public List<Map<String, Object>> getJobListBymNotebookId(String notebookID) { final String CRON_TYPE_NOTEBOOK_KEYWORD = "cron"; long lastRunningUnixTime = 0; boolean isNotebookRunning = false; Note jobNote = getNote(notebookID); List<Map<String, Object>> notesInfo = new LinkedList<>(); if (jobNote == null) { return notesInfo; } Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<>(); info.put("notebookId", jobNote.getId()); String notebookName = jobNote.getName(); if (notebookName != null && !notebookName.equals("")) { info.put("notebookName", jobNote.getName()); } else { info.put("notebookName", "Note " + jobNote.getId()); } // set notebook type ( cron or normal ) if (jobNote.getConfig().containsKey(CRON_TYPE_NOTEBOOK_KEYWORD) && !jobNote.getConfig().get(CRON_TYPE_NOTEBOOK_KEYWORD).equals("")) { info.put("notebookType", "cron"); } else { info.put("notebookType", "normal"); } // set paragraphs List<Map<String, Object>> paragraphsInfo = new LinkedList<>(); for (Paragraph paragraph : jobNote.getParagraphs()) { // check paragraph's status. if (paragraph.getStatus().isRunning()) { isNotebookRunning = true; } // get data for the job manager. Map<String, Object> paragraphItem = getParagraphForJobManagerItem(paragraph); lastRunningUnixTime = getUnixTimeLastRunParagraph(paragraph); paragraphsInfo.add(paragraphItem); } // set interpreter bind type String interpreterGroupName = null; if (replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(jobNote.getId()) != null && replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(jobNote.getId()).size() >= 1) { interpreterGroupName = replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(jobNote.getId()).get(0).getName(); } // notebook json object root information. info.put("interpreter", interpreterGroupName); info.put("isRunningJob", isNotebookRunning); info.put("unixTimeLastRun", lastRunningUnixTime); info.put("paragraphs", paragraphsInfo); notesInfo.add(info); return notesInfo; };
public void removeNote(String id, AuthenticationInfo subject) { Note note; synchronized (notes) { note = notes.remove(id); } replFactory.removeNoteInterpreterSettingBinding(id); notebookIndex.deleteIndexDocs(note); notebookAuthorization.removeNote(id); // remove from all interpreter instance's angular object registry for (InterpreterSetting settings : replFactory.get()) { AngularObjectRegistry registry = settings.getInterpreterGroup(id).getAngularObjectRegistry(); if (registry instanceof RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) { // remove paragraph scope object for (Paragraph p : note.getParagraphs()) { ((RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) registry).removeAllAndNotifyRemoteProcess(id, p.getId()); // remove app scope object List<ApplicationState> appStates = p.getAllApplicationStates(); if (appStates != null) { for (ApplicationState app : appStates) { ((RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) registry) .removeAllAndNotifyRemoteProcess(id, app.getId()); } } } // remove notebook scope object ((RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) registry).removeAllAndNotifyRemoteProcess(id, null); } else { // remove paragraph scope object for (Paragraph p : note.getParagraphs()) { registry.removeAll(id, p.getId()); // remove app scope object List<ApplicationState> appStates = p.getAllApplicationStates(); if (appStates != null) { for (ApplicationState app : appStates) { registry.removeAll(id, app.getId()); } } } // remove notebook scope object registry.removeAll(id, null); } } ResourcePoolUtils.removeResourcesBelongsToNote(id); fireNoteRemoveEvent(note); try { note.unpersist(subject); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); } }
/** * Run a single paragraph. * * @param paragraphId ID of paragraph */ public void run(String paragraphId) { Paragraph p = getParagraph(paragraphId); if (p.isBlankParagraph()) {"skip to run blank paragraph. {}", p.getId()); return; } p.setListener(jobListenerFactory.getParagraphJobListener(this)); String requiredReplName = p.getRequiredReplName(); Interpreter intp = factory.getInterpreter(p.getUser(), getId(), requiredReplName); if (intp == null) { String intpExceptionMsg = p.getJobName() + "'s Interpreter " + requiredReplName + " not found"; InterpreterException intpException = new InterpreterException(intpExceptionMsg); InterpreterResult intpResult = new InterpreterResult(InterpreterResult.Code.ERROR, intpException.getMessage()); p.setReturn(intpResult, intpException); p.setStatus(Job.Status.ERROR); throw intpException; } if (p.getConfig().get("enabled") == null || (Boolean) p.getConfig().get("enabled")) { p.setAuthenticationInfo(p.getAuthenticationInfo()); intp.getScheduler().submit(p); } }
public void bindInterpretersToNote(String id, List<String> interpreterSettingIds) throws IOException { Note note = getNote(id); if (note != null) { List<InterpreterSetting> currentBindings = replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(id); for (InterpreterSetting setting : currentBindings) { if (!interpreterSettingIds.contains(setting.getId())) { fireUnbindInterpreter(note, setting); } } replFactory.setInterpreters(note.getId(), interpreterSettingIds); // comment out while note.getNoteReplLoader().setInterpreters(...) do the same // replFactory.putNoteInterpreterSettingBinding(id, interpreterSettingIds); } }
/** * Create new note. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public Note createNote() throws IOException { if (conf.getBoolean(ConfVars.ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AUTO_INTERPRETER_BINDING)) { return createNote(replFactory.getDefaultInterpreterSettingList()); } else { return createNote(null); } }
public List<InterpreterSetting> getBindedInterpreterSettings(String id) { Note note = getNote(id); if (note != null) { return replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId()); } else { return new LinkedList<>(); } }
private boolean isValidInterpreter(String replName) { try { return factory.getInterpreter(user, note.getId(), replName) != null; } catch (InterpreterException e) { // ignore this exception, it would be recaught when running paragraph. return false; } }
public void bindInterpretersToNote(String id, List<String> interpreterSettingIds) throws IOException { Note note = getNote(id); if (note != null) { note.getNoteReplLoader().setInterpreters(interpreterSettingIds); replFactory.putNoteInterpreterSettingBinding(id, interpreterSettingIds); } }
private InterpreterSetting getInterpreterSettingById(String id) { InterpreterSetting setting = null; for (InterpreterSetting i : factory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId())) { if (id.startsWith(i.getId())) { setting = i; break; } } return setting; }
/** * Create new note. * * @throws IOException */ public Note createNote(AuthenticationInfo subject) throws IOException { Note note; if (conf.getBoolean(ConfVars.ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_AUTO_INTERPRETER_BINDING)) { note = createNote(replFactory.getDefaultInterpreterSettingList(), subject); } else { note = createNote(null, subject); } notebookIndex.addIndexDoc(note); return note; }
private InterpreterContext getInterpreterContext(InterpreterOutput output) { AngularObjectRegistry registry = null; ResourcePool resourcePool = null; if (!factory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId()).isEmpty()) { InterpreterSetting intpGroup = factory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId()).get(0); registry = intpGroup.getInterpreterGroup(getUser(), note.getId()).getAngularObjectRegistry(); resourcePool = intpGroup.getInterpreterGroup(getUser(), note.getId()).getResourcePool(); } List<InterpreterContextRunner> runners = new LinkedList<>(); for (Paragraph p : note.getParagraphs()) { runners.add(new ParagraphRunner(note, note.getId(), p.getId())); } final Paragraph self = this; Credentials credentials = note.getCredentials(); if (authenticationInfo != null) { UserCredentials userCredentials = credentials.getUserCredentials(authenticationInfo.getUser()); authenticationInfo.setUserCredentials(userCredentials); } InterpreterContext interpreterContext = new InterpreterContext( note.getId(), getId(), getRequiredReplName(), this.getTitle(), this.getText(), this.getAuthenticationInfo(), this.getConfig(), this.settings, registry, resourcePool, runners, output); return interpreterContext; }
private void snapshotAngularObjectRegistry(String user) { angularObjects = new HashMap<>(); List<InterpreterSetting> settings = factory.getInterpreterSettings(getId()); if (settings == null || settings.size() == 0) { return; } for (InterpreterSetting setting : settings) { InterpreterGroup intpGroup = setting.getInterpreterGroup(user, id); AngularObjectRegistry registry = intpGroup.getAngularObjectRegistry(); angularObjects.put(intpGroup.getId(), registry.getAllWithGlobal(id)); } }
public List<InterpreterCompletion> getInterpreterCompletion() { List<InterpreterCompletion> completion = new LinkedList(); for (InterpreterSetting intp : factory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId())) { List<InterpreterInfo> intInfo = intp.getInterpreterInfos(); if (intInfo.size() > 1) { for (InterpreterInfo info : intInfo) { String name = intp.getName() + "." + info.getName(); completion.add(new InterpreterCompletion(name, name)); } } else { completion.add(new InterpreterCompletion(intp.getName(), intp.getName())); } } return completion; }
public void removeNote(String id) { Note note; synchronized (notes) { note = notes.remove(id); } // remove from all interpreter instance's angular object registry for (InterpreterSetting settings : replFactory.get()) { AngularObjectRegistry registry = settings.getInterpreterGroup().getAngularObjectRegistry(); if (registry instanceof RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) { ((RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) registry).removeAllAndNotifyRemoteProcess(id); } else { registry.removeAll(id); } } try { note.unpersist(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void removeAllAngularObjectInParagraph(String user, String paragraphId) { angularObjects = new HashMap<>(); List<InterpreterSetting> settings = factory.getInterpreterSettings(getId()); if (settings == null || settings.size() == 0) { return; } for (InterpreterSetting setting : settings) { InterpreterGroup intpGroup = setting.getInterpreterGroup(user, id); AngularObjectRegistry registry = intpGroup.getAngularObjectRegistry(); if (registry instanceof RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) { // remove paragraph scope object ((RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) registry).removeAllAndNotifyRemoteProcess(id, paragraphId); // remove app scope object List<ApplicationState> appStates = getParagraph(paragraphId).getAllApplicationStates(); if (appStates != null) { for (ApplicationState app : appStates) { ((RemoteAngularObjectRegistry) registry) .removeAllAndNotifyRemoteProcess(id, app.getId()); } } } else { registry.removeAll(id, paragraphId); // remove app scope object List<ApplicationState> appStates = getParagraph(paragraphId).getAllApplicationStates(); if (appStates != null) { for (ApplicationState app : appStates) { registry.removeAll(id, app.getId()); } } } } }
public Interpreter getRepl(String name) { return factory.getInterpreter(user, note.getId(), name); }
private Note loadNoteFromRepo(String id) { Note note = null; try { note = notebookRepo.get(id); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to load " + id, e); } if (note == null) { return null; } // set NoteInterpreterLoader NoteInterpreterLoader noteInterpreterLoader = new NoteInterpreterLoader(replFactory); note.setReplLoader(noteInterpreterLoader); noteInterpreterLoader.setNoteId(; // set JobListenerFactory note.setJobListenerFactory(jobListenerFactory); // set notebookRepo note.setNotebookRepo(notebookRepo); Map<String, SnapshotAngularObject> angularObjectSnapshot = new HashMap<String, SnapshotAngularObject>(); // restore angular object -------------- Date lastUpdatedDate = new Date(0); for (Paragraph p : note.getParagraphs()) { p.setNote(note); if (p.getDateFinished() != null && lastUpdatedDate.before(p.getDateFinished())) { lastUpdatedDate = p.getDateFinished(); } } Map<String, List<AngularObject>> savedObjects = note.getAngularObjects(); if (savedObjects != null) { for (String intpGroupName : savedObjects.keySet()) { List<AngularObject> objectList = savedObjects.get(intpGroupName); for (AngularObject savedObject : objectList) { SnapshotAngularObject snapshot = angularObjectSnapshot.get(savedObject.getName()); if (snapshot == null || snapshot.getLastUpdate().before(lastUpdatedDate)) { angularObjectSnapshot.put( savedObject.getName(), new SnapshotAngularObject(intpGroupName, savedObject, lastUpdatedDate)); } } } } synchronized (notes) { notes.put(, note); refreshCron(; } for (String name : angularObjectSnapshot.keySet()) { SnapshotAngularObject snapshot = angularObjectSnapshot.get(name); List<InterpreterSetting> settings = replFactory.get(); for (InterpreterSetting setting : settings) { InterpreterGroup intpGroup = setting.getInterpreterGroup(); if (intpGroup.getId().equals(snapshot.getIntpGroupId())) { AngularObjectRegistry registry = intpGroup.getAngularObjectRegistry(); String noteId = snapshot.getAngularObject().getNoteId(); // at this point, remote interpreter process is not created. // so does not make sense add it to the remote. // // therefore instead of addAndNotifyRemoteProcess(), need to use add() // that results add angularObject only in ZeppelinServer side not remoteProcessSide registry.add(name, snapshot.getAngularObject().get(), noteId); } } } return note; }
private boolean noteHasInterpreters() { return !factory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId()).isEmpty(); }
public List<Map<String, Object>> getJobListByUnixTime( boolean needsReload, long lastUpdateServerUnixTime, AuthenticationInfo subject) { final String CRON_TYPE_NOTEBOOK_KEYWORD = "cron"; if (needsReload) { try { reloadAllNotes(subject); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Fail to reload notes from repository"); } } List<Note> notes = getAllNotes(); List<Map<String, Object>> notesInfo = new LinkedList<>(); for (Note note : notes) { boolean isNotebookRunning = false; boolean isUpdateNotebook = false; long lastRunningUnixTime = 0; Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<>(); // set notebook ID info.put("notebookId", note.getId()); // set notebook Name String notebookName = note.getName(); if (notebookName != null && !notebookName.equals("")) { info.put("notebookName", note.getName()); } else { info.put("notebookName", "Note " + note.getId()); } // set notebook type ( cron or normal ) if (note.getConfig().containsKey(CRON_TYPE_NOTEBOOK_KEYWORD) && !note.getConfig().get(CRON_TYPE_NOTEBOOK_KEYWORD).equals("")) { info.put("notebookType", "cron"); } else { info.put("notebookType", "normal"); } // set paragraphs List<Map<String, Object>> paragraphsInfo = new LinkedList<>(); for (Paragraph paragraph : note.getParagraphs()) { // check paragraph's status. if (paragraph.getStatus().isRunning()) { isNotebookRunning = true; isUpdateNotebook = true; } // get data for the job manager. Map<String, Object> paragraphItem = getParagraphForJobManagerItem(paragraph); lastRunningUnixTime = getUnixTimeLastRunParagraph(paragraph); // is update notebook for last server update time. if (lastRunningUnixTime > lastUpdateServerUnixTime) { isUpdateNotebook = true; } paragraphsInfo.add(paragraphItem); } // set interpreter bind type String interpreterGroupName = null; if (replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId()) != null && replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId()).size() >= 1) { interpreterGroupName = replFactory.getInterpreterSettings(note.getId()).get(0).getName(); } // not update and not running -> pass if (!isUpdateNotebook && !isNotebookRunning) { continue; } // notebook json object root information. info.put("interpreter", interpreterGroupName); info.put("isRunningJob", isNotebookRunning); info.put("unixTimeLastRun", lastRunningUnixTime); info.put("paragraphs", paragraphsInfo); notesInfo.add(info); } return notesInfo; }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Note loadNoteFromRepo(String id, AuthenticationInfo subject) { Note note = null; try { note = notebookRepo.get(id, subject); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to load " + id, e); } if (note == null) { return null; } // Manually inject ALL dependencies, as DI constructor was NOT used note.setIndex(this.notebookIndex); note.setCredentials(this.credentials); note.setInterpreterFactory(replFactory); note.setJobListenerFactory(jobListenerFactory); note.setNotebookRepo(notebookRepo); Map<String, SnapshotAngularObject> angularObjectSnapshot = new HashMap<>(); // restore angular object -------------- Date lastUpdatedDate = new Date(0); for (Paragraph p : note.getParagraphs()) { p.setNote(note); if (p.getDateFinished() != null && lastUpdatedDate.before(p.getDateFinished())) { lastUpdatedDate = p.getDateFinished(); } } Map<String, List<AngularObject>> savedObjects = note.getAngularObjects(); if (savedObjects != null) { for (String intpGroupName : savedObjects.keySet()) { List<AngularObject> objectList = savedObjects.get(intpGroupName); for (AngularObject object : objectList) { SnapshotAngularObject snapshot = angularObjectSnapshot.get(object.getName()); if (snapshot == null || snapshot.getLastUpdate().before(lastUpdatedDate)) { angularObjectSnapshot.put( object.getName(), new SnapshotAngularObject(intpGroupName, object, lastUpdatedDate)); } } } } note.setNoteEventListener(this); synchronized (notes) { notes.put(note.getId(), note); refreshCron(note.getId()); } for (String name : angularObjectSnapshot.keySet()) { SnapshotAngularObject snapshot = angularObjectSnapshot.get(name); List<InterpreterSetting> settings = replFactory.get(); for (InterpreterSetting setting : settings) { InterpreterGroup intpGroup = setting.getInterpreterGroup(note.getId()); if (intpGroup.getId().equals(snapshot.getIntpGroupId())) { AngularObjectRegistry registry = intpGroup.getAngularObjectRegistry(); String noteId = snapshot.getAngularObject().getNoteId(); String paragraphId = snapshot.getAngularObject().getParagraphId(); // at this point, remote interpreter process is not created. // so does not make sense add it to the remote. // // therefore instead of addAndNotifyRemoteProcess(), need to use add() // that results add angularObject only in ZeppelinServer side not remoteProcessSide registry.add(name, snapshot.getAngularObject().get(), noteId, paragraphId); } } } return note; }
private String getDefaultInterpreterName() { InterpreterSetting setting = factory.getDefaultInterpreterSetting(getId()); return null != setting ? setting.getName() : StringUtils.EMPTY; }