private static boolean checkSize(ResourceLocator locator) { if (!PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SHOW_SIZE_WARNING)) { return true; } final String path = locator.getPath(); long size = FileUtils.getLength(path); int maxSize = 50000000; // 50 mb if (path.endsWith(".gz") || path.endsWith(".bgz")) { maxSize /= 4; } if (size > maxSize) { String message = "The file " + path + " is large (" + (size / 1000000) + " mb). It is recommended " + "that large files be converted to the binary <i>.tdf</i> format using the IGVTools " + "<b>tile</b> command. Loading unconverted ascii fies of this size can lead to poor " + "performance or unresponsiveness (freezing). " + "<br><br>IGVTools can be launched from the <b>Tools</b> menu or separately as a " + "command line program. See the user guide for more details.<br><br>Click <b>Continue</b> " + "to continue loading, or <b>Cancel</b> to skip this file."; return ConfirmDialog.optionallyShowConfirmDialog( message, PreferenceManager.SHOW_SIZE_WARNING, true); } return true; }
private JMenu createGenomeSpaceMenu() { JMenu menu = new JMenu("GenomeSpace"); MenuAction menuAction = null; menuAction = new LoadFromGSMenuAction("Load File from GenomeSpace...", KeyEvent.VK_U, igv); menu.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menu.addSeparator(); menuAction = new LoadGenomeFromGSMenuAction("Load Genome from GenomeSpace...", KeyEvent.VK_Z, igv); menu.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menu.addSeparator(); menuAction = new GSSaveSessionMenuAction("Save Session to GenomeSpace...", igv); menu.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new GSOpenSessionMenuAction("Load Session from GenomeSpace...", igv); menu.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menu.add(new JSeparator()); menuAction = new MenuAction("Logout") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { GSUtils.logout(); if (MessageUtils.confirm( "You must shutdown IGV to complete the GenomeSpace logout. Shutdown now?")) { doExitApplication(); } } }; menu.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menu.add(new JSeparator()); menuAction = new MenuAction("Register... ") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { BrowserLauncher.openURL(GENOMESPACE_REG_PAGE); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Error opening browser", ex); } } }; menuAction.setToolTipText(GENOMESPACE_REG_TOOLTIP); menu.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menu.setVisible( PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.GENOME_SPACE_ENABLE)); return menu; }
private static synchronized String getDMHost() { try { return (new URL( PreferenceManager.getInstance().get(PreferenceManager.GENOME_SPACE_DM_SERVER))) .getHost(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error(e); return null; } }
private static ConnectionWrapper createConnection() { String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; try { Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final PreferenceManager preferenceManager = PreferenceManager.getInstance(); String host = preferenceManager.get(PreferenceManager.DB_HOST); String db = preferenceManager.get(PreferenceManager.DB_NAME); String port = preferenceManager.get(PreferenceManager.DB_PORT); String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + host; if (!port.equals("-1")) { url += ":" + port; } url += "/" + db; return connect(url); }
/** * Method description * * @param g */ @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if (PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.ENABLE_ANTIALISING)) { ((Graphics2D) g) .setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); } paintLegend(g); ((Graphics2D) g) .setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT); }
/** Test if the file type can be "tiled". */ private static void validateIsTilable(String typeString) { boolean affective = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.AFFECTIVE_ENABLE); if (!(typeString.endsWith("cn") || typeString.endsWith("igv") || typeString.endsWith("wig") || // ifile.toLowerCase().endsWith("cpg.txt") || typeString.endsWith("ewig") || typeString.endsWith("cn") || typeString.endsWith("snp") || typeString.endsWith("xcn") || typeString.endsWith("gct") || typeString.endsWith("tab") || typeString.endsWith("mage-tab") || typeString.endsWith("bedgraph") || Preprocessor.isAlignmentFile(typeString) || affective)) { throw new PreprocessingException( "Tile command not supported for files of type: " + typeString); } }
private static ConnectionWrapper connect(String url) { try { return new ConnectionWrapper(DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password)); } catch (SQLException e) { int errorCode = e.getErrorCode(); if (errorCode == 1044 || errorCode == 1045) { String host = PreferenceManager.getInstance().get(PreferenceManager.DB_HOST); Frame parent = Globals.isHeadless() ? null : IGV.getMainFrame(); LoginDialog dlg = new LoginDialog(parent, false, host, false); dlg.setVisible(true); if (dlg.isCanceled()) { throw new RuntimeException("Must login to access" + host); } username = dlg.getUsername(); password = new String(dlg.getPassword()); return connect(url); } else { MessageUtils.showMessage("<html>Error connecting to database: <br>" + e.getMessage()); return null; } } }
private JMenu createViewMenu() { List<JComponent> menuItems = new ArrayList<JComponent>(); MenuAction menuAction = null; // Preferences menuAction = new MenuAction("Preferences...", null, KeyEvent.VK_P) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { UIUtilities.invokeOnEventThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { IGV.getInstance().doViewPreferences(); } }); } }; menuAction.setToolTipText(PREFERENCE_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new MenuAction("Color Legends ...", null, KeyEvent.VK_H) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { (new LegendDialog(IGV.getMainFrame())).setVisible(true); } }; menuAction.setToolTipText(SHOW_HEATMAP_LEGEND_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); menuAction = new MenuAction("Show Name Panel", null, KeyEvent.VK_A) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItem = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource(); if (menuItem.isSelected()) { IGV.getInstance().getMainPanel().expandNamePanel(); } else { IGV.getInstance().getMainPanel().collapseNamePanel(); } IGV.getInstance().doRefresh(); } }; boolean isShowing = IGV.getInstance().getMainPanel().isExpanded(); JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(); menuItem.setSelected(isShowing); menuItem.setAction(menuAction); menuItems.add(menuItem); JMenuItem panelWidthmenuItem = new JMenuItem(); menuAction = new MenuAction("Set Name Panel Width...", null, KeyEvent.VK_A) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { MainPanel mainPanel = IGV.getInstance().getMainPanel(); String currentValue = String.valueOf(mainPanel.getNamePanelWidth()); String newValue = MessageUtils.showInputDialog("Enter track name panel width: ", currentValue); if (newValue != null) { try { Integer w = Integer.parseInt(newValue); if (w <= 0 || w == 1000) throw new NumberFormatException(); PreferenceManager.getInstance().put(PreferenceManager.NAME_PANEL_WIDTH, newValue); mainPanel.setNamePanelWidth(w); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { MessageUtils.showErrorMessage( "Error: value must be a positive integer < 1000.", ex); } } } }; panelWidthmenuItem.setAction(menuAction); menuItems.add(panelWidthmenuItem); // Hide or Show the attribute panels boolean isShow = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SHOW_ATTRIBUTE_VIEWS_KEY); IGV.getInstance().doShowAttributeDisplay(isShow); // <= WEIRD doing IGV.getInstance() here! menuAction = new MenuAction("Show Attribute Display", null, KeyEvent.VK_A) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItem = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource(); PreferenceManager.getInstance().setShowAttributeView(menuItem.getState()); IGV.getInstance().getMainPanel().invalidate(); IGV.getInstance().doRefresh(); } }; menuItem = MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction, isShow); menuItems.add(menuItem); menuAction = new MenuAction("Select Attributes to Show...", null, KeyEvent.VK_S) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { IGV.getInstance().doSelectDisplayableAttribute(); } }; menuAction.setToolTipText(SELECT_DISPLAYABLE_ATTRIBUTES_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new MenuAction("Show Header Panel", null, KeyEvent.VK_A) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JCheckBoxMenuItem menuItem = (JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource(); if (menuItem.isSelected()) { IGV.getInstance().getMainPanel().restoreHeader(); } else { IGV.getInstance().getMainPanel().removeHeader(); } IGV.getInstance().doRefresh(); } }; menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction, true)); menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); menuAction = new MenuAction("Reorder Panels...", null, KeyEvent.VK_S) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ReorderPanelsDialog dlg = new ReorderPanelsDialog(IGV.getMainFrame()); dlg.setVisible(true); } }; menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); menuItems.add(new HistoryMenu("Go to")); // Add to IGVPanel menu MenuAction dataMenuAction = new MenuAction("View", null, KeyEvent.VK_V); viewMenu = MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenu(menuItems, dataMenuAction); return viewMenu; }
void createFileMenu() { List<JComponent> menuItems = new ArrayList<JComponent>(); MenuAction menuAction = null; // We disable certain load items when there is no genome. boolean genomeLoaded = GenomeManager.getInstance().getCurrentGenome() != null; menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); // Load menu items menuAction = new LoadFilesMenuAction("Load from File...", KeyEvent.VK_L, igv); menuAction.setToolTipText(UIConstants.LOAD_TRACKS_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new LoadFromURLMenuAction(LoadFromURLMenuAction.LOAD_FROM_URL, KeyEvent.VK_U, igv); menuAction.setToolTipText(UIConstants.LOAD_TRACKS_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new LoadFromServerAction("Load from Server...", KeyEvent.VK_S, igv); menuAction.setToolTipText(UIConstants.LOAD_SERVER_DATA_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new LoadFromURLMenuAction(LoadFromURLMenuAction.LOAD_FROM_DAS, KeyEvent.VK_D, igv); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); if (PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.DB_ENABLED)) { menuAction = new LoadFromDatabaseAction("Load from Database...", 0, igv); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); } String genomeId = IGV.getInstance().getGenomeManager().getGenomeId(); if (EncodeFileBrowser.genomeSupported(genomeId)) { menuAction = new BrowseEncodeAction("Load from ENCODE...", KeyEvent.VK_E, igv); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); } // Disable loading if no genome loaded. Something of an edge case if (!genomeLoaded) { for (JComponent menuItem : menuItems) { menuItem.setEnabled(false); } } menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); // Session menu items menuAction = new NewSessionMenuAction("New Session...", KeyEvent.VK_N, igv); menuAction.setToolTipText(UIConstants.NEW_SESSION_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new OpenSessionMenuAction("Open Session...", KeyEvent.VK_O, igv); menuAction.setToolTipText(UIConstants.RESTORE_SESSION_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); menuAction = new SaveSessionMenuAction("Save Session...", KeyEvent.VK_V, igv); menuAction.setToolTipText(UIConstants.SAVE_SESSION_TOOLTIP); JMenuItem saveSessionItem = MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction); menuItems.add(saveSessionItem); saveSessionItem.setEnabled(genomeLoaded); menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); // ***** Snapshots // Snapshot Application menuAction = new MenuAction("Save Image ...", null, KeyEvent.VK_A) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { igv.saveImage(igv.getMainPanel()); } }; menuAction.setToolTipText(SAVE_IMAGE_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); // TODO -- change "Exit" to "Close" for BioClipse menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); // Exit menuAction = new MenuAction("Exit", null, KeyEvent.VK_X) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doExitApplication(); } }; menuAction.setToolTipText(EXIT_TOOLTIP); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(menuAction)); // Empty the recent sessions list before we start to do // anything with it igv.getRecentSessionList().clear(); // Retrieve the stored session paths String recentSessions = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getRecentSessions(); if (recentSessions != null) { String[] sessions = recentSessions.split(";"); for (String sessionPath : sessions) { if (!igv.getRecentSessionList().contains(sessionPath)) { igv.getRecentSessionList().add(sessionPath); } } } if (!IGV.getInstance().getRecentSessionList().isEmpty()) { menuItems.add(new JSeparator()); // Now add menu items for (final String session : IGV.getInstance().getRecentSessionList()) { OpenSessionMenuAction osMenuAction = new OpenSessionMenuAction(session, session, IGV.getInstance()); menuItems.add(MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenuItem(osMenuAction)); } } MenuAction fileMenuAction = new MenuAction("File", null, KeyEvent.VK_F); if (fileMenu == null) { fileMenu = MenuAndToolbarUtils.createMenu(menuItems, fileMenuAction); } else { fileMenu.removeAll(); for (JComponent item : menuItems) { fileMenu.add(item); } } }
private void okButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { PreferenceManager.getInstance().putToolPath(pluginId, toolName, pathInput.getText()); setVisible(false); }
private void loadAlignmentsTrack(ResourceLocator locator, List<Track> newTracks, Genome genome) throws IOException { try { String dsName = locator.getTrackName(); // If the user tried to load the index, look for the file (this is a common mistake) if (locator.getTypeString().endsWith(".sai") || locator.getTypeString().endsWith(".bai")) { MessageUtils.showMessage( "<html><b>ERROR:</b> Loading SAM/BAM index files are not supported: " + locator.getPath() + "<br>Load the SAM or BAM file directly. "); return; } AlignmentDataManager dataManager = new AlignmentDataManager(locator, genome); // Check that alignments we loaded actually match some data. Many BAM files will contain some // sequences // not represented in the genome, buf if there are no matches warn the user. List<String> seqNames = dataManager.getSequenceNames(); if (seqNames != null && seqNames.size() > 0) { if (!checkSequenceNames(locator.getPath(), genome, seqNames)) { return; } } if (locator.getTypeString().endsWith("bam") || locator.getTypeString().endsWith("cram")) { if (!dataManager.hasIndex()) { MessageUtils.showMessage( "<html>Could not load index file for: " + locator.getPath() + "<br> An index file is required for SAM & BAM files."); return; } } AlignmentTrack alignmentTrack = new AlignmentTrack(locator, dataManager, genome); // parser.loadTrack(locator, dsName); alignmentTrack.setName(dsName); alignmentTrack.setVisible( PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_SHOW_ALIGNMENT_TRACK)); // Create coverage track CoverageTrack covTrack = new CoverageTrack(locator, dsName + " Coverage", alignmentTrack, genome); covTrack.setVisible( PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_SHOW_COV_TRACK)); newTracks.add(covTrack); covTrack.setDataManager(dataManager); dataManager.setCoverageTrack(covTrack); alignmentTrack.setCoverageTrack(covTrack); // Search for precalculated coverage data // Skip for GA4GH & SU2C resources if (!(Ga4ghAPIHelper.RESOURCE_TYPE.equals(locator.getType()) || locator.getPath().contains("dataformat=.bam") || OAuthUtils.isGoogleCloud(locator.getPath()))) { String covPath = locator.getCoverage(); if (covPath == null) { boolean bypassFileAutoDiscovery = PreferenceManager.getInstance() .getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.BYPASS_FILE_AUTO_DISCOVERY); String path = locator.getPath(); if (!bypassFileAutoDiscovery && !path.contains("/query.cgi?")) { covPath = path + ".tdf"; } } if (covPath != null) { if (FileUtils.resourceExists(covPath)) { log.debug("Loading TDF for coverage: " + covPath); try { TDFReader reader = TDFReader.getReader(covPath); TDFDataSource ds = new TDFDataSource(reader, 0, dsName + " coverage", genome); covTrack.setDataSource(ds); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error loading coverage TDF file", e); } } } } boolean showSpliceJunctionTrack = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_SHOW_JUNCTION_TRACK); SpliceJunctionTrack spliceJunctionTrack = new SpliceJunctionTrack( locator, dsName + " Junctions", dataManager, alignmentTrack, SpliceJunctionTrack.StrandOption.BOTH); spliceJunctionTrack.setHeight(60); spliceJunctionTrack.setVisible(showSpliceJunctionTrack); newTracks.add(spliceJunctionTrack); alignmentTrack.setSpliceJunctionTrack(spliceJunctionTrack); newTracks.add(alignmentTrack); log.debug("Alignment track loaded"); } catch (IndexNotFoundException e) { MessageUtils.showMessage( "<html>Could not find the index file for <br><br> " + e.getSamFile() + "<br><br>Note: The index file can be created using igvtools and must be in the same directory as the .sam file."); } }
/** * Render the track in the given rectangle. * * @param track * @param locusScores * @param context * @param arect */ public synchronized void renderScores( Track track, List<LocusScore> locusScores, RenderContext context, Rectangle arect) { boolean showMissingData = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SHOW_MISSING_DATA_KEY); Graphics2D noDataGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(UIConstants.NO_DATA_COLOR); Graphics2D tickGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.BLACK); Rectangle adjustedRect = calculateDrawingRect(arect); double origin = context.getOrigin(); double locScale = context.getScale(); Color posColor = track.getColor(); Color negColor = track.getAltColor(); // Get the Y axis definition, consisting of minimum, maximum, and base value. Often // the base value is == min value which is == 0. DataRange dataRange = track.getDataRange(); float maxValue = dataRange.getMaximum(); float baseValue = dataRange.getBaseline(); float minValue = dataRange.getMinimum(); boolean isLog = dataRange.isLog(); if (isLog) { minValue = (float) (minValue == 0 ? 0 : Math.log10(minValue)); maxValue = (float) Math.log10(maxValue); } // Calculate the Y scale factor. double delta = (maxValue - minValue); double yScaleFactor = adjustedRect.getHeight() / delta; // Calculate the Y position in pixels of the base value. Clip to bounds of rectangle double baseDelta = maxValue - baseValue; int baseY = (int) (adjustedRect.getY() + baseDelta * yScaleFactor); if (baseY < adjustedRect.y) { baseY = adjustedRect.y; } else if (baseY > adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height) { baseY = adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height; } int lastPx = 0; for (LocusScore score : locusScores) { // Note -- don't cast these to an int until the range is checked. // could get an overflow. double pX = ((score.getStart() - origin) / locScale); double dx = Math.ceil((Math.max(1, score.getEnd() - score.getStart())) / locScale) + 1; if ((pX + dx < 0)) { continue; } else if (pX > adjustedRect.getMaxX()) { break; } float dataY = score.getScore(); if (isLog && dataY <= 0) { continue; } if (!Float.isNaN(dataY)) { // Compute the pixel y location. Clip to bounds of rectangle. double dy = isLog ? Math.log10(dataY) - baseValue : (dataY - baseValue); int pY = baseY - (int) (dy * yScaleFactor); if (pY < adjustedRect.y) { pY = adjustedRect.y; } else if (pY > adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height) { pY = adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height; } Color color = (dataY >= baseValue) ? posColor : negColor; drawDataPoint(color, (int) dx, (int) pX, baseY, pY, context); } if (showMissingData) { // Draw from lastPx + 1 to pX - 1; int w = (int) pX - lastPx - 4; if (w > 0) { noDataGraphics.fillRect(lastPx + 2, (int) arect.getY(), w, (int) arect.getHeight()); } } if (!Float.isNaN(dataY)) { lastPx = (int) pX + (int) dx; } } if (showMissingData) { int w = (int) arect.getMaxX() - lastPx - 4; if (w > 0) { noDataGraphics.fillRect(lastPx + 2, (int) arect.getY(), w, (int) arect.getHeight()); } } }
@Override public void renderBorder(Track track, RenderContext context, Rectangle arect) { Rectangle adjustedRect = calculateDrawingRect(arect); // Draw boundaries if there is room if (adjustedRect.getHeight() >= 10) { /// TrackProperties pros = track.getProperties(); // midline DataRange axisDefinition = track.getDataRange(); float maxValue = axisDefinition.getMaximum(); float baseValue = axisDefinition.getBaseline(); float minValue = axisDefinition.getMinimum(); double maxX = adjustedRect.getMaxX(); double x = adjustedRect.getX(); double y = adjustedRect.getY(); if ((baseValue > minValue) && (baseValue < maxValue)) { int baseY = computeYPixelValue(adjustedRect, axisDefinition, baseValue); getBaselineGraphics(context).drawLine((int) x, baseY, (int) maxX, baseY); } PreferenceManager prefs = PreferenceManager.getInstance(); Color altColor = track.getAltColor(); Color borderColor = (prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_COLOR_BORDERS) && altColor != null && altColor.equals(track.getColor())) ? track.getColor() : Color.lightGray; Graphics2D borderGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(borderColor); // Draw the baseline -- todo, this is a wig track option? double zeroValue = axisDefinition.getBaseline(); int zeroY = computeYPixelValue(adjustedRect, axisDefinition, zeroValue); borderGraphics.drawLine(adjustedRect.x, zeroY, adjustedRect.x + adjustedRect.width, zeroY); // Optionally draw "Y" line (UCSC track line option) if (track.isDrawYLine()) { Graphics2D yLineGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.gray); int yLine = computeYPixelValue(adjustedRect, axisDefinition, track.getYLine()); GraphicUtils.drawDashedLine( borderGraphics, adjustedRect.x, yLine, adjustedRect.x + adjustedRect.width, yLine); } // If the chart has + and - numbers draw both borders or none. This // needs documented somewhere. boolean drawBorders = true; if (minValue * maxValue < 0) { drawBorders = prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_DRAW_BOTTOM_BORDER) && prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_DRAW_TOP_BORDER); } if (drawBorders && prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_DRAW_TOP_BORDER)) { borderGraphics.drawLine( adjustedRect.x, adjustedRect.y, adjustedRect.x + adjustedRect.width, adjustedRect.y); } if (drawBorders && prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_DRAW_BOTTOM_BORDER)) { borderGraphics.drawLine( adjustedRect.x, adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height, adjustedRect.x + adjustedRect.width, adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height); } } /* (CHART_DRAW_TOP_BORDER)); prefs.setDrawBottomBorder(getBooleanPreference(CHART_DRAW_BOTTOM_BORDER)); prefs.setColorBorders(getBooleanPreference(CHART_COLOR_BORDERS)); prefs.setDrawAxis(getBooleanPreference(CHART_DRAW_Y_AXIS)); prefs.setDrawTrackName(getBooleanPreference(CHART_DRAW_TRACK_NAME)); prefs.setColorTrackName(getBooleanPreference(CHART_COLOR_TRACK_NAME)); prefs.setAutoscale(getBooleanPreference(CHART_AUTOSCALE)); prefs.setShowDataRange(getBooleanPreference(CHART_SHOW_DATA_RANGE)); */ }
/** * Method description * * @param track * @param context * @param arect */ @Override public void renderAxis(Track track, RenderContext context, Rectangle arect) { // For now disable axes for all chromosome view if (context.getChr().equals(Globals.CHR_ALL)) { return; } super.renderAxis(track, context, arect); Rectangle drawingRect = calculateDrawingRect(arect); PreferenceManager prefs = PreferenceManager.getInstance(); Color labelColor = prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_COLOR_TRACK_NAME) ? track.getColor() :; Graphics2D labelGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(labelColor); labelGraphics.setFont(FontManager.getFont(8)); if (prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_DRAW_TRACK_NAME)) { // Only attempt if track height is > 25 pixels if (arect.getHeight() > 25) { Rectangle labelRect = new Rectangle(arect.x, arect.y + 10, arect.width, 10); labelGraphics.setFont(FontManager.getFont(10)); GraphicUtils.drawCenteredText(track.getName(), labelRect, labelGraphics); } } if (prefs.getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.CHART_DRAW_Y_AXIS)) { Rectangle axisRect = new Rectangle(arect.x, arect.y + 1, AXIS_AREA_WIDTH, arect.height); DataRange axisDefinition = track.getDataRange(); float maxValue = axisDefinition.getMaximum(); float baseValue = axisDefinition.getBaseline(); float minValue = axisDefinition.getMinimum(); // Bottom (minimum tick mark) int pY = computeYPixelValue(drawingRect, axisDefinition, minValue); labelGraphics.drawLine( axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 10, pY, axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 5, pY); GraphicUtils.drawRightJustifiedText( formatter.format(minValue), axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 15, pY, labelGraphics); // Top (maximum tick mark) int topPY = computeYPixelValue(drawingRect, axisDefinition, maxValue); labelGraphics.drawLine( axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 10, topPY, axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 5, topPY); GraphicUtils.drawRightJustifiedText( formatter.format(maxValue), axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 15, topPY + 4, labelGraphics); // Connect top and bottom labelGraphics.drawLine( axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 10, topPY, axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 10, pY); // Middle tick mark. Draw only if room int midPY = computeYPixelValue(drawingRect, axisDefinition, baseValue); if ((midPY < pY - 15) && (midPY > topPY + 15)) { labelGraphics.drawLine( axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 10, midPY, axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 5, midPY); GraphicUtils.drawRightJustifiedText( formatter.format(baseValue), axisRect.x + AXIS_AREA_WIDTH - 15, midPY + 4, labelGraphics); } } else if (track.isShowDataRange() && arect.height > 20) { drawScale(track.getDataRange(), context, arect); } }
/** * Construct alignment blocks from the Goby alignment entry. This method uses the convention that * '=' denotes a match to the reference. * * <p>Conventions for storing sequence variations in Goby alignments are described <a * href="">here</a> * * @param alignmentEntry The Goby alignment entry to use */ public void buildBlocks(Alignments.AlignmentEntry alignmentEntry) { ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock> blocks = new ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock>(); ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock> insertionBlocks = new ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock>(); int start = alignmentEntry.getPosition(); ByteArrayList bases = new ByteArrayList(); ByteArrayList scores = new ByteArrayList(); int readLength = alignmentEntry.getQueryLength(); byte[] readBases = new byte[readLength]; byte[] readQual = new byte[readLength]; Arrays.fill(readBases, (byte) '='); if (alignmentEntry.hasReadQualityScores()) { readQual = alignmentEntry.getReadQualityScores().toByteArray(); } else { Arrays.fill(readQual, (byte) 40); } int j = 0; int insertedBases = 0; int deletedBases = 0; final int leftPadding = alignmentEntry.getQueryPosition(); boolean showSoftClipped = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SAM_SHOW_SOFT_CLIPPED); if (showSoftClipped && entry.hasSoftClippedBasesLeft()) { int clipLength = entry.getSoftClippedBasesLeft().length(); addSoftClipBlock( blocks, Math.max(0, entry.getPosition() - clipLength), entry.getSoftClippedBasesLeft(), readQual, entry.hasSoftClippedQualityLeft(), entry.getSoftClippedQualityLeft().toByteArray(), 0); } for (Alignments.SequenceVariation var : alignmentEntry.getSequenceVariationsList()) { final String from = var.getFrom(); final int fromLength = from.length(); final String to = var.getTo(); final int toLength = from.length(); final int sequenceVariationLength = Math.max(fromLength, toLength); final ByteString toQuality = var.getToQuality(); if (hasReadInsertion(from)) { bases.clear(); scores.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < sequenceVariationLength; i++) { final char toChar = i >= toLength ? '-' : to.charAt(i); int size = toQuality.size(); final byte qual = size > 0 && i < size ? toQuality.byteAt(i) : 40; bases.add((byte) toChar); scores.add(qual); deletedBases++; } addBlock(insertionBlocks, alignmentEntry.getPosition() + var.getPosition(), bases, scores); bases.clear(); scores.clear(); } else if (!to.contains("-")) { for (int i = 0; i < toLength; i++) { final int offset = j + var.getPosition() + i - 1 + leftPadding - insertedBases; if (offset > 0 && offset < readBases.length) { readBases[offset] = (byte) to.charAt(i); if (i < toQuality.size()) { readQual[offset] = toQuality.byteAt(i); } } } } else { // has read deletion: insertedBases++; } } int pos = start; int matchLength = alignmentEntry.getQueryAlignedLength() - deletedBases; int endAlignmentRefPosition = matchLength + start; bases.clear(); scores.clear(); int maxIndex = Math.min(readBases.length, readQual.length); while (pos < endAlignmentRefPosition) { final int index = pos - start + leftPadding; if (index < maxIndex) { bases.add(readBases[index]); scores.add(readQual[index]); } else { break; } ++pos; } addBlock(blocks, start, bases, scores); blocks = introduceDeletions(blocks, entry); if (showSoftClipped && entry.hasSoftClippedBasesRight()) { int targetAlignedLength = entry.getTargetAlignedLength(); addSoftClipBlock( blocks, entry.getPosition() + targetAlignedLength, entry.getSoftClippedBasesRight(), readQual, entry.hasSoftClippedQualityRight(), entry.getSoftClippedQualityRight().toByteArray(), entry.getQueryAlignedLength() + entry.getSoftClippedBasesLeft().length()); } block = blocks.toArray(new AlignmentBlock[blocks.size()]); Arrays.sort(block, blockComparator); insertionBlock = insertionBlocks.toArray(new AlignmentBlock[insertionBlocks.size()]); Arrays.sort(insertionBlock, blockComparator); ObjectArrayList<GobyAlignment> list = null; if (alignmentEntry.hasSplicedForwardAlignmentLink() || alignmentEntry.hasSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink()) { // if has a forward link, store a reference to this alignment in the reader (which represents // the window scope) list = iterator.cacheSpliceComponent(this); if (list.size() > 1 && spliceListIsValid(list)) { final GobyAlignment spliceHeadAlignment = list.get(0); ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock> splicedBlocks = new ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock>(); splicedBlocks.addAll(ObjectArrayList.wrap(spliceHeadAlignment.block)); splicedBlocks.addAll(blocks); spliceHeadAlignment.block = splicedBlocks.toArray(new AlignmentBlock[splicedBlocks.size()]); ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock> splicedInsertionBlocks = new ObjectArrayList<AlignmentBlock>(); splicedInsertionBlocks.addAll(ObjectArrayList.wrap(spliceHeadAlignment.insertionBlock)); splicedInsertionBlocks.addAll(insertionBlocks); spliceHeadAlignment.insertionBlock = splicedInsertionBlocks.toArray(new AlignmentBlock[splicedInsertionBlocks.size()]); if (spliceHeadAlignment.gapTypes == null) { spliceHeadAlignment.gapTypes = new CharArrayList(10); } spliceHeadAlignment.gapTypes.add(SamAlignment.SKIPPED_REGION); // Since the previous alignment carries this information, we clear up block and // insertionBlock // in this alignment, but keep any softClips: this.block = keepSoftClips(block); this.insertionBlock = new AlignmentBlock[0]; } } }