@Override public final void setEnabled(final boolean e) { super.setEnabled(e); rend.setEnabled(e); scroll.setEnabled(e); cursor(e); }
@Override public final void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { if (!isEnabled() || !isFocusable()) return; requestFocusInWindow(); cursor(true); if (SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(e)) copy(); final boolean marking = e.isShiftDown(); final boolean nomark = !text.marked(); if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { final int c = e.getClickCount(); if (c == 1) { // selection mode if (marking && nomark) text.startMark(); rend.select(scroll.pos(), e.getPoint(), marking); } else if (c == 2) { text.selectWord(); } else { text.selectLine(); } } else if (nomark) { rend.select(scroll.pos(), e.getPoint(), false); } }
@Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { if (modifier(e)) return; // operations that change the focus are put first.. if (PREVTAB.is(e)) { transferFocusBackward(); return; } if (NEXTTAB.is(e)) { transferFocus(); return; } if (FIND.is(e)) { if (find != null) find.requestFocusInWindow(); return; } // re-animate cursor cursor(true); // operations without cursor movement... final int fh = rend.fontH(); if (SCROLLDOWN.is(e)) { scroll.pos(scroll.pos() + fh); return; } if (SCROLLUP.is(e)) { scroll.pos(scroll.pos() - fh); return; } if (COPY1.is(e) || COPY2.is(e)) { copy(); return; } // set cursor position and reset last column text.pos(text.cursor()); if (!PREVLINE.is(e) && !NEXTLINE.is(e)) lastCol = -1; if (FINDNEXT.is(e) || FINDNEXT2.is(e)) { scroll(rend.find(true, true)); return; } if (FINDPREV.is(e) || FINDPREV2.is(e)) { scroll(rend.find(false, true)); return; } if (SELECTALL.is(e)) { selectAll(); return; } // necessary on Macs as the shift button is pressed for REDO final boolean marking = e.isShiftDown() && !DELNEXT.is(e) && !DELPREV.is(e) && !PASTE2.is(e) && !COMMENT.is(e) && !DELLINE.is(e) && !REDOSTEP.is(e); final boolean nomark = !text.marked(); if (marking && nomark) text.startMark(); boolean down = true; boolean consumed = true; // operations that consider the last text mark.. final byte[] txt = text.text(); if (NEXTWORD.is(e)) { text.nextToken(marking); } else if (PREVWORD.is(e)) { text.prevToken(marking); down = false; } else if (TEXTSTART.is(e)) { if (!marking) text.noMark(); text.pos(0); down = false; } else if (TEXTEND.is(e)) { if (!marking) text.noMark(); text.pos(text.size()); } else if (LINESTART.is(e)) { text.bol(marking); down = false; } else if (LINEEND.is(e)) { text.eol(marking); } else if (NEXTPAGE.is(e)) { down(getHeight() / fh, marking); } else if (PREVPAGE.is(e)) { up(getHeight() / fh, marking); down = false; } else if (NEXT.is(e)) { text.next(marking); } else if (PREV.is(e)) { text.prev(marking); down = false; } else if (PREVLINE.is(e)) { up(1, marking); down = false; } else if (NEXTLINE.is(e)) { down(1, marking); } else if (FINDERROR.is(e)) { final int p = text.error(); if (p != -1) setCaret(p); } else { consumed = false; } if (marking) { // refresh scroll position text.endMark(); text.checkMark(); } else if (undo != null) { // edit operations... if (CUT1.is(e) || CUT2.is(e)) { cut(); } else if (PASTE1.is(e) || PASTE2.is(e)) { paste(); } else if (UNDOSTEP.is(e)) { undo(); } else if (REDOSTEP.is(e)) { redo(); } else if (COMMENT.is(e)) { text.comment(rend.getSyntax()); } else if (DELLINE.is(e)) { text.deleteLine(); } else if (DELLINEEND.is(e) || DELNEXTWORD.is(e) || DELNEXT.is(e)) { if (nomark) { if (text.pos() == text.size()) return; text.startMark(); if (DELNEXTWORD.is(e)) { text.nextToken(true); } else if (DELLINEEND.is(e)) { text.eol(true); } else { text.next(true); } text.endMark(); } undo.cursor(text.cursor()); text.delete(); } else if (DELLINESTART.is(e) || DELPREVWORD.is(e) || DELPREV.is(e)) { if (nomark) { if (text.pos() == 0) return; text.startMark(); if (DELPREVWORD.is(e)) { text.prevToken(true); } else if (DELLINESTART.is(e)) { text.bol(true); } else { text.prev(); } text.endMark(); } undo.cursor(text.cursor()); text.delete(); down = false; } else { consumed = false; } } if (consumed) e.consume(); text.setCaret(); if (txt != text.text()) rend.calc(); showCursor(down ? 2 : 0); }
/** * Sets a new cursor position. * * @param p cursor position */ public final void setCaret(final int p) { text.setCaret(p); showCursor(1); cursor(true); }