@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Profile authLogin() throws Exception { String presp; try { Response response = authenticationStrategy.executeFeed(PROFILE_URL); presp = response.getResponseBodyAsString( Constants.ENCODING); // callback( {"client_id":"YOUR_APPID","openid":"YOUR_OPENID"} ); if (presp != null) { presp = presp.trim().intern(); if (presp.startsWith("callback(") && presp.endsWith(");")) { presp = presp.substring(presp.indexOf("{"), presp.indexOf("}") + 1); Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) Json.fromJson(presp); if (map.get("openid") != null) { Profile p = new Profile(); p.setValidatedId(map.get("openid")); // QQ定义的 p.setProviderId(getProviderId()); userProfile = p; try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("format", "json"); params.put("openid", map.get("openid")); params.put("oauth_consumer_key", config.get_consumerKey()); response = authenticationStrategy.executeFeed( "https://graph.qq.com/user/get_user_info", "GET", params, null, null); presp = response.getResponseBodyAsString(Constants.ENCODING); Map<String, Object> user_info = (Map<String, Object>) Json.fromJson(presp); if ((Integer) user_info.get("ret") == 0) { // 获取成功 if (user_info.get("nickname") != null) p.setDisplayName(user_info.get("nickname").toString()); if (user_info.get("figureurl") != null) p.setProfileImageURL(user_info.get("figureurl").toString()); if (user_info.get("gender") != null) p.setGender(user_info.get("gender").toString()); } // TODO 尝试获取Email等详细信息 } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return p; } } } throw new SocialAuthException("QQ Error : " + presp); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SocialAuthException("Error while getting profile from " + PROFILE_URL, e); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Profile authLogin() throws Exception { String presp; try { Response response = authenticationStrategy.executeFeed(PROFILE_URL); presp = response.getResponseBodyAsString(Constants.ENCODING); System.out.println(response.getStatus()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SocialAuthException("Error while getting profile from " + PROFILE_URL, e); } try { // System.out.println("User Profile : " + presp); Map<String, Object> data = Json.fromJson(Map.class, presp); if (!data.containsKey("id")) throw new SocialAuthException("Error: " + presp); if (userProfile == null) userProfile = new Profile(); userProfile.setValidatedId(data.get("id").toString()); userProfile.setProviderId(getProviderId()); return userProfile; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServerDataException("Failed to parse the user profile json : " + presp, ex); } }