@Override public String toString() { return "{" + entityGroupInfo.getEntityGroupNameAsString() + " state=" + state + ", ts=" + stamp + ", server=" + serverName + "}"; }
/** A slower (but more easy-to-read) stringification */ public String toDescriptiveString() { long lstamp = stamp.get(); long relTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lstamp; return entityGroupInfo.getEntityGroupNameAsString() + " state=" + state + ", ts=" + new Date(lstamp) + " (" + (relTime / 1000) + "s ago)" + ", server=" + serverName; }
/** * Convert a EntityGroupState to an HBaseProtos.EntityGroupState * * @return the converted HBaseProtos.EntityGroupState */ public ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos convert() { ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.Builder entityGroupState = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.newBuilder(); ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State rs; switch (entityGroupState.getState()) { case OFFLINE: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.OFFLINE; break; case PENDING_OPEN: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.PENDING_OPEN; break; case OPENING: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.OPENING; break; case OPEN: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.OPEN; break; case PENDING_CLOSE: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.PENDING_CLOSE; break; case CLOSING: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.CLOSING; break; case CLOSED: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.CLOSED; break; case SPLITTING: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.SPLITTING; break; case SPLIT: rs = ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos.State.SPLIT; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(""); } entityGroupState.setEntityGroupInfo(EntityGroupInfo.convert(entityGroupInfo)); entityGroupState.setState(rs); entityGroupState.setStamp(getStamp()); return entityGroupState.build(); }
/** * Convert a protobuf HBaseProtos.EntityGroupState to a EntityGroupState * * @return the EntityGroupState */ public static EntityGroupState convert(ClusterStatusProtos.EntityGroupStateProtos proto) { EntityGroupState.State state; switch (proto.getState()) { case OFFLINE: state = State.OFFLINE; break; case PENDING_OPEN: state = State.PENDING_OPEN; break; case OPENING: state = State.OPENING; break; case OPEN: state = State.OPEN; break; case PENDING_CLOSE: state = State.PENDING_CLOSE; break; case CLOSING: state = State.CLOSING; break; case CLOSED: state = State.CLOSED; break; case SPLITTING: state = State.SPLITTING; break; case SPLIT: state = State.SPLIT; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(""); } return new EntityGroupState( EntityGroupInfo.convert(proto.getEntityGroupInfo()), state, proto.getStamp(), null); }