@Override /** Used during reorgs to connect a block previously on a fork */ protected synchronized TransactionOutputChanges connectTransactions(StoredBlock newBlock) throws VerificationException, BlockStoreException, PrunedException { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); if (!params.passesCheckpoint(newBlock.getHeight(), newBlock.getHeader().getHash())) throw new VerificationException("Block failed checkpoint lockin at " + newBlock.getHeight()); blockStore.beginDatabaseBatchWrite(); StoredUndoableBlock block = blockStore.getUndoBlock(newBlock.getHeader().getHash()); if (block == null) { // We're trying to re-org too deep and the data needed has been deleted. blockStore.abortDatabaseBatchWrite(); throw new PrunedException(newBlock.getHeader().getHash()); } TransactionOutputChanges txOutChanges; try { List<Transaction> transactions = block.getTransactions(); if (transactions != null) { LinkedList<UTXO> txOutsSpent = new LinkedList<UTXO>(); LinkedList<UTXO> txOutsCreated = new LinkedList<UTXO>(); long sigOps = 0; final Set<VerifyFlag> verifyFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(VerifyFlag.class); if (newBlock.getHeader().getTimeSeconds() >= NetworkParameters.BIP16_ENFORCE_TIME) verifyFlags.add(VerifyFlag.P2SH); if (!params.isCheckpoint(newBlock.getHeight())) { for (Transaction tx : transactions) { Sha256Hash hash = tx.getHash(); if (blockStore.hasUnspentOutputs(hash, tx.getOutputs().size())) throw new VerificationException("Block failed BIP30 test!"); } } Coin totalFees = Coin.ZERO; Coin coinbaseValue = null; if (scriptVerificationExecutor.isShutdown()) scriptVerificationExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); List<Future<VerificationException>> listScriptVerificationResults = new ArrayList<Future<VerificationException>>(transactions.size()); for (final Transaction tx : transactions) { boolean isCoinBase = tx.isCoinBase(); Coin valueIn = Coin.ZERO; Coin valueOut = Coin.ZERO; final List<Script> prevOutScripts = new LinkedList<Script>(); if (!isCoinBase) { for (int index = 0; index < tx.getInputs().size(); index++) { final TransactionInput in = tx.getInputs().get(index); final UTXO prevOut = blockStore.getTransactionOutput( in.getOutpoint().getHash(), in.getOutpoint().getIndex()); if (prevOut == null) throw new VerificationException( "Attempted spend of a non-existent or already spent output!"); if (prevOut.isCoinbase() && newBlock.getHeight() - prevOut.getHeight() < params.getSpendableCoinbaseDepth()) throw new VerificationException( "Tried to spend coinbase at depth " + (newBlock.getHeight() - prevOut.getHeight())); valueIn = valueIn.add(prevOut.getValue()); if (verifyFlags.contains(VerifyFlag.P2SH)) { if (prevOut.getScript().isPayToScriptHash()) sigOps += Script.getP2SHSigOpCount(in.getScriptBytes()); if (sigOps > Block.MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS) throw new VerificationException("Too many P2SH SigOps in block"); } prevOutScripts.add(prevOut.getScript()); blockStore.removeUnspentTransactionOutput(prevOut); txOutsSpent.add(prevOut); } } Sha256Hash hash = tx.getHash(); for (TransactionOutput out : tx.getOutputs()) { valueOut = valueOut.add(out.getValue()); Script script = getScript(out.getScriptBytes()); UTXO newOut = new UTXO( hash, out.getIndex(), out.getValue(), newBlock.getHeight(), isCoinBase, script, getScriptAddress(script)); blockStore.addUnspentTransactionOutput(newOut); txOutsCreated.add(newOut); } // All values were already checked for being non-negative (as it is verified in // Transaction.verify()) // but we check again here just for defence in depth. Transactions with zero output value // are OK. if (valueOut.signum() < 0 || valueOut.compareTo(params.getMaxMoney()) > 0) throw new VerificationException("Transaction output value out of range"); if (isCoinBase) { coinbaseValue = valueOut; } else { if (valueIn.compareTo(valueOut) < 0 || valueIn.compareTo(params.getMaxMoney()) > 0) throw new VerificationException("Transaction input value out of range"); totalFees = totalFees.add(valueIn.subtract(valueOut)); } if (!isCoinBase) { // Because correctlySpends modifies transactions, this must come after we are done with // tx FutureTask<VerificationException> future = new FutureTask<VerificationException>( new Verifier(tx, prevOutScripts, verifyFlags)); scriptVerificationExecutor.execute(future); listScriptVerificationResults.add(future); } } if (totalFees.compareTo(params.getMaxMoney()) > 0 || newBlock .getHeader() .getBlockInflation(newBlock.getHeight()) .add(totalFees) .compareTo(coinbaseValue) < 0) throw new VerificationException("Transaction fees out of range"); txOutChanges = new TransactionOutputChanges(txOutsCreated, txOutsSpent); for (Future<VerificationException> future : listScriptVerificationResults) { VerificationException e; try { e = future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException thrownE) { throw new RuntimeException(thrownE); // Shouldn't happen } catch (ExecutionException thrownE) { log.error("Script.correctlySpends threw a non-normal exception: " + thrownE.getCause()); throw new VerificationException( "Bug in Script.correctlySpends, likely script malformed in some new and interesting way.", thrownE); } if (e != null) throw e; } } else { txOutChanges = block.getTxOutChanges(); if (!params.isCheckpoint(newBlock.getHeight())) for (UTXO out : txOutChanges.txOutsCreated) { Sha256Hash hash = out.getHash(); if (blockStore.getTransactionOutput(hash, out.getIndex()) != null) throw new VerificationException("Block failed BIP30 test!"); } for (UTXO out : txOutChanges.txOutsCreated) blockStore.addUnspentTransactionOutput(out); for (UTXO out : txOutChanges.txOutsSpent) blockStore.removeUnspentTransactionOutput(out); } } catch (VerificationException e) { scriptVerificationExecutor.shutdownNow(); blockStore.abortDatabaseBatchWrite(); throw e; } catch (BlockStoreException e) { scriptVerificationExecutor.shutdownNow(); blockStore.abortDatabaseBatchWrite(); throw e; } return txOutChanges; }
@Test public void testFinalizedBlocks() throws Exception { final int UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED = 10; store = createStore(params, UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED); chain = new FullPrunedBlockChain(params, store); // Check that we aren't accidentally leaving any references // to the full StoredUndoableBlock's lying around (ie memory leaks) ECKey outKey = new ECKey(); int height = 1; // Build some blocks on genesis block to create a spendable output Block rollingBlock = params .getGenesisBlock() .createNextBlockWithCoinbase(Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS, outKey.getPubKey(), height++); chain.add(rollingBlock); TransactionOutPoint spendableOutput = new TransactionOutPoint(params, 0, rollingBlock.getTransactions().get(0).getHash()); byte[] spendableOutputScriptPubKey = rollingBlock.getTransactions().get(0).getOutputs().get(0).getScriptBytes(); for (int i = 1; i < params.getSpendableCoinbaseDepth(); i++) { rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlockWithCoinbase( Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS, outKey.getPubKey(), height++); chain.add(rollingBlock); } WeakReference<UTXO> out = new WeakReference<UTXO>( store.getTransactionOutput(spendableOutput.getHash(), spendableOutput.getIndex())); rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlock(null); Transaction t = new Transaction(params); // Entirely invalid scriptPubKey t.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, t, FIFTY_COINS, new byte[] {})); t.addSignedInput(spendableOutput, new Script(spendableOutputScriptPubKey), outKey); rollingBlock.addTransaction(t); rollingBlock.solve(); chain.add(rollingBlock); WeakReference<StoredUndoableBlock> undoBlock = new WeakReference<StoredUndoableBlock>(store.getUndoBlock(rollingBlock.getHash())); StoredUndoableBlock storedUndoableBlock = undoBlock.get(); assertNotNull(storedUndoableBlock); assertNull(storedUndoableBlock.getTransactions()); WeakReference<TransactionOutputChanges> changes = new WeakReference<TransactionOutputChanges>(storedUndoableBlock.getTxOutChanges()); assertNotNull(changes.get()); storedUndoableBlock = null; // Blank the reference so it can be GCd. // Create a chain longer than UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED for (int i = 0; i < UNDOABLE_BLOCKS_STORED; i++) { rollingBlock = rollingBlock.createNextBlock(null); chain.add(rollingBlock); } // Try to get the garbage collector to run System.gc(); assertNull(undoBlock.get()); assertNull(changes.get()); assertNull(out.get()); try { store.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
@Override protected TransactionOutputChanges connectTransactions(int height, Block block) throws VerificationException, BlockStoreException { checkState(lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()); if (block.transactions == null) throw new RuntimeException( "connectTransactions called with Block that didn't have transactions!"); if (!params.passesCheckpoint(height, block.getHash())) throw new VerificationException("Block failed checkpoint lockin at " + height); blockStore.beginDatabaseBatchWrite(); LinkedList<UTXO> txOutsSpent = new LinkedList<UTXO>(); LinkedList<UTXO> txOutsCreated = new LinkedList<UTXO>(); long sigOps = 0; final Set<VerifyFlag> verifyFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(VerifyFlag.class); if (block.getTimeSeconds() >= NetworkParameters.BIP16_ENFORCE_TIME) verifyFlags.add(VerifyFlag.P2SH); if (scriptVerificationExecutor.isShutdown()) scriptVerificationExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); List<Future<VerificationException>> listScriptVerificationResults = new ArrayList<Future<VerificationException>>(block.transactions.size()); try { if (!params.isCheckpoint(height)) { // BIP30 violator blocks are ones that contain a duplicated transaction. They are all in the // checkpoints list and we therefore only check non-checkpoints for duplicated transactions // here. See the // BIP30 document for more details on this: // https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0030.mediawiki for (Transaction tx : block.transactions) { Sha256Hash hash = tx.getHash(); // If we already have unspent outputs for this hash, we saw the tx already. Either the // block is // being added twice (bug) or the block is a BIP30 violator. if (blockStore.hasUnspentOutputs(hash, tx.getOutputs().size())) throw new VerificationException("Block failed BIP30 test!"); if (verifyFlags.contains( VerifyFlag .P2SH)) // We already check non-BIP16 sigops in Block.verifyTransactions(true) sigOps += tx.getSigOpCount(); } } Coin totalFees = Coin.ZERO; Coin coinbaseValue = null; for (final Transaction tx : block.transactions) { boolean isCoinBase = tx.isCoinBase(); Coin valueIn = Coin.ZERO; Coin valueOut = Coin.ZERO; final List<Script> prevOutScripts = new LinkedList<Script>(); if (!isCoinBase) { // For each input of the transaction remove the corresponding output from the set of // unspent // outputs. for (int index = 0; index < tx.getInputs().size(); index++) { TransactionInput in = tx.getInputs().get(index); UTXO prevOut = blockStore.getTransactionOutput( in.getOutpoint().getHash(), in.getOutpoint().getIndex()); if (prevOut == null) throw new VerificationException( "Attempted to spend a non-existent or already spent output!"); // Coinbases can't be spent until they mature, to avoid re-orgs destroying entire // transaction // chains. The assumption is there will ~never be re-orgs deeper than the spendable // coinbase // chain depth. if (prevOut.isCoinbase()) { if (height - prevOut.getHeight() < params.getSpendableCoinbaseDepth()) { throw new VerificationException( "Tried to spend coinbase at depth " + (height - prevOut.getHeight())); } } // TODO: Check we're not spending the genesis transaction here. Satoshis code won't // allow it. valueIn = valueIn.add(prevOut.getValue()); if (verifyFlags.contains(VerifyFlag.P2SH)) { if (prevOut.getScript().isPayToScriptHash()) sigOps += Script.getP2SHSigOpCount(in.getScriptBytes()); if (sigOps > Block.MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS) throw new VerificationException("Too many P2SH SigOps in block"); } prevOutScripts.add(prevOut.getScript()); blockStore.removeUnspentTransactionOutput(prevOut); txOutsSpent.add(prevOut); } } Sha256Hash hash = tx.getHash(); for (TransactionOutput out : tx.getOutputs()) { valueOut = valueOut.add(out.getValue()); // For each output, add it to the set of unspent outputs so it can be consumed in future. Script script = getScript(out.getScriptBytes()); UTXO newOut = new UTXO( hash, out.getIndex(), out.getValue(), height, isCoinBase, script, getScriptAddress(script)); blockStore.addUnspentTransactionOutput(newOut); txOutsCreated.add(newOut); } // All values were already checked for being non-negative (as it is verified in // Transaction.verify()) // but we check again here just for defence in depth. Transactions with zero output value // are OK. if (valueOut.signum() < 0 || valueOut.compareTo(params.getMaxMoney()) > 0) throw new VerificationException("Transaction output value out of range"); if (isCoinBase) { coinbaseValue = valueOut; } else { if (valueIn.compareTo(valueOut) < 0 || valueIn.compareTo(params.getMaxMoney()) > 0) throw new VerificationException("Transaction input value out of range"); totalFees = totalFees.add(valueIn.subtract(valueOut)); } if (!isCoinBase && runScripts) { // Because correctlySpends modifies transactions, this must come after we are done with tx FutureTask<VerificationException> future = new FutureTask<VerificationException>(new Verifier(tx, prevOutScripts, verifyFlags)); scriptVerificationExecutor.execute(future); listScriptVerificationResults.add(future); } } if (totalFees.compareTo(params.getMaxMoney()) > 0 || block.getBlockInflation(height).add(totalFees).compareTo(coinbaseValue) < 0) throw new VerificationException("Transaction fees out of range"); for (Future<VerificationException> future : listScriptVerificationResults) { VerificationException e; try { e = future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException thrownE) { throw new RuntimeException(thrownE); // Shouldn't happen } catch (ExecutionException thrownE) { log.error("Script.correctlySpends threw a non-normal exception: " + thrownE.getCause()); throw new VerificationException( "Bug in Script.correctlySpends, likely script malformed in some new and interesting way.", thrownE); } if (e != null) throw e; } } catch (VerificationException e) { scriptVerificationExecutor.shutdownNow(); blockStore.abortDatabaseBatchWrite(); throw e; } catch (BlockStoreException e) { scriptVerificationExecutor.shutdownNow(); blockStore.abortDatabaseBatchWrite(); throw e; } return new TransactionOutputChanges(txOutsCreated, txOutsSpent); }