@Test public void testWigAndBigWig() throws Exception { String wigPath = TestUtils.DATA_DIR + "wig/test_fixedStep.wig"; String bigWigPath = TestUtils.DATA_DIR + "wig/test_fixedStep.bigwig"; List<Track> wigtracks = tstLoadFi(wigPath, 1, false); List<Track> bigWigtracks = tstLoadFi(bigWigPath, 1, false); String chr = "chr19"; int start = 5930725; int end = 5930764; int zoom = 21; DataSourceTrack wigTrack = (DataSourceTrack) wigtracks.get(0); DataSourceTrack bigWigTrack = (DataSourceTrack) bigWigtracks.get(0); int trials = 10; for (int ii = 0; ii < trials; ii++) { int strt = start + ii; List<LocusScore> wigScores = wigTrack.getSummaryScores(chr, strt, end, zoom); List<LocusScore> bigWigScores = bigWigTrack.getSummaryScores(chr, strt, end, zoom); assertEquals(wigScores.size(), bigWigScores.size()); int ind = 0; for (LocusScore ws : wigScores) { LocusScore bws = bigWigScores.get(ind); assertEquals(ws.getScore(), bws.getScore()); ind++; } } }
@Override protected DataTile getRawData(String chr, int startLocation, int endLocation) { int queryLength = endLocation - startLocation; int longestFeature = getLongestFeature(chr); int adjustedStart = startLocation; int adjustedEnd = endLocation; if (queryLength < longestFeature) { int halfDiff = (longestFeature - queryLength) / 2; adjustedStart = startLocation - halfDiff - 1; adjustedEnd = endLocation + halfDiff; } try { Iterator<LocusScore> iter = pluginFeatureSource.getFeatures(chr, adjustedStart, adjustedEnd, -1); List<LocusScore> list = new ArrayList<LocusScore>(1000); LocusScore score; dataMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; dataMax = -Double.MAX_VALUE; while (iter.hasNext()) { score = iter.next(); dataMin = Math.min(dataMin, score.getScore()); dataMax = Math.max(dataMax, score.getScore()); list.add(score); longestFeature = Math.max(longestFeature, score.getEnd() - score.getStart()); } longestFeatureMap.put(chr, longestFeature); int length = list.size(); int[] startLocations = new int[length]; int[] endLocations = new int[length]; float[] scores = new float[length]; String[] names = new String[length]; int idx = 0; for (LocusScore locusScore : list) { startLocations[idx] = locusScore.getStart(); endLocations[idx] = locusScore.getEnd(); scores[idx] = locusScore.getScore(); names[idx] = Locus.getFormattedLocusString( locusScore.getChr(), locusScore.getStart(), locusScore.getEnd()); idx++; } return new DataTile(startLocations, endLocations, scores, names); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public String encode(LocusScore score) { String[] tokens = new String[4]; tokens[0] = score.getChr(); tokens[1] = "" + score.getStart(); tokens[2] = "" + score.getEnd(); tokens[3] = "" + score.getScore(); String out = StringUtils.join(tokens, delimiter); return out; }
@Test public void testLoadCombinedDataSourceSession() throws Exception { String sessionpath = TestUtils.DATA_DIR + "sessions/subtypes_wdiff.xml"; rewriteRestoreSession(sessionpath); String combPart0 = "TRIBE_p_TCGAaffx_B1_2_GBM_Nsp_GenomeWideSNP_6_E11_155884"; String combPart1 = "TRIGS_p_TCGAaffxB5_sty_GenomeWideSNP_6_D05_223156"; DataTrack track0 = Iterables.find(IGV.getInstance().getDataTracks(), new ContIdPredicate(combPart0)); DataTrack track1 = Iterables.find(IGV.getInstance().getDataTracks(), new ContIdPredicate(combPart1)); DataSourceTrack combTrack = (DataSourceTrack) Iterables.find( IGV.getInstance().getDataTracks(), new ContIdPredicate(new String[] {combPart0, combPart1})); assertTrue(combTrack.getRenderer() instanceof BarChartRenderer); assertEquals("Difference", combTrack.getName()); String chr = "chr1"; int start = 0; int end = 1000; LocusScore sumScore0 = track0.getSummaryScores(chr, start, end, 0).get(0); LocusScore sumScore1 = track1.getSummaryScores(chr, start, end, 0).get(0); LocusScore sumScoreComb = combTrack.getSummaryScores(chr, start, end, 0).get(0); assertEquals(sumScore0.getStart(), sumScore1.getStart()); assertEquals(sumScore0.getStart(), sumScoreComb.getStart()); assertEquals(sumScore1.getEnd(), sumScoreComb.getEnd()); assertEquals(sumScore0.getScore() - sumScore1.getScore(), sumScoreComb.getScore(), 1e-10); }
/** * Render the track in the given rectangle. * * @param track * @param locusScores * @param context * @param arect */ public synchronized void renderScores( Track track, List<LocusScore> locusScores, RenderContext context, Rectangle arect) { boolean showMissingData = PreferenceManager.getInstance().getAsBoolean(PreferenceManager.SHOW_MISSING_DATA_KEY); Graphics2D noDataGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(UIConstants.NO_DATA_COLOR); Graphics2D tickGraphics = context.getGraphic2DForColor(Color.BLACK); Rectangle adjustedRect = calculateDrawingRect(arect); double origin = context.getOrigin(); double locScale = context.getScale(); Color posColor = track.getColor(); Color negColor = track.getAltColor(); // Get the Y axis definition, consisting of minimum, maximum, and base value. Often // the base value is == min value which is == 0. DataRange dataRange = track.getDataRange(); float maxValue = dataRange.getMaximum(); float baseValue = dataRange.getBaseline(); float minValue = dataRange.getMinimum(); boolean isLog = dataRange.isLog(); if (isLog) { minValue = (float) (minValue == 0 ? 0 : Math.log10(minValue)); maxValue = (float) Math.log10(maxValue); } // Calculate the Y scale factor. double delta = (maxValue - minValue); double yScaleFactor = adjustedRect.getHeight() / delta; // Calculate the Y position in pixels of the base value. Clip to bounds of rectangle double baseDelta = maxValue - baseValue; int baseY = (int) (adjustedRect.getY() + baseDelta * yScaleFactor); if (baseY < adjustedRect.y) { baseY = adjustedRect.y; } else if (baseY > adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height) { baseY = adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height; } int lastPx = 0; for (LocusScore score : locusScores) { // Note -- don't cast these to an int until the range is checked. // could get an overflow. double pX = ((score.getStart() - origin) / locScale); double dx = Math.ceil((Math.max(1, score.getEnd() - score.getStart())) / locScale) + 1; if ((pX + dx < 0)) { continue; } else if (pX > adjustedRect.getMaxX()) { break; } float dataY = score.getScore(); if (isLog && dataY <= 0) { continue; } if (!Float.isNaN(dataY)) { // Compute the pixel y location. Clip to bounds of rectangle. double dy = isLog ? Math.log10(dataY) - baseValue : (dataY - baseValue); int pY = baseY - (int) (dy * yScaleFactor); if (pY < adjustedRect.y) { pY = adjustedRect.y; } else if (pY > adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height) { pY = adjustedRect.y + adjustedRect.height; } Color color = (dataY >= baseValue) ? posColor : negColor; drawDataPoint(color, (int) dx, (int) pX, baseY, pY, context); } if (showMissingData) { // Draw from lastPx + 1 to pX - 1; int w = (int) pX - lastPx - 4; if (w > 0) { noDataGraphics.fillRect(lastPx + 2, (int) arect.getY(), w, (int) arect.getHeight()); } } if (!Float.isNaN(dataY)) { lastPx = (int) pX + (int) dx; } } if (showMissingData) { int w = (int) arect.getMaxX() - lastPx - 4; if (w > 0) { noDataGraphics.fillRect(lastPx + 2, (int) arect.getY(), w, (int) arect.getHeight()); } } }