文件: Num.java 项目: fpapai/basex
  * Returns the new target type, or {@code null} if conversion is not necessary.
  * @param curr old item
  * @param it new item
  * @return result (or {@code null})
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 private AtomType numType(final Item curr, final Item it) throws QueryException {
   final Type ti = it.type;
   if (ti.isUntyped()) return DBL;
   final Type tc = curr.type;
   if (!(it instanceof ANum)) throw EXPTYPE_X_X_X.get(info, tc, ti, it);
   return tc == ti ? null : tc == DBL || ti == DBL ? DBL : tc == FLT || ti == FLT ? FLT : null;
  * Checks if the specified item is a QName. Returns the item or throws an exception.
  * @param it item
  * @param empty allow empty result
  * @return QNm item
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final QNm toQNm(final Item it, final boolean empty) throws QueryException {
   if (empty && it == null) return null;
   final Type ip = checkNoEmpty(it, AtomType.QNM).type;
   if (ip == AtomType.QNM) return (QNm) it;
   if (ip.isUntyped()) throw NSSENS_X_X.get(info, ip, AtomType.QNM);
   throw castError(it, AtomType.QNM, info);
文件: Num.java 项目: fpapai/basex
   * Returns a minimum or maximum item.
   * @param cmp comparator
   * @param qc query context
   * @return resulting item
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  Item minmax(final OpV cmp, final QueryContext qc) throws QueryException {
    final Collation coll = toCollation(1, qc);

    final Iter iter = exprs[0].atomIter(qc, info);
    Item curr = iter.next();
    if (curr == null) return null;

    // check if first item is comparable
    cmp.eval(curr, curr, coll, sc, info);

    // strings
    if (curr instanceof AStr) {
      for (Item it; (it = iter.next()) != null; ) {
        if (!(it instanceof AStr)) throw EXPTYPE_X_X_X.get(info, curr.type, it.type, it);
        final Type rt = curr.type, ri = it.type;
        if (cmp.eval(curr, it, coll, sc, info)) curr = it;
        if (rt != ri && curr.type == URI) curr = STR.cast(curr, qc, sc, info);
      return curr;
    // dates, durations, booleans, binary values
    if (curr instanceof ADate || curr instanceof Dur || curr instanceof Bin || curr.type == BLN) {
      for (Item it; (it = iter.next()) != null; ) {
        if (curr.type != it.type) throw EXPTYPE_X_X_X.get(info, curr.type, it.type, it);
        if (cmp.eval(curr, it, coll, sc, info)) curr = it;
      return curr;
    // numbers
    if (curr.type.isUntyped()) curr = DBL.cast(curr, qc, sc, info);
    for (Item it; (it = iter.next()) != null; ) {
      final Type type = numType(curr, it);
      if (cmp.eval(curr, it, coll, sc, info) || Double.isNaN(it.dbl(info))) curr = it;
      if (type != null) curr = (Item) type.cast(curr, qc, sc, info);
    return curr;
  * Checks if the specified item is a number. Returns a token representation or throws an
  * exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return number
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final long toLong(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   final Type ip = checkNoEmpty(it, AtomType.ITR).type;
   if (ip.instanceOf(AtomType.ITR) || ip.isUntyped()) return it.itr(info);
   throw castError(it, AtomType.ITR, info);
  * Checks if the specified item is a boolean. Returns the boolean or throws an exception.
  * @param it item be checked
  * @return boolean
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final boolean toBoolean(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   final Type ip = checkNoEmpty(it, AtomType.BLN).type;
   if (ip == AtomType.BLN) return it.bool(info);
   if (ip.isUntyped()) return Bln.parse(it.string(info), info);
   throw castError(it, AtomType.BLN, info);
  * Checks if the specified non-empty item is a string. Returns its value as token or throws an
  * exception.
  * @param it item to be checked
  * @return token
  * @throws QueryException query exception
 protected final byte[] toToken(final Item it) throws QueryException {
   final Type ip = it.type;
   if (ip.isStringOrUntyped()) return it.string(info);
   throw it instanceof FItem ? FIATOM_X.get(info, it.type) : castError(it, AtomType.STR, info);