/** * Queries empty content. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public void queryEmptyBinary() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.store("X", new ArrayInput("")); assertEqual("", session.execute("xquery " + RAW + _DB_RETRIEVE.args(NAME, "X"))); assertEqual("", session.query(RAW + _DB_RETRIEVE.args(NAME, "X")).execute()); final Query q = session.query(RAW + _DB_RETRIEVE.args(NAME, "X")); assertTrue(q.more()); assertEqual("", q.next()); assertNull(q.next()); }
/** * Stores binary content in the database. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public final void store() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.store("X", new ArrayInput("!")); assertEqual("true", session.query(_DB_IS_RAW.args(NAME, "X")).execute()); session.store("X", new ArrayInput("")); assertEqual("", session.query(_DB_RETRIEVE.args(NAME, "X")).execute()); session.store("X", new ArrayInput(new byte[] {0, 1, -1})); assertEqual( "0001FF", session.query("xs:hexBinary(" + _DB_RETRIEVE.args(NAME, "X") + ')').execute()); session.execute("drop db " + NAME); }
/** * Adds documents to a database. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public final void add() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.add(NAME, new ArrayInput("<X/>")); assertEqual("1", session.query("count(" + _DB_OPEN.args(NAME) + ')').execute()); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) session.add(NAME, new ArrayInput("<X/>")); assertEqual("10", session.query("count(" + _DB_OPEN.args(NAME) + ')').execute()); }
/** * Stores binary content. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public void storeBinary() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.store("X", new ArrayInput(new byte[] {-128, -2, -1, 0, 1, 127})); assertEqual( "-128 -2 -1 0 1 127", session.query(_CONVERT_BINARY_TO_BYTES.args(_DB_RETRIEVE.args(NAME, "X"))).execute()); }
/** * Runs a query with additional serialization parameters. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public void querySerial1() throws IOException { session.execute("set serializer wrap-prefix=db,wrap-uri=ns"); final Query query = session.query(WRAPPER + "()"); assertTrue("Result expected.", query.more()); assertEqual("<db:results xmlns:db=\"ns\"/>", query.next()); assertFalse("No result expected.", query.more()); }
/** Stops a session. */ @After public final void stopSession() { try { if (cleanup) session.execute(new DropDB(NAME)); session.close(); } catch (final IOException ex) { fail(Util.message(ex)); } }
/** * Replaces documents in a database. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public final void replace() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); assertEqual("0", session.query("count(" + _DB_OPEN.args(NAME) + ')').execute()); session.replace(NAME, new ArrayInput("<X/>")); assertEqual("1", session.query("count(" + _DB_OPEN.args(NAME) + ')').execute()); session.replace(NAME + '2', new ArrayInput("<X/>")); assertEqual("2", session.query("count(" + _DB_OPEN.args(NAME) + ')').execute()); session.replace(NAME + '2', new ArrayInput("<X/>")); assertEqual("2", session.query("count(" + _DB_OPEN.args(NAME) + ')').execute()); }
/** * Queries binary content (works only if output stream is specified). * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public void queryBinary() throws IOException { if (out == null) return; session.execute("create db " + NAME); final byte[] tmp = {0, 1, 2, 127, 0, -1, -2, -128}; session.store("X", new ArrayInput(tmp)); final String retr = _DB_RETRIEVE.args(NAME, "X"); // check command session.execute("xquery " + RAW + retr + ',' + retr); assertTrue(eq(out.toArray(), concat(tmp, tmp))); out.reset(); // check query execution session.query(RAW + retr + ',' + retr).execute(); assertTrue(eq(out.toArray(), concat(tmp, tmp))); out.reset(); // check iterator final Query q = session.query(RAW + retr + ',' + retr); q.next(); assertTrue(eq(out.toArray(), tmp)); out.reset(); q.next(); assertTrue(eq(out.toArray(), tmp)); assertNull(q.next()); }
/** * Runs a query command and retrieves the result as string. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test(expected = BaseXException.class) public final void commandErr() throws IOException { session.execute("1,<a/>+''"); }
/** * Runs an erroneous query command. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test(expected = BaseXException.class) public final void commandError() throws IOException { session.execute("xquery ("); }
/** * Runs a query command and wraps the result. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public final void commandSerial2() throws IOException { assertEqual( "<db:results xmlns:db=\"ns\">" + " <db:result>1</db:result>" + "</db:results>", session.execute("xquery " + WRAPPER + '1')); }
/** * Runs a query command and wraps the result. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public final void commandSerial1() throws IOException { session.execute("set serializer wrap-prefix=db,wrap-uri=ns"); assertEqual("<db:results xmlns:db=\"ns\"/>", session.execute("xquery ()")); }
/** * Runs a query command and retrieves the result as string. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public final void command() throws IOException { session.execute("set serializer wrap-prefix=,wrap-uri="); assertEqual("A", session.execute("xquery 'A'")); }
/** * Adds a file with an invalid file name. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test(expected = BaseXException.class) public final void addNameErr() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.add("", new ArrayInput("<X/>")); }
/** * Retrieves empty content. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test public void retrieveEmpty() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.store("X", new ArrayInput("")); assertEqual("", session.execute("retrieve X")); }
/** * Stores binary content in the database. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test(expected = BaseXException.class) public final void storeInvalid() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.store("..", new ArrayInput("!")); }
/** * Adds a file with missing input. * * @throws IOException I/O exception */ @Test(expected = BaseXException.class) public final void replaceNoInput() throws IOException { session.execute("create db " + NAME); session.replace("", new ArrayInput("")); }