/** * Method to do inserts. This method is to be used during a transaction, otherwise use the * doInsert(Criteria) method. It will take care of the connection details internally. * * @param criteria object used to create the INSERT statement. * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static ObjectKey doInsert(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); if (con == null) { return BasePeer.doInsert(criteria); } else { return BasePeer.doInsert(criteria, con); } }
/** * Method to do deletes. This method is to be used during a transaction, otherwise use the * doDelete(Criteria) method. It will take care of the connection details internally. * * @param criteria object containing data that is used DELETE from database. * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static void doDelete(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); if (con == null) { BasePeer.doDelete(criteria); } else { BasePeer.doDelete(criteria, con); } }
/** * Method to do deletes. This method is to be used during a transaction, otherwise use the * doDelete(Criteria) method. It will take care of the connection details internally. * * @param criteria object containing data that is used DELETE from database. * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static void doDelete(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { correctBooleans(criteria); setDbName(criteria); if (con == null) { BasePeer.doDelete(criteria, TABLE_NAME); } else { BasePeer.doDelete(criteria, TABLE_NAME, con); } }
/** * Method to do updates. This method is to be used during a transaction, otherwise use the * doUpdate(Criteria) method. It will take care of the connection details internally. * * @param criteria object containing data that is used to create the UPDATE statement. * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static void doUpdate(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { Criteria selectCriteria = new Criteria(DATABASE_NAME, 2); selectCriteria.put(ID, criteria.remove(ID)); setDbName(criteria); if (con == null) { BasePeer.doUpdate(selectCriteria, criteria); } else { BasePeer.doUpdate(selectCriteria, criteria, con); } }
/** * Method to do deletes. This method is to be used during a transaction, otherwise use the * doDelete(Criteria) method. It will take care of the connection details internally. * * @param criteria object containing data that is used DELETE from database. * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static void doDelete(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden // criteria.getDbName will return the same object if not set to // another value so == check is okay and faster if (criteria.getDbName() == Torque.getDefaultDB()) { criteria.setDbName(DATABASE_NAME); } if (con == null) { BasePeer.doDelete(criteria); } else { BasePeer.doDelete(criteria, con); } }
/** * Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects. This method should be used for * transactions * * @param criteria object used to create the SELECT statement. * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static List doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { if (criteria.getSelectColumns().size() == 0) { addSelectColumns(criteria); } setDbName(criteria); // BasePeer returns a List of Value (Village) arrays. The array // order follows the order columns were placed in the Select clause. if (con == null) { return BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); } else { return BasePeer.doSelect(criteria, con); } }
/** * selects a collection of OrdenTrabajo objects pre-filled with their Trabajador objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in OrdenTrabajoPeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List doSelectJoinTrabajador(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); OrdenTrabajoPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); int offset = numColumns + 1; TrabajadorPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); criteria.addJoin(OrdenTrabajoPeer.RESPONSABLE_ID, TrabajadorPeer.ID); List rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); List results = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = (Record) rows.get(i); Class omClass = OrdenTrabajoPeer.getOMClass(); OrdenTrabajo obj1 = (OrdenTrabajo) OrdenTrabajoPeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = TrabajadorPeer.getOMClass(); Trabajador obj2 = (Trabajador) TrabajadorPeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { OrdenTrabajo temp_obj1 = (OrdenTrabajo) results.get(j); Trabajador temp_obj2 = (Trabajador) temp_obj1.getTrabajador(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; break; } } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
/** * selects a collection of TOption objects pre-filled with their TBLOB objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in TOptionPeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List<TOption> doSelectJoinTBLOB(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); TOptionPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); int offset = numColumns + 1; TBLOBPeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); criteria.addJoin(TOptionPeer.ICONKEY, TBLOBPeer.OBJECTID); correctBooleans(criteria); List<Record> rows; if (conn == null) { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); } else { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria, conn); } List<TOption> results = new ArrayList<TOption>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = rows.get(i); Class omClass = TOptionPeer.getOMClass(); TOption obj1 = (TOption) TOptionPeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = TBLOBPeer.getOMClass(); TBLOB obj2 = (TBLOB) TBLOBPeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { TOption temp_obj1 = results.get(j); TBLOB temp_obj2 = (TBLOB) temp_obj1.getTBLOB(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; temp_obj2.addTOption(obj1); break; } } if (newObject) { obj2.initTOptions(); obj2.addTOption(obj1); } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
/** * selects a collection of TRoleListType objects pre-filled with their TListType objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in TRoleListTypePeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List<TRoleListType> doSelectJoinTListType(Criteria criteria, Connection conn) throws TorqueException { setDbName(criteria); TRoleListTypePeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); int offset = numColumns + 1; TListTypePeer.addSelectColumns(criteria); criteria.addJoin(TRoleListTypePeer.LISTTYPE, TListTypePeer.PKEY); correctBooleans(criteria); List<Record> rows; if (conn == null) { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); } else { rows = BasePeer.doSelect(criteria, conn); } List<TRoleListType> results = new ArrayList<TRoleListType>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = rows.get(i); Class omClass = TRoleListTypePeer.getOMClass(); TRoleListType obj1 = (TRoleListType) TRoleListTypePeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = TListTypePeer.getOMClass(); TListType obj2 = (TListType) TListTypePeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { TRoleListType temp_obj1 = results.get(j); TListType temp_obj2 = (TListType) temp_obj1.getTListType(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; temp_obj2.addTRoleListType(obj1); break; } } if (newObject) { obj2.initTRoleListTypes(); obj2.addTRoleListType(obj1); } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
/** * Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects. This method should be used for * transactions * * @param con the connection to use * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ public static List doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException { if (criteria.getSelectColumns().size() == 0) { addSelectColumns(criteria); } // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden // criteria.getDbName will return the same object if not set to // another value so == check is okay and faster if (criteria.getDbName() == Torque.getDefaultDB()) { criteria.setDbName(DATABASE_NAME); } // BasePeer returns a List of Value (Village) arrays. The array // order follows the order columns were placed in the Select clause. if (con == null) { return BasePeer.doSelect(criteria); } else { return BasePeer.doSelect(criteria, con); } }
/** * selects a collection of System_Log objects pre-filled with their User objects. * * <p>This method is protected by default in order to keep the public api reasonable. You can * provide public methods for those you actually need in System_LogPeer. * * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. */ protected static List doSelectJoinUser(Criteria c) throws TorqueException { // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden // c.getDbName will return the same object if not set to // another value so == check is okay and faster if (c.getDbName() == Torque.getDefaultDB()) { c.setDbName(DATABASE_NAME); } System_LogPeer.addSelectColumns(c); int offset = numColumns + 1; UserPeer.addSelectColumns(c); c.addJoin(System_LogPeer.USER_ID, UserPeer.USER_ID); List rows = BasePeer.doSelect(c); List results = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { Record row = (Record) rows.get(i); Class omClass = System_LogPeer.getOMClass(); System_Log obj1 = (System_Log) System_LogPeer.row2Object(row, 1, omClass); omClass = UserPeer.getOMClass(); User obj2 = (User) UserPeer.row2Object(row, offset, omClass); boolean newObject = true; for (int j = 0; j < results.size(); j++) { System_Log temp_obj1 = (System_Log) results.get(j); User temp_obj2 = (User) temp_obj1.getUser(); if (temp_obj2.getPrimaryKey().equals(obj2.getPrimaryKey())) { newObject = false; temp_obj2.addSystem_Log(obj1); break; } } if (newObject) { obj2.initSystem_Logs(); obj2.addSystem_Log(obj1); } results.add(obj1); } return results; }
/** * Method for performing a SELECT. Returns all results. * * @param queryString A String with the sql statement to execute. * @param start The first row to return. * @param numberOfResults The number of rows to return. * @param singleRecord Whether or not we want to select only a single record. * @param con A Connection. * @return List of Record objects. * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#executeQuery(String,int,int,String,boolean,Connection) */ public static List<Record> executeQuery( String queryString, int start, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord, Connection con) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.executeQuery(queryString, start, numberOfResults, singleRecord, con); }
/** * Utility method which executes a given sql statement. This method should be used for select * statements only. Use executeStatement for update, insert, and delete operations. * * @param queryString A String with the sql statement to execute. * @return List of Record objects. * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#executeQuery(String) */ public static List<Record> executeQuery(String queryString) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.executeQuery(queryString); }
/** * Do a Prepared Statement select according to the given criteria * * @param criteria * @return a List of Record objects. * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#doPSSelect(Criteria) */ public static List<Record> doPSSelect(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.doPSSelect(criteria); }
/** * Method for performing a SELECT. Returns all results. * * @param queryString A String with the sql statement to execute. * @param dbName The database to connect to. * @param singleRecord Whether or not we want to select only a single record. * @return List of Record objects. * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#executeQuery(String,String,boolean) */ public static List<Record> executeQuery(String queryString, String dbName, boolean singleRecord) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.executeQuery(queryString, dbName, singleRecord); }
/** * Method for performing a SELECT. Returns all results. * * @param queryString A String with the sql statement to execute. * @param singleRecord Whether or not we want to select only a single record. * @param con A Connection. * @return List of Record objects. * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#executeQuery(String,boolean,Connection) */ public static List<Record> executeQuery(String queryString, boolean singleRecord, Connection con) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.executeQuery(queryString, singleRecord, con); }
/** * Method for performing a SELECT. * * @param queryString A String with the sql statement to execute. * @param start The first row to return. * @param numberOfResults The number of rows to return. * @param dbName The database to connect to. * @param singleRecord Whether or not we want to select only a single record. * @return List of Record objects. * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#executeQuery(String,int,int,String,boolean) */ public static List<Record> executeQuery( String queryString, int start, int numberOfResults, String dbName, boolean singleRecord) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.executeQuery(queryString, start, numberOfResults, dbName, singleRecord); }
/** * Returns all records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects. Used for functionality like * util.LargeSelect. * * @see #getSelectResults(QueryDataSet, int, int, boolean) * @param qds the QueryDataSet * @return a List of Record objects * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#getSelectResults(QueryDataSet) */ public static List<Record> getSelectResults(QueryDataSet qds) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.getSelectResults(qds); }
/** * Returns numberOfResults records in a QueryDataSet as a List of Record objects. Starting at * record 0. Used for functionality like util.LargeSelect. * * @see #getSelectResults(QueryDataSet, int, int, boolean) * @param qds the QueryDataSet * @param numberOfResults * @param singleRecord * @return a List of Record objects * @throws TorqueException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a * TorqueException. * @see org.apache.torque.util.BasePeer#getSelectResults(QueryDataSet,int,boolean) */ public static List<Record> getSelectResults( QueryDataSet qds, int numberOfResults, boolean singleRecord) throws TorqueException { return BasePeer.getSelectResults(qds, numberOfResults, singleRecord); }