/** * Compiles the list of keys for the Covariates table and uses the shared parsing utility to * produce the actual table * * @param reportTable the GATKReport table containing data for this table * @param recalibrationTables the recalibration tables \ */ private void parseAllCovariatesTable( final GATKReportTable reportTable, final RecalibrationTables recalibrationTables) { for (int i = 0; i < reportTable.getNumRows(); i++) { final Object rg = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.READGROUP_COLUMN_NAME); tempCOVarray[0] = requestedCovariates[0].keyFromValue(rg); final Object qual = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.QUALITY_SCORE_COLUMN_NAME); tempCOVarray[1] = requestedCovariates[1].keyFromValue(qual); final String covName = (String) reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.COVARIATE_NAME_COLUMN_NAME); final int covIndex = optionalCovariateIndexes.get(covName); final Object covValue = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.COVARIATE_VALUE_COLUMN_NAME); tempCOVarray[2] = requestedCovariates[ RecalibrationTables.TableType.OPTIONAL_COVARIATE_TABLES_START.ordinal() + covIndex] .keyFromValue(covValue); final EventType event = EventType.eventFrom((String) reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME)); tempCOVarray[3] = event.ordinal(); recalibrationTables .getTable( RecalibrationTables.TableType.OPTIONAL_COVARIATE_TABLES_START.ordinal() + covIndex) .put(getRecalDatum(reportTable, i, false), tempCOVarray); } }
/** * Gets the unique read groups in the table * * @param report the GATKReport containing the table with RecalUtils.READGROUP_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE * @return the unique read groups */ private static SortedSet<String> getReadGroups(final GATKReport report) { final GATKReportTable reportTable = report.getTable(RecalUtils.READGROUP_REPORT_TABLE_TITLE); final SortedSet<String> readGroups = new TreeSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < reportTable.getNumRows(); i++) readGroups.add(reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.READGROUP_COLUMN_NAME).toString()); return readGroups; }
/** * Compiles the list of keys for the ReadGroup table and uses the shared parsing utility to * produce the actual table * * @param reportTable the GATKReport table containing data for this table * @param rgTable the map representing this table */ private void parseReadGroupTable( final GATKReportTable reportTable, final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> rgTable) { for (int i = 0; i < reportTable.getNumRows(); i++) { final Object rg = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.READGROUP_COLUMN_NAME); tempRGarray[0] = requestedCovariates[0].keyFromValue(rg); final EventType event = EventType.eventFrom((String) reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME)); tempRGarray[1] = event.ordinal(); rgTable.put(getRecalDatum(reportTable, i, true), tempRGarray); } }
/** * Parses the quantization table from the GATK Report and turns it into a map of original => * quantized quality scores * * @param table the GATKReportTable containing the quantization mappings * @return an ArrayList with the quantization mappings from 0 to MAX_SAM_QUAL_SCORE */ private QuantizationInfo initializeQuantizationTable(GATKReportTable table) { final Byte[] quals = new Byte[QualityUtils.MAX_SAM_QUAL_SCORE + 1]; final Long[] counts = new Long[QualityUtils.MAX_SAM_QUAL_SCORE + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < table.getNumRows(); i++) { final byte originalQual = (byte) i; final Object quantizedObject = table.get(i, RecalUtils.QUANTIZED_VALUE_COLUMN_NAME); final Object countObject = table.get(i, RecalUtils.QUANTIZED_COUNT_COLUMN_NAME); final byte quantizedQual = Byte.parseByte(quantizedObject.toString()); final long quantizedCount = Long.parseLong(countObject.toString()); quals[originalQual] = quantizedQual; counts[originalQual] = quantizedCount; } return new QuantizationInfo(Arrays.asList(quals), Arrays.asList(counts)); }
/** * Compiles the list of keys for the QualityScore table and uses the shared parsing utility to * produce the actual table * * @param reportTable the GATKReport table containing data for this table * @param qualTable the map representing this table */ private void parseQualityScoreTable( final GATKReportTable reportTable, final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> qualTable) { for (int i = 0; i < reportTable.getNumRows(); i++) { final Object rg = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.READGROUP_COLUMN_NAME); tempQUALarray[0] = requestedCovariates[0].keyFromValue(rg); final Object qual = reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.QUALITY_SCORE_COLUMN_NAME); tempQUALarray[1] = requestedCovariates[1].keyFromValue(qual); final EventType event = EventType.eventFrom((String) reportTable.get(i, RecalUtils.EVENT_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME)); tempQUALarray[2] = event.ordinal(); qualTable.put(getRecalDatum(reportTable, i, false), tempQUALarray); } }
/** * Parses the arguments table from the GATK Report and creates a RAC object with the proper * initialization values * * @param table the GATKReportTable containing the arguments and its corresponding values * @return a RAC object properly initialized with all the objects in the table */ private RecalibrationArgumentCollection initializeArgumentCollectionTable(GATKReportTable table) { final RecalibrationArgumentCollection RAC = new RecalibrationArgumentCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < table.getNumRows(); i++) { final String argument = table.get(i, "Argument").toString(); Object value = table.get(i, RecalUtils.ARGUMENT_VALUE_COLUMN_NAME); if (value.equals("null")) value = null; // generic translation of null values that were printed out as strings | todo -- // add this capability to the GATKReport if (argument.equals("covariate") && value != null) RAC.COVARIATES = value.toString().split(","); else if (argument.equals("standard_covs")) RAC.DO_NOT_USE_STANDARD_COVARIATES = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) value); else if (argument.equals("solid_recal_mode")) RAC.SOLID_RECAL_MODE = RecalUtils.SOLID_RECAL_MODE.recalModeFromString((String) value); else if (argument.equals("solid_nocall_strategy")) RAC.SOLID_NOCALL_STRATEGY = RecalUtils.SOLID_NOCALL_STRATEGY.nocallStrategyFromString((String) value); else if (argument.equals("mismatches_context_size")) RAC.MISMATCHES_CONTEXT_SIZE = Integer.parseInt((String) value); else if (argument.equals("indels_context_size")) RAC.INDELS_CONTEXT_SIZE = Integer.parseInt((String) value); else if (argument.equals("mismatches_default_quality")) RAC.MISMATCHES_DEFAULT_QUALITY = Byte.parseByte((String) value); else if (argument.equals("insertions_default_quality")) RAC.INSERTIONS_DEFAULT_QUALITY = Byte.parseByte((String) value); else if (argument.equals("deletions_default_quality")) RAC.DELETIONS_DEFAULT_QUALITY = Byte.parseByte((String) value); else if (argument.equals("maximum_cycle_value")) RAC.MAXIMUM_CYCLE_VALUE = Integer.parseInt((String) value); else if (argument.equals("low_quality_tail")) RAC.LOW_QUAL_TAIL = Byte.parseByte((String) value); else if (argument.equals("default_platform")) RAC.DEFAULT_PLATFORM = (String) value; else if (argument.equals("force_platform")) RAC.FORCE_PLATFORM = (String) value; else if (argument.equals("quantizing_levels")) RAC.QUANTIZING_LEVELS = Integer.parseInt((String) value); else if (argument.equals("recalibration_report")) RAC.existingRecalibrationReport = (value == null) ? null : new File((String) value); else if (argument.equals("binary_tag_name")) RAC.BINARY_TAG_NAME = (value == null) ? null : (String) value; else if (argument.equals("sort_by_all_columns")) RAC.SORT_BY_ALL_COLUMNS = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) value); } return RAC; }