenomeLoc.java 项目: nh13/gatk
  @Requires("that != null")
  @Ensures("result != null")
  public GenomeLoc intersect(GenomeLoc that) throws ReviewedStingException {
    if (GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this) || GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that)) {
      if (!GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this) || !GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that))
        throw new ReviewedStingException("Tried to intersect a mapped and an unmapped genome loc");
      return UNMAPPED;

    if (!(this.overlapsP(that))) {
      throw new ReviewedStingException(
          "GenomeLoc::intersect(): The two genome loc's need to overlap");

    return new GenomeLoc(
        Math.max(getStart(), that.getStart()),
        Math.min(getStop(), that.getStop()));
文件: GenomeLoc.java 项目: nh13/gatk
  @Requires("that != null")
  @Ensures("result == 0 || result == 1 || result == -1")
  public int compareTo(GenomeLoc that) {
    int result = 0;

    if (this == that) {
      result = 0;
    } else if (GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this)) result = 1;
    else if (GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that)) result = -1;
    else {
      final int cmpContig = compareContigs(that);

      if (cmpContig != 0) {
        result = cmpContig;
      } else {
        if (this.getStart() < that.getStart()) result = -1;
        if (this.getStart() > that.getStart()) result = 1;

    return result;
文件: GenomeLoc.java 项目: nh13/gatk
  @Requires("that != null")
  public final List<GenomeLoc> subtract(final GenomeLoc that) {
    if (GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this) || GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that)) {
      if (!GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(this) || !GenomeLoc.isUnmapped(that))
        throw new ReviewedStingException("Tried to intersect a mapped and an unmapped genome loc");
      return Arrays.asList(UNMAPPED);

    if (!(this.overlapsP(that))) {
      throw new ReviewedStingException("GenomeLoc::minus(): The two genome loc's need to overlap");

    if (equals(that)) {
      return Collections.emptyList();
    } else if (containsP(that)) {
      List<GenomeLoc> l = new ArrayList<GenomeLoc>(2);

       * we have to create two new region, one for the before part, one for the after The old
       * region: |----------------- old region (g) -------------| |----- to delete (e) ------|
       * <p>product (two new regions): |------| + |--------|
      int afterStop = this.getStop(), afterStart = that.getStop() + 1;
      int beforeStop = that.getStart() - 1, beforeStart = this.getStart();
      if (afterStop - afterStart >= 0) {
        GenomeLoc after = new GenomeLoc(this.getContig(), getContigIndex(), afterStart, afterStop);
      if (beforeStop - beforeStart >= 0) {
        GenomeLoc before =
            new GenomeLoc(this.getContig(), getContigIndex(), beforeStart, beforeStop);

      return l;
    } else if (that.containsP(this)) {
       * e completely contains g, delete g, but keep looking, there may be more regions i.e.:
       * |--------------------- e --------------------| |--- g ---| |---- others ----|
      return Collections.emptyList(); // don't need to do anything
    } else {
       * otherwise e overlaps some part of g
       * <p>figure out which region occurs first on the genome. I.e., is it: |------------- g
       * ----------| |------------- e ----------|
       * <p>or: |------------- g ----------| |------------ e -----------|
      GenomeLoc n;
      if (that.getStart() < this.getStart()) {
        n = new GenomeLoc(this.getContig(), getContigIndex(), that.getStop() + 1, this.getStop());
      } else {
        n = new GenomeLoc(this.getContig(), getContigIndex(), this.getStart(), that.getStart() - 1);

      // replace g with the new region
      return Arrays.asList(n);